Current Path : /proc/self/root/lib64/python3.6/site-packages/psutil/tests/__pycache__/ |
Current File : //proc/self/root/lib64/python3.6/site-packages/psutil/tests/__pycache__/test_unicode.cpython-36.pyc |
3 ��JZ[2 � @ s� d Z ddlZddlZddlZddlmZ ddlmZ ddlmZ ddlm Z ddlm Z ddlmZ dd lm Z dd lmZ ddlmZ ddlmZ dd lmZ ddlmZ ddlmZ ddlmZ ddlmZ ddlmZ ddlmZ ddlmZ ddlmZ ddlmZ ddlmZ ddlmZ ddlmZ ddlm Z ddlm!Z! ddlm"Z" ddlm#Z# ddlm$Z$ ddlm%Z% dd lm&Z& ddlZddlZd!d"� Zd#d$� Z'e �r�e"j(d%�d& j)d%d'�Z*ne"d( Z*G d)d*� d*e+�Z,e%j-e �o�e$d+�e%j-ed,�e%j-e'e#� d-�G d.d/� d/e,e%j.����Z/e%j-e �o*e$d+�e%j-e'e*� d0�G d1d2� d2e,e%j.���Z0e%j-e d3�G d4d5� d5e%j.��Z1G d6d7� d7e%j.�Z2e3d8k�r�ee4� dS )9a� Notes about unicode handling in psutil ====================================== In psutil these are the APIs returning or dealing with a string ('not tested' means they are not tested to deal with non-ASCII strings): * Process.cmdline() * Process.connections('unix') * Process.cwd() * Process.environ() * Process.exe() * Process.memory_maps() * Process.name() * Process.open_files() * Process.username() (not tested) * disk_io_counters() (not tested) * disk_partitions() (not tested) * disk_usage(str) * net_connections('unix') * net_if_addrs() (not tested) * net_if_stats() (not tested) * net_io_counters() (not tested) * sensors_fans() (not tested) * sensors_temperatures() (not tested) * users() (not tested) * WindowsService.binpath() (not tested) * WindowsService.description() (not tested) * WindowsService.display_name() (not tested) * WindowsService.name() (not tested) * WindowsService.status() (not tested) * WindowsService.username() (not tested) In here we create a unicode path with a funky non-ASCII name and (where possible) make psutil return it back (e.g. on name(), exe(), open_files(), etc.) and make sure that: * psutil never crashes with UnicodeDecodeError * the returned path matches For a detailed explanation of how psutil handles unicode see: - https://github.com/giampaolo/psutil/issues/1040 - http://psutil.readthedocs.io/#unicode � N)�closing)�BSD)�OPENBSD)�OSX)�POSIX)�WINDOWS)�PY3)�u)�APPVEYOR)�ASCII_FS)�bind_unix_socket)�chdir)�copyload_shared_lib)� create_exe)�get_test_subprocess)�HAS_CONNECTIONS_UNIX)�HAS_ENVIRON)�HAS_MEMORY_MAPS)�mock)� reap_children)�run_test_module_by_name)� safe_mkdir)�safe_rmpath)�skip_on_access_denied)�TESTFILE_PREFIX)�TESTFN)�TESTFN_UNICODE)�TRAVIS)�unittest)�unix_socket_pathc C s8 t r,yt| �S tk r( tj� Y q4X nt| �S d S )N)r �_safe_rmpathZWindowsError� traceback� print_exc)�path� r$ �$/usr/lib64/python3.6/test_unicode.pyr \ s r c C sT t rdS z>y t| � t| � t| gd� W n tk r> dS X dS W dt� X dS )z`Return True if both the fs and the subprocess module can deal with a unicode file name. T)�cmdFN)r r r r �UnicodeEncodeErrorr )�namer$ r$ r% �subprocess_supports_unicodep s r) �utf8s f���surrogateescapeu fÀc @ s� e Zd ZdZedd� �Zedd� �Zdd� Zdd � Zd d� Z dd � Z dd� Zdd� Zdd� Z eje d�dd� �Zeje d�eje d�e� dd� ���Zdd� Zeje d�eje d�dd� ��ZdS ) �_BaseFSAPIsTestsNc C s t | j� t| j� d S )N)r � funky_namer )�clsr$ r$ r% � setUpClass� s z_BaseFSAPIsTests.setUpClassc C s t � t| j� d S )N)r r r- )r. r$ r$ r% � tearDownClass� s z_BaseFSAPIsTests.tearDownClassc C s t � d S )N)r )�selfr$ r$ r% �tearDown� s z_BaseFSAPIsTests.tearDownc C s t d��d S )Nzmust be implemented in subclass)�NotImplementedError)r1 r$ r$ r% �expect_exact_path_match� s z(_BaseFSAPIsTests.expect_exact_path_matchc C sH t | jgd�}tj|j�}|j� }| j|t� | j� rD| j || j� d S )N)r&