Current Path : /proc/self/cwd/wp-content/plugins/google-site-kit/third-party/google/apiclient/src/ |
Current File : //proc/self/cwd/wp-content/plugins/google-site-kit/third-party/google/apiclient/src/Model.php |
<?php /* * Copyright 2011 Google Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ namespace Google\Site_Kit_Dependencies\Google; use Google\Site_Kit_Dependencies\Google\Exception as GoogleException; use ReflectionObject; use ReflectionProperty; use stdClass; /** * This class defines attributes, valid values, and usage which is generated * from a given json schema. * http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-zyp-json-schema-03#section-5 * */ #[\AllowDynamicProperties] class Model implements \ArrayAccess { /** * If you need to specify a NULL JSON value, use Google\Model::NULL_VALUE * instead - it will be replaced when converting to JSON with a real null. */ const NULL_VALUE = "{}gapi-php-null"; protected $internal_gapi_mappings = []; protected $modelData = []; protected $processed = []; /** * Polymorphic - accepts a variable number of arguments dependent * on the type of the model subclass. */ public final function __construct() { if (\func_num_args() == 1 && \is_array(\func_get_arg(0))) { // Initialize the model with the array's contents. $array = \func_get_arg(0); $this->mapTypes($array); } $this->gapiInit(); } /** * Getter that handles passthrough access to the data array, and lazy object creation. * @param string $key Property name. * @return mixed The value if any, or null. */ public function __get($key) { $keyType = $this->keyType($key); $keyDataType = $this->dataType($key); if ($keyType && !isset($this->processed[$key])) { if (isset($this->modelData[$key])) { $val = $this->modelData[$key]; } elseif ($keyDataType == 'array' || $keyDataType == 'map') { $val = []; } else { $val = null; } if ($this->isAssociativeArray($val)) { if ($keyDataType && 'map' == $keyDataType) { foreach ($val as $arrayKey => $arrayItem) { $this->modelData[$key][$arrayKey] = new $keyType($arrayItem); } } else { $this->modelData[$key] = new $keyType($val); } } elseif (\is_array($val)) { $arrayObject = []; foreach ($val as $arrayIndex => $arrayItem) { $arrayObject[$arrayIndex] = new $keyType($arrayItem); } $this->modelData[$key] = $arrayObject; } $this->processed[$key] = \true; } return isset($this->modelData[$key]) ? $this->modelData[$key] : null; } /** * Initialize this object's properties from an array. * * @param array $array Used to seed this object's properties. * @return void */ protected function mapTypes($array) { // Hard initialise simple types, lazy load more complex ones. foreach ($array as $key => $val) { if ($keyType = $this->keyType($key)) { $dataType = $this->dataType($key); if ($dataType == 'array' || $dataType == 'map') { $this->{$key} = []; foreach ($val as $itemKey => $itemVal) { if ($itemVal instanceof $keyType) { $this->{$key}[$itemKey] = $itemVal; } else { $this->{$key}[$itemKey] = new $keyType($itemVal); } } } elseif ($val instanceof $keyType) { $this->{$key} = $val; } else { $this->{$key} = new $keyType($val); } unset($array[$key]); } elseif (\property_exists($this, $key)) { $this->{$key} = $val; unset($array[$key]); } elseif (\property_exists($this, $camelKey = $this->camelCase($key))) { // This checks if property exists as camelCase, leaving it in array as snake_case // in case of backwards compatibility issues. $this->{$camelKey} = $val; } } $this->modelData = $array; } /** * Blank initialiser to be used in subclasses to do post-construction initialisation - this * avoids the need for subclasses to have to implement the variadics handling in their * constructors. */ protected function gapiInit() { return; } /** * Create a simplified object suitable for straightforward * conversion to JSON. This is relatively expensive * due to the usage of reflection, but shouldn't be called * a whole lot, and is the most straightforward way to filter. */ public function toSimpleObject() { $object = new \stdClass(); // Process all other data. foreach ($this->modelData as $key => $val) { $result = $this->getSimpleValue($val); if ($result !== null) { $object->{$key} = $this->nullPlaceholderCheck($result); } } // Process all public properties. $reflect = new \ReflectionObject($this); $props = $reflect->getProperties(\ReflectionProperty::IS_PUBLIC); foreach ($props as $member) { $name = $member->getName(); $result = $this->getSimpleValue($this->{$name}); if ($result !== null) { $name = $this->getMappedName($name); $object->{$name} = $this->nullPlaceholderCheck($result); } } return $object; } /** * Handle different types of values, primarily * other objects and map and array data types. */ private function getSimpleValue($value) { if ($value instanceof \Google\Site_Kit_Dependencies\Google\Model) { return $value->toSimpleObject(); } elseif (\is_array($value)) { $return = []; foreach ($value as $key => $a_value) { $a_value = $this->getSimpleValue($a_value); if ($a_value !== null) { $key = $this->getMappedName($key); $return[$key] = $this->nullPlaceholderCheck($a_value); } } return $return; } return $value; } /** * Check whether the value is the null placeholder and return true null. */ private function nullPlaceholderCheck($value) { if ($value === self::NULL_VALUE) { return null; } return $value; } /** * If there is an internal name mapping, use that. */ private function getMappedName($key) { if (isset($this->internal_gapi_mappings, $this->internal_gapi_mappings[$key])) { $key = $this->internal_gapi_mappings[$key]; } return $key; } /** * Returns true only if the array is associative. * @param array $array * @return bool True if the array is associative. */ protected function isAssociativeArray($array) { if (!\is_array($array)) { return \false; } $keys = \array_keys($array); foreach ($keys as $key) { if (\is_string($key)) { return \true; } } return \false; } /** * Verify if $obj is an array. * @throws \Google\Exception Thrown if $obj isn't an array. * @param array $obj Items that should be validated. * @param string $method Method expecting an array as an argument. */ public function assertIsArray($obj, $method) { if ($obj && !\is_array($obj)) { throw new \Google\Site_Kit_Dependencies\Google\Exception("Incorrect parameter type passed to {$method}(). Expected an array."); } } /** @return bool */ #[\ReturnTypeWillChange] public function offsetExists($offset) { return isset($this->{$offset}) || isset($this->modelData[$offset]); } /** @return mixed */ #[\ReturnTypeWillChange] public function offsetGet($offset) { return isset($this->{$offset}) ? $this->{$offset} : $this->__get($offset); } /** @return void */ #[\ReturnTypeWillChange] public function offsetSet($offset, $value) { if (\property_exists($this, $offset)) { $this->{$offset} = $value; } else { $this->modelData[$offset] = $value; $this->processed[$offset] = \true; } } /** @return void */ #[\ReturnTypeWillChange] public function offsetUnset($offset) { unset($this->modelData[$offset]); } protected function keyType($key) { $keyType = $key . "Type"; // ensure keyType is a valid class if (\property_exists($this, $keyType) && $this->{$keyType} !== null && \class_exists($this->{$keyType})) { return $this->{$keyType}; } } protected function dataType($key) { $dataType = $key . "DataType"; if (\property_exists($this, $dataType)) { return $this->{$dataType}; } } public function __isset($key) { return isset($this->modelData[$key]); } public function __unset($key) { unset($this->modelData[$key]); } /** * Convert a string to camelCase * @param string $value * @return string */ private function camelCase($value) { $value = \ucwords(\str_replace(['-', '_'], ' ', $value)); $value = \str_replace(' ', '', $value); $value[0] = \strtolower($value[0]); return $value; } }