Current Path : /proc/self/root/opt/cloudlinux/venv/lib64/python3.11/site-packages/lvestats/lib/commons/ |
Current File : //proc/self/root/opt/cloudlinux/venv/lib64/python3.11/site-packages/lvestats/lib/commons/func.py |
# coding=utf-8 # # Copyright © Cloud Linux GmbH & Cloud Linux Software, Inc 2010-2019 All Rights Reserved # # Licensed under CLOUD LINUX LICENSE AGREEMENT # http://cloudlinux.com/docs/LICENSE.TXT from __future__ import absolute_import import csv import os import pwd import tempfile import uuid import time import fcntl import errno from _socket import gethostname, error as SocketError from typing import Any from urllib.parse import urlparse from xml.dom import minidom, DOMException from xml.parsers.expat import ExpatError from prettytable import PrettyTable from clcommon import FormattedException from clcommon import cpapi from clcommon.clproc import LIMIT_LVP_ID from clcommon.cpapi.cpapiexceptions import CPAPIExternalProgramFailed, NotSupported, ParsingError from clcommon.lib import MySQLGovernor, MySQLGovException from sqlalchemy import engine as sqlalchemy_engine from clcommon.clcaptain import mkdir as mkdir_p from clcommon.clfunc import uid_max from lvestats.lib.config import get_max_lve_id, USER_NOTIFICATIONS_OFF_MARKER MAX_LVE_ID = None LVE_FILE = '/proc/lve/list' GOVERNOR_CONFIG = '/var/run/mysql-governor-config.xml' # can read all in system; present in governor-mysql >= 1.1-14 GOVERNOR_CONFIG_OLD = '/etc/container/mysql-governor.xml' # can read root only def get_current_max_lve_id(): """ Get current maximum of LVE ID """ global MAX_LVE_ID # pylint: disable=global-statement if MAX_LVE_ID is None: MAX_LVE_ID = get_max_lve_id() return MAX_LVE_ID def gcd(a, b): # returns greater common divisor while b: a, b = b, a % b return a def merge_dicts(*dicts): """ >>> merge_dicts({1: 2}, {3: 4}) {1: 2, 3: 4} >>> merge_dicts({1: '1', 2: '2'}, {2: 'two', 3: 'three'}) {1: '1', 2: 'two', 3: 'three'} """"" dic_merged = dict() for dic_ in dicts: dic_merged.update(dic_) return dic_merged def get_chunks(_list, chunk_length=500): """ :type chunk_length: int :type _list: list :rtype: Generator[list] """ for i in range(0, len(_list), chunk_length): yield _list[i:i + chunk_length] class LVEVersionError(Exception): def __init__(self, message=''): Exception.__init__(self, "Can't detect LVE version; {}".format(message)) def get_lve_version(_lve_file=LVE_FILE): """ :param str _lve_file: :return int: """ try: with open(_lve_file, 'r') as lve_file_stream: lve_ver_str = lve_file_stream.read(5) # read only first 5 symbols try: return int(lve_ver_str.split(':')[0]) except (TypeError, IndexError, ValueError): raise LVEVersionError("error parsing line '{}' from file {}".format(lve_ver_str, _lve_file)) except (OSError, IOError) as e: raise LVEVersionError(e) def get_governor_mode(governor=None): """ Parse governor config file and return governor mode :type governor: MySQLGovernor :rtype: str :return: if file exists and correct: "on", "single", "off", "abusers" or "all" if governor is not installed or error occurs: "none" """ governor = governor or MySQLGovernor() try: governor_mode = governor.get_governor_mode() except MySQLGovException: governor_mode = None return governor_mode or "none" def get_governor_config_path(): # check governor installed, file GOVERNOR_CONFIG can be present after mysql-governor uninstalled """ :rtype: str|None """ if not os.path.exists('/usr/sbin/db_governor'): # this need for compatibility with mysql-governor 1.1-15 return None if os.path.exists(GOVERNOR_CONFIG): governor_config_path = GOVERNOR_CONFIG else: governor_config_path = GOVERNOR_CONFIG_OLD # config for backward compatible with governor-mysql < 1.1-14 return governor_config_path # TODO: replace with MysqlGovernor().get_governor_status_by_username def get_governor_ignore_for_user(username): """ :rtype: bool|None :type username: str """ governor_config_path = get_governor_config_path() if governor_config_path is None: return None try: governor_config = minidom.parse(governor_config_path) for user in governor_config.getElementsByTagName("user"): try: if user.attributes["name"].value == username: # mode = ”restrict|norestrict|ignore” return user.attributes["mode"].value.lower() == "ignore" except KeyError: continue except (IOError, ExpatError, DOMException): return None return False class DomainException(FormattedException): pass def get_governor_status(): """ :rtype: (str, MySQLGovException|None) """ mysql_governor = MySQLGovernor() return mysql_governor.get_governor_status() def get_reseller_domains(reseller_name): """ Get dict[user, domain], empty if cannot obtain. :param reseller_name: reseller's name :rtype: dict[str, str|None] """ try: return cpapi.reseller_domains(reseller_name) except (CPAPIExternalProgramFailed, NotSupported, AttributeError): return dict() def get_aliases(username, domain, raise_exception=True): """ Get list of aliases for specified user's domain, or empty list. :type username: str :type domain: str :type raise_exception: bool :raises DomainException: if cannot obtain domains :rtype: list[str]|None """ try: user_aliases = cpapi.useraliases(username, domain) except (KeyError, IOError, TypeError, cpapi.cpapiexceptions.NotSupported, cpapi.cpapiexceptions.NoPanelUser, ParsingError) as e: if raise_exception: raise DomainException(str(e)) return [] else: return user_aliases def get_domains(username, raise_exception=True): """ Get list of domains for specified user, or None. :type username: str :type raise_exception: bool :raises DomainException: if cannot obtain domains :rtype: list[str]|None """ try: user_domains = cpapi.userdomains(username) except (KeyError, IOError, TypeError, cpapi.cpapiexceptions.NotSupported, cpapi.cpapiexceptions.NoPanelUser, ParsingError) as e: if raise_exception: raise DomainException(str(e)) return [] else: return [domain[0] for domain in user_domains] def get_domain(username): """ :param username: user name string :return: if not supported in CP, or domain name is not set: None if we can find it: domain name string :rtype: str|None :type username: str """ user_domains = get_domains(username) if len(user_domains) == 0: return None return user_domains[0] def init_database(db_engine, db_name): """ Create database :param db_engine: :param db_name: :return: """ conn = db_engine.connect() conn.execute('COMMIT') # we can't run CREATE DATABASE in one transaction conn.execute("CREATE DATABASE %s" % db_name) conn.close() def init_database_rnd(db_engine, prefix='tmp_unittest_'): """ Create database with random prefix in name Using for unittests :param db_engine: :param str prefix: :return str: """ db_name = prefix + str(uuid.uuid4())[0:8] init_database(db_engine, db_name) return db_name def drop_database(uri, force=True): """ Drop database (support MySQL and PostgresSQL) :param uri: :param force: kill all connection and locked session before drop database :return: """ uri_ = urlparse(uri) db_name = uri_.path[1:] # cut '/' on strings start if db_name: if uri_.scheme == 'sqlite': os.unlink(db_name) return True db_engine = sqlalchemy_engine.create_engine(uri_.scheme + '://' + uri_.netloc) conn = db_engine.connect() # force kill all session for dropped database if force and 'postgresql' in db_engine.name: # http://dba.stackexchange.com/questions/11893/force-drop-db-while-others-may-be-connected conn.execute("UPDATE pg_database SET datallowconn = 'false' where datname = '%s'" % db_name) pg_ver = conn.execute("SHOW server_version").fetchall()[0][0] # pg_ver here: CL - '9.6.22', Ubuntu - '12.9 (Ubuntu 12.9-0ubuntu0.20.04.1)' pg_ver = pg_ver.strip().split(' ')[0] if list(map(int, pg_ver.split('.'))) < [9, 2]: # compare versions conn.execute("SELECT pg_terminate_backend(procpid) FROM pg_stat_activity WHERE datname = '%s'" % db_name) else: conn.execute("SELECT pg_terminate_backend(pid) FROM pg_stat_activity WHERE datname = '%s'" % db_name) elif force and 'mysql' in db_engine.name: cursor = conn.execute("SHOW PROCESSLIST") for fetched in cursor.fetchall(): if fetched[3] == db_name: conn.execute("KILL %s" % fetched[0]) conn.execute("COMMIT") conn.execute("DROP DATABASE %s" % db_name) conn.close() return True def _release_line(): path = '/etc/redhat-release' if not os.path.exists(path): return '' with open(path) as release_file: return release_file.readline() def cl_ver(release_line=None): """ Return CloudLinux version as list [major, minor] or [] if can't obtain version :param str release_line: :return list: splited version >>> cl_ver('CloudLinux Server release 5.11 (Vladislav Volkov)') [5, 11] >>> cl_ver('CloudLinux Server release 6.8 (Oleg Makarov)') [6, 8] >>> cl_ver('CloudLinux release 7.2 (Valeri Kubasov)') [7, 2] >>> cl_ver('Incorrect release line') [] """ if release_line is None: release_line = _release_line() release_line_splited = release_line.split() if 'release' in release_line_splited: ver_indx = release_line_splited.index('release') + 1 else: return list() ver_str = release_line_splited[ver_indx] ver = list() for s in ver_str.split('.'): try: ver.append(int(s)) except ValueError: pass return ver def _reseller_users(reseller=None): cplogin_reseller_ = cpapi.cpinfo(keyls=('cplogin', 'reseller')) return [cplogin for cplogin, reseller_ in cplogin_reseller_ if reseller == reseller_] def get_users_for_reseller(reseller=None): reseller_users = getattr(cpapi, 'reseller_users', _reseller_users) try: return reseller_users(reseller) except cpapi.cpapiexceptions.CPAPIException: return list() def touch(fname, times=None): """ The equivalent console touch command :param str fname: path to file :param None| tuple times: (atime, mtime) if None atime and mtime are default """ with open(fname, 'a'): os.utime(fname, times) os.chmod(fname, 0o644) def atomic_write_csv(filename, data): """ :type data: list :type filename: str """ def csv_write(csv_file): """:type csv_file: file""" writer = csv.writer(csv_file) writer.writerows(data) _atomic_write(filename, csv_write) def atomic_write_str(filename, data): """ :type data: str :type filename: str """ def str_write(str_file): """:type str_file: file""" str_file.write(data) _atomic_write(filename, str_write) def _atomic_write(filename, write_function): """ :type write_function: (file) -> None :type filename: str """ retry_count, retry_interval = 3, 0.3 exc = None with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile('w', delete=False, dir=os.path.dirname(filename)) as f: tmp_filename = f.name write_function(f) f.flush() for _ in range(retry_count): try: os.fsync(f.fileno()) break except OSError as e: exc = e time.sleep(retry_interval) else: raise exc os.chmod(tmp_filename, 0o644) # NamedTemporaryFile creates file with 0o600 os.rename(tmp_filename, filename) class reboot_lock(object): def __init__(self, fname=None, timeout=None): self.timeout = timeout if fname is None: self.fname = reboot_lock._build_lock_filename() else: self.fname = fname self.lock = os.open(self.fname, os.O_WRONLY | os.O_CREAT, 0o600) @staticmethod def _build_lock_filename(): lock_file_dir = '/var/lve' # Create /var/lve directory if it is absent if not os.path.exists(lock_file_dir): mkdir_p(lock_file_dir) return os.path.join(lock_file_dir, 'lvestats.lock') def __enter__(self): start_time = time.time() while True: try: fcntl.flock(self.lock, fcntl.LOCK_EX | fcntl.LOCK_NB) return except IOError as e: # raise on unrelated IOErrors if e.errno != errno.EAGAIN: raise else: if self.timeout is not None and time.time() - start_time > self.timeout: return time.sleep(0.1) def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback): fcntl.flock(self.lock, fcntl.LOCK_UN) os.close(self.lock) try: os.unlink(self.fname) except: pass def deserialize_lve_id(serialized_value): """ Extract container_id and bool(is_reseller) from serialized value; :type serialized_value: int :rtype: tuple[int, bool] """ if serialized_value > get_current_max_lve_id() and serialized_value != LIMIT_LVP_ID: return serialized_value - get_current_max_lve_id(), True return serialized_value, False def serialize_lve_id(lve_id, lvp_id): """ Get serialized int by lvp_id and lve_id :type lvp_id: int :type lve_id: int :rtype: int """ if lve_id == LIMIT_LVP_ID and lvp_id != 0: return get_current_max_lve_id() + lvp_id return lve_id def get_hostname(): """ Get hostname using socket.gethostname; Return 'N/A' if some error happens; :return: """ try: hostname = gethostname() except SocketError: hostname = 'N/A' return hostname def skip_user_by_maxuid(user_id): """ Returns is user should be skipped due to set max uid :param user_id: user id """ return user_id > uid_max() def get_all_user_domains(username, include_aliases=True): """ Returns ALL user domains: main/sub/aliases """ domains = get_domains(username, raise_exception=False) aliases = [] if include_aliases: for domain in domains: alias = get_aliases(username, domain, raise_exception=False) if alias: aliases += alias return list(set(domains + aliases)) def normalize_domain(domain): """ Cuts extra prefix www from domain """ if domain.startswith('www.'): domain = domain[4:] return domain def user_should_be_notified(user: str) -> bool: """ Checks if notifications are turned off by user: marker file exists """ return not os.path.exists(os.path.join(pwd.getpwnam(user).pw_dir, '.lvestats', USER_NOTIFICATIONS_OFF_MARKER)) def get_ascii_table(rows: list[list[Any]], fields: list[str] | None = None, left_padding: int = 0, padding_width: int = 0) -> str: """ Prepare rows and columns names to print in console """ fields = fields or [] table = PrettyTable(fields, left_padding=left_padding, padding_width=padding_width) for field in fields: table.align[field] = "l" # align left table.add_rows(rows) return table.get_string()