Current Path : /usr/lib/python3.6/site-packages/certbot/_internal/display/__pycache__/ |
Current File : //usr/lib/python3.6/site-packages/certbot/_internal/display/__pycache__/completer.cpython-36.pyc |
3 گaU � @ s� d Z ddlZddlmZ ddlmZ ddlmZ ddlmZ ddlmZ ddlm Z e rddd l mZ yddlZW n" e k r� ddljjjZY nX G d d� d�ZdS )z8Provides Tab completion when prompting users for a path.� N)� TracebackType)�Callable)�Iterator)�Optional)�Type)� TYPE_CHECKING)�Literalc @ sf e Zd ZdZdd�dd�Zeeee d�dd�Zdd�d d �Z ee e ee ee dd�d d�Z dS )� Completera/ Provides Tab completion when prompting users for a path. This class is meant to be used with readline to provide Tab completion for users entering paths. The complete method can be passed to readline.set_completer directly, however, this function works best as a context manager. For example: with Completer(): raw_input() In this example, Tab completion will be available during the call to raw_input above, however, readline will be restored to its previous state when exiting the body of the with statement. N)�returnc C s | | | d S )N� )�selfr r �/usr/lib/python3.6/completer.py�__init__% s zCompleter.__init__)�text�stater c C s$ |dkrt j|d �| _t| jd�S )a( Provides path completion for use with readline. :param str text: text to offer completions for :param int state: which completion to return :returns: possible completion for text or ``None`` if all completions have been returned :rtype: str r �*N)�globZiglobZ_iter�next)r r r r r r �complete* s zCompleter.completec C sX t j� | _t j� | _t j| j� t jd� t jd k rJdt jkrJt j d� n t j d� d S )Nz ;�libeditzbind ^I rl_completez tab: complete) �readlineZ get_completer�_original_completerZget_completer_delims�_original_delims� set_completerr �set_completer_delims�__doc__�parse_and_bind)r r r r � __enter__9 s zCompleter.__enter__zLiteral[False])�unused_type�unused_value�unused_tracebackr c C s t j| j� t j| j� dS )NF)r r r r r )r r r r r r r �__exit__G s zCompleter.__exit__)�__name__� __module__�__qualname__r r �str�intr r r r � BaseExceptionr r! r r r r r s r )r r �typesr Ztypingr r r r r Ztyping_extensionsr r �ImportErrorZ(certbot._internal.display.dummy_readlineZ _internalZdisplayZdummy_readliner r r r r �<module> s