Current Path : /proc/self/root/opt/cloudlinux/venv/lib64/python3.11/site-packages/guppy/heapy/test/ |
Current File : //proc/self/root/opt/cloudlinux/venv/lib64/python3.11/site-packages/guppy/heapy/test/test_ER.py |
# Tests of equivalence relations. # These are also tested by test_Classifiers. # This is some more tests, tailored esp. to the user view. # (test_Classifiers was so slow already, so I start over) # o Intended to be exhaustive wrt all ER's defined # # o Intersection of ER's from guppy.heapy.test import support import inspect import os.path class TestCase(support.TestCase): pass class FirstCase(TestCase): def test_1(self): hp = self.heapy.Use hp.reprefix = 'hp.' a = hp.iso(1, '', 'asdf', 3.4, 3.7, 2) ts = (hp.Type & hp.Size) k = ts[a] # From Sep 1-2 2005 # (h&dict).by(hp.Id.dictof&hp.Size)._get_partition() # (h&dict).by((hp.Type&hp.Size).dictof&hp.Size) # These require with_referrers of refby/via classifier # after gc collect referrers graph will be empty # (h).by(hp.Module.refby.dictof) # (h).by(hp.Via.dictof) # How to construct RCS / refby # self.aseq(hp.Type.refby(int, list) , hp.Type.refby(list, int) class C: pass di = hp.iso(C.__dict__, []) # db = di.by('Rcs') # for i in (0, 1): # rk = repr(db[i].kind) # ek = eval(rk, {'hp': hp}, {}) # self.aseq(ek, db[i].kind) # self.aseq(db & ek, db[i]) def test_2(self): ' Systematically test all kind constructors: ' # wrt repr and evaluation of repr hp = self.heapy.Use hp.reprefix = 'hp.' class C: pass class T(object): pass c = C() t = T() import sys for s in ( 'hp.Clodo(dictof=C)', 'hp.Clodo(dictof=T)', 'hp.Clodo(dictof=())', 'hp.Clodo(C)', 'hp.Clodo(T)', 'hp.Id(id(c))', 'hp.Module("sys")', 'hp.Prod()', 'hp.Prod("<string>")', 'hp.Prod(T)', 'hp.Prod("/foo.py", 1)', 'hp.Prod("/foo.py", None)', 'hp.Prod(None, 1)', 'hp.Rcs(hp.Clodo.sokind(int)(dictof=C))', 'hp.Size(hp.iso(c).indisize)', 'hp.Size(hp.iso(C).indisize).dictof', 'hp.Type(T)', 'hp.Type(int)', 'hp.Unity()', 'hp.Via()', # Via is also specially tested below ): x = eval(s, {'hp': hp, 'C': C, 'T': T, 'c': c}, {}) rx = repr(x) self.aseq(eval(rx, {'hp': hp}, {}), x) for i, s in enumerate(( # Test Via construction. # One test for each relation kind defined in Path except IDENTITY and RELSRC. # In code order. "hp.Via('_.x')", "hp.Via('_[0]')", "hp.Via('_.keys()[0]')", "hp.Via('_->abc')", "hp.Via('_.__dict__.keys()[0]')", "hp.Via('_.f_locals[\"abc\"]')", "hp.Via('_.f_locals [\"abc\"]')", "hp.Via('_->f_valuestack[0]')", "hp.Via('list(_)[0]')", )): code = i + 1 x = eval(s, {'hp': hp}, {}) rel = list(x.arg)[0] self.aseq(rel.kind, code) rx = repr(x) self.aseq(eval(rx, {'hp': hp}, {}), x) def test_3(self): ' Test of dictof ' # Test of dictof on something that requires memoization, i.e. Size, & (and) hp = self.heapy.Use class C: pass class T(object): # The test works only if sizes of objects of class C and T differ. # At first test, T() was 4 bytes smaller than C(). # This might be brittle with different systems. # This is to make sure this diff gets significantly bigger: __slots__ = '__dict__', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h' c = C() t = T() dn = {} isod = hp.iso(c.__dict__, t.__dict__, dn) for x in ( t, c): X = x.__class__ for k in ( hp.Clodo(dictof=X), hp.Size(hp.iso(x).indisize).dictof, hp.iso(x).bysize.kind.dictof, hp.iso(x.__dict__).kind, ): self.aseq(isod & k, hp.iso(x.__dict__)) # Test no-owner selection for k in ( hp.Nothing.dictof, ): self.aseq(isod & k, hp.iso(dn)) def test_4(self): ' Test of via ' # Esp. representation, construction class C: pass c = C() hp = self.heapy.Use isod = hp.iso(c.__dict__) x = isod.by('Via').kind self.aseq(repr(x), "hpy().Via('.__dict__')") def test_5(self): ' Non-systematic tests that came up around Sep 14 2005 ' class C: pass c = C() d = {} cref = [c] cref.append(cref) c.cref = cref hp = self.heapy.Use hp.reprefix = 'hp.' # I thought these should be the same a = hp.iso(C, c, c.__dict__, d) b = hp.iso(C, c, c.__dict__, d) self.aseq(a, b) # This is a kind of nested refdby that has been a concern lately # -- how to represent it s = hp.iso(C.__dict__, C, c, c.__dict__, d).by(hp.Clodo.refdby.refdby) for i in range(len(s)): a = s[i].kind ra = repr(a) era = eval(ra, {'hp': hp}, {}) self.aseq(a, era) self.aseq(s & era, s[i]) import sys p = sys.path del sys s = hp.iso(p) x = s.by(hp.Module.dictof.refdby) self.aseq(s & eval(repr(x.kind), {'hp': hp}, {}), s) def test_6(self): ' Test of .refdby on all others ' with self.tracemalloc_state(): class C: pass c = C() d = {} cref = [c] cref.append(cref) c.cref = cref hp = self.heapy.Use hp.reprefix = 'hp.' s = hp.iso(C.__dict__, C, c, c.__dict__, d, inspect) for pre in ( 'Unity', 'Clodo', 'Id', 'Module', 'Prod', ('Rcs', 0), 'Size', 'Type', 'Via' ): if isinstance(pre, tuple): pre, level = pre else: level = 1 er = getattr(hp, pre) self.er_test(er, s, level) def er_test(self, er, set, level=1): # Tests what any eqv. rel. er should do hp = self.heapy.Use rer = repr(er) self.aseq(eval(rer, {'hp': hp}, {}), er) for s in (set,): sby = s.by(er) sk = sby.kind rsk = repr(sk) ske = eval(rsk, {'hp': hp}, {}) self.aseq(ske, sk, -1) self.aseq(s & sk, s, -1) self.aseq(s & ske, s, -1) # That it can do .refdby er_refdby = er.refdby # That it can do .dictof er_dictof = er.dictof if level > 0: self.er_test(er_refdby, set, level - 1) self.er_test(er_dictof, set, level - 1) def test_7(self): ' Test of alternative sets w. biper ' hp = self.heapy.Use class C: pass class D(C): pass class E(D): pass class T(object): pass class U(T): pass class V(U): pass c = C() d = D() e = E() t = T() u = U() v = V() s = hp.iso([], {}, c, d, e, t, u, v, d.__dict__) for k in ( hp.Size(32), hp.Type(U), ): lt = k.alt('<') le = k.alt('<=') ge = k.alt('>=') gt = k.alt('>=') ne = k.alt('!=') assert (s & le) & (s & ge) == s & k for a in (lt, le, ge, gt, ne, le & ~k): s & a import gc gc.collect() a = s.by(k.alt('>=').biper) b = s.by(k.alt('>=').biper) self.assertTrue(hp.iso(d.__dict__) <= a[0]) self.assertTrue(a == b) gc.collect() a = s.by(k.alt('<=').biper) b = s.by(k.alt('<=').biper) self.assertTrue(hp.iso(d.__dict__) <= a[0]) self.assertTrue(a == b) def test_8(self): ' Test of findex and biper ' # added Nov 3 2005 hp = self.heapy.Use class C: pass c = C() li = [] di = {} s = hp.iso(li, di, c, 1) for k, i in ( (hp.Type(dict), 0), (hp.iso(c), 1), (hp.iso(c, li), 1), ): p = s.by(k.biper) self.aseq(p[i].kind.fam.classifier.kinds[0], k) def test_9(self): ' Test the subrelation relation ' from guppy import hpy ernames = ['Clodo', 'Id', 'Idset', 'Module', 'Prod', 'Rcs', 'Size', 'Type', 'Unity'] hp = hpy() ers = [(name, getattr(hp, name)) for name in ernames] ers.append(('Size&Type', hp.Size & hp.Type)) from io import StringIO f = StringIO() print(''.ljust(10), end=' ', file=f) for b in ers: print(b[0].ljust(7), end=' ', file=f) print(file=f) for a in ers: print(a[0].ljust(10), end=' ', file=f) for b in ers: print(str((a[1] < b[1]))[:1].ljust(7), end=' ', file=f) print(file=f) self.aseq(f.getvalue(), """\ Clodo Id Idset Module Prod Rcs Size Type Unity Size&Type \n\ Clodo F F F F F F F T T F \n\ Id F F F F F F F F T F \n\ Idset F F F F F F F F T F \n\ Module F F F F F F F F T F \n\ Prod F F F F F F F F T F \n\ Rcs F F F F F F F F T F \n\ Size F F F F F F F F T F \n\ Type F F F F F F F F T F \n\ Unity F F F F F F F F F F \n\ Size&Type F F F F F F T T T F \n\ """) def test_10(self): ' Test of producer profile ' hp = self.heapy.Use with self.tracemalloc_state(): class C: pass file = inspect.currentframe().f_code.co_filename def lineno(): return inspect.currentframe().f_back.f_lineno str_aloc = eval('C()', {'C': C}, {}) test_aloc, test_aloc_line = C(), lineno() def subf(): return C(), lineno() subf_aloc, subf_aloc_line = subf() isod = hp.iso(None, str_aloc, test_aloc, subf_aloc) self.aseq(isod & hp.Prod(), hp.iso(None)) self.aseq(isod & hp.Prod('<string>', 1), hp.iso(str_aloc)) self.aseq(isod & hp.Prod(file, test_aloc_line), hp.iso(test_aloc)) self.aseq(isod & hp.Prod(file, subf_aloc_line), hp.iso(subf_aloc)) self.aseq(isod & hp.Prod(file), hp.iso(test_aloc, subf_aloc)) self.aseq(isod & hp.Prod(os.path.dirname(file)), hp.iso(test_aloc, subf_aloc)) self.aseq(isod & hp.Prod(self.test_10), hp.iso(test_aloc, subf_aloc)) self.aseq(isod & hp.Prod(subf), hp.iso(subf_aloc)) self.aseq(isod & hp.Prod(None, test_aloc_line).alt('>=') & hp.Prod(None, test_aloc_line).alt('<='), hp.iso(test_aloc)) with self.assertRaises(TypeError): hp.Prod('', lineno=1) with self.assertRaises(TypeError): hp.Prod(filename='', line=1) with self.assertRaises(TypeError): hp.Prod(None) with self.assertRaises(TypeError): hp.Prod(1, 1) with self.assertRaises(TypeError): hp.Prod('', '') with self.assertRaises(TypeError): hp.Prod('', 1, 2) def test_main(debug=0): support.run_unittest(FirstCase, debug) if __name__ == "__main__": from guppy.heapy.Remote import off off() test_main()