Current Path : /proc/self/root/opt/cloudlinux/venv/lib64/python3.11/site-packages/guppy/heapy/test/ |
Current File : //proc/self/root/opt/cloudlinux/venv/lib64/python3.11/site-packages/guppy/heapy/test/test_View.py |
from guppy.heapy.test import support class TestCase(support.TestCase): def setUp(self): support.TestCase.setUp(self) self.types = self.heapy.UniSet.types class FirstCase(TestCase): def test_cal_hiding(self): V = self.View iso = self.iso # Tests that our workspace nodesets are hidden. a = [] b = [] as_ = iso(a) bs = iso(b) ab = as_ | bs # Make sure hiding is carried on with set operations self.assertTrue(ab.referrers.kind == self.types.FrameType) self.assertTrue((as_ | bs).referrers.kind == self.types.FrameType) self.assertTrue(V.referrers(iso(a)).kind == self.types.FrameType) self.assertTrue(V.referrers(iso(b)).kind == self.types.FrameType) # Test that we can still see nodesets created with other hiding_tag c = [] chold = self.guppy.sets.immnodeset( [c], hiding_tag=[] # Make sure we see it whether or not View uses default or not ) cs = iso(c) del c self.assertTrue(cs.referrers.kind == type( self.guppy.sets.immnodeset())) h = self.View.heap() self.aseq(h & self.iso(self.Use), self.Use.Nothing) self.aseq(h & self.iso(self.Use.__dict__), self.Use.Nothing) def test_dominos(self): # Test dominos and domisize iso = self.iso x = [] y = [x, []] z = [y] self.aseq(iso(y).dominos, iso(y, y[1])) self.aseq(iso(y).domisize, iso(y, y[1]).indisize) self.aseq(iso(z).dominos, iso(z)) del y self.aseq(iso(z).dominos, iso(z, z[0], z[0][1])) def test_exports(self): # Test a few exports; the other defined in _unp_exports use the same mechanism iso = self.iso x = [] y = [x, []] z = [y] p = iso(z).referents.indisize self.aseq(p, iso(y).indisize) def test_horizon(self): iso = self.iso h = self.View.horizon() x = [] hn = h.news() self.aseq(hn, iso(x)) del hn hn = h.news() self.aseq(hn, iso(x)) del x, hn hn = h.news() self.aseq(hn, iso()) def test_imdom(self): iso = self.iso x = [] y = [x, []] z = [x, y] del x, y self.aseq(iso(z[0]).imdom, iso(z)) def test_referents(self): iso = self.iso x = [] y = [x, []] z = [y] self.aseq(iso(x).referents, iso()) self.aseq(iso(y).referents, iso(x, y[1])) self.aseq(iso(z).referents, iso(y)) self.aseq(iso(y, z).referents, iso(x, y, y[1])) def test_root(self): old_root = self.View.root self.assertIs(self.View.root, old_root) self.assertIs(self.Use.View.root, old_root) self.assertIs(self.View.hv.root, old_root) obj = object() self.View.root = obj self.assertIs(self.View.root, obj) self.assertIs(self.Use.View.root, obj) self.assertIs(self.View.hv.root, obj) self.View.root = old_root self.assertIs(self.View.root, old_root) self.assertIs(self.Use.View.root, old_root) self.assertIs(self.View.hv.root, old_root) class GCCase(TestCase): def test_gc_mechanism(self): # Test the underlying GC system for having the properties that # support the method of automatic reclamation of nodegraphs # that is relied on in other tests. Failure here, dependent on # changed GC behaviour, would explain the other failures. from weakref import ref import gc class C: pass c = C() cbs = [] def cb(wr): cbs.append(wr) wr = ref(c, cb) c.x = c gc.collect() strc = str(c) self.aseq(str(wr()), strc) self.asis(wr(), c) c = None self.aseq(str(wr()), strc) self.aseq(cbs, []) gc.collect() self.asis(wr(), None) self.aseq(cbs, [wr]) def test_gc_hook(self): # Test the GC hook as implemented in View hos = [] def ho(): hos.append(1) import gc gc.collect() hook = self.heapy.View.gchook(ho) self.aseq(hos, []) gc.collect() self.aseq(hos, [1]) hook = None gc.collect() self.aseq(hos, [1]) def test_gc_drg(self): # Test automatic reclamation issues for dict owner nodegraph # This mechanism changed so the old test here is # not valid anymore # FIXME MAKE NEW TEST return import gc View = self.View hv = View.hv drg = View.nodegraph() def clear_drg(): if drg.is_sorted: drg.clear() else: pass _clear_drg_hook = View.gchook(clear_drg) hv.update_dictowners(drg) gc.collect() lendrg = len(drg) self.assertTrue(lendrg > 0) # Before any use, it will not be cleared # Now it is used by taking its length gc.collect() self.aseq(len(drg), 0) byclodo = hv.cli_clodo(drg, {}) class C: pass c = C() byclodo.partition([c.__dict__]) self.assertTrue(len(drg) > 0) gc.collect() self.assertTrue(len(drg) == 0) def test_gc_rg(self): # Test automatic reclamation issues for referrer nodegraph iso = self.iso immnodeset = self.guppy.sets.immnodeset self.View.is_rg_update_all = False import gc gc.collect() dst = [] gc.collect() self.assertTrue(len(self.View.rg) == 0) # Test that rg is automatically updated with the set target(s) a = [dst] b = [dst] c = [a, b] class T: def __init__(self, set): self.set = set ta = T(iso(a)) self.View.referrers_add_target(ta) tb = T(iso(b)) self.View.referrers_add_target(tb) self.View.referrers(iso(c)) self.assertTrue(c in immnodeset(self.View.rg[a])) self.assertTrue(c in immnodeset(self.View.rg[b])) # Test that a referrers target is automatically collected when not referenced tb = None gc.collect() self.View.referrers(iso(c)) self.assertTrue(c in immnodeset(self.View.rg[a])) self.assertTrue(c not in immnodeset(self.View.rg[b])) # Test that adding a source automatically updates rg # even though domain of rg already includes its target # This requires gc collection d = [c] self.assertTrue(d not in self.View.referrers(iso(c))) gc.collect() self.assertTrue(d in self.View.referrers(iso(c))) class AltHeapCase(TestCase): # Tests for support of alternative heap as implemented around 27 Oct 2005 # and discussed in Notes at that time. def test_observation_containers(self): # Test the View.observation_containers method iso = self.iso idset = self.idset # These are to be included a = iso([], {}) b = self.ImpSet.mutnodeset() c = self.View.observation_list() # These are not to be included - have another hiding tag excla = self.guppy.sets.mutnodeset() exclb = self.guppy.sets.immnodeset() # Get possible containers oc = idset(self.View.observation_containers()) self.assertTrue(iso(a.nodes, b, c) <= oc) self.assertTrue(not (iso(excla, exclb) & oc)) class SpecialTypesCase(TestCase): # Some tests for special types def test_array(self): iso = self.iso import array a = array.array('b', b'asdf') iso(a).size def test_main(debug=0): from guppy.heapy.Remote import off off() support.run_unittest(FirstCase, debug) support.run_unittest(GCCase, debug) support.run_unittest(AltHeapCase, debug) support.run_unittest(SpecialTypesCase, debug) if __name__ == "__main__": test_main()