Current Path : /usr/local/sitepad/editor/site-data/plugins/pagelayer/js/react/src/blocks/ |
Current File : //usr/local/sitepad/editor/site-data/plugins/pagelayer/js/react/src/blocks/row.js |
import { __ } from '@wordpress/i18n'; import { useInnerBlocksProps, InnerBlocks } from '@wordpress/block-editor'; import { useMemo, memo, useEffect, useState } from '@wordpress/element'; import { select, dispatch } from '@wordpress/data'; import { __experimentalBlockVariationPicker as BlockVariationPicker } from '@wordpress/block-editor'; import { createBlocksFromInnerBlocksTemplate } from '@wordpress/blocks'; const Render = (props) =>{ const { _props, data } = props; const { clientId, isSelected, setAttributes } = _props; const { atts, tmp, id, tag} = data; const sc = 'pagelayer/pl-col'; const ALLOWED = [sc]; const { getBlocks } = select( 'core/block-editor' ); const hasChildrens = getBlocks( clientId ); const currentChildCount = hasChildrens.length; const [initialChild, setInitialChild] = useState(currentChildCount); // Function to update child block attributes const updateChildAttributes = (childClientId, newAttributes) => { dispatch('core/block-editor').updateBlockAttributes(childClientId, newAttributes); }; // Rearrange columns useEffect(() => { if(currentChildCount == initialChild){ return; } setInitialChild(currentChildCount); var cols = Math.floor(12 / (currentChildCount)); var obj = {col: cols}; // Find out the number of cols of other cols hasChildrens.map((child) => { // Set the att updateChildAttributes( child.clientId, {...obj, 'col_width':''} ); }); }, [currentChildCount]); // Create group array const getGroupTemplate = useMemo( () => { return [ [sc] ]; }, [sc]); var InnerBlocksProps = { template: getGroupTemplate, templateLock: false, renderAppender: false, allowedBlocks: ALLOWED, orientation:"horizontal" }; var newProps = { className:`pagelayer-row-holder pagelayer-row pagelayer-auto pagelayer-width-${atts.width_content}`, }; const innerProps = useInnerBlocksProps(newProps, InnerBlocksProps); const blockVariationPickerOnSelect = ( nextVariation ) => { // Replace exiting content with new columns blocks if ( nextVariation.innerBlocks ) { setInitialChild(nextVariation.innerBlocks.length); dispatch( 'core/block-editor' ).replaceInnerBlocks(clientId, createBlocksFromInnerBlocksTemplate( nextVariation.innerBlocks ) ); } }; return ( <> { currentChildCount == 0 ? ( <div className="pagelayer-variation-div"> <BlockVariationPicker icon={( <svg version="1.0" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="25.000000pt" height="23.000000pt" viewBox="0 0 25.000000 23.000000" preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid meet"> <g> <path d="M4 6H20M4 12H20M4 18H20" stroke="#000000" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> </g> </svg> )} label={ __( 'Row' ) } variations={ Varitions() } instructions={ __('Please select a column layout.') } onSelect={ ( nextVariation ) => blockVariationPickerOnSelect( nextVariation ) } /> </div> ):( <> { atts?.bg_video_src && ( <div className="pagelayer-background-video" dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{ __html: atts.vid_src}}/> ) } { atts?.bg_slider && ( <div className="pagelayer-bgimg-slider" dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{ __html: atts.slider}}/> )} { atts?.parallax_img && ( <div className="pagelayer-parallax-window"> <img className="pagelayer-img" src={atts.parallax_img_src} title={tmp['parallax_img-title']} alt={tmp['parallax_img-alt']} /> </div> )} { atts?.row_shape_position && ( <div className="pagelayer-row-shape"> <div className="pagelayer-row-svg"> { atts?.row_shape_type_top && (<svg className="pagelayer-svg-top">{atts.svg_top}</svg>) } { atts?.row_shape_type_bottom && (<svg className="pagelayer-svg-bottom">{atts.svg_bottom}</svg>) } </div> </div> )} { atts?.overlay_type && (<div className="pagelayer-background-overlay"></div>)} <div {...innerProps} /> {isSelected && ( <div className="pagelayer-block-appender"> <InnerBlocks.ButtonBlockAppender /> </div> )} </> )} </> ); } const Varitions = () => { const sc = 'pagelayer/pl-col'; return [ { name: 'one-column', icon: ( <svg width="100" height="50" xmlns="https://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 100 54.54" > <path d="M385,133.37v54.54H285V133.37Z" transform="translate(-285 -133.37)" /> </svg> ), label: __('One Column'), innerBlocks: [ [ sc, { col: 12 } ] ], scope: [ 'block' ], }, { name: 'two-column-equal', icon: ( <svg width="100" height="50" xmlns="https://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 100 54.54" > <path d="M461,133.37v54.54H412V133.37Zm51,0v54.54H463V133.37Z" transform="translate(-412 -133.37)" /> </svg> ), label: __('Two columns equal split'), isDefault: true, innerBlocks: [ [ sc, { col: 6} ], [ sc, { col: 6} ], ], scope: [ 'block' ], }, { name: '75_25-column-split', icon: ( <svg width="100" height="50" viewBox="0 0 114 60" fill="none" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path fillRule="evenodd" clipRule="evenodd" d="M2.00001 0C0.895439 0 7.62939e-06 0.895447 7.62939e-06 2V58C7.62939e-06 59.1046 0.895439 60 2.00001 60H73C74.1046 60 75 59.1046 75 58V2C75 0.895447 74.1046 0 73 0H2.00001ZM79 0C77.8954 0 77 0.895447 77 2V58C77 59.1046 77.8954 60 79 60H112C113.105 60 114 59.1046 114 58V2C114 0.895447 113.105 0 112 0H79Z" fill="inherit" /> </svg> ), label: __('Seventy five tweenty five columns split'), innerBlocks: [ [ sc, { col: 9 } ], [ sc, { col: 3 } ], ], scope: [ 'block' ], }, { name: '25_75-column-split', icon: ( <svg width="100" height="50" viewBox="0 0 114 60" fill="none" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" > <path fillRule="evenodd" clipRule="evenodd" d="M35 60C36.1046 60 37 59.1046 37 58L37 2C37 0.895447 36.1046 0 35 0H2.00002C0.895447 0 1.52588e-05 0.895447 1.52588e-05 2L7.62939e-06 58C7.62939e-06 59.1046 0.895439 60 2.00001 60H35ZM112 60C113.105 60 114 59.1046 114 58V2C114 0.895447 113.105 0 112 0H41C39.8954 0 39 0.895447 39 2L39 58C39 59.1046 39.8954 60 41 60H112Z" fill="inherit" /> </svg> ), label: __('Tweenty five seventy five columns split'), innerBlocks: [ [ sc, { col: 3 } ], [ sc, { col: 9 } ], ], scope: [ 'block' ], }, { name: 'three-column-equal', icon: ( <svg width="100" height="50" viewBox="0 0 114 60" fill="none" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" > <path fillRule="evenodd" clipRule="evenodd" d="M0 2C0 0.895447 0.895432 0 2 0H35C36.1046 0 37 0.895447 37 2V58C37 59.1046 36.1046 60 35 60H2C0.895432 60 0 59.1046 0 58V2ZM39 2C39 0.895447 39.8954 0 41 0H73C74.1046 0 75 0.895447 75 2V58C75 59.1046 74.1046 60 73 60H41C39.8954 60 39 59.1046 39 58V2ZM79 0C77.8954 0 77 0.895447 77 2V58C77 59.1046 77.8954 60 79 60H112C113.105 60 114 59.1046 114 58V2C114 0.895447 113.105 0 112 0H79Z" fill="inherit" /> </svg> ), label: __('Three columns equal split'), innerBlocks: [ [ sc, { col: 4 } ], [ sc, { col: 4 } ], [ sc, { col: 4 } ], ], scope: [ 'block' ], }, { name: 'four-column-equal', icon: ( <svg width="100" height="50" viewBox="0 0 114 60" fill="none" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" > <path fillRule="evenodd" clipRule="evenodd" d="M2 0C0.895416 0 0 0.895447 0 2V58C0 59.1046 0.895416 60 2 60H25C26.1046 60 27 59.1046 27 58V2C27 0.895447 26.1046 0 25 0H2ZM31 0C29.8954 0 29 0.895447 29 2V58C29 59.1046 29.8954 60 31 60H54C55.1046 60 56 59.1046 56 58V2C56 0.895447 55.1046 0 54 0H31ZM89 0C87.8954 0 87 0.895447 87 2V58C87 59.1046 87.8954 60 89 60H112C113.105 60 114 59.1046 114 58V2C114 0.895447 113.105 0 112 0H89ZM58 2C58 0.895447 58.8954 0 60 0H83C84.1046 0 85 0.895447 85 2V58C85 59.1046 84.1046 60 83 60H60C58.8954 60 58 59.1046 58 58V2Z" fill="inherit" /> </svg> ), label: __('Four columns equal split'), innerBlocks: [ [ sc, { col: 3 } ], [ sc, { col: 3 } ], [ sc, { col: 3 } ], [ sc, { col: 3 } ], ], scope: [ 'block' ], }]; } export const RenderRowBlock = memo( Render );