
Your IP :

Current Path : /proc/self/root/proc/self/root/proc/thread-self/root/usr/share/locale/gd/LC_MESSAGES/
Upload File :
Current File : //proc/self/root/proc/self/root/proc/thread-self/root/usr/share/locale/gd/LC_MESSAGES/glib20.mo

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[={g��tGX@-J56����s0k+$;}v"�Rp/iMF>%.1f EB%.1f EiB%.1f GB%.1f GiB%.1f KB%.1f KiB%.1f MB%.1f MiB%.1f PB%.1f PiB%.1f TB%.1f TiB%.1f kB%s byte%s bytes%s command requires an application id to directly follow

%u byte%u bytesACTIONAPPIDAPPID ACTION [PARAMETER]APPID [FILE…]Activate an actionApplication identifier in D-Bus format (eg: org.example.viewer)Arguments:
Default application for “%s”: %s
Enter GApplication service mode (use from D-Bus service files)Error parsing parameter %d of type “%s”: %s
FILEGApplication optionsGDateTime%H:%M:%SGDateTime%I:%M:%S %pGDateTime%a %b %e %H:%M:%S %YGDateTime%m/%d/%yGDateTimeAMGDateTimePMInvalid hostnameInvoke an action on the applicationLOCATIONLaunch an applicationLaunch the application (with optional files to open)List applicationsList available actionsList static actions for an application (from .desktop file)List the installed D-Bus activatable applications (by .desktop files)List writable attributesNo recommended applications
No registered applications
Optional parameter to the action invocation, in GVariant formatOptional relative or absolute filenames, or URIs to openOverride the application’s IDPARAMETERPrint helpPrint versionPrint version information and exitPrint version information and exit.Recommended applications:
Registered applications:
Seek not supported on base streamShow GApplication optionsShow information about locationsShow information about locations.The action name to invokeThe command to print detailed help forToo large count value passed to %sToo many argumentsUnable to find toplevel directory to trash %sUnknown command %s

Use %s to get detailed help.
Use “%s help COMMAND” to get detailed help.

[ARGS...][ARGS…][COMMAND]abbreviated month nameAprabbreviated month nameAugabbreviated month nameDecabbreviated month nameFebabbreviated month nameJanabbreviated month nameJulabbreviated month nameJunabbreviated month nameMarabbreviated month nameMayabbreviated month nameNovabbreviated month nameOctabbreviated month nameSepabbreviated month name with dayAprabbreviated month name with dayAugabbreviated month name with dayDecabbreviated month name with dayFebabbreviated month name with dayJanabbreviated month name with dayJulabbreviated month name with dayJunabbreviated month name with dayMarabbreviated month name with dayMayabbreviated month name with dayNovabbreviated month name with dayOctabbreviated month name with daySepabbreviated weekday nameFriabbreviated weekday nameMonabbreviated weekday nameSatabbreviated weekday nameSunabbreviated weekday nameThuabbreviated weekday nameTueabbreviated weekday nameWedaction name must be given after application id
actions accept a maximum of one parameter
error parsing action parameter: %s
error sending %s message to application: %s
full month nameAprilfull month nameAugustfull month nameDecemberfull month nameFebruaryfull month nameJanuaryfull month nameJulyfull month nameJunefull month nameMarchfull month nameMayfull month nameNovemberfull month nameOctoberfull month nameSeptemberfull month name with dayAprilfull month name with dayAugustfull month name with dayDecemberfull month name with dayFebruaryfull month name with dayJanuaryfull month name with dayJulyfull month name with dayJunefull month name with dayMarchfull month name with dayMayfull month name with dayNovemberfull month name with dayOctoberfull month name with daySeptemberfull weekday nameFridayfull weekday nameMondayfull weekday nameSaturdayfull weekday nameSundayfull weekday nameThursdayfull weekday nameTuesdayfull weekday nameWednesdayinvalid action name: “%s”
action names must consist of only alphanumerics, “-” and “.”
invalid application id: “%s”
list-actions command takes only the application idunable to connect to D-Bus: %s
unable to find desktop file for application %s
unrecognised command: %s

“%s” takes no arguments

“version” takes no argumentsProject-Id-Version: glib master
Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: https://bugzilla.gnome.org/enter_bug.cgi?product=glib&keywords=I18N+L10N&component=general
POT-Creation-Date: 2017-09-11 18:30+0000
PO-Revision-Date: 2018-03-01 10:36+0100
Last-Translator: GunChleoc <fios@foramnagaidhlig.net>
Language-Team: Fòram na Gàidhlig
Language: gd
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
Plural-Forms: nplurals=4; plural=(n==1 || n==11) ? 0 : (n==2 || n==12) ? 1 : (n > 2 && n < 20) ? 2 : 3;
X-Generator: Virtaal 0.7.1
X-Project-Style: gnome
%.1f EB%.1f EiB%.1f GB%.1f GiB%.1f KB%.1f KiB%.1f MB%.1f MiB%.1f PB%.1f PiB%.1f TB%.1f TiB%.1f kB%s bhaidht%s bhaidht%s baidht%s baidhtfeumaidh id aplacaide leantainn ris an àithne %s

%u bhaidht%u bhaidht%u baidht%u baidhtGNÌOMHID-APLACAIDEID-APLACAIDE GNÌOMH [PARAMADAIR]ID-APLACAIDE [FAIDHLE…]Gnìomhaich gnìomhAithnichear na h-aplacaid ann am fòrmat D-Bus (m.e. org.example.viewer)Argamaidean:
An aplacaid thùsail airson “%s”: %s
Rach a-steach dha mhodh frithealaidh GApplication (cleachd o fhaidhlichean seirbheis D-Bus)Mearachd le parsadh paramadair %d dhen t-seòrsa “%s”: %s
FAIDHLERoghainnean GApplication%H:%M:%S%I:%M:%S %p%a %b %e %H:%M:%S %Y%d/%m/%ymfAinm òstair mì-dhligheachDèan gnìomh air an aplacaidIONADTòisich aplacaidTòisich an aplacaid (le faidhlichean roghainneil ri am fosgladh)Seall liosta dhe na h-aplacaideanSeall liosta dhe na gnìomhan ri am faighinnSeall liosta dhe na gnìomhan stadaigeach airson aplacaid (o fhaidhle .desktop)Seall liosta dhe na h-aplacaidean D-Bus air an stàladh a ghabhas gnìomhachadh (le faidhlichean .desktop)Seall liosta dhe na buaidhean a ghabhas sgrìobhadhChan eil aplacaid a mholamaid ann
Chan eil aplacaid chlàraichte ann
Paramadair roghainneil airson dèanamh a' ghnìomha, ann am fòrmat GVariantAinmean-faidhle absaloideach no dàimheach no URIean ris am fosgladh gu roghainneilTar-àithn ID na h-aplacaidPARAMADAIRSeall a’ chobhairSeall an tionndadhSeall fiosrachadh an tionndaidh is fàg an-seoSeall fiosrachadh an tionndaidh is fàg an-seo.Aplacaidean a mholamaid:
Na h-aplacaidean clàraichte:
Chan eil taic ri sireadh air bun-shruthSeall roghainnean GApplicationSeall fiosrachadh air na h-ionadanSeall fiosrachadh air na h-ionadan.Ainm a’ ghnìomh ri dhèanamhAn t-àithne gus cobhair mhionaideach a shealltainn airsonChaidh luach cunntaidh ro mhòr a chur gu %sTha cus argamaidean annCha do lorg sinn pasgan freumha gus %s a chur dhan sgudalÀithne nach aithne dhuinn %s

Cleachd %s gus cobhair mhionaideach fhaighinn.

Cleachd “%s help ÀITHNE” gus cobhair mhionaideach fhaighinn.

[ARGAMAIDEAN…][ARGAMAIDEAN…][ÀITHNE]GiblLùnaDùbhGearrFaoiIuchÒgmhMàrtCèitSamhDàmhSultGiblLùnaDùbhGearrFaoiIuchÒgmhMàrtCèitSamhDàmhSultDihDiLDiSDiDDiaDiMDiCfeumaidh tu ainm a’ ghnìomh a thoirt seachad às dèidh id na h-aplacaide
cha ghabh gnìomhan ach ri aon pharamadair air a char as motha
cha deach leinn paramadair gnìomha a pharsadh: %s
mearachd a' cur teachdaireachd %s gu aplacaid: %s
An GibleanAn LùnastalAn DùbhlachdAn GearranAm FaoilleachAn t-IucharAn t-ÒgmhiosAm MàrtAn CèiteanAn t-SamhainAn DàmhairAn t-Sultaindhen Ghibleandhen Lùnastaldhen Dùbhlachddhen Ghearrandhen Fhaoilleachdhen Iuchardhen Ògmhiosdhen Mhàrtdhen Chèiteandhen t-Samhaindhen Dàmhairdhen t-SultainDihAoineDiLuainDiSathairneDiDòmhnaichDiarDaoinDiMàirtDiCiadainainm gnìomha mì-dhligheach: “%s”
chan fhaod ach litrichean gun sràcan is àireamhan, “-” agus “.” a bhith ann an ainm gnìomha
id aplacaide mì-dhligheach: “%s”
cha ghabh an àithne list-actions ach ri is na h-aplacaidecha deach leinn ceangal ri D-Bus: %s
cha deach leinn faidhle desktop a lorg airson aplacaid %s
àithne nach aithne dhuinn: %s

cha ghabh “%s” ri argamaid

cha ghabh “version” ri argamaid