Current Path : /usr/lib/python3.6/site-packages/future/backports/email/__pycache__/ |
Current File : //usr/lib/python3.6/site-packages/future/backports/email/__pycache__/header.cpython-36.opt-1.pyc |
3 �c�_ � @ sF d Z ddlmZ ddlmZ ddlmZ ddlmZmZmZm Z m Z dddgZdd lZdd l Z dd lmZ ddlmZ ddlmZ dd ljjjZdd lmZmZ ejZdZdZdZd!ZdZ dZ!dZ"ed�Z#ed�Z$ej%dej&ej'B ej(B �Z)ej%d�Z*ej%d�Z+dd� Z,d"dd�Z-G dd� de.�Z/G dd� de.�Z0G dd � d e1�Z2d S )#z+Header encoding and decoding functionality.� )�unicode_literals)�division)�absolute_import)�bytes�range�str�super�zip�Header� decode_header�make_headerN)�email)� base64mime)�HeaderParseError)�_max_append� header_decode� � � � � �N z zus-asciizutf-8ai =\? # literal =? (?P<charset>[^?]*?) # non-greedy up to the next ? is the charset \? # literal ? (?P<encoding>[qb]) # either a "q" or a "b", case insensitive \? # literal ? (?P<encoded>.*?) # non-greedy up to the next ?= is the encoded string \?= # literal ?= z[\041-\176]+:$z \n[^ \t]+:c C s� t | d�rdd� | jD �S tj| �s.| dfgS g }x�| j� D ]�}tj|�}d}xp|r�|jd�}|rn|j� }d}|r�|j|ddf� |rP|jd�j � }|jd�j � }|jd�}|j|||f� qPW q<W ddl } g } xVt|�D ]J\}}|dkr�|d r�||d d r�||d d j� r�| j|d � q�W xt | �D ]} || = �q2W g }x�|D ]�\}}}|dk�rp|j||f� n�|d k�r�t|�}|j||f� n||dk�rt|�d }|�r�|d dd| � 7 }ytj|�}W n tjk �r� td��Y nX |j||f� ntd| ���qLW g }d }}x~|D ]v\}}t|t��rDt|d�}|dk�rX|}|}nB||k�rz|j||f� |}|}n |dk�r�|t| 7 }n||7 }�q&W |j||f� |S )a; Decode a message header value without converting charset. Returns a list of (string, charset) pairs containing each of the decoded parts of the header. Charset is None for non-encoded parts of the header, otherwise a lower-case string containing the name of the character set specified in the encoded string. header may be a string that may or may not contain RFC2047 encoded words, or it may be a Header object. An email.errors.HeaderParseError may be raised when certain decoding error occurs (e.g. a base64 decoding exception). �_chunksc S s( g | ] \}}t j|t|��t|�f�qS � )�_charsetZ_encoder )�.0�string�charsetr r �/usr/lib/python3.6/header.py� <listcomp>N s z!decode_header.<locals>.<listcomp>NTr F� � �q�b� z===zBase64 decoding errorzUnexpected encoding: zraw-unicode-escape)�hasattrr �ecre�search� splitlines�split�pop�lstrip�append�lower�sys� enumerate�isspace�reversedr �lenr �decode�binascii�Errorr �AssertionError� isinstancer r �BSPACE)�headerZwords�line�parts�firstZ unencodedr �encodingZencodedr. Zdroplist�n�w�dZ decoded_wordsZencoded_stringZwordZpaderrZ collapsedZ last_word�last_charsetr r r r >