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jR%s disk labels do not support extended partitions.%s disk labels don't support logical or extended partitions.%s during read on %s%s during seek for read on %s%s during seek for write on %s%s during write on %s%s is too small for a Mac disk label!%s trying to sync %s to diskATARAID ControllerBoth the primary and backup GPT tables are corrupt.  Try making a fresh table, and using Parted's rescue feature to recover partitions.BugCOMMANDs:Can't add a logical partition to %s, because there is no extended partition.Can't create any more partitions.Can't have a logical partition outside of the extended partition on %s.Can't have a primary partition inside an extended partition.Can't have logical partitions outside of the extended partition.Can't have more than one extended partition on %s.Can't have overlapping partitions.Can't write to %s, because it is opened read-only.Compaq Smart ArrayCould not get identity of device %s - %sCould not stat device %s - %s.DAC960 RAID controllerEndErrorError informing the kernel about modifications to partition %s -- %s.  This means Linux won't know about any changes you made to %s until you reboot -- so you shouldn't mount it or use it in any way before rebooting.Error initialising SCSI device %s - %sError opening %s: %sExpecting a disk label type.Expecting a file system type.Expecting a partition number.Expecting a partition type.FatalFile systemI2O ControllerInformationInvalid partition table - recursive partition on %s.Invalid partition table on %s -- wrong signature %x.Invalid partition table on %s.Invalid signature %x for Mac disk labels.NameNew disk label type?No device foundNo valid partition map found.NumberOPTIONs:Partition %d has an invalid length of 0 bytes!Partition %d has an invalid signature %x.Partition %d is %s, but the file system is %s.Partition doesn't exist.Partition map has no partition map entry!Partition too big/small for a %s file system.SizeStartThe boot region doesn't start at the start of the partition.The data region doesn't start at the start of the partition.The driver descriptor says the physical block size is %d bytes, but Linux says it is %d bytes.The partition table cannot be re-read.  This means you need to reboot before mounting any modified partitions.  You also need to reinstall your boot loader before you reboot (which may require mounting modified partitions).  It is impossible do both things!  So you'll need to boot off a rescue disk, and reinstall your boot loader from the rescue disk.  Read section 4 of the Parted User documentation for more information.The partition table on %s cannot be re-read (%s).  This means the Hurd knows nothing about any modifications you made.  You should reboot your computer before doing anything with %s.The partition's boot region doesn't occupy the entire partition.The partition's data region doesn't occupy the entire partition.The primary GPT table is corrupt, but the backup appears OK, so that will be used.This libparted doesn't have write support for %s.  Perhaps it was compiled read-only.Too many primary partitions.TypeUnable to allocate a bsd disklabel slot.Unable to allocate a partition number.Unable to determine the size of %s (%s).Unable to open %s read-write (%s).  %s has been opened read-only.Unable to open %s.Unable to probe store.Unable to satisfy all constraints on the partition.UnknownUnknown file system type "%s".Unknown partition flag, %d.Using %s
WarningWeird block size on device descriptor: %d bytes is not divisible by 512.Weird!  There are 2 partitions map entries!You should reinstall your boot loader before rebooting.  Read section 4 of the Parted User documentation for more information.bootextendedfreehelphiddenhp-servicelbalogicallvmmetadatamklabelmkpartmkpart PART-TYPE [FS-TYPE] START END     make a partitionnameoffonped_device_new()  Unsupported device typeprimaryprintquitraidrescueresizermrootselectsetswapunitProject-Id-Version: parted 1.6.23
Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: bug-parted@gnu.org
POT-Creation-Date: 2014-07-28 23:04-0400
PO-Revision-Date: 2005-08-08 12:00-05
Last-Translator: Laurentiu Buzdugan <lbuz@rolix.org>
Language-Team: Romanian <translation-team-ro@lists.sourceforge.net>
Language: ro
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-2
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);
Etichetele de disc %s nu suport� parti�ii extinse.Etichetele de disc %s nu suport� parti�ii logice sau extinse.%s �n timpul citirii pe %s%s �n timpul c�ut�rii pentru citire pe %s%s �n timpul c�ut�rii pentru scriere pe %s%s �n timpul scrierii pe %s%s este prea mic pentr o etichet� de disc pentru Mac.%s �ncearc� s� sincronizeze %s pe discController ATARAIDAt�t tabela primar� c�t �i cea de rezerv� sunt corupte.  �ncerca�i s� crea�i o tabel� nou� �i s� folosi�i capabilitatea de salvare lui Parted pentru a recupera parti�iile.BugCOMMENZI:Nu pot ad�uga o parti�ie logic� lui %s pentru c� aceasta nu este o parti�ie extins�.Nu mai pot crea nici o parti�ieNu pute�i avea o parti�ie logic� �n afara parti�iei extinse pe %s.Nu pute�i avea o parti�ie primar� �ntr-o parti�ie extins�.Nu pute�i avea parti�ii logice �n afara parti�iei extinse.Nu pute�i avea mai mult de o parti�ie extins� pe %s.Nu pute�i avea parti�ii care se suprapun.Nu pot scrie pe %s, pentru c� este deschis numai-citire.Compaq Smart ArrayNu am putut identifica dispozitivul %s - %sNu am putut afla date despre dispozitivul %s - %s.Controller RAID DAC960Sf�r�itEroareEroare la informarea kernel-ului despre modific�rile f�cute parti�iei %s -- %s.  Aceasta �nseamn� c� Linux nu va �ti nimic despre schimb�rile pe care le-a�i f�cut lui %s p�n� c�nd nu reboot-a�i -- a�a c� n-ar trebui s� �l monta�i sau folosi�i �n vreun fel �nainte de a reboot-a.Eroare la ini�ializarea dispozitivului SCSI %s - %sEroare la deschiderea %s: %sA�tept un tip de etichet� de disc.A�tept un tip de sistem de fi�iere.A�tept un num�r de parti�ie.A�tept un tip de parti�ie.Fatal�Sistem de fi�iereController I2OInforma�iiTabela de parti�ii invalid� - parti�ie recursiv� pe %s.Tabela de parti�ii invalid� pe %s -- semn�tur� gre�it� %x.Tabela de parti�ii invalid� pe %s.Semn�tur� invalid� %x pentru etichetele de disc pentru Mac.NumeTip de etichet� pentru discul nou?Nu a fost g�sit� nici o unitateNu a fost g�sit� nici o hart� de parti�ie valid�.Num�rOP�IUNI:Parti�ia %d are o lungime invalid� de 0 octe�i!Parti�ia %d are o semn�tur� invalid� %x.Parti�ia %d este %s, dar sistemul de fi�iere este %s.Parti�ia nu exist�.Harta de parti�ii nu are nici o intrare!Parti�ie prea mare/mic� pentru un sistem de fi�iere %s.DimensiuneStartRegiunea de boot nu �ncepe la �nceputul parti�iei.Regiunea de date nu �ncepe la �nceputul parti�iei.Descriptorul de driver spune c� dimensiunea fizic� a blocului este %d octe�i dar Linux spune c� este %d octe�i.Tabela de parti�ii nu poate fi recitit�.  Aceasta �nseamn� c� trebuie s� reboot-a�i �nainte  de a monta orice parti�ii modificate.  Deasemenea, ar trebui s� reinstala�i boot loader-ul �nainte de a reboot-a (ceea ce ar putea s� necesite montarea parti�iilor modificate).  Este imposibil s� face�i ambele lucruri!  A�a c� trebuie s� boot-a�i de pe un disc de salvare �i reinstala�i boot loader-ul d-voastr� de pe discul de salvare.  Citi�i sec�iunea 4 din documenta�ia utilizatorului de Parted pentru informa�ii suplimentare.Tabela de parti�ii pe %s nu poate fi re-citit� (%s).  Aceasta �nseamn� c� Hurd nu �tie nimic despre nici o modificare pe care a�i f�cut-o.  Ar trebui s� reboot-a�i computerul �nainte de a face ceva cu %s.Regiunea de boot a parti�iei nu ocup� �ntreaga parti�ie.Regiunea de date a parti�iei nu ocup� �ntreaga parti�ie.Tabela primar� GPT este corupt�, dar rezerva pare OK, a�a c� va fi folosit� rezerva.Aceast libparted nu are suport pentru %s. Probabil c� a fost compilat numai-citire.Prea multe parti�ii primare.TipNu pot aloca loc pentru eticheta de disc bsd.Nu pot aloca un num�r de parti�ie.Nu pot determina dimensiunea lui %s (%s).Nu pot deschide %s citire-scriere (%s). %s a fost deschis numai-citire.Nu pot deschide %s.Nu pot proba `store'.Nu pot satisface toate constr�ngerile pe parti�ie.NecunoscutTip de sistem de fi�iere necunoscut "%s".Flag de parti�ie necunoscut, %d.Folosesc %s
AvertismentDimensiune de bloc ciudat� pe descriptorul dispozitivului: %d octe�i nu este divizibil cu 512.Ciudat!  Exist� 2 intr�ri �n harta parti�ieiAr trebui s� reinstala�i boot loader-ul d-voastr� �nainte de reboot-are.  Citi�i sec�iunea 4 din documenta�ia utilizatorului Parted pentru informa�ii suplimentare.bootextins�liberhelpascuns�hp-servicelbalogic�lvmmetadatamklabelmkpartmkpart TIP-PART [TIP-SF] START SF�R�IT    creaz� o parti�ienameopritpornitped_device_new() Tip de dispozitiv nesuportatprimar�printquitraidrescueresizermrootselectsetswapunitate