Current Path : /home/ncom/public_html/wp-content/plugins/optinmonster/assets/js/ |
Current File : /home/ncom/public_html/wp-content/plugins/optinmonster/assets/js/editor.js |
/* ========================================================== * editor.js * ========================================================== * Copyright 2021 Awesome Motive. * https://awesomemotive.com * ========================================================== */ import { getMonsterlink } from './Utils/monsterlink'; window.OMAPI_Editor = window.OMAPI_Editor || {}; /** * OptinMonster Classic Editor functionality. */ (function (window, document, $, app, undefined) { 'use strict'; // Make sure the OMAPI and OMAPI.monsterlink global is set. window.OMAPI = window.OMAPI || {}; OMAPI.monsterlink = app.monsterlink; /** * Get the currently active mce editor Id. * * @since 2.3.0 * * @returns {string|undefined} Tinymce editor instance Id if found. */ app.getActiveEditorId = function () { let { wpActiveEditor, tinymce } = window; if (wp.media.editor.activeEditor) { wpActiveEditor = wp.media.editor.activeEditor; } if (!wpActiveEditor && tinymce && tinymce.activeEditor) { wpActiveEditor = tinymce.activeEditor.id; } return wpActiveEditor; }; /** * Get the active WP tinymce editor instance. * * @since 2.3.0 * * @returns {Object|null} Tinymce editor instance or null if not found. */ app.getActiveEditor = function () { const editorId = app.getActiveEditorId(); // No luck... if (!editorId || !window.tinymce) { return null; } return window.tinymce.get(editorId); }; /** * Insert the selected campaign monsterlkink to the editor. * * @since 2.3.0 * * @returns {void} */ app.mceLinkifyText = function () { const id = app.$select.val(); if (id) { app.getActiveEditor().execCommand('mceInsertLink', false, { href: getMonsterlink(id), target: '_blank', rel: 'noopener noreferrer', }); } }; /** * Open campaign monsterlink modal * * @since 2.3.0 * * @returns {void} */ app.modalOpenLink = function () { // Show our modal. app.$toToggle.addClass('optin-monster-modal-monsterlink').removeClass('optin-monster-modal-inline'); app.$body.addClass('modal-open om-modal-open-monsterlink'); app.$modalWrap.show(); // When opening link modal, set "selected" option, if URL set. app.updateLinkSelectOptions(app.$select); // Trigger the original link link options button. // This is a hack... // We need this to be "open" (though we hide it with CSS) // In order for the mce selection to remain in place, otherwise focus shifts. const $optionsBtn = $('.wp-link-input').parent().find('.dashicons-admin-generic').parent(); $optionsBtn.click(); $(document).trigger('om-modal-open-monsterlink'); }; /** * Open campaign shortcode modal * * @since 2.3.0 * * @returns {void} */ app.modalOpenInline = function () { app.$toToggle.addClass('optin-monster-modal-inline').removeClass('optin-monster-modal-monsterlink').show(); app.$body.addClass('modal-open om-modal-open-inline'); app.updateInlineSelectOptions(); $(document).trigger('om-modal-open-inline'); }; /** * Close campaign shortcode modal * * @since 2.3.0 * * @returns {void} */ app.modalClose = function () { // When closing our modals, empty value for our campaign selects. ['$select', '$linkSelect', '$inlineSelect'].forEach((k) => { if (app[k] && app[k].length) { app[k].val(''); } }); app.$toToggle.hide(); const type = app.$body.hasClass('om-modal-open-monsterlink') ? 'monsterlink' : 'inline'; app.$body.removeClass('modal-open om-modal-open-monsterlink om-modal-open-inline'); $(document).trigger(`om-modal-close-${type}`); }; /** * Insert the selected campaign shortcode to the editor. * * @since 2.3.0 * * @returns {void} */ app.insertShortcode = function () { const id = app.$inlineSelect.val(); if (id) { wp.media.editor.insert(`[optin-monster slug="${id}" followrules="true"]`); } }; /** * If url already has value, check if it matches our monsterlink options. * * @since 2.3.0 * * @param {Object} $select jQuery object for campaign-select element. * * @returns {void} */ app.updateLinkSelectOptions = function ($select) { const $selector = $('#wp-link-wrap #link-selector'); const $search = $selector.find('#search-panel'); const searchBottom = $search.offset().top + $search.outerHeight(); const top = searchBottom - $selector.offset().top + 12; /* margin */ $('.has-text-field #wp-link .query-results').css({ top }); const url = $('.wp-link-input input.ui-autocomplete-input').val(); if (url) { $select.find('option').each(function () { const val = $(this).val(); if (val && url === getMonsterlink(val)) { $select.val(val); } }); } }; /** * Disable any options already in use. * * @since 2.3.0 * * @returns {void} */ app.updateInlineSelectOptions = function () { const editorId = app.getActiveEditorId(); // No luck... if (!editorId) { return; } const editor = app.getActiveEditor(); const editorText = editor && !editor.isHidden() ? editor.getContent() : document.getElementById(editorId).value; // Set options to disabled if they are already used. app.$inlineSelect.find('option').each(function () { const $option = $(this); const hasShortcode = editorText.indexOf(`optin-monster slug="${$option.val()}"`) >= 0; $option.attr('disabled', hasShortcode); }); }; /** * Add the monsterlink button to the wplink modal. * (which triggers the monsterlink-select modal) * * @since 2.3.0 * * @returns {void} */ app.initLinkButton = function () { $('.wp-link-input').each(function () { const $modal = $(this).parent(); if (!$modal.find('.optin-monster-insert-monsterlink').length) { const $div = $( '<div class="mce-widget mce-btn mce-last" tabindex="-1" role="button" aria-label="OptinMonster" style="margin-left:-3px;"></div>' ); const $button = $( '<button role="presentation" type="button" tabindex="-1" class="optin-monster-insert-monsterlink"></button>' ); $button.append($('.wp-media-buttons-icon.optin-monster-menu-icon').first().clone()); $div.append($button); $modal.find('.mce-last').removeClass('mce-last'); $modal.append($div); } }); }; /** * Add the monsterlink select to the wplink advanced modal. * * @since 2.3.0 * * @returns {void} */ app.initAdvancedSettings = function () { const $advanced = $(` <p class="howto" id="om-link-campaign-label">${app.i18n.or_monsterlink}</p> <div style="margin-bottom: -8px;"> ${ app.canMonsterlink ? `<label><span>Select</span> <select name="om-link-class" id="om-link-campaign" aria-describedby="om-link-campaign-label"> </select> </label>` : `<p class="om-monsterlink-upgrade"><span>${ app.i18n.upgrade_monsterlink }</span> <a href="${app.upgradeUri.replace( '--FEATURE--', 'monster-link' )}" target="_blank" rel="noopener">${app.i18n.upgrade}</a></p>` } </div> `); $advanced.find('select').html(app.$select.find('option').clone()); if ($advanced.find('.om-monsterlink-upgrade').length) { const $clone = $('#om-monsterlink-upgrade').clone(); $advanced.find('.om-monsterlink-upgrade span').html($clone.html()); } $('#link-options').append($advanced); app.$linkSelect = $('#om-link-campaign'); // Monkey-patch the wpLink.getAttrs method to handle monster-link target/rel attributes. if (typeof window.wpLink !== 'undefined') { const orig = wpLink.getAttrs; wpLink.getAttrs = function () { const attrs = orig(); const ml = getMonsterlink(app.$linkSelect.val()); if (attrs.href === ml) { attrs.target = '_blank'; attrs.rel = 'noopener noreferrer'; } return attrs; }; } }; /** * Handles modifying the wplink modals to inject monsterlink options. * * @since 2.3.0 * * @param {Object} editor The editor object. * * @returns {void} */ app.initEditorMods = function (editor) { if (!editor || editor.hasInitiatedOm) { return; } editor.hasInitiatedOm = true; editor.on('ExecCommand', function (e) { if ('WP_Link' === e.command) { app.initLinkButton(); } }); if (!app.$linkSelect) { app.initAdvancedSettings(); } }; /** * Setup our event listeners. * * @since 2.3.0 * * @returns {void} */ app.setupListeners = function () { $(document) // Open inline modal when media button is clicked .on('click', '.optin-monster-insert-campaign-button', function (event) { event.preventDefault(); app.modalOpenInline(); }) // Open link modal when monsterlink button is clicked .on('click', '.optin-monster-insert-monsterlink', function (event) { event.preventDefault(); app.modalOpenLink(); }) // Close modal on close or cancel links or background click. .on( 'click', '#optin-monster-modal-backdrop, #optin-monster-modal-close, #optin-monster-modal-cancel a', function (event) { event.preventDefault(); app.modalClose(); } ) // When submitting the inline campaign selection, // Insert the shortcode, and close the modal. .on('click', '#optin-monster-modal-submit-inline', function (event) { event.preventDefault(); app.insertShortcode(); app.modalClose(); }) // When submitting the link modal selection, // Insert the link, and close the modal. .on('click', '#optin-monster-modal-submit', function (event) { event.preventDefault(); app.mceLinkifyText(); app.modalClose(); }) // When changing our campaigns select in the wplink modal, // update the link url/target values as well. .on('change', '#om-link-campaign', function () { const id = app.$linkSelect.val(); if (id) { $('#wp-link-url').val(getMonsterlink(id)); $('#wp-link-target').prop('checked', true); } }) // When opening wplink modal, set "selected" option. .on('wplink-open', function (wrap) { app.updateLinkSelectOptions(app.$linkSelect); }) // When closing wplink modal, close our modals too. .on('wplink-close', function (wrap) { app.modalClose(); }) // When closing our link modal, also close the wplink modal .on('om-modal-close-monsterlink', function (wrap) { if (wpLink) { // If in tinymce mode, close the (hidden) wplink modal as well. const editor = app.getActiveEditor(); if (editor && !editor.isHidden()) { wpLink.close(); } } }); }; /** * Kicks things off when the DOM is ready. * * @since 2.3.0 * * @returns {void} */ app.init = function () { // Store cached nodes. app.$body = $(document.body); app.$modalWrap = $('#optin-monster-modal-wrap'); app.$toToggle = $('#optin-monster-modal-backdrop, #optin-monster-modal-wrap'); app.$select = $('#optin-monster-modal-select-campaign'); app.$inlineSelect = $('#optin-monster-modal-select-inline-campaign'); app.$linkSelect = null; app.setupListeners(); // Init the editor mods if we have an active editor. app.initEditorMods(app.getActiveEditor()); if (typeof tinymce !== 'undefined') { // Also init the editor mods whenever a new editor // is initiated (looking at you, Elementor). tinymce.on('SetupEditor', function ({ editor }) { app.initEditorMods(editor); }); } }; $(app.init); })(window, document, jQuery, window.OMAPI_Editor);