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"""Utilities for plugins discovery and selection."""
import itertools
import logging
import sys
from typing import Callable
from typing import cast
from typing import Dict
from typing import Iterable
from typing import Iterator
from typing import List
from typing import Mapping
from typing import Optional
from typing import Type
from typing import Union
import warnings

import pkg_resources
import zope.interface
import zope.interface.verify

from certbot import configuration
from certbot import errors
from certbot import interfaces
from certbot._internal import constants
from certbot.compat import os
from certbot.errors import Error

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

"""Distributions for which prefix will be omitted."""

class PluginEntryPoint:
    """Plugin entry point."""

    # this object is mutable, don't allow it to be hashed!
    __hash__ = None  # type: ignore

    def __init__(self, entry_point: pkg_resources.EntryPoint, with_prefix: bool = False) -> None:
        self.name = self.entry_point_to_plugin_name(entry_point, with_prefix)
        self.plugin_cls: Type[interfaces.Plugin] = entry_point.load()
        self.entry_point = entry_point
        self.warning_message: Optional[str] = None
        self._initialized: Optional[interfaces.Plugin] = None
        self._prepared: Optional[Union[bool, Error]] = None
        self._hidden = False
        self._long_description: Optional[str] = None

    def check_name(self, name: Optional[str]) -> bool:
        """Check if the name refers to this plugin."""
        if name == self.name:
            if self.warning_message:
            return True
        return False

    def entry_point_to_plugin_name(cls, entry_point: pkg_resources.EntryPoint,
                                   with_prefix: bool) -> str:
        """Unique plugin name for an ``entry_point``"""
        if with_prefix:
            if not entry_point.dist:
                raise errors.Error(f"Entrypoint {entry_point.name} has no distribution!")
            return entry_point.dist.key + ":" + entry_point.name
        return entry_point.name

    def description(self) -> str:
        """Description of the plugin."""
        return self.plugin_cls.description

    def description_with_name(self) -> str:
        """Description with name. Handy for UI."""
        return "{0} ({1})".format(self.description, self.name)

    def long_description(self) -> str:
        """Long description of the plugin."""
        if self._long_description:
            return self._long_description
        return getattr(self.plugin_cls, "long_description", self.description)

    def long_description(self, description: str) -> None:
        self._long_description = description

    def hidden(self) -> bool:
        """Should this plugin be hidden from UI?"""
        return self._hidden or getattr(self.plugin_cls, "hidden", False)

    def hidden(self, hide: bool) -> None:
        self._hidden = hide

    def ifaces(self, *ifaces_groups: Iterable[Type]) -> bool:
        """Does plugin implements specified interface groups?"""
        return not ifaces_groups or any(
            all(_implements(self.plugin_cls, iface)
                for iface in ifaces)
            for ifaces in ifaces_groups)

    def initialized(self) -> bool:
        """Has the plugin been initialized already?"""
        return self._initialized is not None

    def init(self, config: Optional[configuration.NamespaceConfig] = None) -> interfaces.Plugin:
        """Memoized plugin initialization."""
        if not self._initialized:
            self.entry_point.require()  # fetch extras!
            # For plugins implementing ABCs Plugin, Authenticator or Installer, the following
            # line will raise an exception if some implementations of abstract methods are missing.
            self._initialized = self.plugin_cls(config, self.name)
        return self._initialized

    def verify(self, ifaces: Iterable[Type]) -> bool:
        """Verify that the plugin conforms to the specified interfaces."""
        if not self.initialized:
            raise ValueError("Plugin is not initialized.")
        for iface in ifaces:  # zope.interface.providedBy(plugin)
            if not _verify(self.init(), self.plugin_cls, iface):
                return False

        return True

    def prepared(self) -> bool:
        """Has the plugin been prepared already?"""
        if not self.initialized:
            logger.debug(".prepared called on uninitialized %r", self)
        return self._prepared is not None

    def prepare(self) -> Union[bool, Error]:
        """Memoized plugin preparation."""
        if self._initialized is None:
            raise ValueError("Plugin is not initialized.")
        if self._prepared is None:
            except errors.MisconfigurationError as error:
                logger.debug("Misconfigured %r: %s", self, error, exc_info=True)
                self._prepared = error
            except errors.NoInstallationError as error:
                    "No installation (%r): %s", self, error, exc_info=True)
                self._prepared = error
            except errors.PluginError as error:
                logger.debug("Other error:(%r): %s", self, error, exc_info=True)
                self._prepared = error
                self._prepared = True
        # Mypy seems to fail to understand the actual type here, let's help it.
        return cast(Union[bool, Error], self._prepared)

    def misconfigured(self) -> bool:
        """Is plugin misconfigured?"""
        return isinstance(self._prepared, errors.MisconfigurationError)

    def problem(self) -> Optional[Exception]:
        """Return the Exception raised during plugin setup, or None if all is well"""
        if isinstance(self._prepared, Exception):
            return self._prepared
        return None

    def available(self) -> bool:
        """Is plugin available, i.e. prepared or misconfigured?"""
        return self._prepared is True or self.misconfigured

    def __repr__(self) -> str:
        return "PluginEntryPoint#{0}".format(self.name)

    def __str__(self) -> str:
        lines = [
            "* {0}".format(self.name),
            "Description: {0}".format(self.plugin_cls.description),
            "Interfaces: {0}".format(", ".join(
                cls.__name__ for cls in self.plugin_cls.mro()
                if cls.__module__ == 'certbot.interfaces'
            "Entry point: {0}".format(self.entry_point),

        if self.initialized:
            lines.append("Initialized: {0}".format(self.init()))
            if self.prepared:
                lines.append("Prep: {0}".format(self.prepare()))

        return "\n".join(lines)

class PluginsRegistry(Mapping):
    """Plugins registry."""

    def __init__(self, plugins: Mapping[str, PluginEntryPoint]) -> None:
        # plugins are sorted so the same order is used between runs.
        # This prevents deadlock caused by plugins acquiring a lock
        # and ensures at least one concurrent Certbot instance will run
        # successfully.
        self._plugins = dict(sorted(plugins.items()))

    def find_all(cls) -> 'PluginsRegistry':
        """Find plugins using setuptools entry points."""
        plugins: Dict[str, PluginEntryPoint] = {}
        plugin_paths_string = os.getenv('CERTBOT_PLUGIN_PATH')
        plugin_paths = plugin_paths_string.split(':') if plugin_paths_string else []
        # XXX should ensure this only happens once
        for plugin_path in plugin_paths:
        entry_points = itertools.chain(
        for entry_point in entry_points:
            plugin_ep = cls._load_entry_point(entry_point, plugins, with_prefix=False)
            # entry_point.dist cannot be None here, we would have blown up
            # earlier, however, this assertion is needed for mypy.
            assert entry_point.dist is not None
            if entry_point.dist.key not in PREFIX_FREE_DISTRIBUTIONS:
                prefixed_plugin_ep = cls._load_entry_point(entry_point, plugins, with_prefix=True)
                prefixed_plugin_ep.hidden = True
                message = (
                    "Plugin legacy name {0} may be removed in a future version. "
                    "Please use {1} instead.").format(prefixed_plugin_ep.name, plugin_ep.name)
                prefixed_plugin_ep.warning_message = message
                prefixed_plugin_ep.long_description = "(WARNING: {0}) {1}".format(
                    message, prefixed_plugin_ep.long_description)

        return cls(plugins)

    def _load_entry_point(cls, entry_point: pkg_resources.EntryPoint,
                          plugins: Dict[str, PluginEntryPoint],
                          with_prefix: bool) -> PluginEntryPoint:
        plugin_ep = PluginEntryPoint(entry_point, with_prefix)
        if plugin_ep.name in plugins:
            other_ep = plugins[plugin_ep.name]
            plugin1 = plugin_ep.entry_point.dist.key if plugin_ep.entry_point.dist else "unknown"
            plugin2 = other_ep.entry_point.dist.key if other_ep.entry_point.dist else "unknown"
            raise Exception("Duplicate plugin name {0} from {1} and {2}.".format(
                plugin_ep.name, plugin1, plugin2))
        if _provides(plugin_ep.plugin_cls, interfaces.Plugin):
            plugins[plugin_ep.name] = plugin_ep
        else:  # pragma: no cover
                "%r does not inherit from Plugin, skipping", plugin_ep)

        return plugin_ep

    def __getitem__(self, name: str) -> PluginEntryPoint:
        return self._plugins[name]

    def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[str]:
        return iter(self._plugins)

    def __len__(self) -> int:
        return len(self._plugins)

    def init(self, config: configuration.NamespaceConfig) -> List[interfaces.Plugin]:
        """Initialize all plugins in the registry."""
        return [plugin_ep.init(config) for plugin_ep
                in self._plugins.values()]

    def filter(self, pred: Callable[[PluginEntryPoint], bool]) -> "PluginsRegistry":
        """Filter plugins based on predicate."""
        return type(self)({name: plugin_ep for name, plugin_ep
                           in self._plugins.items() if pred(plugin_ep)})

    def visible(self) -> "PluginsRegistry":
        """Filter plugins based on visibility."""
        return self.filter(lambda plugin_ep: not plugin_ep.hidden)

    def ifaces(self, *ifaces_groups: Iterable[Type]) -> "PluginsRegistry":
        """Filter plugins based on interfaces."""
        return self.filter(lambda p_ep: p_ep.ifaces(*ifaces_groups))

    def verify(self, ifaces: Iterable[Type]) -> "PluginsRegistry":
        """Filter plugins based on verification."""
        return self.filter(lambda p_ep: p_ep.verify(ifaces))

    def prepare(self) -> List[Union[bool, Error]]:
        """Prepare all plugins in the registry."""
        return [plugin_ep.prepare() for plugin_ep in self._plugins.values()]

    def available(self) -> "PluginsRegistry":
        """Filter plugins based on availability."""
        return self.filter(lambda p_ep: p_ep.available)
        # successfully prepared + misconfigured

    def find_init(self, plugin: interfaces.Plugin) -> Optional[PluginEntryPoint]:
        """Find an initialized plugin.

        This is particularly useful for finding a name for the plugin::

          # plugin is an instance providing Plugin, initialized
          # somewhere else in the code

        Returns ``None`` if ``plugin`` is not found in the registry.

        # use list instead of set because PluginEntryPoint is not hashable
        candidates = [plugin_ep for plugin_ep in self._plugins.values()
                      if plugin_ep.initialized and plugin_ep.init() is plugin]
        assert len(candidates) <= 1
        if candidates:
            return candidates[0]
        return None

    def __repr__(self) -> str:
        return "{0}({1})".format(
            self.__class__.__name__, ','.join(
                repr(p_ep) for p_ep in self._plugins.values()))

    def __str__(self) -> str:
        if not self._plugins:
            return "No plugins"
        return "\n\n".join(str(p_ep) for p_ep in self._plugins.values())

_DEPRECATION_PLUGIN = ("Zope interface certbot.interfaces.IPlugin is deprecated, "
                       "use ABC certbot.interface.Plugin instead.")

_DEPRECATION_AUTHENTICATOR = ("Zope interface certbot.interfaces.IAuthenticator is deprecated, "
                              "use ABC certbot.interface.Authenticator instead.")

_DEPRECATION_INSTALLER = ("Zope interface certbot.interfaces.IInstaller is deprecated, "
                          "use ABC certbot.interface.Installer instead.")

_DEPRECATION_FACTORY = ("Zope interface certbot.interfaces.IPluginFactory is deprecated, "
                        "use ABC certbot.interface.Plugin instead.")

def _provides(target_class: Type[interfaces.Plugin], iface: Type) -> bool:
    if issubclass(target_class, iface):
        return True

    if iface == interfaces.Plugin and interfaces.IPluginFactory.providedBy(target_class):
        warnings.warn(_DEPRECATION_FACTORY, DeprecationWarning)
        return True

    return False

def _implements(target_class: Type[interfaces.Plugin], iface: Type) -> bool:
    if issubclass(target_class, iface):
        return True

    if iface == interfaces.Plugin and interfaces.IPlugin.implementedBy(target_class):
        warnings.warn(_DEPRECATION_PLUGIN, DeprecationWarning)
        return True

    if iface == interfaces.Authenticator and interfaces.IAuthenticator.implementedBy(target_class):
        warnings.warn(_DEPRECATION_AUTHENTICATOR, DeprecationWarning)
        return True

    if iface == interfaces.Installer and interfaces.IInstaller.implementedBy(target_class):
        warnings.warn(_DEPRECATION_INSTALLER, DeprecationWarning)
        return True

    return False

def _verify(target_instance: interfaces.Plugin, target_class: Type[interfaces.Plugin],
            iface: Type) -> bool:
    if issubclass(target_class, iface):
        # No need to trigger some verify logic for ABCs: when the object is instantiated,
        # an error would be raised if implementation is not done properly.
        # So the checks have been done effectively when the plugin has been initialized.
        return True

    zope_iface: Optional[Type[zope.interface.Interface]] = None
    message = ""

    if iface == interfaces.Plugin:
        zope_iface = interfaces.IPlugin
        message = _DEPRECATION_PLUGIN
    if iface == interfaces.Authenticator:
        zope_iface = interfaces.IAuthenticator
    if iface == interfaces.Installer:
        zope_iface = interfaces.IInstaller
        message = _DEPRECATION_INSTALLER

    if not zope_iface:
        raise ValueError(f"Unexpected type: {iface.__name__}")

        zope.interface.verify.verifyObject(zope_iface, target_instance)
        warnings.warn(message, DeprecationWarning)
        return True
    except zope.interface.exceptions.BrokenImplementation as error:
        if zope_iface.implementedBy(target_class):
                "%s implements %s but object does not verify: %s",
                target_class, zope_iface.__name__, error, exc_info=True)

    return False