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"""Test utilities."""
from importlib import reload as reload_module
import io
import logging
import multiprocessing
from multiprocessing import synchronize
import shutil
import sys
import tempfile
from typing import Any
from typing import Callable
from typing import cast
from typing import IO
from typing import Iterable
from typing import List
from typing import Optional
from typing import Union
import unittest
import warnings

from cryptography.hazmat.backends import default_backend
from cryptography.hazmat.primitives import serialization
import josepy as jose
from OpenSSL import crypto
import pkg_resources

from certbot import configuration
from certbot import util
from certbot._internal import constants
from certbot._internal import lock
from certbot._internal import storage
from certbot._internal.display import obj as display_obj
from certbot.compat import filesystem
from certbot.compat import os
from certbot.display import util as display_util
from certbot.plugins import common

    # When we remove this deprecated import, we should also remove the
    # "external-mock" test environment and the mock dependency listed in
    # tools/pinning/pyproject.toml.
    import mock
        "The external mock module is being used for backwards compatibility "
        "since it is available, however, future versions of Certbot's tests will "
        "use unittest.mock. Be sure to update your code accordingly.",
except ImportError:  # pragma: no cover
    from unittest import mock  # type: ignore

class DummyInstaller(common.Installer):
    """Dummy installer plugin for test purpose."""
    def get_all_names(self) -> Iterable[str]:

    def deploy_cert(self, domain: str, cert_path: str, key_path: str, chain_path: str,
                    fullchain_path: str) -> None:

    def enhance(self, domain: str, enhancement: str,
                options: Optional[Union[List[str], str]] = None) -> None:

    def supported_enhancements(self) -> List[str]:

    def save(self, title: Optional[str] = None, temporary: bool = False) -> None:

    def config_test(self) -> None:

    def restart(self) -> None:

    def add_parser_arguments(cls, add: Callable[..., None]) -> None:

    def prepare(self) -> None:

    def more_info(self) -> str:

def vector_path(*names: str) -> str:
    """Path to a test vector."""
    return pkg_resources.resource_filename(
        __name__, os.path.join('testdata', *names))

def load_vector(*names: str) -> bytes:
    """Load contents of a test vector."""
    # luckily, resource_string opens file in binary mode
    data = pkg_resources.resource_string(
        __name__, os.path.join('testdata', *names))
    # Try at most to convert CRLF to LF when data is text
        return data.decode().replace('\r\n', '\n').encode()
    except ValueError:
        # Failed to process the file with standard encoding.
        # Most likely not a text file, return its bytes untouched.
        return data

def _guess_loader(filename: str, loader_pem: int, loader_der: int) -> int:
    _, ext = os.path.splitext(filename)
    if ext.lower() == '.pem':
        return loader_pem
    elif ext.lower() == '.der':
        return loader_der
    raise ValueError("Loader could not be recognized based on extension")  # pragma: no cover

def load_cert(*names: str) -> crypto.X509:
    """Load certificate."""
    loader = _guess_loader(
        names[-1], crypto.FILETYPE_PEM, crypto.FILETYPE_ASN1)
    return crypto.load_certificate(loader, load_vector(*names))

def load_csr(*names: str) -> crypto.X509Req:
    """Load certificate request."""
    loader = _guess_loader(
        names[-1], crypto.FILETYPE_PEM, crypto.FILETYPE_ASN1)
    return crypto.load_certificate_request(loader, load_vector(*names))

def load_comparable_csr(*names: str) -> jose.ComparableX509:
    """Load ComparableX509 certificate request."""
    return jose.ComparableX509(load_csr(*names))

def load_rsa_private_key(*names: str) -> jose.ComparableRSAKey:
    """Load RSA private key."""
    loader = _guess_loader(names[-1], crypto.FILETYPE_PEM, crypto.FILETYPE_ASN1)
    loader_fn: Callable[..., Any]
    if loader == crypto.FILETYPE_PEM:
        loader_fn = serialization.load_pem_private_key
        loader_fn = serialization.load_der_private_key
    return jose.ComparableRSAKey(loader_fn(
        load_vector(*names), password=None, backend=default_backend()))

def load_pyopenssl_private_key(*names: str) -> crypto.PKey:
    """Load pyOpenSSL private key."""
    loader = _guess_loader(
        names[-1], crypto.FILETYPE_PEM, crypto.FILETYPE_ASN1)
    return crypto.load_privatekey(loader, load_vector(*names))

def make_lineage(config_dir: str, testfile: str, ec: bool = False) -> str:
    """Creates a lineage defined by testfile.

    This creates the archive, live, and renewal directories if
    necessary and creates a simple lineage.

    :param str config_dir: path to the configuration directory
    :param str testfile: configuration file to base the lineage on
    :param bool ec: True if we generate the lineage with an ECDSA key

    :returns: path to the renewal conf file for the created lineage
    :rtype: str

    lineage_name = testfile[:-len('.conf')]

    conf_dir = os.path.join(
        config_dir, constants.RENEWAL_CONFIGS_DIR)
    archive_dir = os.path.join(
        config_dir, constants.ARCHIVE_DIR, lineage_name)
    live_dir = os.path.join(
        config_dir, constants.LIVE_DIR, lineage_name)

    for directory in (archive_dir, conf_dir, live_dir,):
        if not os.path.exists(directory):

    sample_archive = vector_path('sample-archive{}'.format('-ec' if ec else ''))
    for kind in os.listdir(sample_archive):
        shutil.copyfile(os.path.join(sample_archive, kind),
                        os.path.join(archive_dir, kind))

    for kind in storage.ALL_FOUR:
        os.symlink(os.path.join(archive_dir, '{0}1.pem'.format(kind)),
                   os.path.join(live_dir, '{0}.pem'.format(kind)))

    conf_path = os.path.join(config_dir, conf_dir, testfile)
    with open(vector_path(testfile)) as src:
        with open(conf_path, 'w') as dst:
                line.replace('MAGICDIR', config_dir) for line in src)

    return conf_path

def patch_get_utility(target: str = 'zope.component.getUtility') -> mock.MagicMock:
    """Deprecated, patch certbot.display.util directly or use patch_display_util instead.

    :param str target: path to patch

    :returns: mock zope.component.getUtility
    :rtype: mock.MagicMock

    warnings.warn('Decorator certbot.tests.util.patch_get_utility is deprecated. You should now '
                  'patch certbot.display.util yourself directly or use '
                  'certbot.tests.util.patch_display_util as a temporary workaround.')
    return cast(mock.MagicMock, mock.patch(target, new_callable=_create_display_util_mock))

def patch_get_utility_with_stdout(target: str = 'zope.component.getUtility',
                                  stdout: Optional[IO] = None) -> mock.MagicMock:
    """Deprecated, patch certbot.display.util directly
    or use patch_display_util_with_stdout instead.

    :param str target: path to patch
    :param object stdout: object to write standard output to; it is
        expected to have a `write` method

    :returns: mock zope.component.getUtility
    :rtype: mock.MagicMock

    warnings.warn('Decorator certbot.tests.util.patch_get_utility_with_stdout is deprecated. You '
                  'should now patch certbot.display.util yourself directly or use '
                  'use certbot.tests.util.patch_display_util_with_stdout as a temporary '
    stdout = stdout if stdout else io.StringIO()
    freezable_mock = _create_display_util_mock_with_stdout(stdout)
    return cast(mock.MagicMock, mock.patch(target, new=freezable_mock))

def patch_display_util() -> mock.MagicMock:
    """Patch certbot.display.util to use a special mock display utility.

    The mock display utility works like a regular mock object, except it also
    also asserts that methods are called with valid arguments.

    The mock created by this patch mocks out Certbot internals so this can be
    used like the old patch_get_utility function. That is, the mock object will
    be called by the certbot.display.util functions and the mock returned by
    that call will be used as the display utility. This was done to simplify
    the transition from zope.component and mocking certbot.display.util
    functions directly in test code should be preferred over using this
    function in the future.

    See https://github.com/certbot/certbot/issues/8948

    :returns: patch on the function used internally by certbot.display.util to
        get a display utility instance
    :rtype: mock.MagicMock

    return cast(mock.MagicMock, mock.patch('certbot._internal.display.obj.get_display',

def patch_display_util_with_stdout(
        stdout: Optional[IO] = None) -> mock.MagicMock:
    """Patch certbot.display.util to use a special mock display utility.

    The mock display utility works like a regular mock object, except it also
    asserts that methods are called with valid arguments.

    The mock created by this patch mocks out Certbot internals so this can be
    used like the old patch_get_utility function. That is, the mock object will
    be called by the certbot.display.util functions and the mock returned by
    that call will be used as the display utility. This was done to simplify
    the transition from zope.component and mocking certbot.display.util
    functions directly in test code should be preferred over using this
    function in the future.

    See https://github.com/certbot/certbot/issues/8948

    The `message` argument passed to the display utility methods is passed to
    stdout's write method.

    :param object stdout: object to write standard output to; it is
        expected to have a `write` method
    :returns: patch on the function used internally by certbot.display.util to
        get a display utility instance
    :rtype: mock.MagicMock

    stdout = stdout if stdout else io.StringIO()

    return cast(mock.MagicMock, mock.patch('certbot._internal.display.obj.get_display',

class FreezableMock:
    """Mock object with the ability to freeze attributes.

    This class works like a regular mock.MagicMock object, except
    attributes and behavior set before the object is frozen cannot
    be changed during tests.

    If a func argument is provided to the constructor, this function
    is called first when an instance of FreezableMock is called,
    followed by the usual behavior defined by MagicMock. The return
    value of func is ignored.

    def __init__(self, frozen: bool = False, func: Callable[..., Any] = None,
                 return_value: Any = mock.sentinel.DEFAULT) -> None:
        self._frozen_set = set() if frozen else {'freeze', }
        self._func = func
        self._mock = mock.MagicMock()
        if return_value != mock.sentinel.DEFAULT:
            self.return_value = return_value
        self._frozen = frozen

    def freeze(self) -> None:
        """Freeze object preventing further changes."""
        self._frozen = True

    def __call__(self, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> mock.MagicMock:
        if self._func is not None:
            self._func(*args, **kwargs)
        return self._mock(*args, **kwargs)

    def __getattribute__(self, name: str) -> Any:
        if name == '_frozen':
                return object.__getattribute__(self, name)
            except AttributeError:
                return False
        elif name in ('return_value', 'side_effect',):
            return getattr(object.__getattribute__(self, '_mock'), name)
        elif name == '_frozen_set' or name in self._frozen_set:
            return object.__getattribute__(self, name)
            return getattr(object.__getattribute__(self, '_mock'), name)

    def __setattr__(self, name: str, value: Any) -> None:
        """ Before it is frozen, attributes are set on the FreezableMock
        instance and added to the _frozen_set. Attributes in the _frozen_set
        cannot be changed after the FreezableMock is frozen. In this case,
        they are set on the underlying _mock.

        In cases of return_value and side_effect, these attributes are always
        passed through to the instance's _mock and added to the _frozen_set
        before the object is frozen.

        if self._frozen:
            if name in self._frozen_set:
                raise AttributeError('Cannot change frozen attribute ' + name)
            return setattr(self._mock, name, value)

        if name != '_frozen_set':

        if name in ('return_value', 'side_effect'):
            return setattr(self._mock, name, value)

        return object.__setattr__(self, name, value)

def _create_display_util_mock() -> FreezableMock:
    display = FreezableMock()
    # Use pylint code for disable to keep on single line under line length limit
    method_list = [func for func in dir(display_obj.FileDisplay)
                   if callable(getattr(display_obj.FileDisplay, func))
                   and not func.startswith("__")]
    for method in method_list:
        if method != 'notification':
            frozen_mock = FreezableMock(frozen=True, func=_assert_valid_call)
            setattr(display, method, frozen_mock)
    return FreezableMock(frozen=True, return_value=display)

def _create_display_util_mock_with_stdout(stdout: IO) -> FreezableMock:
    def _write_msg(message: str, *unused_args: Any, **unused_kwargs: Any) -> None:
        """Write to message to stdout.
        if message:

    def mock_method(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> None:
        Mock function for display utility methods.
        _assert_valid_call(args, kwargs)
        _write_msg(*args, **kwargs)

    display = FreezableMock()
    # Use pylint code for disable to keep on single line under line length limit
    method_list = [func for func in dir(display_obj.FileDisplay)
                   if callable(getattr(display_obj.FileDisplay, func))
                   and not func.startswith("__")]
    for method in method_list:
        if method == 'notification':
            frozen_mock = FreezableMock(frozen=True,
            frozen_mock = FreezableMock(frozen=True,
        setattr(display, method, frozen_mock)
    return FreezableMock(frozen=True, return_value=display)

def _assert_valid_call(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> None:
    assert_args = [args[0] if args else kwargs['message']]

    assert_kwargs = {}
    assert_kwargs['default'] = kwargs.get('default', None)
    assert_kwargs['cli_flag'] = kwargs.get('cli_flag', None)
    assert_kwargs['force_interactive'] = kwargs.get('force_interactive', False)

    display_util.assert_valid_call(*assert_args, **assert_kwargs)

class TempDirTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
    """Base test class which sets up and tears down a temporary directory"""

    def setUp(self) -> None:
        """Execute before test"""
        self.tempdir = tempfile.mkdtemp()

    def tearDown(self) -> None:
        """Execute after test"""
        # Cleanup opened resources after a test. This is usually done through atexit handlers in
        # Certbot, but during tests, atexit will not run registered functions before tearDown is
        # called and instead will run them right before the entire test process exits.
        # It is a problem on Windows, that does not accept to clean resources before closing them.
        # Remove logging handlers that have been closed so they won't be
        # accidentally used in future tests.
        logging.getLogger().handlers = []
        util._release_locks()  # pylint: disable=protected-access


class ConfigTestCase(TempDirTestCase):
    """Test class which sets up a NamespaceConfig object."""
    def setUp(self) -> None:
        self.config = configuration.NamespaceConfig(
        self.config.namespace.verb = "certonly"
        self.config.namespace.config_dir = os.path.join(self.tempdir, 'config')
        self.config.namespace.work_dir = os.path.join(self.tempdir, 'work')
        self.config.namespace.logs_dir = os.path.join(self.tempdir, 'logs')
        self.config.namespace.cert_path = constants.CLI_DEFAULTS['auth_cert_path']
        self.config.namespace.fullchain_path = constants.CLI_DEFAULTS['auth_chain_path']
        self.config.namespace.chain_path = constants.CLI_DEFAULTS['auth_chain_path']
        self.config.namespace.server = "https://example.com"

def _handle_lock(event_in: synchronize.Event, event_out: synchronize.Event, path: str) -> None:
    Acquire a file lock on given path, then wait to release it. This worker is coordinated
    using events to signal when the lock should be acquired and released.
    :param multiprocessing.Event event_in: event object to signal when to release the lock
    :param multiprocessing.Event event_out: event object to signal when the lock is acquired
    :param path: the path to lock
    if os.path.isdir(path):
        my_lock = lock.lock_dir(path)
        my_lock = lock.LockFile(path)
        assert event_in.wait(timeout=20), 'Timeout while waiting to release the lock.'

def lock_and_call(callback: Callable[[], Any], path_to_lock: str) -> None:
    Grab a lock on path_to_lock from a foreign process then execute the callback.
    :param callable callback: object to call after acquiring the lock
    :param str path_to_lock: path to file or directory to lock
    # Reload certbot.util module to reset internal _LOCKS dictionary.

    emit_event = multiprocessing.Event()
    receive_event = multiprocessing.Event()
    process = multiprocessing.Process(target=_handle_lock,
                                      args=(emit_event, receive_event, path_to_lock))

    # Wait confirmation that lock is acquired
    assert receive_event.wait(timeout=10), 'Timeout while waiting to acquire the lock.'
    # Execute the callback
    # Trigger unlock from foreign process

    # Wait for process termination
    assert process.exitcode == 0

def skip_on_windows(reason: str) -> Callable[[Callable[..., Any]], Callable[..., Any]]:
    """Decorator to skip permanently a test on Windows. A reason is required."""
    def wrapper(function: Callable[..., Any]) -> Callable[..., Any]:
        """Wrapped version"""
        return unittest.skipIf(sys.platform == 'win32', reason)(function)
    return wrapper

def temp_join(path: str) -> str:
    Return the given path joined to the tempdir path for the current platform
    Eg.: 'cert' => /tmp/cert (Linux) or 'C:\\Users\\currentuser\\AppData\\Temp\\cert' (Windows)
    return os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(), path)