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Current File : //usr/lib64/python3.6/site-packages/gi/overrides/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-36.pyc


��<_�1�@s�ddlZddlZddlZddlZddlmZddlmZddlm	Z	ddl
mZmZddlm
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get_loader)�PyGIDeprecationWarning)�CallableInfo)�	TYPE_NONE�TYPE_INVALID)�extend_pathcs�fdd�}|S)Ncs�j|_�j|_|S)N)�__name__�
__module__)�wrapper)�wrapped�� /usr/lib64/python3.6/__init__.py�assignszwraps.<locals>.assignr)rrr)rr
�wrapssrcs8eZdZdZ�fdd�Zdd�Zdd�Zdd	�Z�ZS)
�OverridesProxyModulez7Wraps a introspection module and contains all overridescstt|�j|j�||_dS)N)�superr�__init__r�_introspection_module)�self�introspection_module)�	__class__rr
zOverridesProxyModule.__init__cCst|j|�S)N)�getattrr)r�namerrr
�__getattr__&sz OverridesProxyModule.__getattr__cCs6tt|j��}|j|jj��|jt|j��t|�S)N)�set�dirr�update�__dict__�keysr�sorted)r�resultrrr
�__dir__)szOverridesProxyModule.__dir__cCsdt|�j|jfS)Nz<%s %r>)�typerr)rrrr
�__repr__/szOverridesProxyModule.__repr__)	rr	�__qualname__�__doc__rrr!r#�
__classcell__rr)rr
rc@s0eZdZdZdd�Zdd�Zdd�Zdd	�Zd
S)�_DeprecatedAttributez�A deprecation descriptor for OverridesProxyModule subclasses.

    Emits a PyGIDeprecationWarning on every access and tries to act as a
    normal instance attribute (can be replaced and deleted).
    cCs$||_||_td|||f�|_dS)Nz#%s.%s is deprecated; use %s instead)�_attr�_valuer�_warning)r�	namespace�attr�value�replacementrrr
stacklevel)�AttributeErrorr(�warnings�warnr*r))r�instance�ownerrrr
z_DeprecatedAttribute.__get__cCs$|j}tt|�|�t|||�dS)N)r(�delattrr"�setattr)rr4r-r,rrr
�__set__Gsz_DeprecatedAttribute.__set__cCstt|�|j�dS)N)r7r"r()rr4rrr
__delete__Msz_DeprecatedAttribute.__delete__N)rr	r$r%rr6r9r:rrrr
r'cCs�|jjdd�d}d|}|tjk}tjj|�}t|dtfi�}||�}|tj|<ddlm}t|d�snt	�|||<zHd|}yt
|�}	Wntk
r�d	}	YnX|	d	kr�|Stj
Wd	||=tj|=|r�|tj|<X||_g}t|
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|�}
�r.�w�YnXt|||
�r�t	d|��YnXt||�t||||�}t|||��qPW|S)
z�Loads overrides for an introspection module.

    Either returns the same module again in case there are no overrides or a
    proxy module including overrides. Doesn't cache the result.
gi.overrides.N�__all__z1%s was set deprecated but wasn't added to __all__���)r�rsplit�sysr=�getr"rZimporter�hasattr�AssertionErrorrr1�	importlib�
import_moduleZ_overrides_moduler>r�	TypeErrorr8�_deprecated_attrs�popr7r')rr+Z
proxy_type�proxyr=Zoverride_package_nameZoverride_loaderZoverride_modZoverride_all�var�itemr,r.r-�deprecated_attrrrr

rNcst|t�r>|}|jjdd�d}tjd|��fdd�}|St|tj�rXtd|��n�yt	|d�}Wn"t
r�td|j��YnX|jjd	�s�t
}tjd|�t�|j|�|SdS)aDecorator for registering an override.

    Other than objects added to __all__, these can get referenced in the same
    override module via the gi.repository module (get_parent_for_object() does
    for example), so they have to be added to the module immediately.
    r;r<zgi.repository.cst�|j|�|S)N)r8r)�func)�modulerr
�szoverride.<locals>.wrapperz"func must be a gi function, got %sZ__info__zKCan not override a type %s, which is not in a gobject introspection typelibzgi.overrideszUYou have tried override outside of the overrides module. This is not allowed (%s, %s)Nr?r?)�
isinstancerr	r@rAr=�types�FunctionTyperGrr1r�
�infoZg_typer)rPr
rWcst����fdd��}|S)z7Decorator for marking methods and classes as deprecatedcs$tjd�j�ftdd��||�S)Nz %s is deprecated; use %s insteadr/)r0)r2r3rr)�args�kwargs)�fnr.rr
zdeprecated.<locals>.wrapped)r)rZr.rr)rZr.r
deprecated�sr[cCstj|g�j||f�dS)a:Marks a module level attribute as deprecated. Accessing it will emit
    a PyGIDeprecationWarning warning.

    e.g. for ``deprecated_attr("GObject", "STATUS_FOO", "GLib.Status.FOO")``
    accessing GObject.STATUS_FOO will emit:

        "GObject.STATUS_FOO is deprecated; use GLib.Status.FOO instead"

    :param str namespace:
        The namespace of the override this is called in.
    :param str namespace:
        The attribute name (which gets added to __all__).
    :param str replacement:
        The replacement text which will be included in the warning.
setdefault�append)r+r,r.rrr
rM�srMr/cs�������fdd�}|S)aWrapper for deprecating GObject based __init__ methods which specify
    defaults already available or non-standard defaults.

    :param callable super_init_func:
        Initializer to wrap.
    :param list arg_names:
        Ordered argument name list.
    :param list ignore:
        List of argument names to ignore when calling the wrapped function.
        This is useful for function which take a non-standard keyword that is munged elsewhere.
    :param dict deprecated_aliases:
        Dictionary mapping a keyword alias to the actual g_object_newv keyword.
    :param dict deprecated_defaults:
        Dictionary of non-standard defaults that will be used when the
        keyword is not explicitly passed.
    :param Exception category:
        Exception category of the error.
    :param int stacklevel:
        Stack level for the deprecation passed on to warnings.warn
    :returns: Wrapped version of ``super_init_func`` which gives a deprecation
        warning when non-keyword args or aliases are used.
    :rtype: callable
    c	sZ|r:tjddj�dt|�����d�tt�|��}ni}|j|�g}x4�j�D](\}}||krV|j|�||<|j	|�qVW|r�tjddj�fdd�t
|��f��d�g}x2�j�D]&\}}||krΈ|||<|j	|�q�W|�r*tjddj�fd	d�t
z�Initializer for a GObject based classes with support for property
        sets through the use of explicit keyword arguments.
        z�Using positional arguments with the GObject constructor has been deprecated. Please specify keyword(s) for "%s" or use a class specific constructor. See: https://wiki.gnome.org/PyGObject/InitializerDeprecationsz, N)r0z�The keyword(s) "%s" have been deprecated in favor of "%s" respectively. See: https://wiki.gnome.org/PyGObject/InitializerDeprecationsc3s|]}�|VqdS)Nr)�.0�k)�deprecated_aliasesrr
�	<genexpr>/sz4deprecated_init.<locals>.new_init.<locals>.<genexpr>z�Initializer is relying on deprecated non-standard defaults. Please update to explicitly use: %s See: https://wiki.gnome.org/PyGObject/InitializerDeprecationsc3s|]}d|�|fVqdS)z%s=%sNr)r^r_)�deprecated_defaultsrr
ra>s)r2r3�join�len�dict�zipr�itemsrIr]r)	rrXrYZ
new_kwargsZaliases_used�key�aliasZ
defaults_usedr-)�	arg_names�categoryr`rb�ignorer0�super_init_funcrr


z!deprecated_init.<locals>.new_initr)rmrjrlr`rbrkr0rnr)rjrkr`rbrlr0rmr
�deprecated_init�s3rocst������fdd��}|S)aTranslate method's return value for stripping off success flag.

    There are a lot of methods which return a "success" boolean and have
    several out arguments. Translate such a method to return the out arguments
    on success and None on failure.
    csL�||�}|dr4t|�dkr&|dS|dd�Sn�rD��p@d���SdS)Nrr/r<zcall failed)rd)rXrY�ret)�exc_str�exc_type�fail_ret�methodrr
z%strip_boolean_result.<locals>.wrapped)r)rtrrrqrsrr)rqrrrsrtr
�strip_boolean_resultKsru)NNN)rRr2rErAZpkgutilrZgirZgi._girZ
ModuleTyper�objectr'rNrWZoverridefuncr[rM�tuplerorurrrr