Current Path : /proc/self/root/lib/python3.6/site-packages/future/builtins/__pycache__/ |
Current File : //proc/self/root/lib/python3.6/site-packages/future/builtins/__pycache__/misc.cpython-36.pyc |
3 �c� � @ sZ d Z ddlmZ ejr�ddlmZ ddlmZmZm Z ddl mZm Z ddl Z e jZeZddlmZ ddlmZ dd lmZ dd lmZ ddlmZ ddl m!Z! e"� Z#e#fd d�Z dddddddddddddg Z$n�ddl%Z%e%jZe%jZe%j Z e%jZe%jZe%jZe%jZe%jZe%j Z e%jZe%jZej&�r6e%jZe%jZg Z$n dd lmZ ddlmZ ddgZ$dS )a� A module that brings in equivalents of various modified Python 3 builtins into Py2. Has no effect on Py3. The builtin functions are: - ``ascii`` (from Py2's future_builtins module) - ``hex`` (from Py2's future_builtins module) - ``oct`` (from Py2's future_builtins module) - ``chr`` (equivalent to ``unichr`` on Py2) - ``input`` (equivalent to ``raw_input`` on Py2) - ``next`` (calls ``__next__`` if it exists, else ``next`` method) - ``open`` (equivalent to io.open on Py2) - ``super`` (backport of Py3's magic zero-argument super() function - ``round`` (new "Banker's Rounding" behaviour from Py3) - ``max`` (new default option from Py3.4) - ``min`` (new default option from Py3.4) ``isinstance`` is also currently exported for backwards compatibility with v0.8.2, although this has been deprecated since v0.9. input() ------- Like the new ``input()`` function from Python 3 (without eval()), except that it returns bytes. Equivalent to Python 2's ``raw_input()``. Warning: By default, importing this module *removes* the old Python 2 input() function entirely from ``__builtin__`` for safety. This is because forgetting to import the new ``input`` from ``future`` might otherwise lead to a security vulnerability (shell injection) on Python 2. To restore it, you can retrieve it yourself from ``__builtin__._old_input``. Fortunately, ``input()`` seems to be seldom used in the wild in Python 2... � )�utils)�open)�ascii�oct�hex)�unichr�powN)�newnext)�newround)�newsuper)�newmax)�newmin)�newintc C s� t | t�rt| �} t |t�r$t|�}t |t�r6t|�}y"|tkrJt| |�S t| ||�S W n: tk r� |tkr~t| d |�S t| d ||�S Y nX dS )z� pow(x, y[, z]) -> number With two arguments, equivalent to x**y. With three arguments, equivalent to (x**y) % z, but may be more efficient (e.g. for ints). y N)� isinstancer Zlong� _SENTINEL�_builtin_pow� ValueError)�x�y�z� r �/usr/lib/python3.6/misc.pyr F s r r �chrr �inputr �nextr r �round�super�max�min)'�__doc__Zfuturer ZPY2�ior Zfuture_builtinsr r r Z__builtin__r r r r r Z raw_inputr Zfuture.builtins.newnextr r Zfuture.builtins.newroundr r Zfuture.builtins.newsuperr r Zfuture.builtins.new_min_maxr r r r Zfuture.types.newintr �objectr �__all__�builtinsZ PY34_PLUSr r r r �<module>'