
Your IP :

Current Path : /proc/self/root/proc/self/root/proc/self/root/usr/local/sitepad/languages/english/
Upload File :
Current File : //proc/self/root/proc/self/root/proc/self/root/usr/local/sitepad/languages/english/index_lang.php


// index_lang.php
// Version : 1.1
// Inspired by the DESIRE to be the BEST OF ALL
// ----------------------------------------------------------
// Started by: Alons
// Date:       10th Jan 2009
// Time:       21:00 hrs
// Site:       http://www.softaculous.com/ (SOFTACULOUS)
// ----------------------------------------------------------
// Please Read the Terms of use at http://www.softaculous.com
// ----------------------------------------------------------
// (c)Softaculous Inc.

if(!defined('SITEPAD') && !defined('SITEMUSH')){

	die('Hacking Attempt');


$l['user_data_error_t'] = 'User Data Error';
$l['user_data_error'] = 'The Panel was unable to load your account information. Please report this to the server administrator!';

$l['today'] = '<b>Today</b> at ';//The today string for showing todays post time

$l['init_theme_error_t'] = 'Theme Error';//Title
$l['init_theme_error'] = 'Unable to load the theme file - &soft-1;.';

$l['init_theme_func_error_t'] = 'Theme Function Error';//Title
$l['init_theme_func_error'] = 'Unable to load the theme function(s) of &soft-1;.';

$l['load_theme_settings_error'] = 'Unable to load the themes settings file.';

//Error Handle Function
$l['following_errors_occured'] = 'The following errors were found';

//Success Message Function
$l['following_message'] = 'The following message was returned';

//Major Error Function
$l['fatal_error'] = 'Fatal Error';
$l['following_fatal_error'] = 'The following error occured';

//Message Function
$l['soft_message'] = 'Message';
$l['following_soft_message'] = 'The following message was returned';

$l['err_user_head'] = 'Error';
$l['err_user'] = 'Could not determine the type of user';

//Update Softaculous
$l['getting_info'] = 'Requesting Information......';
$l['error_getting_latest'] = 'Could not get information......Abandoning';
$l['got_info'] = 'Got information';
$l['manual_mode'] = 'The new version of '.APP.' requires manual attention......Abandoning';
$l['no_updates'] = 'Current Version is Latest Version......Continuing';
$l['fetch_upgrade'] = 'Fetching Upgrade......';
$l['error_fetch_upgrade'] = 'Could not fetch upgrade file......Abandoning';
$l['error_save_upgrade'] = 'Could not SAVE upgrade file......Abandoning';
$l['got_upgrade'] = 'Saved the Upgrade File';
$l['unzip_upgrade'] = 'Unzipping the files......';
$l['error_unzip_upgrade'] = 'Error unzipping......Abandoning';
$l['unzipped_upgrade'] = 'Unzipped Successfully';
$l['md5_check'] = 'MD5 Check Successful';
$l['err_md5_check'] = 'MD5 Check for these files were not Successful';
$l['err_md5_file'] = ' does not exist';

//MySQL Errors
$l['err_selectmy'] = 'The MySQL Database could not be selected.';
$l['err_myconn'] = 'The MySQL Connection could not be established.';
$l['err_makequery'] = 'Could not make the query numbered';
$l['err_mynum'] = 'MySQL Error No';
$l['err_myerr'] = 'MySQL Error';

$l['welcome'] = 'Welcome';
$l['logout'] = 'Logout';
$l['page_time'] = 'Page Created In';
$l['times_are'] = 'All times are GMT';
$l['time_is'] = 'The time now is';

// Page Jump Related :
$l['page_jump_title'] = 'Type the page to jump to';
$l['page_page'] = 'Page';
$l['page_of'] = 'of';
$l['page_go'] = 'Go';

// Theme Languages

// Header
$l['loading'] = 'Loading...';
$l['disconnected'] = 'Not connected. Please try again.';
$l['welcome'] = 'Welcome';
$l['logout'] = 'Logout';
$l['navindex'] = 'Dashboard';
$l['dashboard'] = 'Dashboard';
$l['go_settings'] = 'Edit Settings';
$l['go_support'] = 'Help and Support';
$l['go_logout'] = 'Logout';
$l['go_cpanel'] = 'Go to Control Panel';
$l['restore'] = 'Restore';
$l['dismiss'] = 'Don\'t Show Again';
$l['access_old_editor'] = 'Access Old Editor';
$l['new_editor_title'] = 'New $editor';
$l['new_editor_exp'] = 'Hi,<br><br>

<p>Firstly, let us thank you for using <b>$editor</b>.<br>
We have released a <b>new</b> version of $editor which allows you to store all your files and data on your hosting account. It will also enable us to give you <b>E-Commerce solutions</b> in the future.<br><br>

Your existing $editor data is completely safe. Unfortunately, it will not be possible to migrate the data from the old $editor to this new software. You can continue to use the old editor by clicking the <i class="fa sai-pfx_icon fa-1x" style="color:#275693; font-size: 24px; vertical-align: middle;"></i> in the top bar.<br><br>

We do request you to use the <b>new $editor</b> for your new sites, as e-commerce will be available only in the new version. All themes in the previous $editor have been ported to the new version of our software, and we will also be adding 100\'s of new themes along with 1-click e-commerce solutions.<br><br>

$editor Team

// Footer
$l['wiki'] = 'Wiki';
$l['support'] = 'Support';
$l['tos'] = 'Terms of Use';
$l['privacy'] = 'Privacy Policy';
$l['close'] = 'Close';

// SiteMush
$l['old_editor_no_new'] = 'The Old Editor is being maintained for old sites created with it. You do not have any old site and hence we request you to <a href="'.$globals['index'].'act=new_site">create your new site with the new editor</a>.';

// Cron Language
$l['upd_avail_sub'] = 'SitePad Plugin update v&soft-1; is available';
$l['upd_avail'] = 'SitePad Plugin update v&soft-1; is available.
Since \'Automatic Updates\' are OFF you will need to manually upgrade to the latest version.
To do so go to:
Admin Panel -> Configuration -> Updates

The following information about the new version was fetched:

From SitePad Plugin Cron Jobs';

$l['upd_avail_suc_sub'] = 'Successfully upgraded to SitePad Plugin v&soft-1;';
$l['upd_avail_suc'] = 'SitePad Plugin update v&soft-1; is available.
The SitePad Plugin successfully upgraded to the latest version.
Below is the logs of the upgrade attempt:

The following information about the new version was fetched:

From SitePad Plugin Cron Jobs';

$l['upd_avail_err_sub'] = 'Failed upgrading to SitePad Plugin v&soft-1;';
$l['upd_avail_err'] = 'SitePad Plugin update v&soft-1; is available.
The SitePad Plugin tried to automatically upgrade to the latest version, but failed.
Below is the logs of the upgrade attempt:

You will have to manually upgrade to the latest version.
To do so go to:
Admin Panel -> Configuration -> Updates

The following information about the new version was fetched:

From SitePad Plugin Cron Jobs';

// CLI strings
$l['soft_license'] = APP." License";
$l['lic_type'] = "Type";
$l['num_users'] = "Number of users";
$l['licexpires'] = "Expires";
$l['primary_ip'] = "License IP";
$l['free'] = "Free";
$l['premium'] = "Premium";
$l['expired'] = "Expired";
$l['trial'] = "Trial";
$l['never'] = "Never";

$l['no_ftp'] = 'Could not find FTP Login details';

// Dashboard
$l['sp_dashboard'] = 'SitePad Dashboard';
$l['all_sites'] = 'All Sites';
$l['add_sites'] = 'Add New Site';
$l['clone_sites'] = 'Clone Sites';
$l['domains'] = 'Domains';
$l['databases'] = 'Databases';
$l['sites'] = 'Sites';
$l['disk_space'] = 'Available Disk';
$l['import_site'] = 'Import Site';
$l['team'] = 'Team';
$l['wt_news'] = 'What\'s News';
$l['latest_themes'] = 'Latest Themes';
$l['more_features'] = 'More Features';
$l['imp_links'] = 'Important Links';
$l['need_support'] = 'Need Help? We\'re Here 24/7!';
$l['need_support_desc'] = '<b style="font-size:1.25em">24/7 Support - Need Help?</b> Contact us anytime for assistance or to report any bugs. Our team is here to help you resolve any issues you encounter.';
$l['found_bug'] = 'Found a Bug? Let Us Know!';
$l['found_bug_desc'] = '<b style="font-size:1.25em">Found a Bug?</b> Report it to us so we can fix it and improve your experience!';
$l['found_bug_btn'] = 'Report Bug';
$l['conect_to_soft'] = 'Unable to connect to '.APP.'.';
$l['docs'] = 'Documentation';
$l['help_center'] = 'Help Center';
$l['contact'] = 'Contact Us';
$l['documentor'] = 'Documentor';
$l['documentor_exp'] = 'You can write documentations about your product(s) and API, if this feature is enabled';
$l['kkart'] = 'Kkart E-Commerce';
$l['kkart_exp'] = 'If you would like to convert your site to a shopping cart, you can enable this feature';
$l['title_dashboard'] = 'Dashboard';

//Import Sites Lang
$l['title_import_site'] = 'Import Site';
$l['index_not_exist'] = 'index.php file not found';
$l['site_imported'] = 'The site has been imported successfully';
$l['wrong_index'] = 'There is something wrong with the index.php file';
$l['site_address_local_exp'] = 'Import existing sitepad site form this server';

//All Sites Lang
$l['title_all_sites'] = 'All Sites';
$l['search'] = 'Search';
$l['delete'] = 'Delete';
$l['apply'] = 'Apply';
$l['bulk_action'] = 'Bulk Actions';
$l['no_sites'] = 'There are no sites yet. Please <a href="'.$globals['index'].'act=new_site">create a new site</a>.';
$l['url'] = 'URL';
$l['create_new_site'] = 'Create New Site';
$l['visit'] = 'View site';
$l['dashboard'] = 'Dashboard';
$l['login_site'] = 'Login to the site';
$l['edit'] = 'Edit';
$l['clone'] = 'Clone';
$l['created'] = 'Created';
$l['sitepad_path'] = 'SitePad Path';
$l['admin_panel'] = 'Admin Panel';
$l['max_site_err'] = 'The maximum number of sites you can create has been reached. Hence installation cannot proceed !';

// Edit Site Lang
$l['title_edit_site'] = 'Edit Site';
$l['no_site_on_ins'] = 'There are no sites registered with this installation ID';
$l['site_edited'] = 'The site has been edited successfully. Please login into the site and setup a desired theme';

// Clone Site Lang
$l['title_clone_site'] = 'Clone Site';
$l['site_source'] = 'Source site';
$l['site_cloned'] = 'Site cloned successfully. <a href="'.$globals['index'].'act=login&insid=&soft-1;">Click here to login into the site</a>';

// Login Lang
$l['no_ins_title'] = 'No site found';
$l['no_ins'] = 'There is no such installation to login to';

// Input placeholder
$l['subdir'] = 'In Directory';
$l['enter_site_title'] = 'Site Title';
$l['enter_email'] = 'my@email.com';

// Settings Lang
$l['title_settings'] = 'User Settings';
$l['timezone'] = 'Timezone';
$l['default_timezone'] = 'Server Default';
$l['no_lang'] = 'No language was selected';
$l['wrong_lang'] = 'The language you selected does not exist';
$l['no_timezone'] = 'You did not select the timezone';
$l['timezone_invalid'] = 'The timezone you selected is invalid';
$l['settings_saved'] = 'Your settings were saved successfully';

// New Site Lang
$l['title_new_site'] = 'Add New Site';
$l['site_address'] = 'Site Address';
$l['site_title'] = 'Site Title';
$l['site_title_exp'] = 'Short title or your Company name';
$l['site_title_def'] = 'My Website';
$l['choose_lang'] = 'Site Language';
$l['choose_lang_exp'] = 'Choose the language you would like to use for this site';
$l['site_desc'] = 'Description';
$l['site_desc_exp'] = 'Short description of your site / company';
$l['site_desc_def'] = 'Built with SitePad';
$l['admin_email'] = 'Admin Email';
$l['admin_email_exp'] = 'Admin account email address';
$l['site_email'] = 'Email Address';
$l['site_email_exp'] = 'Used on the Contact page';
$l['phone'] = 'Phone';
$l['phone_exp'] = 'Used on the Contact page';
$l['address'] = 'Address';
$l['address_exp'] = 'Used on the Contact page';
$l['address_def'] = '123, Street name, City, State, Pin, Country';
$l['facebook_exp'] = 'Link to your Facebook page';
$l['twitter_exp'] = 'Link to your Twitter profile';
$l['instagram_exp'] = 'Link to your Instagram page';
$l['linkedin_exp'] = 'Link to your LinkedIn page';
$l['youtube_exp'] = 'Link to your YouTube channel';
$l['google_exp'] = 'Link to your Google+ page';
$l['save'] = 'Save';
$l['no_domain'] = 'The domain does not exist';
$l['some_files_exist'] = 'Installation cannot proceed because the following files already exist in the target folder : ';
$l['delete_files'] = 'Please delete these files or choose another folder.';
$l['overwrite_exist'] = '<b>OR</b> <br /><input type="checkbox" name="overwrite_existing" id="overwrite_existing" />&nbsp;&nbsp;<b><span style="color:#000;">Select the checkbox to overwrite all files and continue</span></b>';
$l['create_db_err'] = 'There was an error while setting up the database';
$l['err_create'] = 'There was an error setting up the site';
$l['site_created'] = 'The site has been created successfully. <a href="'.$globals['index'].'act=login&edit=1&insid=&soft-1;" target="_blank">Click here to login into the site start editing</a> or <a href="&soft-2;" target="_blank">click here to view your new site</a>';
$l['welcome_new_site'] = 'Welcome to '.$globals['sn'];
$l['choose_theme'] = 'Choose a theme';
$l['choose_theme_exp'] = 'Choose a theme for your website';
$l['site_details'] = 'Site Details';
$l['site_details_exp'] = 'Enter site details like site name, domain, email, etc.';
$l['comp_setup'] = 'Complete Setup';
$l['comp_setup_exp'] = 'Start editing your website';
$l['get_started'] = 'Get Started';
$l['all'] = 'All';
$l['select'] = 'Select';
$l['show_theme'] = 'Show Theme';
$l['demo'] = 'Demo';
$l['new_site_details'] = 'Enter your Site Details';
$l['new_site_details_exp'] = 'These details will be used to pre fill the information for your website.';
$l['new_site_details_optional'] = 'Leaving <b>Site Details</b> all fields are <b>OPTIONAL</b> and can be edited later.';
$l['social_media'] = 'Social Media';
$l['contact_info'] = 'Contact Details';
$l['more_profiles'] = 'More Social Media Profiles';
$l['proceed_install'] = 'Proceed with Install';
$l['setup_complete'] = 'Setup Complete !';
$l['happy'] = 'Happy website building from the '.$globals['sn'].' Team !';
$l['return'] = 'Return to Sites';
$l['select_theme'] = 'Select a Theme';
$l['search_themes'] = 'Search Themes';
$l['db_limit_crossed'] = 'The maximum number of databases you can create has been reached. Hence installation cannot proceed !';
$l['image_copyright_title'] = 'Image Copyright';
$l['image_copyright_text'] = 'We try our best to use images that are free from legal perspectives. However, we do not take any responsibility for the same. Do you want to use the demo images with this theme ?<br/><br/>If you click <b>Yes</b>, then the images will be downloaded from their respective sources. If you click <b>No</b>, then we will use placeholder images which are distributed with this theme and can be replaced easily.';
$l['enable_dev_mode'] = 'Enable Dev Mode';
$l['enable_dev_mode_exp'] = '(If checked, your site will be visible only if you are logged in !)';
$l['enable_features'] = 'Enable Feature(s)';
$l['enable_features_exp'] = 'Enable more features to improve your site';
$l['yes'] = 'Yes';
$l['no'] = 'No';

// Remove Site
$l['title_remove_site'] = 'Remove Site';
$l['ins_removed'] = 'Site removed successfully';
$l['remove_ins'] = 'Remove Site';
$l['remove_ins_conf'] = 'Are you sure you wish to remove the this site ?';
$l['no_insid'] = 'Installation ID not found';
$l['no_ins_found'] = 'There is no site with this Installation ID';
$l['return_all_site'] = 'Return to All Sites';
$l['site_info'] = 'Site Information';
$l['site_id'] = 'Site ID';
$l['site_name'] = 'Site Name';
$l['path'] = 'Path';
$l['ins_time'] = 'Installation Time';
$l['db_name'] = 'Database Name';
$l['db_user'] = 'Database User';
$l['db_host'] = 'Database Host';
$l['db_table_prefix'] = 'Table Prefix';

// Backup Site
$l['backup'] = 'Backup';
$l['title_backup_site'] = 'Backup Site';
$l['select_backup_option'] = 'Select Backup Option(s)';
$l['backup_dir'] = 'Backup Directory';
$l['backup_dir_exp'] = 'If you check this, the entire folder will be backed up';
$l['backup_db'] = 'Backup Database';
$l['backup_db_exp'] = 'If checked, the database will also be backed up';
$l['backup_note'] = 'Backup Note';
$l['backup_note_exp'] = 'You can save a note for your reference';
$l['backup_loc'] = 'Backup Location';
$l['backup_loc_exp'] = 'Choose the backup location where you would like to store the backup';
$l['default'] = 'Default';
$l['local_folder'] = 'Local Folder';
$l['backup_ins'] = 'Backup site';
$l['ins_backuped'] = ' The backup was created successfully. You can access it from the <a href="'.$globals['index'].'act=backups">Backups</a> page.';
$l['cant_connect_mysql'] = 'Cannot connect to MySQL';
$l['cant_backup_db'] = 'Cannot backup the database';
$l['cant_backup_dir'] = 'Cannot backup the directory';
$l['backup_file_empty'] = 'Backup file is empty';
$l['backup_limit'] = 'The maximum number of backups you can create has been reached. Hence site backup cannot proceed !';

// Backups Site
$l['title_backup_restore'] = 'Backup and Restore';
$l['backup_restore'] = 'Backup and Restore';
$l['backup_deleted'] = 'The backup was deleted successfully.';
$l['bac_of'] = 'Backup of';
$l['file_name'] = 'File Name';
$l['size'] = 'Size';
$l['version'] = 'Version';
$l['notes'] = 'Notes';
$l['options'] = 'Options';
$l['no_backups'] = 'You do not have any backups';
$l['size_mb'] = 'MB';
$l['download'] = 'Download';
$l['confirm_del'] = 'Are you sure you want to delete the backup file ?';
$l['remove'] = 'Remove';
$l['with_selected'] = 'With Selected';
$l['go'] = 'Go';

// Restoring Backup
$l['title_restore'] = 'Restoring Backup';
$l['restore_dir'] = 'Restore Directory';
$l['restore_dir_exp'] = 'If you check this, the entire folder will be restored';
$l['restore_delete_files'] = 'Delete existing files/folders';
$l['restore_delete_files_exp'] = 'If checked, existing files/folders will be deleted and then the backup files will be restored.<br/>Note: Please make sure that you chose Full Backup while creating this backup.';
$l['restore_db'] = 'Restore Database';
$l['restore_db_exp'] = 'If checked, the database will also be restored';
$l['restore_ins'] = 'Restore site';
$l['err_no_backupfile'] = 'There is no backup file !';
$l['backup_file_empty'] = 'Backup file is empty';
$l['restoreerror'] = 'Unable to restore backup for some reason';
$l['err_db_create'] = 'Unable to create database for some reason';
$l['db_not_exist'] = 'Database file not exist';
$l['db_empty'] = 'Database file is empty';
$l['res_err_selectmy'] = 'There was an error in selecting the database';
$l['err_myconn'] = 'Error in database connection';
$l['restoring_success'] = 'The backup was restored successfully.';

// Help Strings
$l['faq'] = 'Frequently Asked Questions';

$l['help_intro'] = 'What is Sitepad ?';
$l['help_intro_ans'] = 'SitePad is a drag and drop website builder with over 350+ themes from a wide range of categories like Business, Blog, Personal, Travel, Photography, Technology and more. SitePad also includes 40+ widgets like Image/Video Slider, Image Galleries, Rich Text, Video, Audio, Service Box, Google Maps and more. All the sites created with SitePad are responsive and adjusts as per the screen size.';

$l['help_create_site'] = 'How to create a new site ?';
$l['help_create_site_ans'] = 'In order to create a new site you need to navigate to the <b><a href="'.$globals['index'].'act=new_site">Add New Site</a></b> link in the left menu. Once you are on the add new site page please fill in the basic details like domain name, site title, email address and language. That\'s it ! Once the site is created you will be redirected to the setup wizard where you can choose the theme and proceed further with editing the site using SitePad drag and drop editor.';

$l['help_demos'] = 'Where can I see a demo of Sitepad themes ?';
$l['help_demos_ans'] = 'You will need to login to the dashboard of the the site you would like to edit. Once you are in the dashboard you can go to the <b>Themes</b> tab in the left menu. Choose any theme and click on the <b>Demo</b> button to view the demo of the respective theme.';

$l['help_support'] = 'Where to get support for Sitepad ?';
$l['help_support_ans'] = 'If you are facing any issues with SitePad you can <a href="https://sitepad.deskuss.com/" target="_blank">open a support ticket</a>. However SitePad cannot help you with your website development, we can help you only if any SitePad feature is not working.';

$l['help_del_site'] = 'How to delete a site ?';
$l['help_del_site_ans'] = 'To delete a site, go to the <b>All Sites</b> page, hover on the corresponding box of the you want to delete and click on the delete icon. This will take you to a page where you will be asked for confirmation and then the site will be deleted.';

$l['help_clone_site'] = 'How to clone a site ?';
$l['help_clone_site_ans'] = 'To clone a site, navigate to the <b><a href="'.$globals['index'].'act=clone_site">Clone Sites</a></b> link in the left menu. This will take you to a page where you will need to select the source site and the details of your new site like domain name, site title, email address and language. After submitting the form your site will be cloned.';

$l['help_editor_old'] = 'How to access the old SitePad editor ?';
$l['help_editor_old_ans'] = 'In order to access the old SitePad editor, navigate to the <b><a href="'.$globals['index'].'act=sitemush">Access Old Editor</a></b> link in the top menu. Here you can access the sites you created using the old SitePad Editor and manage the sites. <br /><b>Note </b>: You will not be able to create new sites in the old editor. All the new sites are to be created in the new editor.';

$l['help_migrate_editor'] = 'Can I migrate the sites created in the old SitePad editor to the new editor ?';
$l['help_migrate_editor_ans'] = 'At the moment it is not possible to migrate the sites created in the old editor to the new editor. We recommend to create all new sites in the new editor.';

$l['license_refreshed'] = 'Your license has been refreshed !';
$l['updated_license'] = 'Updated license details are as follows :';

//Copy Editor Lang
$l['title_copy_editor'] = 'Copy Editor';
$l['select_site'] = 'Select Site';
$l['copy'] = 'Copy';
$l['no_index'] = 'index.php file not found';
$l['editor_copied'] = 'Editor is successfully copied';