Current Path : /home/ncom/public_html/wp-content/plugins/file-manager-advanced/application/library/js/ui/ |
Current File : /home/ncom/public_html/wp-content/plugins/file-manager-advanced/application/library/js/ui/dialog.js |
/** * @class elFinder dialog * * @author Dmitry (dio) Levashov **/ $.fn.elfinderdialog = function(opts, fm) { "use strict"; var platformWin = (window.navigator.platform.indexOf('Win') != -1), delta = {}, syncSize = { enabled: false, width: false, height: false, defaultSize: null }, fitSize = function(dialog) { var opts, node; if (syncSize.enabled) { node = fm.options.dialogContained? elfNode : $(window); opts = { maxWidth : syncSize.width? node.width() - delta.width : null, maxHeight: syncSize.height? node.height() - delta.height : null }; Object.assign(restoreStyle, opts); dialog.css(opts).trigger('resize'); if (dialog.data('hasResizable') && (dialog.resizable('option', 'maxWidth') < opts.maxWidth || dialog.resizable('option', 'maxHeight') < opts.maxHeight)) { dialog.resizable('option', opts); } } }, syncFunc = function(e) { var dialog = e.data; syncTm && cancelAnimationFrame(syncTm); syncTm = requestAnimationFrame(function() { var opts, offset; if (syncSize.enabled) { fitSize(dialog); } }); }, checkEditing = function() { var cldialog = 'elfinder-dialog', dialogs = elfNode.children('.' + cldialog + '.' + fm.res('class', 'editing') + ':visible'); fm[dialogs.length? 'disable' : 'enable'](); }, propagationEvents = {}, syncTm, dialog, elfNode, restoreStyle; if (fm && fm.ui) { elfNode = fm.getUI(); } else { elfNode = this.closest('.elfinder'); if (! fm) { fm = elfNode.elfinder('instance'); } } if (typeof opts === 'string') { if ((dialog = this.closest('.ui-dialog')).length) { if (opts === 'open') { if (dialog.css('display') === 'none') { // Need dialog.show() and hide() to detect elements size in open() callbacks dialog.trigger('posinit').show().trigger('open').hide(); dialog.fadeIn(120, function() { fm.trigger('dialogopened', {dialog: dialog}); }); } } else if (opts === 'close' || opts === 'destroy') { dialog.stop(true); if (dialog.is(':visible') || elfNode.is(':hidden')) { dialog.trigger('close'); fm.trigger('dialogclosed', {dialog: dialog}); } if (opts === 'destroy') { dialog.remove(); fm.trigger('dialogremoved', {dialog: dialog}); } else if (dialog.data('minimized')) { dialog.data('minimized').close(); } } else if (opts === 'toTop') { dialog.trigger('totop'); fm.trigger('dialogtotoped', {dialog: dialog}); } else if (opts === 'posInit') { dialog.trigger('posinit'); fm.trigger('dialogposinited', {dialog: dialog}); } else if (opts === 'tabstopsInit') { dialog.trigger('tabstopsInit'); fm.trigger('dialogtabstopsinited', {dialog: dialog}); } else if (opts === 'checkEditing') { checkEditing(); } } return this; } opts = Object.assign({}, $.fn.elfinderdialog.defaults, opts); if (opts.allowMinimize && opts.allowMinimize === 'auto') { opts.allowMinimize = this.find('textarea,input').length? true : false; } opts.openMaximized = opts.allowMinimize && opts.openMaximized; if (opts.headerBtnPos && opts.headerBtnPos === 'auto') { opts.headerBtnPos = platformWin? 'right' : 'left'; } if (opts.headerBtnOrder && opts.headerBtnOrder === 'auto') { opts.headerBtnOrder = platformWin? 'close:maximize:minimize' : 'close:minimize:maximize'; } if (opts.modal && opts.allowMinimize) { opts.allowMinimize = false; } if (fm.options.dialogContained) { syncSize.width = syncSize.height = syncSize.enabled = true; } else { syncSize.width = (opts.maxWidth === 'window'); syncSize.height = (opts.maxHeight === 'window'); if (syncSize.width || syncSize.height) { syncSize.enabled = true; } } propagationEvents = fm.arrayFlip(opts.propagationEvents, true); this.filter(':not(.ui-dialog-content)').each(function() { var self = $(this).addClass('ui-dialog-content ui-widget-content'), clactive = 'elfinder-dialog-active', cldialog = 'elfinder-dialog', clnotify = 'elfinder-dialog-notify', clhover = 'ui-state-hover', cltabstop = 'elfinder-tabstop', cl1stfocus = 'elfinder-focus', clmodal = 'elfinder-dialog-modal', id = parseInt(Math.random()*1000000), titlebar = $('<div class="ui-dialog-titlebar ui-widget-header ui-corner-top ui-helper-clearfix"><span class="elfinder-dialog-title">'+opts.title+'</span></div>'), buttonset = $('<div class="ui-dialog-buttonset"></div>'), buttonpane = $('<div class=" ui-helper-clearfix ui-dialog-buttonpane ui-widget-content"></div>') .append(buttonset), btnWidth = 0, btnCnt = 0, tabstops = $(), evCover = $('<div style="width:100%;height:100%;position:absolute;top:0px;left:0px;"></div>').hide(), numberToTel = function() { if (opts.optimizeNumber) { dialog.find('input[type=number]').each(function() { $(this).attr('inputmode', 'numeric'); $(this).attr('pattern', '[0-9]*'); }); } }, tabstopsInit = function() { tabstops = dialog.find('.'+cltabstop); if (tabstops.length) { tabstops.attr('tabindex', '-1'); if (! tabstops.filter('.'+cl1stfocus).length) { buttonset.children('.'+cltabstop+':'+(platformWin? 'first' : 'last')).addClass(cl1stfocus); } } }, tabstopNext = function(cur) { var elms = tabstops.filter(':visible:enabled'), node = cur? null : elms.filter('.'+cl1stfocus+':first'); if (! node || ! node.length) { node = elms.first(); } if (cur) { $.each(elms, function(i, elm) { if (elm === cur && elms[i+1]) { node = elms.eq(i+1); return false; } }); } return node; }, tabstopPrev = function(cur) { var elms = tabstops.filter(':visible:enabled'), node = elms.last(); $.each(elms, function(i, elm) { if (elm === cur && elms[i-1]) { node = elms.eq(i-1); return false; } }); return node; }, makeHeaderBtn = function() { $.each(opts.headerBtnOrder.split(':').reverse(), function(i, v) { headerBtns[v] && headerBtns[v](); }); if (platformWin) { titlebar.children('.elfinder-titlebar-button').addClass('elfinder-titlebar-button-right'); } }, headerBtns = { close: function() { titlebar.prepend($('<span class="ui-widget-header ui-dialog-titlebar-close ui-corner-all elfinder-titlebar-button"><span class="ui-icon ui-icon-closethick"></span></span>') .on('mousedown touchstart', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); self.elfinderdialog('close'); }) ); }, maximize: function() { if (opts.allowMaximize) { dialog.on('resize', function(e, data) { var full, elm; e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); if (data && data.maximize) { elm = titlebar.find('.elfinder-titlebar-full'); full = (data.maximize === 'on'); elm.children('span.ui-icon') .toggleClass('ui-icon-plusthick', ! full) .toggleClass('ui-icon-arrowreturnthick-1-s', full); if (full) { try { dialog.hasClass('ui-draggable') && dialog.draggable('disable'); dialog.hasClass('ui-resizable') && dialog.resizable('disable'); } catch(e) {} self.css('width', '100%').css('height', dialog.height() - dialog.children('.ui-dialog-titlebar').outerHeight(true) - buttonpane.outerHeight(true)); } else { self.attr('style', elm.data('style')); elm.removeData('style'); posCheck(); try { dialog.hasClass('ui-draggable') && dialog.draggable('enable'); dialog.hasClass('ui-resizable') && dialog.resizable('enable'); } catch(e) {} } dialog.trigger('resize', {init: true}); } }); titlebar.prepend($('<span class="ui-widget-header ui-corner-all elfinder-titlebar-button elfinder-titlebar-full"><span class="ui-icon ui-icon-plusthick"></span></span>') .on('mousedown touchstart', function(e) { var elm = $(this); e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); if (!dialog.hasClass('elfinder-maximized') && typeof elm.data('style') === 'undefined') { self.height(self.height()); elm.data('style', self.attr('style') || ''); } fm.toggleMaximize(dialog); typeof(opts.maximize) === 'function' && opts.maximize.call(self[0]); }) ); } }, minimize: function() { var btn, mnode, doffset; if (opts.allowMinimize) { btn = $('<span class="ui-widget-header ui-corner-all elfinder-titlebar-button elfinder-titlebar-minimize"><span class="ui-icon ui-icon-minusthick"></span></span>') .on('mousedown touchstart', function(e) { var $this = $(this), tray = fm.getUI('bottomtray'), dumStyle = { width: 70, height: 24 }, dum = $('<div></div>').css(dumStyle).addClass(dialog.get(0).className + ' elfinder-dialog-minimized'), close = function() { mnode.remove(); dialog.removeData('minimized').show(); self.elfinderdialog('close'); }, pos = {}; e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); if (!dialog.data('minimized')) { // minimize doffset = dialog.data('minimized', { dialog : function() { return mnode; }, show : function() { mnode.show(); }, hide : function() { mnode.hide(); }, close : close, title : function(v) { mnode.children('.ui-dialog-titlebar').children('.elfinder-dialog-title').text(v); } }).position(); mnode = dialog.clone().on('mousedown', function() { $this.trigger('mousedown'); }).removeClass('ui-draggable ui-resizable elfinder-frontmost'); tray.append(dum); Object.assign(pos, dum.offset(), dumStyle); dum.remove(); mnode.height(dialog.height()).children('.ui-dialog-content:first').empty(); fm.toHide(dialog.before(mnode)); mnode.children('.ui-dialog-content:first,.ui-dialog-buttonpane,.ui-resizable-handle').remove(); mnode.find('.elfinder-titlebar-minimize,.elfinder-titlebar-full').remove(); mnode.find('.ui-dialog-titlebar-close').on('mousedown', function(e) { e.stopPropagation(); e.preventDefault(); close(); }); mnode.animate(pos, function() { mnode.attr('style', '') .css({ maxWidth: dialog.width() }) .addClass('elfinder-dialog-minimized') .appendTo(tray); checkEditing(); typeof(opts.minimize) === 'function' && opts.minimize.call(self[0]); }); } else { //restore dialog.removeData('minimized').before(mnode.css(Object.assign({'position': 'absolute'}, mnode.offset()))); fm.toFront(mnode); mnode.animate(Object.assign({ width: dialog.width(), height: dialog.height() }, doffset), function() { dialog.show(); fm.toFront(dialog); mnode.remove(); posCheck(); checkEditing(); dialog.trigger('resize', {init: true}); typeof(opts.minimize) === 'function' && opts.minimize.call(self[0]); }); } }); titlebar.on('dblclick', function(e) { $(this).children('.elfinder-titlebar-minimize').trigger('mousedown'); }).prepend(btn); dialog.on('togleminimize', function() { btn.trigger('mousedown'); }); } } }, dialog = $('<div class="ui-front ui-dialog ui-widget ui-widget-content ui-corner-all ui-draggable std42-dialog touch-punch '+cldialog+' '+opts.cssClass+'"></div>') .hide() .append(self) .appendTo(elfNode) .draggable({ containment : fm.options.dialogContained? elfNode : null, handle : '.ui-dialog-titlebar', start : function() { evCover.show(); }, drag : function(e, ui) { var top = ui.offset.top, left = ui.offset.left; if (top < 0) { ui.position.top = ui.position.top - top; } if (left < 0) { ui.position.left = ui.position.left - left; } if (fm.options.dialogContained) { ui.position.top < 0 && (ui.position.top = 0); ui.position.left < 0 && (ui.position.left = 0); } }, stop : function(e, ui) { evCover.hide(); dialog.css({height : opts.height}); self.data('draged', true); } }) .css({ width : opts.width, height : opts.height, minWidth : opts.minWidth, minHeight : opts.minHeight, maxWidth : opts.maxWidth, maxHeight : opts.maxHeight }) .on('touchstart touchmove touchend click dblclick mouseup mouseenter mouseleave mouseout mouseover mousemove', function(e) { // stopPropagation of user action events !propagationEvents[e.type] && e.stopPropagation(); }) .on('mousedown', function(e) { !propagationEvents[e.type] && e.stopPropagation(); requestAnimationFrame(function() { if (dialog.is(':visible') && !dialog.hasClass('elfinder-frontmost')) { toFocusNode = $(':focus'); if (!toFocusNode.length) { toFocusNode = void(0); } dialog.trigger('totop'); } }); }) .on('open', function() { dialog.data('margin-y', self.outerHeight(true) - self.height()); if (syncSize.enabled) { if (opts.height && opts.height !== 'auto') { dialog.trigger('resize', {init: true}); } if (!syncSize.defaultSize) { syncSize.defaultSize = { width: self.width(), height: self.height() }; } fitSize(dialog); dialog.trigger('resize').trigger('posinit'); elfNode.on('resize.'+fm.namespace, dialog, syncFunc); } if (!dialog.hasClass(clnotify)) { elfNode.children('.'+cldialog+':visible:not(.'+clnotify+')').each(function() { var d = $(this), top = parseInt(d.css('top')), left = parseInt(d.css('left')), _top = parseInt(dialog.css('top')), _left = parseInt(dialog.css('left')), ct = Math.abs(top - _top) < 10, cl = Math.abs(left - _left) < 10; if (d[0] != dialog[0] && (ct || cl)) { dialog.css({ top : ct ? (top + 10) : _top, left : cl ? (left + 10) : _left }); } }); } if (dialog.data('modal')) { dialog.addClass(clmodal); fm.getUI('overlay').elfinderoverlay('show'); } dialog.trigger('totop'); opts.openMaximized && fm.toggleMaximize(dialog); fm.trigger('dialogopen', {dialog: dialog}); typeof(opts.open) == 'function' && $.proxy(opts.open, self[0])(); if (opts.closeOnEscape) { $(document).on('keydown.'+id, function(e) { if (e.keyCode == $.ui.keyCode.ESCAPE && dialog.hasClass('elfinder-frontmost')) { self.elfinderdialog('close'); } }); } dialog.hasClass(fm.res('class', 'editing')) && checkEditing(); }) .on('close', function(e) { var dialogs, dfd; if (opts.beforeclose && typeof opts.beforeclose === 'function') { dfd = opts.beforeclose(); if (!dfd || !dfd.promise) { dfd = !dfd? $.Deferred().reject() : $.Deferred().resolve(); } } else { dfd = $.Deferred().resolve(); } dfd.done(function() { syncSize.enabled && elfNode.off('resize.'+fm.namespace, syncFunc); if (opts.closeOnEscape) { $(document).off('keyup.'+id); } if (opts.allowMaximize) { fm.toggleMaximize(dialog, false); } fm.toHide(dialog); dialog.data('modal') && fm.getUI('overlay').elfinderoverlay('hide'); if (typeof(opts.close) == 'function') { $.proxy(opts.close, self[0])(); } if (opts.destroyOnClose && dialog.parent().length) { dialog.hide().remove(); } // get focus to next dialog dialogs = elfNode.children('.'+cldialog+':visible'); dialog.hasClass(fm.res('class', 'editing')) && checkEditing(); }); }) .on('totop frontmost', function() { var s = fm.storage('autoFocusDialog'); dialog.data('focusOnMouseOver', s? (s > 0) : fm.options.uiOptions.dialog.focusOnMouseOver); if (dialog.data('minimized')) { titlebar.children('.elfinder-titlebar-minimize').trigger('mousedown'); } if (!dialog.data('modal') && fm.getUI('overlay').is(':visible')) { fm.getUI('overlay').before(dialog); } else { fm.toFront(dialog); } elfNode.children('.'+cldialog+':not(.'+clmodal+')').removeClass(clactive); dialog.addClass(clactive); ! fm.UA.Mobile && (toFocusNode || tabstopNext()).trigger('focus'); toFocusNode = void(0); }) .on('posinit', function() { var css = opts.position, nodeOffset, minTop, minLeft, outerSize, win, winSize, nodeFull; if (dialog.hasClass('elfinder-maximized')) { return; } if (! css && ! dialog.data('resizing')) { nodeFull = elfNode.hasClass('elfinder-fullscreen') || fm.options.enableAlways; dialog.css(nodeFull? { maxWidth : '100%', maxHeight : '100%', overflow : 'auto' } : restoreStyle); if (fm.UA.Mobile && !nodeFull && dialog.data('rotated') === fm.UA.Rotated) { return; } dialog.data('rotated', fm.UA.Rotated); win = $(window); nodeOffset = elfNode.offset(); outerSize = { width : dialog.outerWidth(true), height: dialog.outerHeight(true) }; outerSize.right = nodeOffset.left + outerSize.width; outerSize.bottom = nodeOffset.top + outerSize.height; winSize = { scrLeft: win.scrollLeft(), scrTop : win.scrollTop(), width : win.width(), height : win.height() }; winSize.right = winSize.scrLeft + winSize.width; winSize.bottom = winSize.scrTop + winSize.height; if (fm.options.dialogContained || nodeFull) { minTop = 0; minLeft = 0; } else { minTop = nodeOffset.top * -1 + winSize.scrTop; minLeft = nodeOffset.left * -1 + winSize.scrLeft; } css = { top : outerSize.height >= winSize.height? minTop : Math.max(minTop, parseInt((elfNode.height() - outerSize.height)/2 - 42)), left : outerSize.width >= winSize.width ? minLeft : Math.max(minLeft, parseInt((elfNode.width() - outerSize.width)/2)) }; if (outerSize.right + css.left > winSize.right) { css.left = Math.max(minLeft, winSize.right - outerSize.right); } if (outerSize.bottom + css.top > winSize.bottom) { css.top = Math.max(minTop, winSize.bottom - outerSize.bottom); } } if (opts.absolute) { css.position = 'absolute'; } css && dialog.css(css); }) .on('resize', function(e, data) { var oh = 0, init = data && data.init, h, minH, maxH, autoH; if ((data && (data.minimize || data.maxmize)) || dialog.data('minimized')) { return; } e.stopPropagation(); e.preventDefault(); dialog.children('.ui-widget-header,.ui-dialog-buttonpane').each(function() { oh += $(this).outerHeight(true); }); autoH = (opts.height === 'auto')? true : false; if (autoH) { self.css({'max-height': '', 'height': 'auto'}); } if (!init && syncSize.enabled && !e.originalEvent && !dialog.hasClass('elfinder-maximized')) { h = dialog.height(); minH = dialog.css('min-height') || h; maxH = dialog.css('max-height') || h; if (minH.match(/%/)) { minH = Math.floor((parseInt(minH) / 100) * dialog.parent().height()); } else { minH = parseInt(minH); } if (maxH.match(/%/)) { maxH = Math.floor((parseInt(maxH) / 100) * dialog.parent().height()); } else { maxH = parseInt(maxH); } h = Math.min((autoH? dialog.height() : syncSize.defaultSize.height), Math.max(maxH, minH) - oh - dialog.data('margin-y')); } else { h = dialog.height() - oh - dialog.data('margin-y'); } self.css(autoH? 'max-height' : 'height', h); if (init) { return; } posCheck(); minH = self.height(); minH = (h < minH)? (minH + oh + dialog.data('margin-y')) : opts.minHeight; dialog.css('min-height', minH); dialog.data('hasResizable') && dialog.resizable('option', { minHeight: minH }); if (typeof(opts.resize) === 'function') { $.proxy(opts.resize, self[0])(e, data); } }) .on('tabstopsInit', tabstopsInit) .on('focus', '.'+cltabstop, function() { $(this).addClass(clhover).parent('label').addClass(clhover); this.id && $(this).parent().find('label[for='+this.id+']').addClass(clhover); }) .on('click', 'select.'+cltabstop, function() { var node = $(this); node.data('keepFocus')? node.removeData('keepFocus') : node.data('keepFocus', true); }) .on('blur', '.'+cltabstop, function() { $(this).removeClass(clhover).removeData('keepFocus').parent('label').removeClass(clhover); this.id && $(this).parent().find('label[for='+this.id+']').removeClass(clhover); }) .on('mouseenter mouseleave', '.'+cltabstop+',label', function(e) { var $this = $(this), labelfor; if (this.nodeName === 'LABEL') { if (!$this.children('.'+cltabstop).length && (!(labelfor = $this.attr('for')) || !$('#'+labelfor).hasClass(cltabstop))) { return; } } if (opts.btnHoverFocus && dialog.data('focusOnMouseOver')) { if (e.type === 'mouseenter' && ! $(':focus').data('keepFocus')) { $this.trigger('focus'); } } else { $this.toggleClass(clhover, e.type == 'mouseenter'); } }) .on('keydown', '.'+cltabstop, function(e) { var $this = $(this), esc, move, moveTo; if ($this.is(':focus')) { esc = e.keyCode === $.ui.keyCode.ESCAPE; if (e.keyCode === $.ui.keyCode.ENTER) { e.preventDefault(); $this.trigger('click'); } else if (((e.keyCode === $.ui.keyCode.TAB) && e.shiftKey) || e.keyCode === $.ui.keyCode.LEFT || e.keyCode == $.ui.keyCode.UP) { move = 'prev'; } else if (e.keyCode === $.ui.keyCode.TAB || e.keyCode == $.ui.keyCode.RIGHT || e.keyCode == $.ui.keyCode.DOWN) { move = 'next'; } if (move && ( ($this.is('textarea') && !(e.ctrlKey || e.metaKey)) || ($this.is('select,span.ui-slider-handle') && e.keyCode !== $.ui.keyCode.TAB) || ($this.is('input:not(:checkbox,:radio)') && (!(e.ctrlKey || e.metaKey) && e.keyCode === $.ui.keyCode[move === 'prev'? 'LEFT':'RIGHT'])) ) ) { e.stopPropagation(); return; } if (!esc) { e.stopPropagation(); } else if ($this.is('input:not(:checkbox,:radio),textarea')) { if ($this.val() !== '') { $this.val(''); e.stopPropagation(); } } if (move) { e.preventDefault(); (move === 'prev'? tabstopPrev : tabstopNext)(this).trigger('focus'); } } }) .data({modal: opts.modal}), posCheck = function() { var node = fm.getUI(), pos; if (node.hasClass('elfinder-fullscreen')) { pos = dialog.position(); dialog.css('top', Math.max(Math.min(Math.max(pos.top, 0), node.height() - 100), 0)); dialog.css('left', Math.max(Math.min(Math.max(pos.left, 0), node.width() - 200), 0)); } }, maxSize, toFocusNode; dialog.prepend(titlebar); makeHeaderBtn(); $.each(opts.buttons, function(name, cb) { var button = $('<button type="button" class="ui-button ui-widget ui-state-default ui-corner-all ui-button-text-only ' +'elfinder-btncnt-'+(btnCnt++)+' ' +cltabstop +'"><span class="ui-button-text">'+name+'</span></button>') .on('click', $.proxy(cb, self[0])); if (cb._cssClass) { button.addClass(cb._cssClass); } if (platformWin) { buttonset.append(button); } else { buttonset.prepend(button); } }); if (buttonset.children().length) { dialog.append(buttonpane); dialog.show(); buttonpane.find('button').each(function(i, btn) { btnWidth += $(btn).outerWidth(true); }); dialog.hide(); btnWidth += 20; if (dialog.width() < btnWidth) { dialog.width(btnWidth); } } dialog.append(evCover); if (syncSize.enabled) { delta.width = dialog.outerWidth(true) - dialog.width() + ((dialog.outerWidth() - dialog.width()) / 2); delta.height = dialog.outerHeight(true) - dialog.height() + ((dialog.outerHeight() - dialog.height()) / 2); } if (fm.options.dialogContained) { maxSize = { maxWidth: elfNode.width() - delta.width, maxHeight: elfNode.height() - delta.height }; opts.maxWidth = opts.maxWidth? Math.min(maxSize.maxWidth, opts.maxWidth) : maxSize.maxWidth; opts.maxHeight = opts.maxHeight? Math.min(maxSize.maxHeight, opts.maxHeight) : maxSize.maxHeight; dialog.css(maxSize); } restoreStyle = { maxWidth : dialog.css('max-width'), maxHeight : dialog.css('max-height'), overflow : dialog.css('overflow') }; if (opts.resizable) { dialog.resizable({ minWidth : opts.minWidth, minHeight : opts.minHeight, maxWidth : opts.maxWidth, maxHeight : opts.maxHeight, start : function() { evCover.show(); if (dialog.data('resizing') !== true && dialog.data('resizing')) { clearTimeout(dialog.data('resizing')); } dialog.data('resizing', true); }, stop : function(e, ui) { evCover.hide(); dialog.data('resizing', setTimeout(function() { dialog.data('resizing', false); }, 200)); if (syncSize.enabled) { syncSize.defaultSize = { width: self.width(), height: self.height() }; } } }).data('hasResizable', true); } numberToTel(); tabstopsInit(); typeof(opts.create) == 'function' && $.proxy(opts.create, this)(); if (opts.autoOpen) { if (opts.open) { requestAnimationFrame(function() { self.elfinderdialog('open'); }); } else { self.elfinderdialog('open'); } } if (opts.resize) { fm.bind('themechange', function() { setTimeout(function() { dialog.data('margin-y', self.outerHeight(true) - self.height()); dialog.trigger('resize', {init: true}); }, 300); }); } }); return this; }; $.fn.elfinderdialog.defaults = { cssClass : '', title : '', modal : false, resizable : true, autoOpen : true, closeOnEscape : true, destroyOnClose : false, buttons : {}, btnHoverFocus : true, position : null, absolute : false, width : 320, height : 'auto', minWidth : 200, minHeight : 70, maxWidth : null, maxHeight : null, allowMinimize : 'auto', allowMaximize : false, openMaximized : false, headerBtnPos : 'auto', headerBtnOrder : 'auto', optimizeNumber : true, propagationEvents : ['mousemove', 'mouseup'] };