
Your IP :

Current Path : /proc/self/root/proc/self/root/proc/self/root/usr/share/locale/zh_TW/LC_MESSAGES/
Upload File :
Current File : //proc/self/root/proc/self/root/proc/self/root/usr/share/locale/zh_TW/LC_MESSAGES/cpio.mo

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�y�/VO9d�x\(�v  or:  [OPTION...]%.*s: ARGP_HELP_FMT parameter must be positive%.*s: ARGP_HELP_FMT parameter requires a value%.*s: Unknown ARGP_HELP_FMT parameter%s is meaningless with %s%s is not a directory%s not created: newer or same age version exists%s: Cannot %s%s: Cannot change mode to %s%s: Cannot change ownership to uid %lu, gid %lu%s: Cannot create symlink to %s%s: Cannot hard link to %s%s: Cannot seek to %s%s: Too many arguments
%s: Warning: Cannot %s%s: Warning: Cannot seek to %s%s: field width not sufficient for storing %s%s: file name too long%s: rmtclose failed%s: rmtioctl failed%s: rmtopen failed%s: truncating %s%s: truncating inode number%s: unknown file type(PROGRAM ERROR) No version known!?(PROGRAM ERROR) Option should have been recognized!?--append is used but no archive file name is given (use -F or -O options)--no-preserve-owner cannot be used with --owner--owner cannot be used with --no-preserve-owner--stat requires file names-F can be used only with --create or --extractARGP_HELP_FMT: %s value is less than or equal to %sAppend to an existing archive.Archive file is local, even if its name contains colonsArchive format is not specified in copy-pass mode (use --format option)Archive format multiply definedArchive value %.*s is out of rangeBLOCK-SIZEBoth -I and -F are used in copy-in modeBoth -O and -F are used in copy-out modeCOMMANDCannot execute remote shellCannot open %sCommand exited successfully
Command failed with status %d
Command stopped on signal %d
Command terminated
Command terminated on signal %d
Create all files relative to the current directoryCreate file of the given SIZECreate leading directories where neededCreate the archive (run in copy-out mode)Creating intermediate directory `%s'Display executed checkpoints and exit status of COMMANDDo not change the ownership of the filesEnable debugging infoExecute COMMANDExtract files from an archive (run in copy-in mode)Extract files to standard outputFILEFLAGFORMATFile creation options:File statistics options:GNU `cpio' copies files to and from archives

  # Copy files named in name-list to the archive
  cpio -o < name-list [> archive]
  # Extract files from the archive
  cpio -i [< archive]
  # Copy files named in name-list to destination-directory
  cpio -p destination-directory < name-list
Garbage commandGarbage in ARGP_HELP_FMT: %sInteractively rename filesInvalid size: %sInvalid value for --warning option: %sMain operation mode:Malformed number %.*sMandatory or optional arguments to long options are also mandatory or optional for any corresponding short options.Mode already definedNAMENUMBERNegative size: %sNot enough argumentsNumber out of allowed range: %sOperation modifiers valid in any mode:PATTERNPrint a "." for each file processedPrint a table of contents of the inputRead file names from FILEReplace all files unconditionallyReport bugs to %s.
Reset the access times of files after reading themRun in copy-pass modeSECSSIZESTRINGSet the I/O block size to 5120 bytesSet the I/O block size to BLOCK-SIZE * 512 bytesSynchronous execution options:Too many argumentsUnknown date formatUnknown field `%s'Unknown system errorUpdate the access and modification times of FILEUsage:Use given archive FORMATUse the old portable (ASCII) archive formatUse this FILE-NAME instead of standard input or output. Optional USER and HOST specify the user and host names in case of a remote archiveValid arguments are:Write files with large blocks of zeros as sparse filesWrite to file NAME, instead of standard outputWritten by %s and %s.
Written by %s, %s, %s,
%s, %s, %s, %s,
%s, %s, and others.
Written by %s, %s, %s,
%s, %s, %s, %s,
%s, and %s.
Written by %s, %s, %s,
%s, %s, %s, %s,
and %s.
Written by %s, %s, %s,
%s, %s, %s, and %s.
Written by %s, %s, %s,
%s, %s, and %s.
Written by %s, %s, %s,
%s, and %s.
Written by %s, %s, %s,
and %s.
Written by %s, %s, and %s.
Written by %s.
You must specify one of -oipt options.
Try `%s --help' or `%s --usage' for more information.
[USER][:.][GROUP][[USER@]HOST:]FILE-NAME[destination-directory]`%s' exists but is not a directoryambiguous argument %s for %sblank line ignoredcannot get the login group of a numeric UIDcannot link %s to %scannot make directory `%s'cannot read checksum for %scannot remove current %scannot seek on outputcannot set time on `%s'cannot swap bytes of %s: odd number of bytescannot swap halfwords of %s: odd number of halfwordsdevice major numberdevice minor numberdevice numbererror closing archiveexec/tcp: Service not availablefailed to return to initial working directoryfile modefile name contains null characterfile sizegidgive a short usage messagegive this help listhang for SECS seconds (default 3600)inode numberinvalid archive format `%s'; valid formats are:
crc newc odc bin ustar tar (all-caps also recognized)invalid argument %s for %sinvalid block sizeinvalid groupinvalid header: checksum errorinvalid usermemory exhaustedmodification timename sizeno tape device specifiednumber of linkspremature end of archivepremature end of fileprint program versionrdevrdev majorrdev minorread errorrename %s -> set the program namestandard input is closedstandard output is closedstat(%s) failedstdinstdouttoo many argumentsuidunable to record current working directoryvirtual memory exhaustedwarning: archive header has reverse byte-orderwrite errorProject-Id-Version: cpio 2.9.91
Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: bug-cpio@gnu.org
POT-Creation-Date: 2015-09-12 14:33+0300
PO-Revision-Date: 2008-08-20 20:08+0800
Last-Translator: Zi-You Dai <ioppooster@gmail.com>
Language-Team: Chinese (traditional)  <zh-l10n@linux.org.tw>
Language: zh_TW
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;
或:[選項...]%.*s: ARGP_HELP_FMT 參數必須是正的%.*s:ARGP_HELP_FMT 參數需要一個值%.*s:未知 ARGP_HELP_FMT 參數%s 與 %s 在一起時無意義%s 不是目錄%s 未建立:已有更新或同樣新的版本存在%s: Cannot %s%s: %s 不能改變模式 %s:uid %lu,gid %lu 不能改變擁有權%s:無法建立 symlink 到 %s%s: %s 不能hard link%s:無法找到 %s%s:太多引數
%s: 警告: Cannot %s%s:警告:無法找到 %s%s:領域寬度不足以儲存 %s%s:檔案名稱太長%s: rmtclose 失敗%s: rmtioctl 失敗%s: rmtopen 失敗%s:%s 截斷%s:截斷 inode 數目%s:未知檔案類型(程式錯誤) 沒有已知版本!?(程式錯誤)選項應以識別!?--append is used but no archive file name is given (使用 -F 或 -O 選項)--no-preserve-owner 不能用於 --owner--owner 不能用於 --no-preserve-owner--stat 需要檔案名稱只能用於 -F 與 --create 或 --extractARGP_HELP_FMT:%s 值是小於或等於 %s附加到現有的存檔。存檔的檔案是本地的,即使其名稱中包含冒號存檔格式是未指定在 copy-pass 模式 (使用 --format 選項)存檔格式多重定義存檔值 %.*s 超出範圍BLOCK-SIZE -l 和 -F 兩者是使用 copy-in 模式 -O 和 -F 兩者是使用 copy-out 模式指令不能執行遠端的shell不能開啟 %s命令退出成功
命令失敗與狀態 %d
命令停止在信號 %d
命令終止的信號 %d
在當前目錄建立所有檔案相對給予建立檔案的大小如有需要建立引導目錄建立檔案(運行在 copy-out 模式)建立中間目錄 `%s'顯示執行的檢查站和退出狀態的命令不改變所有權的檔案開啟除錯訊息執行命令解壓縮檔案,從一個存檔(運行在 copy-in 模式)檔案解壓縮到標準輸出檔案標誌格式檔案建立選項:檔案統計選項:GNU `cpio' copies files to and from archives

  # Copy files named in name-list to the archive
  cpio -o < name-list [> archive]
  # Extract files from the archive
  cpio -i [< archive]
  # Copy files named in name-list to destination-directory
  cpio -p destination-directory < name-list
模糊的命令無用輸入 ARGP_HELP_FMT: %s以交互方式重新命名檔案無效大小:%s--warning 無效值選項:%s主要操作模式:畸型數字 %.*s強制性或選擇性的引數到長的選項,也是強制性或任擇任何相應的簡短選項。模式已經定義名稱數目拒絕的大小:%s沒有足夠的引數數字列允許的範圍:%s應用於所有模式的選項:樣本每處理一個檔案就列印一個"."列出輸入表格的內容從檔案讀檔名無條件的覆蓋所有檔案報告臭蟲到 %s。
重置存取時間的檔案後,讀取它運行在 copy-pass 模式SECS大小字符串設定 I/O 區塊大小為 5120 bytes設定 I/O 區塊大小為 BLOCK-SIZE * 512 bytes同步執行選項:太多引數未知的日期格式未知領域 `%s'未知系統錯誤檔案更新存取和修改的時間用法:使用指定的存檔格式使用舊有可移植 (ASCII) 的存檔格式使用檔名來替代標準輸入或輸出。Optional USER and HOST specify the user and host names in case of a remote archive有效的引數是:把含有大區塊零的檔案以稀疏檔案方式寫出寫入檔案名稱,而不是標準輸出Written by %s and %s.
Written by %s, %s, %s,
%s, %s, %s, %s,
%s, %s, and others.
Written by %s, %s, %s,
%s, %s, %s, %s,
%s, and %s.
Written by %s, %s, %s,
%s, %s, %s, %s,
and %s.
Written by %s, %s, %s,
%s, %s, %s, and %s.
Written by %s, %s, %s,
%s, %s, and %s.
Written by %s, %s, %s,
%s, and %s.
Written by %s, %s, %s,
and %s.
Written by %s, %s, and %s.
Written by %s.
您必須指定 one of -oipt 選項。
試試 `%s --help' 或 `%s --usage' 以獲取更多信息。
[使用者][:.][群組][[用戶@]主機:]檔名[目的地目錄]`%s' 存在,但不是目錄含糊的引數 %s 為 %s忽略空白列不能登入群組的一個 UID 數字無法將 %s 連接到 %s不能作出目錄 `%s'%s 不能讀取 checksum不能刪除當前 %s無法找出輸出檔不能設定時間在 `%s'無法交換 %s 位元:位元值異常無法交換 %s 的半字:半字值異常裝置的主要數目裝置的次要數目裝置數目錯誤,關閉存檔exec/tcp:服務不可用未有返回初始工作目錄檔案模式檔名中包含空的字符檔案大小gid給予短的使用訊息給予這份幫助清單展出 SECS 秒 (預設 3600)inode 數目無效的存檔格式 `%s'; 有效格式是:
crc newc odc bin ustar tar (全大寫也承認)無效的引數 %s 為 %s無效的區塊大小無效的群組無效的檔頭:校驗錯誤無效的使用者記憶體用盡修改時間名稱大小沒有指定磁帶設備鏈接數存檔非正常終止過早結束的檔案列出程式版本rdevrdev 主要rdev 次要讀取錯誤重新命名 %s -> 設定程式名稱標準輸入是關閉的標準輸出是關閉的開始(%s)失敗標準輸入標準輸出太多引數uid無法記錄當前的工作目錄虛擬記憶體用盡警告:存檔標頭是相反的 byte-order寫入錯誤