Current Path : /proc/self/root/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pyudev/_os/__pycache__/ |
Current File : //proc/self/root/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pyudev/_os/__pycache__/poll.cpython-36.pyc |
3 �W � @ s\ d Z ddlmZ ddlmZ ddlmZ ddlmZ ddlZddlmZ G dd � d e �Z dS ) z� pyudev._os.poll =============== Operating system interface for pyudev. .. moduleauthor:: Sebastian Wiesner <lunaryorn@gmail.com> � )�absolute_import)�division)�print_function)�unicode_literalsN)�eintr_retry_callc @ sP e Zd ZdZejejd�Zedd� �Z e dd� �Zdd� Zdd d�Z dd � Zd S )�PollzwA poll object. This object essentially provides a more convenient interface around :class:`select.poll`. )�r�wc C s | |@ dkS )Nr � )�events�eventr r �/usr/lib/python3.6/poll.py� _has_event1 s zPoll._has_eventc G sN t tj�}x:|D ]2\}}| jj|�}|s6tdj|���|j||� qW | |�S )aG Listen for ``events``. ``events`` is a list of ``(fd, event)`` pairs, where ``fd`` is a file descriptor or file object and ``event`` either ``'r'`` or ``'w'``. If ``r``, listen for whether that is ready to be read. If ``w``, listen for whether the channel is ready to be written to. zUnknown event type: {0!r})r �select�poll�_EVENT_TO_MASK�get� ValueError�format�register)�clsr �notifier�fdr �maskr r r � for_events5 s zPoll.for_eventsc C s || _ dS )z�Create a poll object for the given ``notifier``. ``notifier`` is the :class:`select.poll` object wrapped by the new poll object. N)� _notifier)�selfr r r r �__init__G s z Poll.__init__Nc C s t | jt| jj|���S )a{ Poll for events. ``timeout`` is an integer specifying how long to wait for events (in milliseconds). If omitted, ``None`` or negative, wait until an event occurs. Return a list of all events that occurred before ``timeout``, where each event is a pair ``(fd, event)``. ``fd`` is the integral file descriptor, and ``event`` a string indicating the event type. If ``'r'``, there is data to read from ``fd``. If ``'w'``, ``fd`` is writable without blocking now. If ``'h'``, the file descriptor was hung up (i.e. the remote side of a pipe was closed). )�list� _parse_eventsr r r )r Ztimeoutr r r r P s z Poll.pollc c s� x�|D ]�\}}| j |tj�r,tdj|���n| j |tj�rHtdj|���| j |tj�r`|dfV | j |tj�rx|dfV | j |tj�r|dfV qW dS )z�Parse ``events``. ``events`` is a list of events as returned by :meth:`select.poll.poll()`. Yield all parsed events. zFile descriptor not open: {0!r}zError while polling fd: {0!r}r r �hN) r r ZPOLLNVAL�IOErrorr ZPOLLERR�POLLIN�POLLOUTZPOLLHUP)r r r Z event_maskr r r r c s zPoll._parse_events)N)�__name__� __module__�__qualname__�__doc__r r"