Current Path : /proc/thread-self/root/proc/thread-self/root/usr/lib/python3.6/site-packages/dnf/yum/ |
Current File : //proc/thread-self/root/proc/thread-self/root/usr/lib/python3.6/site-packages/dnf/yum/rpmtrans.py |
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Library General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. # Copyright 2005 Duke University # Parts Copyright 2007 Red Hat, Inc from __future__ import print_function, absolute_import from __future__ import unicode_literals import libdnf.transaction from dnf.i18n import _, ucd import dnf.callback import dnf.transaction import dnf.util import rpm import os import logging import sys import tempfile import traceback import warnings # TODO: merge w/ libdnf # transaction set states TS_UPDATE = 10 TS_INSTALL = 20 TS_ERASE = 40 TS_OBSOLETED = 50 TS_OBSOLETING = 60 TS_AVAILABLE = 70 TS_UPDATED = 90 TS_FAILED = 100 TS_INSTALL_STATES = [TS_INSTALL, TS_UPDATE, TS_OBSOLETING] TS_REMOVE_STATES = [TS_ERASE, TS_OBSOLETED, TS_UPDATED] RPM_ACTIONS_SET = {libdnf.transaction.TransactionItemAction_INSTALL, libdnf.transaction.TransactionItemAction_DOWNGRADE, libdnf.transaction.TransactionItemAction_DOWNGRADED, libdnf.transaction.TransactionItemAction_OBSOLETE, libdnf.transaction.TransactionItemAction_OBSOLETED, libdnf.transaction.TransactionItemAction_UPGRADE, libdnf.transaction.TransactionItemAction_UPGRADED, libdnf.transaction.TransactionItemAction_REMOVE, libdnf.transaction.TransactionItemAction_REINSTALLED} logger = logging.getLogger('dnf') def _add_deprecated_action(name): """ Wrapper to return a deprecated action constant while printing a deprecation warning. """ @property def _func(self): msg = "%s.%s is deprecated. Use dnf.callback.%s instead." \ % (self.__class__.__name__, name, name) warnings.warn(msg, DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2) value = getattr(dnf.callback, name) return value return _func class TransactionDisplay(object): # :api def __init__(self): # :api pass # use constants from dnf.callback which are the official API PKG_CLEANUP = _add_deprecated_action("PKG_CLEANUP") PKG_DOWNGRADE = _add_deprecated_action("PKG_DOWNGRADE") PKG_REMOVE = _add_deprecated_action("PKG_REMOVE") PKG_ERASE = PKG_REMOVE PKG_INSTALL = _add_deprecated_action("PKG_INSTALL") PKG_OBSOLETE = _add_deprecated_action("PKG_OBSOLETE") PKG_REINSTALL = _add_deprecated_action("PKG_REINSTALL") PKG_UPGRADE = _add_deprecated_action("PKG_UPGRADE") PKG_VERIFY = _add_deprecated_action("PKG_VERIFY") TRANS_PREPARATION = _add_deprecated_action("TRANS_PREPARATION") PKG_SCRIPTLET = _add_deprecated_action("PKG_SCRIPTLET") TRANS_POST = _add_deprecated_action("TRANS_POST") def progress(self, package, action, ti_done, ti_total, ts_done, ts_total): """Report ongoing progress on a transaction item. :api :param package: a package being processed :param action: the action being performed :param ti_done: number of processed bytes of the transaction item being processed :param ti_total: total number of bytes of the transaction item being processed :param ts_done: number of actions processed in the whole transaction :param ts_total: total number of actions in the whole transaction """ pass def scriptout(self, msgs): """Hook for reporting an rpm scriptlet output. :param msgs: the scriptlet output """ pass def error(self, message): """Report an error that occurred during the transaction. :api""" pass def filelog(self, package, action): # check package object type - if it is a string - just output it """package is the same as in progress() - a package object or simple string action is also the same as in progress()""" pass def verify_tsi_package(self, pkg, count, total): # TODO: replace with verify_tsi? self.progress(pkg, dnf.transaction.PKG_VERIFY, 100, 100, count, total) class ErrorTransactionDisplay(TransactionDisplay): """An RPMTransaction display that prints errors to standard output.""" def error(self, message): super(ErrorTransactionDisplay, self).error(message) dnf.util._terminal_messenger('print', message, sys.stderr) class LoggingTransactionDisplay(TransactionDisplay): ''' Base class for a RPMTransaction display callback class ''' def __init__(self): super(LoggingTransactionDisplay, self).__init__() self.rpm_logger = logging.getLogger('dnf.rpm') def error(self, message): self.rpm_logger.error(message) def filelog(self, package, action): action_str = dnf.transaction.FILE_ACTIONS[action] msg = '%s: %s' % (action_str, package) self.rpm_logger.log(dnf.logging.SUBDEBUG, msg) def scriptout(self, msgs): if msgs: self.rpm_logger.info(ucd(msgs)) class RPMTransaction(object): def __init__(self, base, test=False, displays=()): if not displays: displays = [ErrorTransactionDisplay()] self.displays = displays self.base = base self.test = test # are we a test? self.trans_running = False self.fd = None self.total_actions = 0 self.total_installed = 0 self.complete_actions = 0 self.installed_pkg_names = set() self.total_removed = 0 self._setupOutputLogging(base.conf.rpmverbosity) self._te_list = [] # Index in _te_list of the transaction element being processed (for use # in callbacks) self._te_index = 0 self._tsi_cache = None def _setupOutputLogging(self, rpmverbosity="info"): # UGLY... set up the transaction to record output from scriptlets io_r = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() self._readpipe = io_r self._writepipe = open(io_r.name, 'w+b') self.base._ts.setScriptFd(self._writepipe) rpmverbosity = {'critical' : 'crit', 'emergency' : 'emerg', 'error' : 'err', 'information' : 'info', 'warn' : 'warning'}.get(rpmverbosity, rpmverbosity) rpmverbosity = 'RPMLOG_' + rpmverbosity.upper() if not hasattr(rpm, rpmverbosity): rpmverbosity = 'RPMLOG_INFO' rpm.setVerbosity(getattr(rpm, rpmverbosity)) rpm.setLogFile(self._writepipe) def _shutdownOutputLogging(self): # reset rpm bits from recording output rpm.setVerbosity(rpm.RPMLOG_NOTICE) rpm.setLogFile(sys.stderr) try: self._writepipe.close() except: pass def _scriptOutput(self): try: # XXX ugly workaround of problem which started after upgrading glibc # from glibc-2.27-32.fc28.x86_64 to glibc-2.28-9.fc29.x86_64 # After this upgrade nothing is read from _readpipe, so every # posttrans and postun scriptlet output is lost. The problem # only occurs when using dnf-2, dnf-3 is OK. # I did not find the root cause of this error yet. self._readpipe.seek(self._readpipe.tell()) out = self._readpipe.read() if not out: return None return out except IOError: pass def messages(self): messages = self._scriptOutput() if messages: for line in messages.splitlines(): yield ucd(line) def _scriptout(self): msgs = self._scriptOutput() for display in self.displays: display.scriptout(msgs) self.base.history.log_scriptlet_output(msgs) def __del__(self): self._shutdownOutputLogging() def _extract_cbkey(self, cbkey): """Obtain the package related to the calling callback.""" if hasattr(cbkey, "pkg"): tsi = cbkey return [tsi] te = self._te_list[self._te_index] te_nevra = dnf.util._te_nevra(te) if self._tsi_cache: if str(self._tsi_cache[0]) == te_nevra: return self._tsi_cache items = [] for tsi in self.base.transaction: if tsi.action not in RPM_ACTIONS_SET: # skip REINSTALL in order to return REINSTALLED, or REASON_CHANGE to avoid crash continue if str(tsi) == te_nevra: items.append(tsi) if items: self._tsi_cache = items return items raise RuntimeError("TransactionItem not found for key: %s" % cbkey) def callback(self, what, amount, total, key, client_data): try: if isinstance(key, str): key = ucd(key) if what == rpm.RPMCALLBACK_TRANS_START: self._transStart(total) elif what == rpm.RPMCALLBACK_TRANS_STOP: pass elif what == rpm.RPMCALLBACK_TRANS_PROGRESS: self._trans_progress(amount, total) elif what == rpm.RPMCALLBACK_ELEM_PROGRESS: # This callback type is issued every time the next transaction # element is about to be processed by RPM, before any other # callbacks are issued. "amount" carries the index of the element. self._elemProgress(key, amount) elif what == rpm.RPMCALLBACK_INST_OPEN_FILE: return self._instOpenFile(key) elif what == rpm.RPMCALLBACK_INST_CLOSE_FILE: self._instCloseFile(key) elif what == rpm.RPMCALLBACK_INST_START: self._inst_start(key) elif what == rpm.RPMCALLBACK_INST_STOP: self._inst_stop(key) elif what == rpm.RPMCALLBACK_INST_PROGRESS: self._instProgress(amount, total, key) elif what == rpm.RPMCALLBACK_UNINST_START: self._uninst_start(key) elif what == rpm.RPMCALLBACK_UNINST_STOP: self._unInstStop(key) elif what == rpm.RPMCALLBACK_UNINST_PROGRESS: self._uninst_progress(amount, total, key) elif what == rpm.RPMCALLBACK_CPIO_ERROR: self._cpioError(key) elif what == rpm.RPMCALLBACK_UNPACK_ERROR: self._unpackError(key) elif what == rpm.RPMCALLBACK_SCRIPT_ERROR: self._scriptError(amount, total, key) elif what == rpm.RPMCALLBACK_SCRIPT_START: self._script_start(key) elif what == rpm.RPMCALLBACK_SCRIPT_STOP: self._scriptStop() except Exception: exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback = sys.exc_info() except_list = traceback.format_exception(exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback) logger.critical(''.join(except_list)) def _transStart(self, total): self.total_actions = total if self.test: return self.trans_running = True self._te_list = list(self.base._ts) def _trans_progress(self, amount, total): action = dnf.transaction.TRANS_PREPARATION for display in self.displays: display.progress('', action, amount + 1, total, 1, 1) def _elemProgress(self, key, index): self._te_index = index self.complete_actions += 1 if not self.test: transaction_list = self._extract_cbkey(key) for display in self.displays: display.filelog(transaction_list[0].pkg, transaction_list[0].action) def _instOpenFile(self, key): self.lastmsg = None transaction_list = self._extract_cbkey(key) pkg = transaction_list[0].pkg rpmloc = pkg.localPkg() try: self.fd = open(rpmloc) except IOError as e: for display in self.displays: display.error("Error: Cannot open file %s: %s" % (rpmloc, e)) else: if self.trans_running: self.total_installed += 1 self.installed_pkg_names.add(pkg.name) return self.fd.fileno() def _instCloseFile(self, key): self.fd.close() self.fd = None def _inst_start(self, key): pass def _inst_stop(self, key): if self.test or not self.trans_running: return self._scriptout() if self.complete_actions == self.total_actions: # RPM doesn't explicitly report when post-trans phase starts action = dnf.transaction.TRANS_POST for display in self.displays: display.progress(None, action, None, None, None, None) def _instProgress(self, amount, total, key): transaction_list = self._extract_cbkey(key) pkg = transaction_list[0].pkg action = transaction_list[0].action for display in self.displays: display.progress(pkg, action, amount, total, self.complete_actions, self.total_actions) def _uninst_start(self, key): self.total_removed += 1 def _uninst_progress(self, amount, total, key): transaction_list = self._extract_cbkey(key) pkg = transaction_list[0].pkg action = transaction_list[0].action for display in self.displays: display.progress(pkg, action, amount, total, self.complete_actions, self.total_actions) def _unInstStop(self, key): if self.test: return self._scriptout() def _cpioError(self, key): transaction_list = self._extract_cbkey(key) msg = "Error in cpio payload of rpm package %s" % transaction_list[0].pkg for display in self.displays: display.error(msg) def _unpackError(self, key): transaction_list = self._extract_cbkey(key) msg = "Error unpacking rpm package %s" % transaction_list[0].pkg for display in self.displays: display.error(msg) def _scriptError(self, amount, total, key): # "amount" carries the failed scriptlet tag, # "total" carries fatal/non-fatal status scriptlet_name = rpm.tagnames.get(amount, "<unknown>") transaction_list = self._extract_cbkey(key) name = transaction_list[0].pkg.name msg = ("Error in %s scriptlet in rpm package %s" % (scriptlet_name, name)) for display in self.displays: display.error(msg) def _script_start(self, key): # TODO: this doesn't fit into libdnf TransactionItem use cases action = dnf.transaction.PKG_SCRIPTLET if key is None and self._te_list == []: pkg = 'None' else: transaction_list = self._extract_cbkey(key) pkg = transaction_list[0].pkg complete = self.complete_actions if self.total_actions != 0 and self.complete_actions != 0 \ else 1 total = self.total_actions if self.total_actions != 0 and self.complete_actions != 0 else 1 for display in self.displays: display.progress(pkg, action, 100, 100, complete, total) def _scriptStop(self): self._scriptout() def verify_tsi_package(self, pkg, count, total): for display in self.displays: display.verify_tsi_package(pkg, count, total)