Current Path : /proc/thread-self/root/usr/lib/python3.6/site-packages/certbot/_internal/cli/ |
Current File : //proc/thread-self/root/usr/lib/python3.6/site-packages/certbot/_internal/cli/__init__.py |
"""Certbot command line argument & config processing.""" # pylint: disable=too-many-lines import argparse import logging import logging.handlers import sys from typing import Any from typing import List from typing import Optional from typing import Type import certbot from certbot._internal import constants from certbot._internal.cli.cli_constants import ARGPARSE_PARAMS_TO_REMOVE from certbot._internal.cli.cli_constants import cli_command from certbot._internal.cli.cli_constants import COMMAND_OVERVIEW from certbot._internal.cli.cli_constants import DEPRECATED_OPTIONS from certbot._internal.cli.cli_constants import EXIT_ACTIONS from certbot._internal.cli.cli_constants import HELP_AND_VERSION_USAGE from certbot._internal.cli.cli_constants import SHORT_USAGE from certbot._internal.cli.cli_constants import VAR_MODIFIERS from certbot._internal.cli.cli_constants import ZERO_ARG_ACTIONS from certbot._internal.cli.cli_utils import _Default from certbot._internal.cli.cli_utils import _DeployHookAction from certbot._internal.cli.cli_utils import _DomainsAction from certbot._internal.cli.cli_utils import _EncodeReasonAction from certbot._internal.cli.cli_utils import _PrefChallAction from certbot._internal.cli.cli_utils import _RenewHookAction from certbot._internal.cli.cli_utils import _user_agent_comment_type from certbot._internal.cli.cli_utils import add_domains from certbot._internal.cli.cli_utils import CaseInsensitiveList from certbot._internal.cli.cli_utils import config_help from certbot._internal.cli.cli_utils import CustomHelpFormatter from certbot._internal.cli.cli_utils import flag_default from certbot._internal.cli.cli_utils import HelpfulArgumentGroup from certbot._internal.cli.cli_utils import nonnegative_int from certbot._internal.cli.cli_utils import parse_preferred_challenges from certbot._internal.cli.cli_utils import read_file from certbot._internal.cli.group_adder import _add_all_groups from certbot._internal.cli.helpful import HelpfulArgumentParser from certbot._internal.cli.paths_parser import _paths_parser from certbot._internal.cli.plugins_parsing import _plugins_parsing from certbot._internal.cli.subparsers import _create_subparsers from certbot._internal.cli.verb_help import VERB_HELP from certbot._internal.cli.verb_help import VERB_HELP_MAP from certbot._internal.plugins import disco as plugins_disco import certbot._internal.plugins.selection as plugin_selection from certbot.plugins import enhancements logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) # Global, to save us from a lot of argument passing within the scope of this module helpful_parser: Optional[HelpfulArgumentParser] = None def prepare_and_parse_args(plugins: plugins_disco.PluginsRegistry, args: List[str], detect_defaults: bool = False) -> argparse.Namespace: """Returns parsed command line arguments. :param .PluginsRegistry plugins: available plugins :param list args: command line arguments with the program name removed :returns: parsed command line arguments :rtype: argparse.Namespace """ helpful = HelpfulArgumentParser(args, plugins, detect_defaults) _add_all_groups(helpful) # --help is automatically provided by argparse helpful.add( None, "-v", "--verbose", dest="verbose_count", action="count", default=flag_default("verbose_count"), help="This flag can be used " "multiple times to incrementally increase the verbosity of output, " "e.g. -vvv.") # This is for developers to set the level in the cli.ini, and overrides # the --verbose flag helpful.add( None, "--verbose-level", dest="verbose_level", default=flag_default("verbose_level"), help=argparse.SUPPRESS) helpful.add( None, "-t", "--text", dest="text_mode", action="store_true", default=flag_default("text_mode"), help=argparse.SUPPRESS) helpful.add( None, "--max-log-backups", type=nonnegative_int, default=flag_default("max_log_backups"), help="Specifies the maximum number of backup logs that should " "be kept by Certbot's built in log rotation. Setting this " "flag to 0 disables log rotation entirely, causing " "Certbot to always append to the same log file.") helpful.add( None, "--preconfigured-renewal", dest="preconfigured_renewal", action="store_true", default=flag_default("preconfigured_renewal"), help=argparse.SUPPRESS ) helpful.add( [None, "automation", "run", "certonly", "enhance"], "-n", "--non-interactive", "--noninteractive", dest="noninteractive_mode", action="store_true", default=flag_default("noninteractive_mode"), help="Run without ever asking for user input. This may require " "additional command line flags; the client will try to explain " "which ones are required if it finds one missing") helpful.add( [None, "register", "run", "certonly", "enhance"], constants.FORCE_INTERACTIVE_FLAG, action="store_true", default=flag_default("force_interactive"), help="Force Certbot to be interactive even if it detects it's not " "being run in a terminal. This flag cannot be used with the " "renew subcommand.") helpful.add( [None, "run", "certonly", "certificates", "enhance"], "-d", "--domains", "--domain", dest="domains", metavar="DOMAIN", action=_DomainsAction, default=flag_default("domains"), help="Domain names to apply. For multiple domains you can use " "multiple -d flags or enter a comma separated list of domains " "as a parameter. The first domain provided will be the " "subject CN of the certificate, and all domains will be " "Subject Alternative Names on the certificate. " "The first domain will also be used in " "some software user interfaces and as the file paths for the " "certificate and related material unless otherwise " "specified or you already have a certificate with the same " "name. In the case of a name collision it will append a number " "like 0001 to the file path name. (default: Ask)") helpful.add( [None, "run", "certonly", "register"], "--eab-kid", dest="eab_kid", metavar="EAB_KID", help="Key Identifier for External Account Binding" ) helpful.add( [None, "run", "certonly", "register"], "--eab-hmac-key", dest="eab_hmac_key", metavar="EAB_HMAC_KEY", help="HMAC key for External Account Binding" ) helpful.add( [None, "run", "certonly", "manage", "delete", "certificates", "renew", "enhance"], "--cert-name", dest="certname", metavar="CERTNAME", default=flag_default("certname"), help="Certificate name to apply. This name is used by Certbot for housekeeping " "and in file paths; it doesn't affect the content of the certificate itself. " "To see certificate names, run 'certbot certificates'. " "When creating a new certificate, specifies the new certificate's name. " "(default: the first provided domain or the name of an existing " "certificate on your system for the same domains)") helpful.add( [None, "testing", "renew", "certonly"], "--dry-run", action="store_true", dest="dry_run", default=flag_default("dry_run"), help="Perform a test run of the client, obtaining test (invalid) certificates" " but not saving them to disk. This can currently only be used" " with the 'certonly' and 'renew' subcommands. \nNote: Although --dry-run" " tries to avoid making any persistent changes on a system, it " " is not completely side-effect free: if used with webserver authenticator plugins" " like apache and nginx, it makes and then reverts temporary config changes" " in order to obtain test certificates, and reloads webservers to deploy and then" " roll back those changes. It also calls --pre-hook and --post-hook commands" " if they are defined because they may be necessary to accurately simulate" " renewal. --deploy-hook commands are not called.") helpful.add( ["register", "automation"], "--register-unsafely-without-email", action="store_true", default=flag_default("register_unsafely_without_email"), help="Specifying this flag enables registering an account with no " "email address. This is strongly discouraged, because you will be " "unable to receive notice about impending expiration or " "revocation of your certificates or problems with your Certbot " "installation that will lead to failure to renew.") helpful.add( ["register", "update_account", "unregister", "automation"], "-m", "--email", default=flag_default("email"), help=config_help("email")) helpful.add(["register", "update_account", "automation"], "--eff-email", action="store_true", default=flag_default("eff_email"), dest="eff_email", help="Share your e-mail address with EFF") helpful.add(["register", "update_account", "automation"], "--no-eff-email", action="store_false", default=flag_default("eff_email"), dest="eff_email", help="Don't share your e-mail address with EFF") helpful.add( ["automation", "certonly", "run"], "--keep-until-expiring", "--keep", "--reinstall", dest="reinstall", action="store_true", default=flag_default("reinstall"), help="If the requested certificate matches an existing certificate, always keep the " "existing one until it is due for renewal (for the " "'run' subcommand this means reinstall the existing certificate). (default: Ask)") helpful.add( "automation", "--expand", action="store_true", default=flag_default("expand"), help="If an existing certificate is a strict subset of the requested names, " "always expand and replace it with the additional names. (default: Ask)") helpful.add( "automation", "--version", action="version", version="%(prog)s {0}".format(certbot.__version__), help="show program's version number and exit") helpful.add( ["automation", "renew"], "--force-renewal", "--renew-by-default", dest="renew_by_default", action="store_true", default=flag_default("renew_by_default"), help="If a certificate " "already exists for the requested domains, renew it now, " "regardless of whether it is near expiry. (Often " "--keep-until-expiring is more appropriate). Also implies " "--expand.") helpful.add( "automation", "--renew-with-new-domains", dest="renew_with_new_domains", action="store_true", default=flag_default("renew_with_new_domains"), help="If a " "certificate already exists for the requested certificate name " "but does not match the requested domains, renew it now, " "regardless of whether it is near expiry.") helpful.add( "automation", "--reuse-key", dest="reuse_key", action="store_true", default=flag_default("reuse_key"), help="When renewing, use the same private key as the existing " "certificate.") helpful.add( "automation", "--no-reuse-key", dest="reuse_key", action="store_false", default=flag_default("reuse_key"), help="When renewing, do not use the same private key as the existing " "certificate. Not reusing private keys is the default behavior of " "Certbot. This option may be used to unset --reuse-key on an " "existing certificate.") helpful.add( ["automation", "renew", "certonly"], "--allow-subset-of-names", action="store_true", default=flag_default("allow_subset_of_names"), help="When performing domain validation, do not consider it a failure " "if authorizations can not be obtained for a strict subset of " "the requested domains. This may be useful for allowing renewals for " "multiple domains to succeed even if some domains no longer point " "at this system. This option cannot be used with --csr.") helpful.add( "automation", "--agree-tos", dest="tos", action="store_true", default=flag_default("tos"), help="Agree to the ACME Subscriber Agreement (default: Ask)") helpful.add( ["unregister", "automation"], "--account", metavar="ACCOUNT_ID", default=flag_default("account"), help="Account ID to use") helpful.add( "automation", "--duplicate", dest="duplicate", action="store_true", default=flag_default("duplicate"), help="Allow making a certificate lineage that duplicates an existing one " "(both can be renewed in parallel)") helpful.add( ["automation", "renew", "certonly", "run"], "-q", "--quiet", dest="quiet", action="store_true", default=flag_default("quiet"), help="Silence all output except errors. Useful for automation via cron." " Implies --non-interactive.") # overwrites server, handled in HelpfulArgumentParser.parse_args() helpful.add(["testing", "revoke", "run"], "--test-cert", "--staging", dest="staging", action="store_true", default=flag_default("staging"), help="Use the staging server to obtain or revoke test (invalid) certificates; equivalent" " to --server " + constants.STAGING_URI) helpful.add( "testing", "--debug", action="store_true", default=flag_default("debug"), help="Show tracebacks in case of errors") helpful.add( [None, "certonly", "run"], "--debug-challenges", action="store_true", default=flag_default("debug_challenges"), help="After setting up challenges, wait for user input before " "submitting to CA") helpful.add( "testing", "--no-verify-ssl", action="store_true", help=config_help("no_verify_ssl"), default=flag_default("no_verify_ssl")) helpful.add( ["testing", "standalone", "manual"], "--http-01-port", type=int, dest="http01_port", default=flag_default("http01_port"), help=config_help("http01_port")) helpful.add( ["testing", "standalone"], "--http-01-address", dest="http01_address", default=flag_default("http01_address"), help=config_help("http01_address")) helpful.add( ["testing", "nginx"], "--https-port", type=int, default=flag_default("https_port"), help=config_help("https_port")) helpful.add( "testing", "--break-my-certs", action="store_true", default=flag_default("break_my_certs"), help="Be willing to replace or renew valid certificates with invalid " "(testing/staging) certificates") helpful.add( "security", "--rsa-key-size", type=int, metavar="N", default=flag_default("rsa_key_size"), help=config_help("rsa_key_size")) helpful.add( "security", "--key-type", choices=['rsa', 'ecdsa'], type=str, default=flag_default("key_type"), help=config_help("key_type")) helpful.add( "security", "--elliptic-curve", type=str, choices=[ 'secp256r1', 'secp384r1', 'secp521r1', ], metavar="N", default=flag_default("elliptic_curve"), help=config_help("elliptic_curve")) helpful.add( "security", "--must-staple", action="store_true", dest="must_staple", default=flag_default("must_staple"), help=config_help("must_staple")) helpful.add( ["security", "enhance"], "--redirect", action="store_true", dest="redirect", default=flag_default("redirect"), help="Automatically redirect all HTTP traffic to HTTPS for the newly " "authenticated vhost. (default: redirect enabled for install and run, " "disabled for enhance)") helpful.add( "security", "--no-redirect", action="store_false", dest="redirect", default=flag_default("redirect"), help="Do not automatically redirect all HTTP traffic to HTTPS for the newly " "authenticated vhost. (default: redirect enabled for install and run, " "disabled for enhance)") helpful.add( ["security", "enhance"], "--hsts", action="store_true", dest="hsts", default=flag_default("hsts"), help="Add the Strict-Transport-Security header to every HTTP response." " Forcing browser to always use SSL for the domain." " Defends against SSL Stripping.") helpful.add( "security", "--no-hsts", action="store_false", dest="hsts", default=flag_default("hsts"), help=argparse.SUPPRESS) helpful.add( ["security", "enhance"], "--uir", action="store_true", dest="uir", default=flag_default("uir"), help='Add the "Content-Security-Policy: upgrade-insecure-requests"' ' header to every HTTP response. Forcing the browser to use' ' https:// for every http:// resource.') helpful.add( "security", "--no-uir", action="store_false", dest="uir", default=flag_default("uir"), help=argparse.SUPPRESS) helpful.add( "security", "--staple-ocsp", action="store_true", dest="staple", default=flag_default("staple"), help="Enables OCSP Stapling. A valid OCSP response is stapled to" " the certificate that the server offers during TLS.") helpful.add( "security", "--no-staple-ocsp", action="store_false", dest="staple", default=flag_default("staple"), help=argparse.SUPPRESS) helpful.add( "security", "--strict-permissions", action="store_true", default=flag_default("strict_permissions"), help="Require that all configuration files are owned by the current " "user; only needed if your config is somewhere unsafe like /tmp/") helpful.add( [None, "certonly", "renew", "run"], "--preferred-chain", dest="preferred_chain", default=flag_default("preferred_chain"), help=config_help("preferred_chain") ) helpful.add( ["manual", "standalone", "certonly", "renew"], "--preferred-challenges", dest="pref_challs", action=_PrefChallAction, default=flag_default("pref_challs"), help='A sorted, comma delimited list of the preferred challenge to ' 'use during authorization with the most preferred challenge ' 'listed first (Eg, "dns" or "http,dns"). ' 'Not all plugins support all challenges. See ' 'https://certbot.eff.org/docs/using.html#plugins for details. ' 'ACME Challenges are versioned, but if you pick "http" rather ' 'than "http-01", Certbot will select the latest version ' 'automatically.') helpful.add( [None, "certonly", "run"], "--issuance-timeout", type=nonnegative_int, dest="issuance_timeout", default=flag_default("issuance_timeout"), help=config_help("issuance_timeout")) helpful.add( "renew", "--pre-hook", help="Command to be run in a shell before obtaining any certificates." " Intended primarily for renewal, where it can be used to temporarily" " shut down a webserver that might conflict with the standalone" " plugin. This will only be called if a certificate is actually to be" " obtained/renewed. When renewing several certificates that have" " identical pre-hooks, only the first will be executed.") helpful.add( "renew", "--post-hook", help="Command to be run in a shell after attempting to obtain/renew" " certificates. Can be used to deploy renewed certificates, or to" " restart any servers that were stopped by --pre-hook. This is only" " run if an attempt was made to obtain/renew a certificate. If" " multiple renewed certificates have identical post-hooks, only" " one will be run.") helpful.add("renew", "--renew-hook", action=_RenewHookAction, help=argparse.SUPPRESS) helpful.add( "renew", "--no-random-sleep-on-renew", action="store_false", default=flag_default("random_sleep_on_renew"), dest="random_sleep_on_renew", help=argparse.SUPPRESS) helpful.add( "renew", "--deploy-hook", action=_DeployHookAction, help='Command to be run in a shell once for each successfully' ' issued certificate. For this command, the shell variable' ' $RENEWED_LINEAGE will point to the config live subdirectory' ' (for example, "/etc/letsencrypt/live/example.com") containing' ' the new certificates and keys; the shell variable' ' $RENEWED_DOMAINS will contain a space-delimited list of' ' renewed certificate domains (for example, "example.com' ' www.example.com"') helpful.add( "renew", "--disable-hook-validation", action="store_false", dest="validate_hooks", default=flag_default("validate_hooks"), help="Ordinarily the commands specified for" " --pre-hook/--post-hook/--deploy-hook will be checked for" " validity, to see if the programs being run are in the $PATH," " so that mistakes can be caught early, even when the hooks" " aren't being run just yet. The validation is rather" " simplistic and fails if you use more advanced shell" " constructs, so you can use this switch to disable it." " (default: False)") helpful.add( "renew", "--no-directory-hooks", action="store_false", default=flag_default("directory_hooks"), dest="directory_hooks", help="Disable running executables found in Certbot's hook directories" " during renewal. (default: False)") helpful.add( "renew", "--disable-renew-updates", action="store_true", default=flag_default("disable_renew_updates"), dest="disable_renew_updates", help="Disable automatic updates to your server configuration that" " would otherwise be done by the selected installer plugin, and triggered" " when the user executes \"certbot renew\", regardless of if the certificate" " is renewed. This setting does not apply to important TLS configuration" " updates.") helpful.add( "renew", "--no-autorenew", action="store_false", default=flag_default("autorenew"), dest="autorenew", help="Disable auto renewal of certificates.") # Deprecated arguments helpful.add_deprecated_argument("--os-packages-only", 0) helpful.add_deprecated_argument("--no-self-upgrade", 0) helpful.add_deprecated_argument("--no-bootstrap", 0) helpful.add_deprecated_argument("--no-permissions-check", 0) # Populate the command line parameters for new style enhancements enhancements.populate_cli(helpful.add) _create_subparsers(helpful) _paths_parser(helpful) # _plugins_parsing should be the last thing to act upon the main # parser (--help should display plugin-specific options last) _plugins_parsing(helpful, plugins) if not detect_defaults: global helpful_parser # pylint: disable=global-statement helpful_parser = helpful return helpful.parse_args() def set_by_cli(var: str) -> bool: """ Return True if a particular config variable has been set by the user (CLI or config file) including if the user explicitly set it to the default. Returns False if the variable was assigned a default value. """ # We should probably never actually hit this code. But if we do, # a deprecated option has logically never been set by the CLI. if var in DEPRECATED_OPTIONS: return False detector = set_by_cli.detector # type: ignore if detector is None and helpful_parser is not None: # Setup on first run: `detector` is a weird version of config in which # the default value of every attribute is wrangled to be boolean-false plugins = plugins_disco.PluginsRegistry.find_all() # reconstructed_args == sys.argv[1:], or whatever was passed to main() reconstructed_args = helpful_parser.args + [helpful_parser.verb] detector = set_by_cli.detector = prepare_and_parse_args( # type: ignore plugins, reconstructed_args, detect_defaults=True) # propagate plugin requests: eg --standalone modifies config.authenticator detector.authenticator, detector.installer = ( plugin_selection.cli_plugin_requests(detector)) if not isinstance(getattr(detector, var), _Default): logger.debug("Var %s=%s (set by user).", var, getattr(detector, var)) return True for modifier in VAR_MODIFIERS.get(var, []): if set_by_cli(modifier): logger.debug("Var %s=%s (set by user).", var, VAR_MODIFIERS.get(var, [])) return True return False # static housekeeping var # functions attributed are not supported by mypy # https://github.com/python/mypy/issues/2087 set_by_cli.detector = None # type: ignore def has_default_value(option: str, value: Any) -> bool: """Does option have the default value? If the default value of option is not known, False is returned. :param str option: configuration variable being considered :param value: value of the configuration variable named option :returns: True if option has the default value, otherwise, False :rtype: bool """ if helpful_parser is not None: return (option in helpful_parser.defaults and helpful_parser.defaults[option] == value) return False def option_was_set(option: str, value: Any) -> bool: """Was option set by the user or does it differ from the default? :param str option: configuration variable being considered :param value: value of the configuration variable named option :returns: True if the option was set, otherwise, False :rtype: bool """ # If an option is deprecated, it was effectively not set by the user. if option in DEPRECATED_OPTIONS: return False return set_by_cli(option) or not has_default_value(option, value) def argparse_type(variable: Any) -> Type: """Return our argparse type function for a config variable (default: str)""" # pylint: disable=protected-access if helpful_parser is not None: for action in helpful_parser.parser._actions: if action.type is not None and action.dest == variable: return action.type return str