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d�ZdS)zsdistutils.filelist

Provides the FileList class, used for poking about the filesystem
and building lists of files.
�N��convert_path)�DistutilsTemplateError�DistutilsInternalError)�logc�p�eZdZdZdd�Zd�Zejfd�Zd�Z	d�Z
d�Zd	�Zd
d�Zd�Zdd�Z	dd�ZdS)�FileLista�A list of files built by on exploring the filesystem and filtered by
    applying various patterns to what we find there.

    Instance attributes:
        directory from which files will be taken -- only used if
        'allfiles' not supplied to constructor
        list of filenames currently being built/filtered/manipulated
        complete list of files under consideration (ie. without any
        filtering applied)
    Nc�"�d|_g|_dS�N)�allfiles�files)�self�warn�debug_prints   �9/opt/alt/python311/lib64/python3.11/distutils/filelist.py�__init__zFileList.__init__s����
�c��||_dSr)r)rrs  r�set_allfileszFileList.set_allfiles#s
�� ��
rc�.�t|��|_dSr)�findallr)r�dirs  rrzFileList.findall&s�������
rc�8�ddlm}|rt|��dSdS)z~Print 'msg' to stdout if the global DEBUG (taken from the
        DISTUTILS_DEBUG environment variable) flag is true.
        r)�DEBUGN)�distutils.debugr�print)r�msgrs   rrzFileList.debug_print)s7��	*�)�)�)�)�)��	��#�J�J�J�J�J�	�	rc�:�|j�|��dSr)r
�append)r�items  rrzFileList.append3s���
�extend)r�itemss  rr"zFileList.extend6s���
���%� � � � � rc���tttjj|j����}g|_|D]-}|j�tjj|����.dSr)�sorted�map�os�path�splitr
sort_tuples   r�sortz
FileList.sort9sa����B�G�M�4�:� >� >�?�?����
�(�	9�	9�J��J���b�g�l�J�7�8�8�8�8�	9�	9rc��tt|j��dz
)r�is  r�remove_duplicateszFileList.remove_duplicatesCsZ���s�4�:����*�A�r�2�2�	"�	"�A��z�!�}��
�1�q�5� 1�1�1��J�q�M��	"�	"rc��|���}|d}dx}x}}|dvr:t|��dkrtd|z���d�|dd�D��}n�|dvrOt|��dkrtd	|z���t|d��}d
�|dd�D��}nQ|dvr;t|��dkrtd|z���t|d��}ntd
|z���||||fS)Nr)�include�exclude�global-include�global-exclude�z&'%s' expects <pattern1> <pattern2> ...c�,�g|]}t|����S�r��.0�ws  r�
<listcomp>z1FileList._parse_template_line.<locals>.<listcomp>W���;�;�;�A��Q���;�;�;rr/)�recursive-include�recursive-exclude�z,'%s' expects <dir> <pattern1> <pattern2> ...c�,�g|]}t|����Sr<rr=s  rr@z1FileList._parse_template_line.<locals>.<listcomp>]rAr)�graft�prunez#'%s' expects a single <dir_pattern>zunknown action '%s')r)r2rr)r�line�words�action�patternsr�dir_patterns       r�_parse_template_linezFileList._parse_template_lineLsV���
�����q���'+�+��+�3���:�:�:��5�z�z�A�~�~�,�>��G�I�I�I�;�;��q�r�r��;�;�;�H�H�
)��5�z�z�Q���,�;�f�D�F�F�F�&�u�Q�x�0�0�K�K�(�)>��)G�H�H�H���#�{�3�3rc�R�|�|��\}}}}|dkr^|�dd�|��z��|D].}|�|d���st	jd|���/dS|dkr^|�dd�|��z��|D].}|�|d���st	jd	|���/dS|d
kr^|�dd�|��z��|D].}|�|d���st	jd
|���/dS|dkr^|�dd�|��z��|D].}|�|d���st	jd|���/dS|dkrb|�d|�dd�|������|D]/}|�||���st	jd||���0dS|dkrb|�d|�dd�|������|D]/}|�||���st	jd||���0dS|dkrH|�d|z��|�d|���st	jd|��dSdS|dkrH|�d|z��|�d|���st	jd|��dSdStd|z���)Nr6zinclude � r/)�anchorz%warning: no files found matching '%s'r7zexclude z9warning: no previously-included files found matching '%s'r8zglobal-include rz>warning: no files found matching '%s' anywhere in distributionr9zglobal-exclude zRwarning: no previously-included files matching '%s' found anywhere in distributionrBzrecursive-include )�prefixz:warning: no files found matching '%s' under directory '%s'rCzrecursive-exclude zNwarning: no previously-included files matching '%s' found under directory '%s'rFzgraft z+warning: no directories found matching '%s'rGzprune z6no previously-included directories found matching '%s'z'this cannot happen: invalid action '%s')rMrr*�include_patternrr�exclude_patternr)rrHrJrKrrL�patterns       r�process_template_linezFileList.process_template_linehsi��04�/H�/H��/N�/N�,���3��
�Y������Z�#�(�(�8�*<�*<�<�=�=�=�#�
 ����Z�#�(�(�8�*<�*<�<�=�=�=�#�
'����.����(�1C�1C�C�D�D�D�#�
'����.����(�1C�1C�C�D�D�D�#�
&��*�
*�����!�c�c�3�8�8�H�#5�#5�#5�7�
+��*�
*�����!�c�c�3�8�8�H�#5�#5�#5�7�
+��w�
����X��3�4�4�4��'�'��[�'�A�A�
����X��3�4�4�4��'�'��[�'�A�A�
Frr/rc�D�d}t||||��}|�d|jz��|j�|���|jD]K}|�|��r4|�d|z��|j�|��d}�L|S)a�Select strings (presumably filenames) from 'self.files' that
        match 'pattern', a Unix-style wildcard (glob) pattern.  Patterns
        are not quite the same as implemented by the 'fnmatch' module: '*'
        and '?'  match non-special characters, where "special" is platform-
        dependent: slash on Unix; colon, slash, and backslash on
        DOS/Windows; and colon on Mac OS.

        If 'anchor' is true (the default), then the pattern match is more
        stringent: "*.py" will match "foo.py" but not "foo/bar.py".  If
        'anchor' is false, both of these will match.

        If 'prefix' is supplied, then only filenames starting with 'prefix'
        (itself a pattern) and ending with 'pattern', with anything in between
        them, will match.  'anchor' is ignored in this case.

        If 'is_regex' is true, 'anchor' and 'prefix' are ignored, and
        'pattern' is assumed to be either a string containing a regex or a
        regex object -- no translation is done, the regex is just compiled
        and used as-is.

        Selected strings will be added to self.files.

        Return True if files are found, False otherwise.
        Fz%include_pattern: applying regex r'%s'Nz adding T)�translate_patternrrTrr�searchr
pattern_re�names        rrRzFileList.include_pattern�s���4��&�w����I�I�
����@�#�+�,�	-�	-�	-��=� ��L�L�N�N�N��M�	#�	#�D�� � ��&�&�
#�� � ��d�!2�3�3�3��
�!�!�$�'�'�'�"����rc�T�d}t||||��}|�d|jz��tt	|j��dz
dd��D]O}|�|j|��r-|�d|j|z��|j|=d}�P|S)aRemove strings (presumably filenames) from 'files' that match
        'pattern'.  Other parameters are the same as for
        'include_pattern()', above.
        The list 'self.files' is modified in place.
        Return True if files are found, False otherwise.
        Fz%exclude_pattern: applying regex r'%s'r/r0z
 removing T)rWrrTr1r2r
rX)rrTrPrQrYrZr[r3s        rrSzFileList.exclude_pattern�s�����&�w����I�I�
����@�#�+�,�	-�	-�	-��s�4�:���q�(�"�b�1�1�	#�	#�A�� � ���A��/�/�
#�� � ���
__module__�__qualname__�__doc__rrr'�curdirrrrr"r-r4rMrUrRrSr<rrr	r	s�������������!�!�!��)�%�%�%�%���� � � �!�!�!�9�9�9�"�"�"�4�4�4�8GF�GF�GF�X(�(�(�(�X:;������rr	c��d�tj|d���D��}ttjj|��S)z%
    Find all files under 'path'
�files     r�	<genexpr>z#_find_all_simple.<locals>.<genexpr>�sc�������D�$�����
�	����T�4� � �������rT)�followlinks)r'�walk�filterr(�isfile)r(�resultss  r�_find_all_simplero�sE����!#���4�!@�!@�!@����G�
    Find all files under 'dir' and return the list of full filenames.
    Unless dir is '.', return full filenames with dir prepended.
    )�start)	ror'rc�	functools�partialr(�relpathr&�list)rr
�make_rels   rrrsR��

�S�!�!�E�
�b�i����$�R�W�_�C�@�@�@���H�e�$�$����;�;�rc��tj|��}tj}tjdkrd}d|z}t	jd||��}|S)z�Translate a shell-like glob pattern to a regular expression; return
    a string containing the regex.  Differs from 'fnmatch.translate()' in
    that '*' does not match "special characters" (which are
    �\z\\\\z\1[^%s]z((?<!\\)(\\\\)*)\.)�fnmatch�	translater'�sep�re�sub)rTr[r{�escapeds    r�
glob_to_rersS���"�7�+�+�J�
�&�C�	�v��~�~����3��G���-�w�
�C�C�J��rr/c�0�|r+t|t��rtj|��S|St	d���d��\}}}|r<t	|��}|�|��r|�|��sJ�nd}|��t	|��}|�|��r|�|��sJ�|t|��t|��t|��z
}	tj
dkrd}	|t|��t|��t|��z
�}|�d|�|	�d|�|��}n|r|�d|t|��d���}tj|��S)aTranslate a shell-like wildcard pattern to a compiled regular
    expression.  Return the compiled regex.  If 'is_regex' true,
    then 'pattern' is directly compiled to a regex (if it's a string)
    or just returned as-is (assumes it's a regex object).
isinstance�strr|�compiler�	partition�
rTrPrQrYrqr��endr[�	prefix_rer{s
          rrWrW%s������g�s�#�#�	��:�g�&�&�&��N��s�O�O�-�-�c�2�2�M�E�1�c�����(�(�
���v�&�&�	��#�#�E�*�*�F�y�/A�/A�#�/F�/F�F�F�F��c�%�j�j�#�i�.�.�3�s�8�8�*C�C�D�	��f��
�O�O�c�#�h�h�,F� F�G�
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�:�j�!�!�!rr^)rbr'r|ryrr�distutils.utilr�distutils.errorsrr�	distutilsrr	rorcrrrWr<rr�<module>r�s������
���������'�'�'�'�'�'�K�K�K�K�K�K�K�K�������b�b�b�b�b�b�b�b�P	+�	+�	+��	�	�	�	�	����.""�""�""�""�""�""r