Current Path : /proc/self/root/proc/self/root/proc/self/root/usr/lib64/python2.7/Tools/scripts/ |
Current File : //proc/self/root/proc/self/root/proc/self/root/usr/lib64/python2.7/Tools/scripts/fixnotice.pyc |
� �fc @ sz d Z d a d d l Z d d l Z d d l Z d a d a d a d d � Z d � Z d � Z e d k rv e � n d S( s� (Ostensibly) fix copyright notices in files. Actually, this script will simply replace a block of text in a file from one string to another. It will only do this once though, i.e. not globally throughout the file. It writes a backup file and then does an os.rename() dance for atomicity. Usage: fixnotices.py [options] [filenames] Options: -h / --help Print this message and exit --oldnotice=file Use the notice in the file as the old (to be replaced) string, instead of the hard coded value in the script. --newnotice=file Use the notice in the file as the new (replacement) string, instead of the hard coded value in the script. --dry-run Don't actually make the changes, but print out the list of files that would change. When used with -v, a status will be printed for every file. -v / --verbose Print a message for every file looked at, indicating whether the file is changed or not. s� /*********************************************************** Copyright (c) 2000, BeOpen.com. Copyright (c) 1995-2000, Corporation for National Research Initiatives. Copyright (c) 1990-1995, Stichting Mathematisch Centrum. All rights reserved. See the file "Misc/COPYRIGHT" for information on usage and redistribution of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES. ******************************************************************/ i����Nt i c C s+ t t � GH| r | GHn t j | � d S( N( t __doc__t globalst syst exit( t codet msg( ( s/ /usr/lib64/python2.7/Tools/scripts/fixnotice.pyt usage4 s c C s6 y5 t j t j d d d d d d d g � \ } } Wn# t j k rZ } t d | � n Xx� | D]� \ } } | d k r� t d � qb | d k r� d a qb | d k r� d a qb | d k r� t | � } | j � a | j � qb | d k rb t | � } | j � a | j � qb qb Wx | D] } t | � qWd S( Ni t hvt helps oldnotice=s newnotice=s dry-runt verboses -hs --helpi s -vs --verboses --dry-runs --oldnotices --newnotice( s -hs --help( s -vs --verbose( t getoptR t argvt errorR t VERBOSEt DRYRUNt opent readt OLD_NOTICEt closet NEW_NOTICEt process( t optst argsR t optt argt fp( ( s/ /usr/lib64/python2.7/Tools/scripts/fixnotice.pyt main; s. c C s� t | � } | j � } | j � | j t � } | d k rS t rO d G| GHn d St s_ t rk d G| GHn t ru d S| | t | | t t � } | d } | d } t | d � } | j | � | j � t j | | � t j | | � d S( Ni s no change:s change:s .news .bakt w( R R R t findR R R R t lent writet ost rename( t filet ft datat it newt backup( ( s/ /usr/lib64/python2.7/Tools/scripts/fixnotice.pyR X s( t __main__( R R R R R R R R R R R t __name__( ( ( s/ /usr/lib64/python2.7/Tools/scripts/fixnotice.pyt <module> s