
Your IP :

Current Path : /proc/self/root/proc/self/root/proc/self/root/usr/share/locale/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/
Upload File :
Current File : //proc/self/root/proc/self/root/proc/self/root/usr/share/locale/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/cpio.mo

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%lu blocks
%s is meaningless with %s%s is not a character special file%s is not a directory%s linked to %s%s not created: newer or same age version exists%s not dumped: not a regular file%s: Cannot %s%s: Cannot change mode to %s%s: Cannot change ownership to uid %lu, gid %lu%s: Cannot create symlink to %s%s: Cannot hard link to %s%s: Cannot seek to %s%s: Cannot symlink to %s%s: Read error at byte %s, while reading %lu byte%s: Read error at byte %s, while reading %lu bytes%s: Warning: Cannot %s%s: Warning: Cannot seek to %s%s: Warning: Read error at byte %s, while reading %lu byte%s: Warning: Read error at byte %s, while reading %lu bytes%s: Wrote only %lu of %lu byte%s: Wrote only %lu of %lu bytes%s: field width not sufficient for storing %s%s: file name too long%s: rmtclose failed%s: rmtioctl failed%s: rmtopen failed%s: symbolic link too long%s: truncating %s%s: truncating inode number%s: unknown file type--append is used but no archive file name is given (use -F or -O options)--no-preserve-owner cannot be used with --owner--owner cannot be used with --no-preserve-owner-F can be used only with --create or --extractAppend to an existing archive.Archive file is local, even if its name contains colonsArchive filename to use instead of standard input. Optional USER and HOST specify the user and host names in case of a remote archiveArchive filename to use instead of standard output. Optional USER and HOST specify the user and host names in case of a remote archiveArchive format is not specified in copy-pass mode (use --format option)Archive format multiply definedArchive value %.*s is out of rangeBLOCK-SIZEBoth -I and -F are used in copy-in modeBoth -O and -F are used in copy-out modeCOMMANDCannot execute remote shellCannot open %sControl warning display. Currently FLAG is one of 'none', 'truncate', 'all'. Multiple options accumulate.Create all files relative to the current directoryCreate leading directories where neededCreate the archive (run in copy-out mode)Creating intermediate directory `%s'Dereference  symbolic  links  (copy  the files that they point to instead of copying the links).Do not change the ownership of the filesDo not print the number of blocks copiedDo not strip file system prefix components from the file namesEnable debugging infoExtract files from an archive (run in copy-in mode)Extract files to standard outputFILEFLAGFORMATFile %s shrunk by %s byte, padding with zerosFile %s shrunk by %s bytes, padding with zerosFile %s was modified while being copiedFound end of tape.  Load next tape and press RETURN. Found end of tape.  To continue, type device/file name when ready.
GNU `cpio' copies files to and from archives

  # Copy files named in name-list to the archive
  cpio -o < name-list [> archive]
  # Extract files from the archive
  cpio -i [< archive]
  # Copy files named in name-list to destination-directory
  cpio -p destination-directory < name-list
In the verbose table of contents listing, show numeric UID and GIDInteractively rename filesInvalid value for --warning option: %sLink files instead of copying them, when  possibleMain operation mode:Malformed number %.*sMode already definedNUMBERNot enough argumentsOnly copy files that do not match any of the given patternsOperation modifiers valid in any mode:Operation modifiers valid in copy-in and copy-out modes:Operation modifiers valid in copy-in and copy-pass modes:Operation modifiers valid in copy-out and copy-pass modes:Operation modifiers valid only in copy-in mode:Operation modifiers valid only in copy-out mode:Operation modifiers valid only in copy-pass mode:Print STRING when the end of a volume of the backup media is reachedPrint a "." for each file processedPrint a table of contents of the inputRead additional patterns specifying filenames to extract or list from FILERead error at byte %lld in file %s, padding with zerosRemoving leading `%s' from hard link targetsRemoving leading `%s' from member namesReplace all files unconditionallyReset the access times of files after reading themRetain previous file modification times when creating filesRun in copy-pass modeSTRINGSet the I/O block size to 5120 bytesSet the I/O block size to BLOCK-SIZE * 512 bytesSet the I/O block size to the given NUMBER of bytesSet the ownership of all files created to the specified USER and/or GROUPSubstituting `.' for empty hard link targetSubstituting `.' for empty member nameSwap both halfwords of words and bytes of halfwords in the data. Equivalent to -sSSwap the bytes of each halfword in the filesSwap the halfwords of each word (4 bytes) in the filesTo continue, type device/file name when ready.
Too many argumentsUse given archive FORMATUse the old portable (ASCII) archive formatUse this FILE-NAME instead of standard input or output. Optional USER and HOST specify the user and host names in case of a remote archiveVerbosely list the files processedWhen reading a CRC format archive, only verify the CRC's of each file in the archive, don't actually extract the filesWrite files with large blocks of zeros as sparse filesYou must specify one of -oipt options.
Try `%s --help' or `%s --usage' for more information.
[USER][:.][GROUP][[USER@]HOST:]FILE-NAME[destination-directory]`%s' exists but is not a directoryblank line ignoredcannot get the login group of a numeric UIDcannot link %s to %scannot make directory `%s'cannot read checksum for %scannot remove current %scannot seek on outputcannot swap bytes of %s: odd number of bytescannot swap halfwords of %s: odd number of halfwordsdevice major numberdevice minor numberdevice numbererror closing archiveexec/tcp: Service not availablefile modefile sizegidhang for SECS seconds (default 3600)inode numberinternal error: tape descriptor changed from %d to %dinvalid archive format `%s'; valid formats are:
crc newc odc bin ustar tar (all-caps also recognized)invalid block sizeinvalid groupinvalid header: checksum errorinvalid usermodification timename sizeno tape device specifiednumber of linkspremature end of archivepremature end of filerdevrdev majorrdev minorread errorrename %s -> standard input is closedstandard output is closedstdinstdoutuidvirtual memory exhaustedwarning: archive header has reverse byte-orderwarning: skipped %ld byte of junkwarning: skipped %ld bytes of junkwrite errorProject-Id-Version: cpio 2.9
Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: bug-cpio@gnu.org
POT-Creation-Date: 2015-09-12 14:33+0300
PO-Revision-Date: 2007-08-06 10:53+0800
Last-Translator: LI Daobing <lidaobing@gmail.com>
Language-Team: Chinese (simplified) <i18n-zh@googlegroups.com>
Language: zh_CN
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8-bit
Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;
%lu 块
%s 与 %s 在一起时无意义%s 不是字符设备文件%s 不是目录%s 连接到 %s未创建 %s:已有更新或同样新的版本存在%s 未输出:不是普通文件%s: 函数 %s 失败%s: 无法更改模式为 %s%s: 无法更改所有权到用户ID %lu, 组ID %lu%s: 无法创建链接到 %s%s: 无法硬链接到 %s%s: 无法定位到 %s%s: 无法链接到 %s%s: 在 %s 字节处发生读错误(正在读 %lu 字节)%s: 警告: 函数 %s 失败%s: 警告: 无法定位到 %s%s: 警告: 在 %s 字节处发生读错误(正在读 %lu 字节)%s: 仅写 %lu 字节,共 %lu 字节%s: 域宽度不足以储存 %s%s:文件名过长%s: rmtclose 失败%s: rmtioctl 失败%s: rmtopen 失败%s:符号连接过长%s: 截断 %s%s: 截断inode号%s:未知的文件类型有 --append 但没有指定包文件名 (使用 -F 或 -O 选项)--no-preserve-owner 无法与 --owner 一起使用--owner 无法与 --no-preserve-owner 一起使用-F 只能与 --create 或 --extract 一起使用追加到已存在的归档文件。包文件是本地的,尽管名字中含有冒号从文件读入而不是从标准输入读入。 如果文件在远程机器上, 则可指定用户和主机使用包文件名而不是标准输出。如果文件在远程机器上,则可指定用户和主机copy-pass 模式中未指定包格式 (使用 --format 选项)包格式被多次指定存档值 %.*s 超出范围BLOCK-SIZE-I 和 -F 都被用于 copy-in 模式-O 和 -F 都被用于 copy-out 模式COMMAND无法执行远程 shell无法打开 %s控制警告信息显示。当前 FLAG 可为“none”、“truncate”或“all”。多个选项可以累积。相对于当前目录来创建所有文件需要时创建目录创建包 (运行 copy-out 模式)创建中介目录“%s”跟随符号链接 (拷贝符号链接指向的文件而不是拷贝链接本身)不改变文件的所有权不要打印已拷贝的块数文件名不去除文件系统前缀启用调试信息从包中提取文件 (运行 copy-in 模式)提取文件到标准输出FILEFLAG格式文件 %s 被减少 %s 字节, 用 0 补齐文件 %s 在拷贝时有更改磁带已结束。装入下一盒磁带并按 RETURN。磁带已结束。要继续,在准备就绪时输入设备/文件名。
GNU `cpio' 归档文件及从包中提取文件

  # 归档 name-list 中的文件到 archive
  cpio -o < name-list [> archive]
  # 从 archive 中提取文件
  cpio -i [< archive]
  # 拷贝 name-list 中的文件到目标目录(destination-directory)
  cpio -p destination-directory < name-list
在内容列表的详表中,显示数字的 UID 和 GID交互式重命名文件--warning 选项的不合理的值: %s在可行时链接文件而不是拷贝文件主操作模式畸形数字 %.*s模式已定义NUMBER参数不足仅拷贝不匹配任意给定的模式的文件应用于所有模式的选项:应用于 copy-in 及 copy-out 模式的选项:应用于 copy-in 和 copy-pass 模式的选项:应用于 copy-out 及 copy-pass 模式的选项:命令修饰仅在 copy-in 模式中有效:应用于 copy-out 模式的选项应用于 copy-pass 模式的选项:当到达备份介质的尾部的时候打印 STRING每处理一个文件就打印一个“.”打印输入内容列表从 FILE 中读取额外的用于指定提取或列表的文件名的模式在文件 %2$s 的 %1$lld 处发生读错误,用 0 补齐从硬链接目标中去除前缀“%s”从成员名中去除前缀“%s”无条件覆盖所有文件文件读取后恢复文件的访问时间创建文件时保留以前文件的修改时间运行 copy-pass 模式STRING设置 I/O 块大小为 5120 字节设置 I/O 块大小为 BLOCK-SIZE * 512 字节设置 I/O 块大小为指定的 NUMBER 字节设置所有文件的所有权信息到指定的用户和/或组为空硬链接目标替换“.”为空成员名替换“.”交换数据中每个字的两个半字以及每个半字中的两个字节。等价于 -sS交换文件中每个半字中的两个字节交换文件中每个字(4个字节)中的两个半字要继续,在准备就绪时输入设备/文件名。
过多参数使用指定的包格式使用老的可移植的 (ASCII) 包格式用“文件名”来替代标准输入和输出。如果是非本地的文件,则用可选的“用户”和“主机”来指定用户名和主机名。详细列出已处理的文件当读取一个 CRC 格式的包,仅检验包中每个文件的 CRC,不提取文件把含有大块零的文件以稀疏文件方式写出你必须指定 -oipt 选项中的一个。
尝试 `%s --help' 或者 `%s --usage' 来寻找更多信息。
[用户][:.][组][[用户@]主机:]文件名[目标目录]“%s”存在但不是目录忽略空行无法得到数字 UID 的登录组无法将 %s 连接到 %s无法创建目录“%s”无法为 %s 读入校验和无法删除当前 %s无法在输出中执行 seek 操作无法交换 %s 的字节: 字节值异常无法交换 %s 的半字: 半字值异常主设备号次设备号设备号关闭归档文件错误exec/tcp:服务不可用文件模式文件大小组ID挂起 SECS 秒 (缺省 3600)inode号内部错误:磁带描述符从 %d 改为 %d无效的归档格式“%s”;有效的格式有:
crc、newc、odc、bin、ustar、tar (能识别各种大小写形式)无效的块大小无效的组无效的头:校验和错误无效的用户修改时间名字大小未给出磁带设备链接数量归档非正常终止文件非正常终止rdevrdev 主设备号rdev 次设备号读错误将 %s 重命名为 -> 标准输入已关闭标准输出已关闭标准输入标准输出用户ID虚拟内存耗尽警告:归档头为反向字节序警告: 跳过 %ld 个空字节写错误PRIuMAXFile %s grew, % new byte not copiedFile %s grew, %<PRIuMAX> new bytes not copied文件 %s 增长,% 新字节未被拷贝