Current Path : /proc/self/root/lib/python3.6/site-packages/certbot/_internal/__pycache__/ |
Current File : //proc/self/root/lib/python3.6/site-packages/certbot/_internal/__pycache__/hooks.cpython-36.pyc |
3 گa�! � @ s� U d Z ddlZddlmZ ddlmZ ddlmZ ddlmZ ddlmZ ddlm Z dd l mZ dd l mZ ddl m Z ddlmZ ddlm Z eje�Zejdd �dd�Zeee d�dd�Zeedd�dd�Zejdd �dd�Ze� Zee edd�dd�Zejdd �dd�Zg Z ee edd�dd�Z!dd�d d!�Z"ejee edd"�d#d$�Z#ejee edd"�d%d&�Z$eee ee%dd'�d(d)�Z&eeed*�d+d,�Z'eee d-�d.d/�Z(dS )0z;Facilities for implementing hooks that call shell commands.� N)�List)�Optional)�Set)� configuration)�errors)�util)� filesystem)�misc)�os)�ops)�config�returnc C s4 t | jd� t | jd� t | jd� t | jd� dS )z#Check hook commands are executable.ZpreZpostZdeploy�renewN)� validate_hook�pre_hook� post_hook�deploy_hook� renew_hook)r � r �/usr/lib/python3.6/hooks.py�validate_hooks s r )� shell_cmdr c C s. t j| �s"tj| � t j| �s"dS tjj| �S )z�Extract the program run by a shell command. :param str shell_cmd: command to be executed :returns: basename of command or None if the command isn't found :rtype: str or None N)r Z exe_exists� plug_utilZpath_surgeryr �path�basename)r r r r �_prog s r )r � hook_namer c C s\ | rX| j dd�d }t|�sXtjd }tjj|�r@dj||�}ndj|||�}tj|��dS )z�Check that a command provided as a hook is plausibly executable. :raises .errors.HookCommandNotFound: if the command is not found N� r �PATHz3{1}-hook command {0} exists, but is not executable.z>Unable to find {2}-hook command {0} in the PATH. (PATH is {1})) �splitr r �environr �exists�formatr ZHookCommandNotFound)r r �cmdr �msgr r r r - s r c C sB | j dkr,| jr,xt| j�D ]}t|� qW | j}|r>t|� dS )a� Run pre-hooks if they exist and haven't already been run. When Certbot is running with the renew subcommand, this function runs any hooks found in the config.renewal_pre_hooks_dir (if they have not already been run) followed by any pre-hook in the config. If hooks in config.renewal_pre_hooks_dir are run and the pre-hook in the config is a path to one of these scripts, it is not run twice. :param configuration.NamespaceConfig config: Certbot settings r N)�verb�directory_hooks� list_hooksZrenewal_pre_hooks_dir�_run_pre_hook_if_necessaryr )r �hookr# r r r r ? s r )�commandr c C s. | t krtjd| � ntd| � t j| � dS )z�Run the specified pre-hook if we haven't already. If we've already run this exact command before, a message is logged saying the pre-hook was skipped. :param str command: pre-hook to be run z*Pre-hook command already run, skipping: %szpre-hookN)�executed_pre_hooks�logger�info� _run_hook�add)r* r r r r( W s r( c C sR | j }| jdkr@| jr2xt| j�D ]}t|� q"W |rNt|� n|rNtd|� dS )a� Run post-hooks if defined. This function also registers any executables found in config.renewal_post_hooks_dir to be run when Certbot is used with the renew subcommand. If the verb is renew, we delay executing any post-hooks until :func:`run_saved_post_hooks` is called. In this case, this function registers all hooks found in config.renewal_post_hooks_dir to be called followed by any post-hook in the config. If the post-hook in the config is a path to an executable in the post-hook directory, it is not scheduled to be run twice. :param configuration.NamespaceConfig config: Certbot settings r z post-hookN)r r% r&