
Your IP :

Current Path : /home/ncom/public_html/wp-content/plugins/elementor-pro/assets/js/
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Current File : /home/ncom/public_html/wp-content/plugins/elementor-pro/assets/js/screenshot.js

/*! elementor-pro - v3.22.0 - 24-06-2024 */
/******/ (() => { // webpackBootstrap
/******/ 	"use strict";
var __webpack_exports__ = {};
  !*** ../modules/screenshots/assets/js/preview/screenshot.js ***!

/* global ElementorScreenshotConfig */
class Screenshot extends elementorModules.ViewModule {
  getDefaultSettings() {
    return {
      empty_content_headline: 'Empty Content.',
      crop: {
        width: 1200,
        height: 1500
      excluded_external_css_urls: ['https://kit-pro.fontawesome.com'],
      external_images_urls: ['https://i.ytimg.com' // Youtube images domain.

      timeout: 15000,
      // Wait until screenshot taken or fail in 15 secs.
      render_timeout: 5000,
      // Wait until all the element will be loaded or 5 sec and then take screenshot.
      timerLabel: null,
      timer_label: `${ElementorScreenshotConfig.post_id} - timer`,
      image_placeholder: '',
      isDebug: elementorCommonConfig.isElementorDebug,
      isDebugSvg: false,
  getDefaultElements() {
    const $elementor = jQuery(ElementorScreenshotConfig.selector);
    const $sections = $elementor.find('.elementor-section-wrap > .elementor-section, .elementor > .elementor-section');
    return {
      $firstSection: $sections.first(),
      $notElementorElements: elementorCommon.elements.$body.find('> *:not(style, link)').not($elementor),
      $head: jQuery('head')
  onInit() {
    this.log('Screenshot init', 'time');

     * Hold the timeout timer
     * @type {number|null}
    this.timeoutTimer = setTimeout(this.screenshotFailed.bind(this), this.getSettings('timeout'));
    return this.captureScreenshot();

   * The main method for this class.
  captureScreenshot() {
    if (!this.elements.$elementor.length) {
      elementorCommon.helpers.consoleWarn('Screenshots: The content of this page is empty, the module will create a fake conent just for this screenshot.');
    return Promise.resolve().then(this.createImage.bind(this)).then(this.createImageElement.bind(this)).then(this.cropCanvas.bind(this)).then(this.save.bind(this)).then(this.screenshotSucceed.bind(this)).catch(this.screenshotFailed.bind(this));

   * Fake content for documents that dont have any content.
  createFakeContent() {
    this.elements.$elementor = jQuery('<div>').css({
      height: this.getSettings('crop.height'),
      width: this.getSettings('crop.width'),
      display: 'flex',
      alignItems: 'center',
      justifyContent: 'center'
      fontSize: '85px'

   * CSS from another server cannot be loaded with the current dom to image library.
   * this method take all the links from another domain and proxy them.
  loadExternalCss() {
    const excludedUrls = [this.getSettings('home_url'), ...this.getSettings('excluded_external_css_urls')];
    const notSelector = excludedUrls.map(url => `[href^="${url}"]`).join(', ');
    jQuery('link').not(notSelector).each((index, el) => {
      const $link = jQuery(el),
        $newLink = $link.clone();
      $newLink.attr('href', this.getScreenshotProxyUrl($link.attr('href')));

   * Make a proxy to images urls that has some problems with cross origin (like youtube).
  loadExternalImages() {
    const selector = this.getSettings('external_images_urls').map(url => `img[src^="${url}"]`).join(', ');
    jQuery(selector).each((index, el) => {
      const $img = jQuery(el);
      $img.attr('src', this.getScreenshotProxyUrl($img.attr('src')));

   * Html to images libraries can not snapshot IFrames
   * this method convert all the IFrames to some other elements.
  handleIFrames() {
    this.elements.$elementor.find('iframe').each((index, el) => {
      const $iframe = jQuery(el),
        $iframeMask = jQuery('<div />', {
          css: {
            background: 'gray',
            width: $iframe.width(),
            height: $iframe.height()

   * Remove all the sections that should not be in the screenshot.
  removeUnnecessaryElements() {
    let currentHeight = 0;
    this.elements.$sections.filter((index, el) => {
      let shouldBeRemoved = false;
      if (currentHeight >= this.getSettings('crop.height')) {
        shouldBeRemoved = true;
      currentHeight += jQuery(el).outerHeight();
      return shouldBeRemoved;
    }).each((index, el) => {

    // Some 3rd party plugins inject elements into the dom, so this method removes all
    // the elements that was injected, to make sure that it capture a screenshot only of the post itself.

   * Some urls make some problems to the svg parser.
   * this method convert all the urls to just '/'.
  handleLinks() {
    elementorCommon.elements.$body.find('a').attr('href', '/');

   * Remove unnecessary margin from the first element of the post (singles and footers).
  removeFirstSectionMargin() {
      marginTop: 0

   * Creates a png image.
   * @return {Promise<unknown>} URI containing image data
  createImage() {
    const pageLoadedPromise = new Promise(resolve => {
      window.addEventListener('load', () => {
    const timeOutPromise = new Promise(resolve => {
      setTimeout(() => {
      }, this.getSettings('render_timeout'));
    return Promise.race([pageLoadedPromise, timeOutPromise]).then(() => {
      this.log('Start creating screenshot.');
      if (this.getSettings('isDebugSvg')) {
        domtoimage.toSvg(document.body, {
          imagePlaceholder: this.getSettings('image_placeholder')
        }).then(svg => this.download(svg));
        return Promise.reject('Debug SVG.');

      // TODO: Extract to util function.
      const isSafari = /^((?!chrome|android).)*safari/i.test(window.userAgent);

      // Safari browser has some problems with the images that dom-to-images
      // library creates, so in this specific case the screenshot uses html2canvas.
      // Note that dom-to-image creates more accurate screenshot in "not safari" browsers.
      if (isSafari) {
        this.log('Creating screenshot with "html2canvas"');
        return html2canvas(document.body).then(canvas => {
          return canvas.toDataURL('image/png');
      this.log('Creating screenshot with "dom-to-image"');
      return domtoimage.toPng(document.body, {
        imagePlaceholder: this.getSettings('image_placeholder')

   * Download a uri, use for debugging the svg that created from dom to image libraries.
   * @param {string} uri
  download(uri) {
    const $link = jQuery('<a/>', {
      href: uri,
      download: 'debugSvg.svg',
      html: 'Download SVG'

   * Creates fake image element to get the size of the image later on.
   * @param {string} dataUrl
   * @return {Promise<HTMLImageElement>} Image Element
  createImageElement(dataUrl) {
    const image = new Image();
    image.src = dataUrl;
    return new Promise(resolve => {
      image.onload = () => resolve(image);

   * Crop the image to requested sizes.
   * @param {HTMLImageElement} image
   * @return {Promise<unknown>} Canvas
  cropCanvas(image) {
    const width = this.getSettings('crop.width');
    const height = this.getSettings('crop.height');
    const cropCanvas = document.createElement('canvas'),
      cropContext = cropCanvas.getContext('2d'),
      ratio = width / image.width;
    cropCanvas.width = width;
    cropCanvas.height = height > image.height ? image.height : height;
    cropContext.drawImage(image, 0, 0, image.width, image.height, 0, 0, image.width * ratio, image.height * ratio);
    return Promise.resolve(cropCanvas);

   * Send the image to the server.
   * @param {HTMLCanvasElement} canvas
   * @return {Promise<unknown>} Screenshot URL
  save(canvas) {
    return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
      elementorCommon.ajax.addRequest('screenshot_save', {
        data: {
          post_id: this.getSettings('post_id'),
          screenshot: canvas.toDataURL('image/png')
        success: url => {
          this.log(`Screenshot created: ${encodeURI(url)}`);
        error: () => {
          this.log('Failed to create screenshot.');

   * Mark this post screenshot as failed.
  markAsFailed() {
    return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
      elementorCommon.ajax.addRequest('screenshot_failed', {
        data: {
          post_id: this.getSettings('post_id')
        success: () => {
          this.log(`Marked as failed.`);
        error: () => {
          this.log('Failed to mark this screenshot as failed.');

   * @param {string} url
   * @return {string} Screenshot Proxy URL
  getScreenshotProxyUrl(url) {
    return `${this.getSettings('home_url')}?screenshot_proxy&nonce=${this.getSettings('nonce')}&href=${url}`;

   * Notify that the screenshot has been succeed.
   * @param {string} imageUrl
  screenshotSucceed(imageUrl) {
    this.screenshotDone(true, imageUrl);

   * Notify that the screenshot has been failed.
   * @param {Error} e
  screenshotFailed(e) {
    this.log(e, null);
    this.markAsFailed().then(() => this.screenshotDone(false));

   * Final method of the screenshot.
   * @param {boolean} success
   * @param {string}  imageUrl
  screenshotDone(success, imageUrl = null) {
    this.timeoutTimer = null;

    // Send the message to the parent window and not to the top.
    // e.g: The `Theme builder` is loaded into an iFrame so the message of the screenshot
    // should be sent to the `Theme builder` window and not to the top window.
      name: 'capture-screenshot-done',
      id: this.getSettings('post_id'),
    }, '*');
    this.log(`Screenshot ${success ? 'Succeed' : 'Failed'}.`, 'timeEnd');

   * Log messages for debugging.
   * @param {any}     message
   * @param {string?} timerMethod
  log(message, timerMethod = 'timeLog') {
    if (!this.getSettings('isDebug')) {

    // eslint-disable-next-line no-console
    console.log('string' === typeof message ? `${this.getSettings('post_id')} - ${message}` : message);
    if (timerMethod) {
      // eslint-disable-next-line no-console
jQuery(() => {
  new Screenshot();
/******/ })()
//# sourceMappingURL=screenshot.js.map