Current Path : /proc/self/root/opt/imunify360/venv/lib64/python3.11/site-packages/imav/malwarelib/scan/ |
Current File : //proc/self/root/opt/imunify360/venv/lib64/python3.11/site-packages/imav/malwarelib/scan/queue.py |
""" This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. Copyright © 2019 Cloud Linux Software Inc. This software is also available under ImunifyAV commercial license, see <https://www.imunify360.com/legal/eula> """ import asyncio import collections import logging import time from abc import ABC, abstractmethod from base64 import b64encode from functools import cached_property from glob import iglob from os import fsencode from pathlib import Path from typing import ClassVar, Deque, List, Optional from uuid import uuid4 from defence360agent.api import inactivity from defence360agent.contracts.config import ( Malware as Config, MalwareScanIntensity, ) from defence360agent.internals.global_scope import g from defence360agent.utils import ( antivirus_mode, create_task_and_log_exceptions, ) from defence360agent.utils.common import HOUR, rate_limit from defence360agent.utils.serialization import serialize_attr, unserialize from imav.malwarelib.config import ( MalwareScanResourceType, MalwareScanType, QueuedScanState, ) from imav.malwarelib.scan.ai_bolit.detached import ( AiBolitDetachedScan, ) from imav.malwarelib.scan.app_version_detector import ( AVDExecutionError, AppVersionDetector, ) from imav.malwarelib.scan.detached import DetachedScan from imav.malwarelib.scan.mds.detached import MDSDetachedScan from imav.malwarelib.scan.mds.scanner import MalwareDatabaseScanner from imav.malwarelib.utils.user_list import panel_users logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) throttled_log_error = rate_limit(period=HOUR, on_drop=logger.warning)( logger.error ) INTENSITY_FALLBACK = { "low": { "intensity_cpu": 1, "intensity_io": 1, "intensity_ram": 1024, }, "moderate": { "intensity_cpu": 4, "intensity_io": 4, "intensity_ram": 2048, }, "high": { "intensity_cpu": 7, "intensity_io": 7, "intensity_ram": 4096, }, } class QueuedScanBase(ABC): resource_type: ClassVar[MalwareScanResourceType] detached_scan: DetachedScan state = None def __init__( self, path, *, scanid=None, scan_type: str = MalwareScanType.ON_DEMAND, created: int = None, started: Optional[float] = None, intensity=None, home_dirs=None, intensity_cpu=None, intensity_io=None, intensity_ram=None, initiator=None, state: Optional[str] = None, **_, ): self.path = path if intensity: intensity_fallback = INTENSITY_FALLBACK[intensity] else: intensity_fallback = { "intensity_cpu": MalwareScanIntensity.CPU, "intensity_io": MalwareScanIntensity.IO, "intensity_ram": MalwareScanIntensity.RAM, } self.args = { "intensity_cpu": intensity_cpu or intensity_fallback["intensity_cpu"], "intensity_io": intensity_io or intensity_fallback["intensity_io"], "intensity_ram": intensity_ram or intensity_fallback["intensity_ram"], "initiator": initiator, } home_dirs = home_dirs or [] if scan_type == MalwareScanType.ON_DEMAND and Path(path) in home_dirs: scan_type = MalwareScanType.USER self.scanid = scanid or uuid4().hex self.scan_type = scan_type self.created = created or int(time.time()) self.state = ( QueuedScanState.queued if state is None else QueuedScanState(state) ) self.started = started self.scanner_task = None @abstractmethod async def start(self): pass @property @abstractmethod def total_resources(self): pass def stop(self): if self.scanner_task: self.scanner_task.cancel() def status(self): result = { "status": self.state.value, "path": self.path, "scanid": self.scanid, "started": self.started, "created": self.created, "scan_type": self.scan_type, "resource_type": self.resource_type.value, **self.args, } if self.state == QueuedScanState.running: result["phase"] = self.detached_scan.phase result["progress"] = self.detached_scan.progress return result def __getstate__(self): state = self.__dict__.copy() del state["detached_scan"] del state["scanner_task"] return state def __setstate__(self, state): self.__dict__.update(state) self.scanner_task = None def __eq__(self, other): return ( self.resource_type == other.resource_type and self.path == other.path ) def __repr__(self): return "<{}({!r}, scanid={})>".format( self.__class__.__qualname__, self.path, self.scanid ) # We don't need to hash queued scans __hash__ = None # type: ignore def to_dict(self): return { "path": self.path, "scanid": self.scanid, "scan_type": self.scan_type, "created": self.created, "started": self.started, "args": self.args, "resource_type": self.resource_type.value, "state": self.state.value, } @classmethod def from_dict(cls, kwargs): for arg, value in kwargs.pop("args", {}).items(): kwargs[arg] = value return cls(**kwargs) class QueuedFileScan(QueuedScanBase): resource_type = MalwareScanResourceType.FILE def __init__( self, path, *, scanid=None, scan_type: str = MalwareScanType.ON_DEMAND, created: int = None, started: Optional[float] = None, intensity=None, home_dirs=None, intensity_cpu=None, intensity_io=None, intensity_ram=None, file_patterns=None, exclude_patterns=None, follow_symlinks=None, detect_elf=None, initiator=None, state=None, **_, ): super().__init__( path, scanid=scanid, scan_type=scan_type, created=created, started=started, intensity=intensity, home_dirs=home_dirs, intensity_cpu=intensity_cpu, intensity_io=intensity_io, intensity_ram=intensity_ram, initiator=initiator, state=state, ) self.args.update( file_patterns=file_patterns or None, exclude_patterns=exclude_patterns or None, follow_symlinks=follow_symlinks or False, detect_elf=detect_elf, ) self.detached_scan = AiBolitDetachedScan(self.scanid) def __setstate__(self, state): # WARNING: Avoid adding a new attribute to a serializable class. # If an object deserializes after a package upgrade, it will lack it super().__setstate__(state) self.detached_scan = AiBolitDetachedScan(self.scanid) async def start(self): self.started = time.time() from imav.malwarelib.scan.scanner import MalwareScanner scanner = MalwareScanner(sink=g.sink, hooks=True) self.scanner_task = scanner.start( self.path, scan_id=self.scanid, scan_type=self.scan_type, started=self.started, **self.args, ) scan_data = await scanner.async_wait() if scan_data is None: logger.info("Scan cancelled for %s", self.path) self.state = QueuedScanState.stopped else: self.state = QueuedScanState.running scan_data["initiator"] = ( # using `get` because there is no initiator before version 6.8 self.args.get("initiator") # for compatibility reason: when `self.initiator` is available or getattr(self, "initiator", "undefined") ) return scan_data def stop(self): if self.scanner_task: self.scanner_task.cancel() @property def total_resources(self): return self.detached_scan.total_resources class QueuedDbScan(QueuedScanBase): resource_type = MalwareScanResourceType.DB def __init__( self, path: str, scanid: Optional[str] = None, # FIXME: Use Enum instead of a class with str attributes. scan_type: str = MalwareScanType.ON_DEMAND, created: int = None, started: Optional[float] = None, intensity: Optional[str] = None, home_dirs=None, intensity_cpu=None, intensity_io=None, intensity_ram=None, state=None, **_, ): super().__init__( path=path, scanid=scanid, scan_type=scan_type, created=created, started=started, intensity=intensity, home_dirs=home_dirs, intensity_cpu=intensity_cpu, intensity_io=intensity_io, intensity_ram=intensity_ram, state=state, ) self.detached_scan = MDSDetachedScan(self.scanid) def __setstate__(self, state): super().__setstate__(state) self.detached_scan = MDSDetachedScan(self.scanid) @property def total_resources(self) -> int: return self.detached_scan.total_resources async def _scan(self): # app-version-detector should recursive check all directories, # no need to extract them explicitly. # Used to make files and db scans idempotent (DEF-19264) # MDS scanner (php) should alerady handle /path/* as /path/ (DEF-19096) apps_path = ( self.path.rstrip("*") if self.path.endswith("/*") else self.path ) unglobbed_paths = [b64encode(fsencode(d)) for d in iglob(apps_path)] try: with inactivity.track.task("AVD_scan"): await AppVersionDetector().start(unglobbed_paths) except AVDExecutionError as exc: # Exited with non-zero return code await self.detached_scan.handle_aborted_process( sink=g.sink, scan_path=self.path, scan_type=self.scan_type, scan_started=self.started, cmd=exc.command, out=exc.out, err=exc.err, ) else: await MalwareDatabaseScanner( self.path, [self.path], # FIXME: pass unglobbed_paths here **self.args, scan_type=self.scan_type, scan_id=self.scanid, ).scan(self.started) async def start(self) -> None: self.started = time.time() self.scanner_task = create_task_and_log_exceptions( asyncio.get_event_loop(), self._scan ) # For backward compatibility to deserialize an old queue State = QueuedScanState QueuedScan = QueuedFileScan serialize_scans = serialize_attr(path=Config.SCANS_PATH, attr="_scans_info") SCAN_TYPE_CLASSES = { MalwareScanResourceType.FILE.value: QueuedFileScan, MalwareScanResourceType.DB.value: QueuedDbScan, } class ScanQueue: @property def _scans_info(self): return collections.deque(item.to_dict() for item in self._scans) @cached_property def _scans(self) -> Deque[QueuedScanBase]: # it should be loaded once per instance scans = collections.deque() for scan_info in unserialize( path=Config.SCANS_PATH, fallback=collections.deque ): try: cls = SCAN_TYPE_CLASSES[scan_info["resource_type"]] scans.append(cls.from_dict(scan_info)) except Exception as exc: # don't flood Sentry, send one error message throttled_log_error( "Can't get scan class for %s due to %s", scan_info, exc ) return scans @property def current_scan(self): return self.peek(0) @serialize_scans async def put( self, paths, resource_type: MalwareScanResourceType, prioritize=False, **scan_args, ): home_dirs = [Path(user["home"]) for user in await panel_users()] if resource_type == MalwareScanResourceType.FILE: scans_to_add: List[QueuedScanBase] = [ QueuedFileScan(path, home_dirs=home_dirs, **scan_args) for path in paths ] elif ( antivirus_mode.disabled and resource_type == MalwareScanResourceType.DB ): scans_to_add = db_scans(paths, home_dirs, scan_args) else: raise ValueError("Unknown resource_type: {}".format(resource_type)) if prioritize and self._scans: running = self._scans.popleft() self._scans.extendleft(reversed(scans_to_add)) self._scans.appendleft(running) else: self._scans.extend(scans_to_add) @serialize_scans def remove(self, scan=None): if len(self) == 0: return scan = scan or self.current_scan self._scans.remove(scan) scan.stop() logger.info("Scans pending: %d", len(self)) def peek(self, priority): if -1 < priority < len(self): return self._scans[priority] def find_all(self, scan_ids): return [scan for scan in self._scans if scan.scanid in scan_ids] def find(self, **kwargs) -> Optional[QueuedScanBase]: for scan in self._scans: if all([getattr(scan, k) == v for k, v in kwargs.items()]): return scan return None def update(self, scan_ids, status) -> None: for scan in self._scans: if scan.scanid in scan_ids: scan.state = status def get_scans_from_paths(self, paths): for scan in self.scans: if scan.path in paths: yield scan, scan.state.value def scan_summaries(self, scans=None): scans = scans or self._scans return collections.OrderedDict( ( scan.scanid, { "path": scan.path, "scan_status": scan.state.value, "scan_type": scan.scan_type, "started": scan.started, "created": scan.created, "error": None, "total_resources": scan.total_resources, "total_malicious": 0, "resource_type": scan.resource_type.value, }, ) for scan in scans ) @property def scans(self): return list(self._scans) def __bool__(self): return len(self._scans) > 0 def __contains__(self, scan): return scan in self._scans def __len__(self): return len(self._scans) def db_scans(paths, home_dirs, scan_args): return [ QueuedDbScan(path, home_dirs=home_dirs, **scan_args) for path in paths ]