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&^SEJj	1]O7[_Q4i2PAB?Y Da#ncMe-6tp`0+o\r3h;V:Z$8IRKv.HC,'gsTG9 %a %b %e %H:%M:%S %Z %Y from %.*s on %.*s%s failed: caught signal %d%s%s failed: exit code %d%s failed: unknown status 0x%x%s: Bad number given to --reset=
%s: Can't reset all users to non-zero
%s: Unrecognised option %s
%s: [--file rooted-filename] [--user username] [--reset[=n]] [--quiet]
%s: [-f rooted-filename] [--file rooted-filename]
   [-u username] [--user username]
   [-r] [--reset[=n]] [--quiet]
...Sorry, your time is up!
...Time is running out...
Access granted (last access was %ld seconds ago).Account locked due to %u failed loginsAccount temporary locked (%ld seconds left)Application needs to call libpam againAuthentication errorAuthentication failureAuthentication information cannot be recoveredAuthentication service cannot retrieve authentication infoAuthentication service cannot retrieve user credentialsAuthentication token aging disabledAuthentication token expiredAuthentication token is no longer valid; new one requiredAuthentication token lock busyAuthentication token manipulation errorBAD PASSWORD: %sBad item passed to pam_*_item()Cannot make/remove an entry for the specified sessionChanging STRESS password for %s.Changing password for %s.Conversation errorConversation is waiting for eventCreating directory '%s'.Critical error - immediate abortDefault Security Context %s
Enter new STRESS password: Error in service moduleFailed preliminary check by password serviceFailed to load moduleFailure setting user credentialsHave exhausted maximum number of retries for serviceInsufficient credentials to access authentication dataKey Creation Context %s AssignedLast failed login:%s%s%sLast login:%s%s%sLogin           Failures Latest failure     From
Memory buffer errorModule is unknownNIS password could not be changed.New %s%spassword: No default type for role %s
No mail.No module specific data is presentNo password suppliedNot a valid security contextPassword change aborted.Password has been already used.Password has been already used. Choose another.Password unchangedPassword: Permission deniedRetype %sRetype new %s%spassword: Retype new STRESS password: Security Context %s AssignedService errorSorry, passwords do not match.SuccessSymbol not foundSystem errorThe return value should be ignored by PAM dispatchThere was %d failed login attempt since the last successful login.There were %d failed login attempts since the last successful login.There were %d failed login attempts since the last successful login.Too many logins for '%s'.Unable to create and initialize directory '%s'.Unable to get valid context for %sUnknown PAM errorUnknown errorUnknown userUser account has expiredUser credentials expiredUser not known to the underlying authentication moduleVerification mis-typed; password unchangedWarning: your password will expire in %d dayWarning: your password will expire in %d daysWarning: your password will expire in %d daysWelcome to your new account!Would you like to enter a different role or level?You have mail in folder %s.You have mail.You have new mail in folder %s.You have new mail.You have no mail in folder %s.You have old mail in folder %s.You have old mail.You must choose a longer passwordYou must wait longer to change your passwordYour account has expired; please contact your system administratorcase changes onlycontains the user name in some formcontains too long of a monotonic character sequencecontains too many same characters consecutivelyerroneous conversation (%d)
failed to initialize PAM
failed to pam_set_item()
is a palindromeis rotatedis the same as the old oneis too similar to the old oneis too simplelevel:login:login: failure forking: %mmemory allocation errornot enough character classesrole:Project-Id-Version: Linux-PAM
Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://sourceforge.net/projects/pam
POT-Creation-Date: 2018-05-18 12:58+0200
PO-Revision-Date: 2012-12-17 05:00-0500
Last-Translator: Nik Kalach <nik.kalach@inbox.ru>
Language-Team: Interlingua <trans-ia@lists.fedoraproject.org>
Language: ia
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);
X-Generator: Zanata 3.8.3
 %a %b %e %H:%M:%S %Z %Y de %.*s via %.*s%s fallite: signal capturate %d%s%s fallite: codice de exito %d%s fallite: stato incognite 0x%x%s: Numero incorrecte fornite a --reset=
%s: Impossibile de reinitiar tote le usatores a non-zero
%s: Option non recognoscite %s
%s: [--file percurso-integre] [--user usator] [--reset[=n]] [--quiet]
%s: [-f percurso-integre] [--file percurso-integre]
   [-u usator] [--user usator]
   [-r] [--reset[=n]] [--quiet]
...Le tempore ha perimite!
...Le tempore es perimente...
Accesso permittite (le ultime accesso eveniva ante %ld secundas).Le conto es blocate a causa de %u insuccessos al authenticationLe conto es blocate temporarimente (%ld secundas remanente)Le application debe appellar a libpam de noveError de authenticationFallimento de authenticationImpossibile de recuperar le information de authenticationLe servicio de authentication non pote recuperar le information de authenticationLe servicio de authentication non pote obtener le credentiales del usatorPeremption del token de authentication disactivateLe token de authentication ha perimiteLe token de authentication non es jam valide; un nove token es necessariLe token de authentication pare occupateError de manipulation del token de authenticationCONTRASIGNO MALFORMATE: %sElemento incorrecte passate a pam_*_item()Impossibile de crear o eliminar un entrata pro le session specificateCambiamento del contrasigno STRESS pro %s.Cambiamento del contrasigno pro %s.Error de conversationConversation in expectation de un eventoCreation del directorio '%s'.Error critic - abandono immediateContexto de securitate predefinite %s
Introduce le nove contrasigno STRESS: Error in le modulo de servicioInsuccesso del controlo preliminar per le servicio de contrasignosInsuccesso de cargar un moduloInsuccesso al definition de credentiales de usatorIl ha superate le numero maxime de tentativas pro le servicioCredentiales insufficiente pro acceder a datos de authenticationContexto de creation de clave %s attribuiteUltime connexion fallite:%s%s%sUltime connexion:%s%s%sConto        Fallimentos Ultime fallimento  De
Error de buffer de memoriaModulo incogniteLe contrasigno NIS non pote esser cambiate.Nove %s%scontrasigno: Necun typo predefinite pro le rolo %s
Nulle currero.Nulle datos specific del modulo es presenteNecun contrasigno forniteContexto de securitate incorrecteCambiamento de contrasigno abortate.Le contrasigno se ha jam usate.Le contrasigno jam se ha utilisate. Selige un altere.Le contrasigno non ha cambiateContrasigno: Permission denegateRetypa %sRetypa nove %s%scontrasigno: Repete le nove contrasigno STRESS: Contexto de securitate %s attribuiteError de servicioLe contrasignos non es equal.SuccessoSymbolo non trovateError de systemaLe valor restitute debe esser ignorate per le repartitor PAMIl esseva %d insuccesso de initiar le session desde le ultime connexion.Il esseva %d insuccessos de initiar le session desde le ultime connexion.Il esseva %d insuccessos a initiar le session desde le ultime connexion.Troppo de connexiones pro '%s'.Impossibile de crear e de initiar le directorio '%s'.Impossibile de obtener un contexto valide pro %sError incognite de PAMError incogniteUsator incogniteLe conto del usator ha perimiteCredentiales del usator perimiteUsator es incognite pro le modulo de authentication subjacenteError al verification; contrasigno non cambiateAdvertimento: le contrasigno perimera in %d dieAdvertimento: le contrasigno perimera in %d diesAdvertimento: le contrasigno perimera in %d diesBenvenite al nove conto!Velle tu introducer un rolo e nivello differente?Il ha currero in le dossier %s.Il ha currero.Il ha nove currero in le dossier %s.Il ha nove currero.Il non ha necun curreros in le dossier %s.Il ha currero vetule in le dossier %s.Il ha currero vetule.Selige un contrasigno plus longeAttende ancora pro cambiar le contrasignoLe conto ha perimite; contacte le administrator del systemanove contrasigno cambia solo le registro de litterasnove contrasigno contine le nomine de usator in alicun formanove contrasigno contine tro de characteres monotone in un sequentianove contrasigno contine troppo de characteres identic consequenteconversation erronee (%d)
error al initiar PAM
error in pam_set_item()
nove contrasigno es un polindromonove contrasigno es un rotation del previenove contrasigno es equl al previenove contrasigno es troppo simile al previenove contrasigno es troppo simplenivello:conto:apertura de session: insuccesso de autoclonage: %merror al allocation de memorianove contrasigno non ha satis de classes de characterrolo: