Current Path : /proc/self/root/proc/self/root/proc/self/root/home/ncom/public_html/wp-admin/js/ |
Current File : //proc/self/root/proc/self/root/proc/self/root/home/ncom/public_html/wp-admin/js/privacy-tools.js |
/** * Interactions used by the User Privacy tools in WordPress. * * @output wp-admin/js/privacy-tools.js */ // Privacy request action handling. jQuery( function( $ ) { var __ = wp.i18n.__, copiedNoticeTimeout; function setActionState( $action, state ) { $action.children().addClass( 'hidden' ); $action.children( '.' + state ).removeClass( 'hidden' ); } function clearResultsAfterRow( $requestRow ) { $requestRow.removeClass( 'has-request-results' ); if ( $requestRow.next().hasClass( 'request-results' ) ) { $requestRow.next().remove(); } } function appendResultsAfterRow( $requestRow, classes, summaryMessage, additionalMessages ) { var itemList = '', resultRowClasses = 'request-results'; clearResultsAfterRow( $requestRow ); if ( additionalMessages.length ) { $.each( additionalMessages, function( index, value ) { itemList = itemList + '<li>' + value + '</li>'; }); itemList = '<ul>' + itemList + '</ul>'; } $requestRow.addClass( 'has-request-results' ); if ( $requestRow.hasClass( 'status-request-confirmed' ) ) { resultRowClasses = resultRowClasses + ' status-request-confirmed'; } if ( $requestRow.hasClass( 'status-request-failed' ) ) { resultRowClasses = resultRowClasses + ' status-request-failed'; } $requestRow.after( function() { return '<tr class="' + resultRowClasses + '"><th colspan="5">' + '<div class="notice inline notice-alt ' + classes + '" role="alert">' + '<p>' + summaryMessage + '</p>' + itemList + '</div>' + '</td>' + '</tr>'; }); } $( '.export-personal-data-handle' ).on( 'click', function( event ) { var $this = $( this ), $action = $this.parents( '.export-personal-data' ), $requestRow = $this.parents( 'tr' ), $progress = $requestRow.find( '.export-progress' ), $rowActions = $this.parents( '.row-actions' ), requestID = $action.data( 'request-id' ), nonce = $action.data( 'nonce' ), exportersCount = $action.data( 'exporters-count' ), sendAsEmail = $action.data( 'send-as-email' ) ? true : false; event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); $rowActions.addClass( 'processing' ); $action.trigger( 'blur' ); clearResultsAfterRow( $requestRow ); setExportProgress( 0 ); function onExportDoneSuccess( zipUrl ) { var summaryMessage = __( 'This user’s personal data export link was sent.' ); if ( 'undefined' !== typeof zipUrl ) { summaryMessage = __( 'This user’s personal data export file was downloaded.' ); } setActionState( $action, 'export-personal-data-success' ); appendResultsAfterRow( $requestRow, 'notice-success', summaryMessage, [] ); if ( 'undefined' !== typeof zipUrl ) { window.location = zipUrl; } else if ( ! sendAsEmail ) { onExportFailure( __( 'No personal data export file was generated.' ) ); } setTimeout( function() { $rowActions.removeClass( 'processing' ); }, 500 ); } function onExportFailure( errorMessage ) { var summaryMessage = __( 'An error occurred while attempting to export personal data.' ); setActionState( $action, 'export-personal-data-failed' ); if ( errorMessage ) { appendResultsAfterRow( $requestRow, 'notice-error', summaryMessage, [ errorMessage ] ); } setTimeout( function() { $rowActions.removeClass( 'processing' ); }, 500 ); } function setExportProgress( exporterIndex ) { var progress = ( exportersCount > 0 ? exporterIndex / exportersCount : 0 ), progressString = Math.round( progress * 100 ).toString() + '%'; $progress.html( progressString ); } function doNextExport( exporterIndex, pageIndex ) { $.ajax( { url: window.ajaxurl, data: { action: 'wp-privacy-export-personal-data', exporter: exporterIndex, id: requestID, page: pageIndex, security: nonce, sendAsEmail: sendAsEmail }, method: 'post' } ).done( function( response ) { var responseData = response.data; if ( ! response.success ) { // e.g. invalid request ID. setTimeout( function() { onExportFailure( response.data ); }, 500 ); return; } if ( ! responseData.done ) { setTimeout( doNextExport( exporterIndex, pageIndex + 1 ) ); } else { setExportProgress( exporterIndex ); if ( exporterIndex < exportersCount ) { setTimeout( doNextExport( exporterIndex + 1, 1 ) ); } else { setTimeout( function() { onExportDoneSuccess( responseData.url ); }, 500 ); } } }).fail( function( jqxhr, textStatus, error ) { // e.g. Nonce failure. setTimeout( function() { onExportFailure( error ); }, 500 ); }); } // And now, let's begin. setActionState( $action, 'export-personal-data-processing' ); doNextExport( 1, 1 ); }); $( '.remove-personal-data-handle' ).on( 'click', function( event ) { var $this = $( this ), $action = $this.parents( '.remove-personal-data' ), $requestRow = $this.parents( 'tr' ), $progress = $requestRow.find( '.erasure-progress' ), $rowActions = $this.parents( '.row-actions' ), requestID = $action.data( 'request-id' ), nonce = $action.data( 'nonce' ), erasersCount = $action.data( 'erasers-count' ), hasRemoved = false, hasRetained = false, messages = []; event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); $rowActions.addClass( 'processing' ); $action.trigger( 'blur' ); clearResultsAfterRow( $requestRow ); setErasureProgress( 0 ); function onErasureDoneSuccess() { var summaryMessage = __( 'No personal data was found for this user.' ), classes = 'notice-success'; setActionState( $action, 'remove-personal-data-success' ); if ( false === hasRemoved ) { if ( false === hasRetained ) { summaryMessage = __( 'No personal data was found for this user.' ); } else { summaryMessage = __( 'Personal data was found for this user but was not erased.' ); classes = 'notice-warning'; } } else { if ( false === hasRetained ) { summaryMessage = __( 'All of the personal data found for this user was erased.' ); } else { summaryMessage = __( 'Personal data was found for this user but some of the personal data found was not erased.' ); classes = 'notice-warning'; } } appendResultsAfterRow( $requestRow, classes, summaryMessage, messages ); setTimeout( function() { $rowActions.removeClass( 'processing' ); }, 500 ); } function onErasureFailure() { var summaryMessage = __( 'An error occurred while attempting to find and erase personal data.' ); setActionState( $action, 'remove-personal-data-failed' ); appendResultsAfterRow( $requestRow, 'notice-error', summaryMessage, [] ); setTimeout( function() { $rowActions.removeClass( 'processing' ); }, 500 ); } function setErasureProgress( eraserIndex ) { var progress = ( erasersCount > 0 ? eraserIndex / erasersCount : 0 ), progressString = Math.round( progress * 100 ).toString() + '%'; $progress.html( progressString ); } function doNextErasure( eraserIndex, pageIndex ) { $.ajax({ url: window.ajaxurl, data: { action: 'wp-privacy-erase-personal-data', eraser: eraserIndex, id: requestID, page: pageIndex, security: nonce }, method: 'post' }).done( function( response ) { var responseData = response.data; if ( ! response.success ) { setTimeout( function() { onErasureFailure(); }, 500 ); return; } if ( responseData.items_removed ) { hasRemoved = hasRemoved || responseData.items_removed; } if ( responseData.items_retained ) { hasRetained = hasRetained || responseData.items_retained; } if ( responseData.messages ) { messages = messages.concat( responseData.messages ); } if ( ! responseData.done ) { setTimeout( doNextErasure( eraserIndex, pageIndex + 1 ) ); } else { setErasureProgress( eraserIndex ); if ( eraserIndex < erasersCount ) { setTimeout( doNextErasure( eraserIndex + 1, 1 ) ); } else { setTimeout( function() { onErasureDoneSuccess(); }, 500 ); } } }).fail( function() { setTimeout( function() { onErasureFailure(); }, 500 ); }); } // And now, let's begin. setActionState( $action, 'remove-personal-data-processing' ); doNextErasure( 1, 1 ); }); // Privacy Policy page, copy action. $( document ).on( 'click', function( event ) { var $parent, range, $target = $( event.target ), copiedNotice = $target.siblings( '.success' ); clearTimeout( copiedNoticeTimeout ); if ( $target.is( 'button.privacy-text-copy' ) ) { $parent = $target.closest( '.privacy-settings-accordion-panel' ); if ( $parent.length ) { try { var documentPosition = document.documentElement.scrollTop, bodyPosition = document.body.scrollTop; // Setup copy. window.getSelection().removeAllRanges(); // Hide tutorial content to remove from copied content. range = document.createRange(); $parent.addClass( 'hide-privacy-policy-tutorial' ); // Copy action. range.selectNodeContents( $parent[0] ); window.getSelection().addRange( range ); document.execCommand( 'copy' ); // Reset section. $parent.removeClass( 'hide-privacy-policy-tutorial' ); window.getSelection().removeAllRanges(); // Return scroll position - see #49540. if ( documentPosition > 0 && documentPosition !== document.documentElement.scrollTop ) { document.documentElement.scrollTop = documentPosition; } else if ( bodyPosition > 0 && bodyPosition !== document.body.scrollTop ) { document.body.scrollTop = bodyPosition; } // Display and speak notice to indicate action complete. copiedNotice.addClass( 'visible' ); wp.a11y.speak( __( 'The suggested policy text has been copied to your clipboard.' ) ); // Delay notice dismissal. copiedNoticeTimeout = setTimeout( function() { copiedNotice.removeClass( 'visible' ); }, 3000 ); } catch ( er ) {} } } }); // Label handling to focus the create page button on Privacy settings page. $( 'body.options-privacy-php label[for=create-page]' ).on( 'click', function( e ) { e.preventDefault(); $( 'input#create-page' ).trigger( 'focus' ); } ); // Accordion handling in various new Privacy settings pages. $( '.privacy-settings-accordion' ).on( 'click', '.privacy-settings-accordion-trigger', function() { var isExpanded = ( 'true' === $( this ).attr( 'aria-expanded' ) ); if ( isExpanded ) { $( this ).attr( 'aria-expanded', 'false' ); $( '#' + $( this ).attr( 'aria-controls' ) ).attr( 'hidden', true ); } else { $( this ).attr( 'aria-expanded', 'true' ); $( '#' + $( this ).attr( 'aria-controls' ) ).attr( 'hidden', false ); } } ); });