Current Path : /proc/self/root/usr/lib64/python3.6/site-packages/zope/interface/__pycache__/ |
Current File : //proc/self/root/usr/lib64/python3.6/site-packages/zope/interface/__pycache__/advice.cpython-36.pyc |
3 ��[> � @ sv d Z ddlmZ yddlmZ W n ek r8 dZY nX dZddlZdd� Zdd d�Zdd � Z ddd�Z dd� ZdS )aj Class advice. This module was adapted from 'protocols.advice', part of the Python Enterprise Application Kit (PEAK). Please notify the PEAK authors (pje@telecommunity.com and tsarna@sarna.org) if bugs are found or Zope-specific changes are required, so that the PEAK version of this module can be kept in sync. PEAK is a Python application framework that interoperates with (but does not require) Zope 3 and Twisted. It provides tools for manipulating UML models, object-relational persistence, aspect-oriented programming, and more. Visit the PEAK home page at http://peak.telecommunity.com for more information. � )�FunctionType)� ClassTypeTFNc C s� | j }| j}||k}d|k}d|k}|o*|}|o>|d |d k}|rTtjj|d �pVd}|od|j|k}|spd} n.|r�| r�d} n|r�| r�d} n|s�d} nd} | |||fS ) z�Return (kind,module,locals,globals) for a frame 'kind' is one of "exec", "module", "class", "function call", or "unknown". � __module__�__name__N�exec�module�classz function call�unknown)�f_locals� f_globals�sys�modules�get�__dict__) �framer r Z sameNamespaceZ hasModuleZhasNameZsameNamer ZnamespaceIsModule�kind� r �/usr/lib64/python3.6/advice.py�getFrameInfo&