Your IP :
# AppConfig::CGI.pm
# Perl5 module to provide a CGI interface to AppConfig. Internal variables
# may be set through the CGI "arguments" appended to a URL.
# Written by Andy Wardley <abw@wardley.org>
# Copyright (C) 1997-2003 Andy Wardley. All Rights Reserved.
# Copyright (C) 1997,1998 Canon Research Centre Europe Ltd.
package AppConfig::CGI;
use 5.006;
use strict;
use warnings;
use AppConfig::State;
our $VERSION = '1.71';
# new($state, $query)
# Module constructor. The first, mandatory parameter should be a
# reference to an AppConfig::State object to which all actions should
# be applied. The second parameter may be a string containing a CGI
# QUERY_STRING which is then passed to parse() to process. If no second
# parameter is specifiied then the parse() process is skipped.
# Returns a reference to a newly created AppConfig::CGI object.
sub new {
my $class = shift;
my $state = shift;
my $self = {
STATE => $state, # AppConfig::State ref
DEBUG => $state->_debug(), # store local copy of debug
PEDANTIC => $state->_pedantic, # and pedantic flags
bless $self, $class;
# call parse(@_) to parse any arg list passed
if @_;
return $self;
# parse($query)
# Method used to parse a CGI QUERY_STRING and set internal variable
# values accordingly. If a query is not passed as the first parameter,
# then _get_cgi_query() is called to try to determine the query by
# examing the environment as per CGI protocol.
# Returns 0 if one or more errors or warnings were raised or 1 if the
# string parsed successfully.
sub parse {
my $self = shift;
my $query = shift;
my $warnings = 0;
my ($variable, $value, $nargs);
# take a local copy of the state to avoid much hash dereferencing
my ($state, $debug, $pedantic) = @$self{ qw( STATE DEBUG PEDANTIC ) };
# get the cgi query if not defined
$query = $ENV{ QUERY_STRING }
unless defined $query;
# no query to process
return 1 unless defined $query;
# we want to install a custom error handler into the AppConfig::State
# which appends filename and line info to error messages and then
# calls the previous handler; we start by taking a copy of the
# current handler..
my $errhandler = $state->_ehandler();
# install a closure as a new error handler
sub {
# modify the error message
my $format = shift;
$format =~ s/</</g;
$format =~ s/>/>/g;
$format = "<p>\n<b>[ AppConfig::CGI error: </b>$format<b> ] </b>\n<p>\n";
# send error to stdout for delivery to web client
printf($format, @_);
PARAM: foreach (split('&', $query)) {
# extract parameter and value from query token
($variable, $value) = map { _unescape($_) } split('=');
# check an argument was provided if one was expected
if ($nargs = $state->_argcount($variable)) {
unless (defined $value) {
$state->_error("$variable expects an argument");
last PARAM if $pedantic;
# default an undefined value to 1 if ARGCOUNT_NONE
else {
$value = 1 unless defined $value;
# set the variable, noting any error
unless ($state->set($variable, $value)) {
last PARAM if $pedantic;
# restore original error handler
# return $warnings => 0, $success => 1
return $warnings ? 0 : 1;
# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
# The following sub-routine was lifted from Lincoln Stein's CGI.pm
# module, version 2.36. Name has been prefixed by a '_'.
# unescape URL-encoded data
sub _unescape {
my($todecode) = @_;
$todecode =~ tr/+/ /; # pluses become spaces
$todecode =~ s/%([0-9a-fA-F]{2})/pack("c",hex($1))/ge;
return $todecode;
# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
=head1 NAME
AppConfig::CGI - Perl5 module for processing CGI script parameters.
use AppConfig::CGI;
my $state = AppConfig::State->new(\%cfg);
my $cgi = AppConfig::CGI->new($state);
$cgi->parse(); # looks for CGI query in environment
AppConfig::CGI is a Perl5 module which implements a CGI interface to
AppConfig. It examines the QUERY_STRING environment variable, or a string
passed explicitly by parameter, which represents the additional parameters
passed to a CGI query. This is then used to update variable values in an
AppConfig::State object accordingly.
AppConfig::CGI is distributed as part of the AppConfig bundle.
=head2 USING THE AppConfig::CGI MODULE
To import and use the AppConfig::CGI module the following line should appear
in your Perl script:
use AppConfig::CGI;
AppConfig::CGI is used automatically if you use the AppConfig module
and create an AppConfig::CGI object through the cgi() method.
AppConfig::CGI is implemented using object-oriented methods. A new
AppConfig::CGI object is created and initialised using the new()
method. This returns a reference to a new AppConfig::CGI object. A
reference to an AppConfig::State object should be passed in as the
first parameter:
my $state = AppConfig::State->new();
my $cgi = AppConfig::CGI->new($state);
This will create and return a reference to a new AppConfig::CGI object.
The C<parse()> method is used to parse a CGI query which can be specified
explicitly, or is automatically extracted from the "QUERY_STRING" CGI
environment variable. This currently limits the module to only supporting
the GET method.
See AppConfig for information about using the AppConfig::CGI
module via the cgi() method.
=head1 AUTHOR
Andy Wardley, C<E<lt>abw@wardley.org<gt>>
Copyright (C) 1997-2007 Andy Wardley. All Rights Reserved.
Copyright (C) 1997,1998 Canon Research Centre Europe Ltd.
This module is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the same terms as Perl itself.
=head1 SEE ALSO
AppConfig, AppConfig::State