Current Path : /proc/self/root/proc/self/root/proc/thread-self/root/lib64/python2.7/Tools/scripts/ |
Current File : //proc/self/root/proc/self/root/proc/thread-self/root/lib64/python2.7/Tools/scripts/texcheck.pyc |
� �fc @ s� d Z d d l Z d d l Z d d l Z d d l m Z m Z m Z d d l Z d Z d � Z g d � Z d d � Z e d k r� e j e � � n d S( s� TeXcheck.py -- rough syntax checking on Python style LaTeX documents. Written by Raymond D. Hettinger <python at rcn.com> Copyright (c) 2003 Python Software Foundation. All rights reserved. Designed to catch common markup errors including: * Unbalanced or mismatched parenthesis, brackets, and braces. * Unbalanced or mismatched \begin and \end blocks. * Misspelled or invalid LaTeX commands. * Use of forward slashes instead of backslashes for commands. * Table line size mismatches. Sample command line usage: python texcheck.py -k chapterheading -m lib/librandomtex *.tex Options: -m Munge parenthesis and brackets. [0,n) would normally mismatch. -k keyword: Keyword is a valid LaTeX command. Do not include the backslash. -d: Delimiter check only (useful for non-LaTeX files). -h: Help -s lineno: Start at lineno (useful for skipping complex sections). -v: Verbose. Trace the matching of //begin and //end blocks. i����N( t izipt countt islices� \section \module \declaremodule \modulesynopsis \moduleauthor \sectionauthor \versionadded \code \class \method \begin \optional \var \ref \end \subsection \lineiii \hline \label \indexii \textrm \ldots \keyword \stindex \index \item \note \withsubitem \ttindex \footnote \citetitle \samp \opindex \noindent \exception \strong \dfn \ctype \obindex \character \indexiii \function \bifuncindex \refmodule \refbimodindex \subsubsection \nodename \member \chapter \emph \ASCII \UNIX \regexp \program \production \token \productioncont \term \grammartoken \lineii \seemodule \file \EOF \documentclass \usepackage \title \input \maketitle \ifhtml \fi \url \Cpp \tableofcontents \kbd \programopt \envvar \refstmodindex \cfunction \constant \NULL \moreargs \cfuncline \cdata \textasciicircum \n \ABC \setindexsubitem \versionchanged \deprecated \seetext \newcommand \POSIX \pep \warning \rfc \verbatiminput \methodline \textgreater \seetitle \lineiv \funclineni \ulink \manpage \funcline \dataline \unspecified \textbackslash \mimetype \mailheader \seepep \textunderscore \longprogramopt \infinity \plusminus \shortversion \version \refmodindex \seerfc \makeindex \makemodindex \renewcommand \indexname \appendix \protect \indexiv \mbox \textasciitilde \platform \seeurl \leftmargin \labelwidth \localmoduletable \LaTeX \copyright \memberline \backslash \pi \centerline \caption \vspace \textwidth \menuselection \textless \makevar \csimplemacro \menuselection \bfcode \sub \release \email \kwindex \refexmodindex \filenq \e \menuselection \exindex \linev \newsgroup \verbatim \setshortversion \author \authoraddress \paragraph \subparagraph \cmemberline \textbar \C \seelink c C sr y | j � \ } } Wn! t k r9 d | | f GHd SX| | j | | g � k rY d Sd | | | | f GHd S( sC Verify that closing delimiter matches most recent opening delimitersU Delimiter mismatch. On line %d, encountered closing '%s' without corresponding openNsJ Opener '%s' on line %d was not closed before encountering '%s' on line %d( t popt IndexErrort get( t c_linenot c_symbolt openerst pairmapt o_linenot o_symbol( ( s. /usr/lib64/python2.7/Tools/scripts/texcheck.pyt matchclose? s c # C sP t j d � } t j d � } t t j � � } x | D] } | j d | � q7 Wd | k ru i d d 6d d 6} n i d d 6d d 6} t d � } t j d � } t j d � } t j d � } t j d � } g } g } t j d � } t j d � } t j d � } d } d } t | j d d � � } d } x�t t | � t | | d d/ � � D]�\ } } | j � } x� | j | � D]� \ } } } d | k r�| Gd G| G| G| Gn | d k r�d | k r�| j | | f � nr | | k r| j | | f � nP | d k r2d | k r2t | | | | � n"