Current Path : /home/ncom/public_html/wp-content/plugins/file-manager-advanced/application/library/js/ui/ |
Current File : /home/ncom/public_html/wp-content/plugins/file-manager-advanced/application/library/js/ui/places.js |
/** * @class elFinder places/favorites ui * * @author Dmitry (dio) Levashov * @author Naoki Sawada **/ $.fn.elfinderplaces = function(fm, opts) { "use strict"; return this.each(function() { var dirs = {}, c = 'class', navdir = fm.res(c, 'navdir'), collapsed = fm.res(c, 'navcollapse'), expanded = fm.res(c, 'navexpand'), hover = fm.res(c, 'hover'), clroot = fm.res(c, 'treeroot'), dropover = fm.res(c, 'adroppable'), tpl = fm.res('tpl', 'placedir'), ptpl = fm.res('tpl', 'perms'), spinner = $(fm.res('tpl', 'navspinner')), suffix = opts.suffix? opts.suffix : '', key = 'places' + suffix, menuTimer = null, /** * Convert places dir node into dir hash * * @param String directory id * @return String **/ id2hash = function(id) { return id.substr(6); }, /** * Convert places dir hash into dir node id * * @param String directory id * @return String **/ hash2id = function(hash) { return 'place-'+hash; }, /** * Convert places dir hash into dir node elment (jQuery object) * * @param String directory id * @return Object **/ hash2elm = function(hash) { return $(document.getElementById(hash2id(hash))); }, /** * Save current places state * * @return void **/ save = function() { var hashes = [], data = {}; hashes = $.map(subtree.children().find('[id]'), function(n) { return id2hash(n.id); }); if (hashes.length) { $.each(hashes.reverse(), function(i, h) { data[h] = dirs[h]; }); } else { data = null; } fm.storage(key, data); }, /** * Init dir at places * * @return void **/ init = function() { var dat, hashes; key = 'places'+(opts.suffix? opts.suffix : ''), dirs = {}; dat = fm.storage(key); if (typeof dat === 'string') { // old data type elFinder <= 2.1.12 dat = $.grep(dat.split(','), function(hash) { return hash? true : false;}); $.each(dat, function(i, d) { var dir = d.split('#'); dirs[dir[0]] = dir[1]? dir[1] : dir[0]; }); } else if ($.isPlainObject(dat)) { dirs = dat; } // allow modify `dirs` /** * example for preset places * * elfinderInstance.bind('placesload', function(e, fm) { * //if (fm.storage(e.data.storageKey) === null) { // for first time only * if (!fm.storage(e.data.storageKey)) { // for empty places * e.data.dirs[targetHash] = fallbackName; // preset folder * } * } **/ fm.trigger('placesload', {dirs: dirs, storageKey: key}, true); hashes = Object.keys(dirs); if (hashes.length) { root.prepend(spinner); fm.request({ data : {cmd : 'info', targets : hashes}, preventDefault : true }) .done(function(data) { var exists = {}; data.files && data.files.length && fm.cache(data.files); $.each(data.files, function(i, f) { var hash = f.hash; exists[hash] = f; }); $.each(dirs, function(h, f) { add(exists[h] || Object.assign({notfound: true}, f)); }); if (fm.storage('placesState') > 0) { root.trigger('click'); } }) .always(function() { spinner.remove(); }); } }, /** * Return node for given dir object * * @param Object directory object * @return jQuery **/ create = function(dir, hash) { return $(tpl.replace(/\{id\}/, hash2id(dir? dir.hash : hash)) .replace(/\{name\}/, fm.escape(dir? dir.i18 || dir.name : hash)) .replace(/\{cssclass\}/, dir? (fm.perms2class(dir) + (dir.notfound? ' elfinder-na' : '') + (dir.csscls? ' '+dir.csscls : '')) : '') .replace(/\{permissions\}/, (dir && (!dir.read || !dir.write || dir.notfound))? ptpl : '') .replace(/\{title\}/, dir? (' title="' + fm.escape(fm.path(dir.hash, true) || dir.i18 || dir.name) + '"') : '') .replace(/\{symlink\}/, '') .replace(/\{style\}/, (dir && dir.icon)? fm.getIconStyle(dir) : '')); }, /** * Add new node into places * * @param Object directory object * @return void **/ add = function(dir) { var node, hash; if (dir.mime !== 'directory') { return false; } hash = dir.hash; if (!fm.files().hasOwnProperty(hash)) { // update cache fm.trigger('tree', {tree: [dir]}); } node = create(dir, hash); dirs[hash] = dir; subtree.prepend(node); root.addClass(collapsed); sortBtn.toggle(subtree.children().length > 1); return true; }, /** * Remove dir from places * * @param String directory hash * @return String removed name **/ remove = function(hash) { var name = null, tgt, cnt; if (dirs[hash]) { delete dirs[hash]; tgt = hash2elm(hash); if (tgt.length) { name = tgt.text(); tgt.parent().remove(); cnt = subtree.children().length; sortBtn.toggle(cnt > 1); if (! cnt) { root.removeClass(collapsed); places.removeClass(expanded); subtree.slideToggle(false); } } } return name; }, /** * Move up dir on places * * @param String directory hash * @return void **/ moveup = function(hash) { var self = hash2elm(hash), tgt = self.parent(), prev = tgt.prev('div'), cls = 'ui-state-hover', ctm = fm.getUI('contextmenu'); menuTimer && clearTimeout(menuTimer); if (prev.length) { ctm.find(':first').data('placesHash', hash); self.addClass(cls); tgt.insertBefore(prev); prev = tgt.prev('div'); menuTimer = setTimeout(function() { self.removeClass(cls); if (ctm.find(':first').data('placesHash') === hash) { ctm.hide().empty(); } }, 1500); } if(!prev.length) { self.removeClass(cls); ctm.hide().empty(); } }, /** * Update dir at places * * @param Object directory * @param String previous hash * @return Boolean **/ update = function(dir, preHash) { var hash = dir.hash, tgt = hash2elm(preHash || hash), node = create(dir, hash); if (tgt.length > 0) { tgt.parent().replaceWith(node); dirs[hash] = dir; return true; } else { return false; } }, /** * Remove all dir from places * * @return void **/ clear = function() { subtree.empty(); root.removeClass(collapsed); places.removeClass(expanded); subtree.slideToggle(false); }, /** * Sort places dirs A-Z * * @return void **/ sort = function() { $.each(dirs, function(h, f) { var dir = fm.file(h) || f, node = create(dir, h), ret = null; if (!dir) { node.hide(); } if (subtree.children().length) { $.each(subtree.children(), function() { var current = $(this); if ((dir.i18 || dir.name).localeCompare(current.children('.'+navdir).text()) < 0) { ret = !node.insertBefore(current); return ret; } }); if (ret !== null) { return true; } } !hash2elm(h).length && subtree.append(node); }); save(); }, // sort button sortBtn = $('<span class="elfinder-button-icon elfinder-button-icon-sort elfinder-places-root-icon" title="'+fm.i18n('cmdsort')+'"></span>') .hide() .on('click', function(e) { e.stopPropagation(); subtree.empty(); sort(); } ), /** * Node - wrapper for places root * * @type jQuery **/ wrapper = create({ hash : 'root-'+fm.namespace, name : fm.i18n(opts.name, 'places'), read : true, write : true }), /** * Places root node * * @type jQuery **/ root = wrapper.children('.'+navdir) .addClass(clroot) .on('click', function(e) { e.stopPropagation(); if (root.hasClass(collapsed)) { places.toggleClass(expanded); subtree.slideToggle(); fm.storage('placesState', places.hasClass(expanded)? 1 : 0); } }) .append(sortBtn), /** * Container for dirs * * @type jQuery **/ subtree = wrapper.children('.'+fm.res(c, 'navsubtree')), /** * Main places container * * @type jQuery **/ places = $(this).addClass(fm.res(c, 'tree')+' elfinder-places ui-corner-all') .hide() .append(wrapper) .appendTo(fm.getUI('navbar')) .on('mouseenter mouseleave', '.'+navdir, function(e) { $(this).toggleClass('ui-state-hover', (e.type == 'mouseenter')); }) .on('click', '.'+navdir, function(e) { var p = $(this); if (p.data('longtap')) { e.stopPropagation(); return; } ! p.hasClass('elfinder-na') && fm.exec('open', p.attr('id').substr(6)); }) .on('contextmenu', '.'+navdir+':not(.'+clroot+')', function(e) { var self = $(this), hash = self.attr('id').substr(6); e.preventDefault(); fm.trigger('contextmenu', { raw : [{ label : fm.i18n('moveUp'), icon : 'up', remain : true, callback : function() { moveup(hash); save(); } },'|',{ label : fm.i18n('rmFromPlaces'), icon : 'rm', callback : function() { remove(hash); save(); } }], 'x' : e.pageX, 'y' : e.pageY }); self.addClass('ui-state-hover'); fm.getUI('contextmenu').children().on('mouseenter', function() { self.addClass('ui-state-hover'); }); fm.bind('closecontextmenu', function() { self.removeClass('ui-state-hover'); }); }) .droppable({ tolerance : 'pointer', accept : '.elfinder-cwd-file-wrapper,.elfinder-tree-dir,.elfinder-cwd-file', hoverClass : fm.res('class', 'adroppable'), classes : { // Deprecated hoverClass jQueryUI>=1.12.0 'ui-droppable-hover': fm.res('class', 'adroppable') }, over : function(e, ui) { var helper = ui.helper, dir = $.grep(helper.data('files'), function(h) { return (fm.file(h).mime === 'directory' && !dirs[h])? true : false; }); e.stopPropagation(); helper.data('dropover', helper.data('dropover') + 1); if (fm.insideWorkzone(e.pageX, e.pageY)) { if (dir.length > 0) { helper.addClass('elfinder-drag-helper-plus'); fm.trigger('unlockfiles', {files : helper.data('files'), helper: helper}); } else { $(this).removeClass(dropover); } } }, out : function(e, ui) { var helper = ui.helper; e.stopPropagation(); helper.removeClass('elfinder-drag-helper-move elfinder-drag-helper-plus').data('dropover', Math.max(helper.data('dropover') - 1, 0)); $(this).removeData('dropover') .removeClass(dropover); }, drop : function(e, ui) { var helper = ui.helper, resolve = true; $.each(helper.data('files'), function(i, hash) { var dir = fm.file(hash); if (dir && dir.mime == 'directory' && !dirs[dir.hash]) { add(dir); } else { resolve = false; } }); save(); resolve && helper.hide(); } }) // for touch device .on('touchstart', '.'+navdir+':not(.'+clroot+')', function(e) { if (e.originalEvent.touches.length > 1) { return; } var hash = $(this).attr('id').substr(6), p = $(this) .addClass(hover) .data('longtap', null) .data('tmlongtap', setTimeout(function(){ // long tap p.data('longtap', true); fm.trigger('contextmenu', { raw : [{ label : fm.i18n('rmFromPlaces'), icon : 'rm', callback : function() { remove(hash); save(); } }], 'x' : e.originalEvent.touches[0].pageX, 'y' : e.originalEvent.touches[0].pageY }); }, 500)); }) .on('touchmove touchend', '.'+navdir+':not(.'+clroot+')', function(e) { clearTimeout($(this).data('tmlongtap')); if (e.type == 'touchmove') { $(this).removeClass(hover); } }); if ($.fn.sortable) { subtree.addClass('touch-punch') .sortable({ appendTo : fm.getUI(), revert : false, helper : function(e) { var dir = $(e.target).parent(); dir.children().removeClass('ui-state-hover'); return $('<div class="ui-widget elfinder-place-drag elfinder-'+fm.direction+'"></div>') .append($('<div class="elfinder-navbar"></div>').show().append(dir.clone())); }, stop : function(e, ui) { var target = $(ui.item[0]), top = places.offset().top, left = places.offset().left, width = places.width(), height = places.height(), x = e.pageX, y = e.pageY; if (!(x > left && x < left+width && y > top && y < y+height)) { remove(id2hash(target.children(':first').attr('id'))); save(); } }, update : function(e, ui) { save(); } }); } // "on regist" for command exec $(this).on('regist', function(e, files){ var added = false; $.each(files, function(i, dir) { if (dir && dir.mime == 'directory' && !dirs[dir.hash]) { if (add(dir)) { added = true; } } }); added && save(); }); // on fm load - show places and load files from backend fm.one('load', function() { var dat, hashes; if (fm.oldAPI) { return; } places.show().parent().show(); init(); fm.change(function(e) { var changed = false; $.each(e.data.changed, function(i, file) { if (dirs[file.hash]) { if (file.mime !== 'directory') { if (remove(file.hash)) { changed = true; } } else { if (update(file)) { changed = true; } } } }); changed && save(); }) .bind('rename', function(e) { var changed = false; if (e.data.removed) { $.each(e.data.removed, function(i, hash) { if (e.data.added[i]) { if (update(e.data.added[i], hash)) { changed = true; } } }); } changed && save(); }) .bind('rm paste', function(e) { var names = [], changed = false; if (e.data.removed) { $.each(e.data.removed, function(i, hash) { var name = remove(hash); name && names.push(name); }); } if (names.length) { changed = true; } if (e.data.added && names.length) { $.each(e.data.added, function(i, file) { if ($.inArray(file.name, names) !== 1) { file.mime == 'directory' && add(file); } }); } changed && save(); }) .bind('sync netmount', function() { var ev = this, opSuffix = opts.suffix? opts.suffix : '', hashes; if (ev.type === 'sync') { // check is change of opts.suffix if (suffix !== opSuffix) { suffix = opSuffix; clear(); init(); return; } } hashes = Object.keys(dirs); if (hashes.length) { root.prepend(spinner); fm.request({ data : {cmd : 'info', targets : hashes}, preventDefault : true }) .done(function(data) { var exists = {}, updated = false, cwd = fm.cwd().hash; $.each(data.files || [], function(i, file) { var hash = file.hash; exists[hash] = file; if (!fm.files().hasOwnProperty(file.hash)) { // update cache fm.updateCache({tree: [file]}); } }); $.each(dirs, function(h, f) { if (Boolean(f.notfound) === Boolean(exists[h])) { if ((f.phash === cwd && ev.type !== 'netmount') || (exists[h] && exists[h].mime !== 'directory')) { if (remove(h)) { updated = true; } } else { if (update(exists[h] || Object.assign({notfound: true}, f))) { updated = true; } } } else if (exists[h] && exists[h].phash != cwd) { // update permission of except cwd update(exists[h]); } }); updated && save(); }) .always(function() { spinner.remove(); }); } }); }); }); };