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Fixer for complicated imports

from lib2to3 import fixer_base
from lib2to3.fixer_util import Name, String, FromImport, Newline, Comma
from libfuturize.fixer_util import touch_import_top

                 u'BOTTOM', u'BROWSE', u'BUTT', u'CASCADE', u'CENTER', u'CHAR',
                 u'CHECKBUTTON', u'CHORD', u'COMMAND', u'CURRENT', u'DISABLED',
                 u'DOTBOX', u'E', u'END', u'EW', u'EXCEPTION', u'EXTENDED', u'FALSE',
                 u'FIRST', u'FLAT', u'GROOVE', u'HIDDEN', u'HORIZONTAL', u'INSERT',
                 u'INSIDE', u'LAST', u'LEFT', u'MITER', u'MOVETO', u'MULTIPLE', u'N',
                 u'NE', u'NO', u'NONE', u'NORMAL', u'NS', u'NSEW', u'NUMERIC', u'NW',
                 u'OFF', u'ON', u'OUTSIDE', u'PAGES', u'PIESLICE', u'PROJECTING',
                 u'RADIOBUTTON', u'RAISED', u'READABLE', u'RIDGE', u'RIGHT',
                 u'ROUND', u'S', u'SCROLL', u'SE', u'SEL', u'SEL_FIRST', u'SEL_LAST',
                 u'SEPARATOR', u'SINGLE', u'SOLID', u'SUNKEN', u'SW', u'StringTypes',
                 u'TOP', u'TRUE', u'TclVersion', u'TkVersion', u'UNDERLINE',
                 u'UNITS', u'VERTICAL', u'W', u'WORD', u'WRITABLE', u'X', u'Y', u'YES',

              u'urllib2' : (
                  u'AbstractBasicAuthHandler', u'AbstractDigestAuthHandler',
                  u'AbstractHTTPHandler', u'BaseHandler', u'CacheFTPHandler',
                  u'FTPHandler', u'FileHandler', u'HTTPBasicAuthHandler',
                  u'HTTPCookieProcessor', u'HTTPDefaultErrorHandler',
                  u'HTTPDigestAuthHandler', u'HTTPError', u'HTTPErrorProcessor',
                  u'HTTPHandler', u'HTTPPasswordMgr',
                  u'HTTPPasswordMgrWithDefaultRealm', u'HTTPRedirectHandler',
                  u'HTTPSHandler', u'OpenerDirector', u'ProxyBasicAuthHandler',
                  u'ProxyDigestAuthHandler', u'ProxyHandler', u'Request',
                  u'StringIO', u'URLError', u'UnknownHandler', u'addinfourl',
                  u'build_opener', u'install_opener', u'parse_http_list',
                  u'parse_keqv_list', u'randombytes', u'request_host', u'urlopen'),
              u'urllib' : (
                  u'ContentTooShortError', u'FancyURLopener',u'URLopener',
                  u'basejoin', u'ftperrors', u'getproxies',
                  u'getproxies_environment', u'localhost', u'pathname2url',
                  u'quote', u'quote_plus', u'splitattr', u'splithost',
                  u'splitnport', u'splitpasswd', u'splitport', u'splitquery',
                  u'splittag', u'splittype', u'splituser', u'splitvalue',
                  u'thishost', u'unquote', u'unquote_plus', u'unwrap',
                  u'url2pathname', u'urlcleanup', u'urlencode', u'urlopen',
              u'urlparse' : (
                  u'parse_qs', u'parse_qsl', u'urldefrag', u'urljoin',
                  u'urlparse', u'urlsplit', u'urlunparse', u'urlunsplit'),
              u'dbm' : (
                  u'ndbm', u'gnu', u'dumb'),
              u'anydbm' : (
                  u'error', u'open'),
              u'whichdb' : (
              u'BaseHTTPServer' : (
                  u'BaseHTTPRequestHandler', u'HTTPServer'),
              u'CGIHTTPServer' : (
              u'SimpleHTTPServer' : (
              u'FileDialog' : TK_BASE_NAMES + (
                  u'FileDialog', u'LoadFileDialog', u'SaveFileDialog',
                  u'dialogstates', u'test'),
              u'tkFileDialog' : (
                  u'Directory', u'Open', u'SaveAs', u'_Dialog', u'askdirectory',
                  u'askopenfile', u'askopenfilename', u'askopenfilenames',
                  u'askopenfiles', u'asksaveasfile', u'asksaveasfilename'),
              u'SimpleDialog' : TK_BASE_NAMES + (
              u'tkSimpleDialog' : TK_BASE_NAMES + (
                  u'askfloat', u'askinteger', u'askstring', u'Dialog'),
              u'SimpleXMLRPCServer' : (
                  u'CGIXMLRPCRequestHandler', u'SimpleXMLRPCDispatcher',
                  u'SimpleXMLRPCRequestHandler', u'SimpleXMLRPCServer',
                  u'list_public_methods', u'remove_duplicates',
              u'DocXMLRPCServer' : (
                  u'DocCGIXMLRPCRequestHandler', u'DocXMLRPCRequestHandler',
                  u'DocXMLRPCServer', u'ServerHTMLDoc',u'XMLRPCDocGenerator'),

MAPPING = { u'urllib.request' :
                (u'urllib2', u'urllib'),
            u'urllib.error' :
                (u'urllib2', u'urllib'),
            u'urllib.parse' :
                (u'urllib2', u'urllib', u'urlparse'),
            u'dbm.__init__' :
                (u'anydbm', u'whichdb'),
            u'http.server' :
                (u'CGIHTTPServer', u'SimpleHTTPServer', u'BaseHTTPServer'),
            u'tkinter.filedialog' :
                (u'tkFileDialog', u'FileDialog'),
            u'tkinter.simpledialog' :
                (u'tkSimpleDialog', u'SimpleDialog'),
            u'xmlrpc.server' :
                (u'DocXMLRPCServer', u'SimpleXMLRPCServer'),

# helps match 'http', as in 'from http.server import ...'
simple_name = u"name='%s'"
# helps match 'server', as in 'from http.server import ...'
simple_attr = u"attr='%s'"
# helps match 'HTTPServer', as in 'from http.server import HTTPServer'
simple_using = u"using='%s'"
# helps match 'urllib.request', as in 'import urllib.request'
dotted_name = u"dotted_name=dotted_name< %s '.' %s >"
# helps match 'http.server', as in 'http.server.HTTPServer(...)'
power_twoname = u"pow=power< %s trailer< '.' %s > trailer< '.' using=any > any* >"
# helps match 'dbm.whichdb', as in 'dbm.whichdb(...)'
power_onename = u"pow=power< %s trailer< '.' using=any > any* >"
# helps match 'from http.server import HTTPServer'
# also helps match 'from http.server import HTTPServer, SimpleHTTPRequestHandler'
# also helps match 'from http.server import *'
from_import = u"from_import=import_from< 'from' %s 'import' (import_as_name< using=any 'as' renamed=any> | in_list=import_as_names< using=any* > | using='*' | using=NAME) >"
# helps match 'import urllib.request'
name_import = u"name_import=import_name< 'import' (%s | in_list=dotted_as_names< imp_list=any* >) >"


# helps match 'import urllib.request as name'
name_import_rename = u"name_import_rename=dotted_as_name< %s 'as' renamed=any >"
# helps match 'from http import server'
from_import_rename = u"from_import_rename=import_from< 'from' %s 'import' (%s | import_as_name< %s 'as' renamed=any > | in_list=import_as_names< any* (%s | import_as_name< %s 'as' renamed=any >) any* >) >"

def all_modules_subpattern():
    Builds a pattern for all toplevel names
    (urllib, http, etc)
    names_dot_attrs = [mod.split(u".") for mod in MAPPING]
    ret = u"( " + u" | ".join([dotted_name % (simple_name % (mod[0]),
                                            simple_attr % (mod[1])) for mod in names_dot_attrs])
    ret += u" | "
    ret += u" | ".join([simple_name % (mod[0]) for mod in names_dot_attrs if mod[1] == u"__init__"]) + u" )"
    return ret

def build_import_pattern(mapping1, mapping2):
    mapping1: A dict mapping py3k modules to all possible py2k replacements
    mapping2: A dict mapping py2k modules to the things they do
    This builds a HUGE pattern to match all ways that things can be imported
    # py3k: urllib.request, py2k: ('urllib2', 'urllib')
    yield from_import % (all_modules_subpattern())
    for py3k, py2k in mapping1.items():
        name, attr = py3k.split(u'.')
        s_name = simple_name % (name)
        s_attr = simple_attr % (attr)
        d_name = dotted_name % (s_name, s_attr)
        yield name_import % (d_name)
        yield power_twoname % (s_name, s_attr)
        if attr == u'__init__':
            yield name_import % (s_name)
            yield power_onename % (s_name)
        yield name_import_rename % (d_name)
        yield from_import_rename % (s_name, s_attr, s_attr, s_attr, s_attr)

class FixImports2(fixer_base.BaseFix):

    run_order = 4

    PATTERN = u" | \n".join(build_import_pattern(MAPPING, PY2MODULES))

    def transform(self, node, results):
        touch_import_top(u'future', u'standard_library', node)