Current Path : /proc/self/cwd/wp-content/plugins/ewww-image-optimizer/classes/ |
Current File : //proc/self/cwd/wp-content/plugins/ewww-image-optimizer/classes/class-page-parser.php |
<?php /** * Implements basic page parsing functions. * * @link https://ewww.io * @package EIO */ namespace EWWW; if ( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) { exit; } /** * HTML element and attribute parsing, replacing, etc. */ class Page_Parser extends Base { /** * Allowed image extensions. * * @access protected * @var array $extensions */ protected $extensions = array( 'gif', 'jpg', 'jpeg', 'jpe', 'png', 'svg', 'webp', ); /** * Indicates if we are filtering ExactDN urls. * * @access protected * @var bool $parsing_exactdn */ protected $parsing_exactdn = false; /** * List of images that will be preloaded. * * @var array $preload_images */ public $preload_images = array(); /** * Match all images and any relevant <a> tags in a block of HTML. * * The hyperlinks param implies that the src attribute is required, but not the other way around. * * @param string $content Some HTML. * @param bool $hyperlinks Default true. Should we include encasing hyperlinks in our search. * @param bool $src_required Default true. Should we look only for images with src attributes. * @return array An array of $images matches, where $images[0] is * an array of full matches, and the link_url, img_tag, * and img_url keys are arrays of those matches. */ public function get_images_from_html( $content, $hyperlinks = true, $src_required = true ) { $this->debug_message( '<b>' . __METHOD__ . '()</b>' ); $images = array(); $unquoted_images = array(); $unquoted_pattern = ''; $search_pattern = '#(?P<img_tag><img\s[^\\\\>]*?>)#is'; if ( $hyperlinks ) { $this->debug_message( 'using div/figure+hyperlink(a) patterns with src required' ); $search_pattern = '#(?:<div[^>]*?\s+?class\s*=\s*["\'](?P<div_class>[\w\s-]+?)["\'][^>]*?>\s*(?:<span[^>]*?></span>)?)?(?:<figure[^>]*?\s+?class\s*=\s*["\'](?P<figure_class>[\w\s-]+?)["\'][^>]*?>\s*)?(?:<a[^>]*?\s+?href\s*=\s*["\'](?P<link_url>[^\s]+?)["\'][^>]*?>\s*)?(?P<img_tag><img[^>]*?\s+?src\s*=\s*("|\')(?P<img_url>(?!\5)[^\\\\]+?)\5[^>]*?>){1}(?:\s*</a>)?#is'; $unquoted_pattern = '#(?:<div[^>]*?\s+?class\s*=\s*(?P<div_class>[\w-]+?)[^>]*?>\s*(?:<span[^>]*?></span>)?)?(?:<figure[^>]*?\s+?class\s*=\s*(?P<figure_class>[\w-]+?)[^>]*?>\s*)?(?:<a[^>]*?\s+?href\s*=\s*(?P<link_url>[^"\'\\\\<>][^\s<>]+)[^>]*?>\s*)?(?P<img_tag><img[^>]*?\s+?src\s*=\s*(?P<img_url>[^"\'\\\\<>][^\s\\\\<>]+)(?:\s[^>]*?)?>){1}(?:\s*</a>)?#is'; } elseif ( $src_required ) { $this->debug_message( 'using plain img pattern, src still required' ); $search_pattern = '#(?P<img_tag><img[^>]*?\s+?src\s*=\s*("|\')(?P<img_url>(?!\2)[^\\\\]+?)\2[^>]*?>)#is'; $unquoted_pattern = '#(?P<img_tag><img[^>]*?\s+?src\s*=\s*(?P<img_url>[^"\'\\\\<>][^\s\\\\<>]+)(?:\s[^>]*?)?>)#is'; } if ( \preg_match_all( $search_pattern, $content, $images ) ) { $this->debug_message( 'found ' . \count( $images[0] ) . ' image elements with quoted pattern' ); foreach ( $images as $key => $unused ) { // Simplify the output as much as possible. if ( \is_numeric( $key ) && $key > 0 ) { unset( $images[ $key ] ); } } /* $this->debug_message( print_r( $images, true ) ); */ } $images = \array_filter( $images ); if ( $unquoted_pattern && \preg_match_all( $unquoted_pattern, $content, $unquoted_images ) ) { $this->debug_message( 'found ' . \count( $unquoted_images[0] ) . ' image elements with unquoted pattern' ); foreach ( $unquoted_images as $key => $unused ) { // Simplify the output as much as possible. if ( \is_numeric( $key ) && $key > 0 ) { unset( $unquoted_images[ $key ] ); } } /* $this->debug_message( print_r( $unquoted_images, true ) ); */ } $unquoted_images = \array_filter( $unquoted_images ); if ( ! empty( $images ) && ! empty( $unquoted_images ) ) { $this->debug_message( 'both patterns found results, merging' ); /* $this->debug_message( print_r( $images, true ) ); */ $images = \array_merge_recursive( $images, $unquoted_images ); /* $this->debug_message( print_r( $images, true ) ); */ if ( ! empty( $images[0] ) && ! empty( $images[1] ) ) { $images[0] = \array_merge( $images[0], $images[1] ); unset( $images[1] ); } } elseif ( empty( $images ) && ! empty( $unquoted_images ) ) { $this->debug_message( 'unquoted results only, subbing in' ); $images = $unquoted_images; } /* $this->debug_message( print_r( $images, true ) ); */ return $images; } /** * Match all images wrapped in <noscript> tags in a block of HTML. * * @param string $content Some HTML. * @return array An array of $images matches, where $images[0] is * an array of full matches, and the noscript_tag, img_tag, * and img_url keys are arrays of those matches. */ public function get_noscript_images_from_html( $content ) { $this->debug_message( '<b>' . __METHOD__ . '()</b>' ); $images = array(); if ( \preg_match_all( '#(?P<noscript_tag><noscript[^>]*?>\s*)(?P<img_tag><img[^>]*?\s+?src\s*=\s*["\'](?P<img_url>[^\s]+?)["\'][^>]*?>){1}(?:\s*</noscript>)?#is', $content, $images ) ) { foreach ( $images as $key => $unused ) { // Simplify the output as much as possible, mostly for confirming test results. if ( \is_numeric( $key ) && $key > 0 ) { unset( $images[ $key ] ); } } return $images; } return array(); } /** * Match all sources wrapped in <picture> tags in a block of HTML. * * @param string $content Some HTML. * @return array An array of $pictures matches, containing full elements with ending tags. */ public function get_picture_tags_from_html( $content ) { $this->debug_message( '<b>' . __METHOD__ . '()</b>' ); $pictures = array(); if ( \preg_match_all( '#(?:<picture[^>]*?>\s*)(?:<source[^>]*?>)+(?:.*?</picture>)?#is', $content, $pictures ) ) { return $pictures[0]; } return array(); } /** * Match all <style> tags in a block of HTML. * * @param string $content Some HTML. * @return array An array of $styles matches, containing full elements with ending tags. */ public function get_style_tags_from_html( $content ) { $this->debug_message( '<b>' . __METHOD__ . '()</b>' ); $styles = array(); if ( \preg_match_all( '#<style[^>]*?>.*?</style>#is', $content, $styles ) ) { return $styles[0]; } return array(); } /** * Get a list of images that are going to be preloaded. * * @param string $content Some HTML. */ public function get_preload_images( $content ) { $this->debug_message( '<b>' . __METHOD__ . '()</b>' ); if ( count( $this->preload_images ) ) { $this->debug_message( 'already got some' ); return; } $links = $this->get_elements_from_html( $content, 'link' ); foreach ( $links as $link ) { if ( 'preload' === $this->get_attribute( $link, 'rel' ) && 'image' === $this->get_attribute( $link, 'as' ) ) { $url = $this->get_attribute( $link, 'href' ); if ( $url ) { $this->debug_message( "found preload for $url" ); $path = $this->parse_url( $url, PHP_URL_PATH ); $srcset = $this->get_attribute( $link, 'imagesrcset' ); if ( $path ) { $this->debug_message( "parsed it down to $path" ); $this->preload_images[] = array( 'tag' => $link, 'url' => $url, 'path' => $path, 'srcset' => $srcset, 'found' => false, ); } } } } } /** * Match all elements by tag name in a block of HTML. Does not retrieve contents or closing tags. * * @param string $content Some HTML. * @param string $tag_name The name of the elements to retrieve. * @return array An array of $elements. */ public function get_elements_from_html( $content, $tag_name ) { $this->debug_message( '<b>' . __METHOD__ . '()</b>' ); if ( ! \ctype_alpha( str_replace( '-', '', $tag_name ) ) ) { return array(); } if ( \preg_match_all( '#<' . $tag_name . '\s[^\\\\>]+?>#is', $content, $elements ) ) { return $elements[0]; } return array(); } /** * Try to determine height and width from strings WP appends to resized image filenames. * * @param string $src The image URL. * @param bool $use_params Check ExactDN image parameters for additional size information. Default to false. * @return array An array consisting of width and height. */ public function get_dimensions_from_filename( $src, $use_params = false ) { $this->debug_message( '<b>' . __METHOD__ . '()</b>' ); $width_height_string = array(); $this->debug_message( "looking for dimensions in $src" ); $width_param = false; $height_param = false; if ( $use_params && \strpos( $src, '?' ) ) { $url_params = \urldecode( $this->parse_url( $src, PHP_URL_QUERY ) ); if ( $url_params && false !== \strpos( $url_params, 'resize=' ) ) { \preg_match( '/resize=(\d+),(\d+)/', $url_params, $resize_matches ); if ( \is_array( $resize_matches ) && ! empty( $resize_matches[1] ) && ! empty( $resize_matches[2] ) ) { $width_param = (int) $resize_matches[1]; $height_param = (int) $resize_matches[2]; } } elseif ( false !== \strpos( $url_params, 'fit=' ) ) { \preg_match( '/fit=(\d+),(\d+)/', $url_params, $fit_matches ); if ( \is_array( $fit_matches ) && ! empty( $fit_matches[1] ) && ! empty( $fit_matches[2] ) ) { $width_param = (int) $fit_matches[1]; $height_param = (int) $fit_matches[2]; } } } if ( \preg_match( '#-(\d+)x(\d+)(@2x)?\.(?:' . \implode( '|', $this->extensions ) . '){1}(?:\?.+)?$#i', $src, $width_height_string ) ) { $width = (int) $width_height_string[1]; $height = (int) $width_height_string[2]; if ( \strpos( $src, '@2x' ) ) { $width = 2 * $width; $height = 2 * $height; } if ( $width && $height ) { if ( $width_param && $width_param < $width ) { $width = $width_param; } if ( $height_param && $height_param < $height ) { $height = $height_param; } $this->debug_message( "found w$width h$height" ); return array( $width, $height ); } } return array( $width_param, $height_param ); // These may be false, unless URL parameters were found. } /** * Get dimensions of a file from the URL. * * @param string $url The URL of the image. * @return array The width and height, in pixels. */ public function get_image_dimensions_by_url( $url ) { $this->debug_message( '<b>' . __METHOD__ . '()</b>' ); $this->debug_message( "getting dimensions for $url" ); list( $width, $height ) = $this->get_dimensions_from_filename( $url, ! empty( $this->parsing_exactdn ) ); if ( empty( $width ) || empty( $height ) ) { // Couldn't get it from the URL directly, see if we can get the actual filename. $file = false; if ( $this->allowed_urls && $this->allowed_domains ) { $file = $this->cdn_to_local( $url ); } if ( ! $file ) { $file = $this->url_to_path_exists( $url ); } if ( $file && $this->is_file( $file ) ) { list( $width, $height ) = \wp_getimagesize( $file ); } } $width = $width && \is_numeric( $width ) ? (int) $width : false; $height = $height && \is_numeric( $height ) ? (int) $height : false; return array( $width, $height ); } /** * Get the width from an image element. * * @param string $img The full image element. * @return string The width found or an empty string. */ public function get_img_style_width( $img ) { // Check for an inline max-width directive. $style = $this->get_attribute( $img, 'style' ); if ( $style && \preg_match( '#max-width:\s?(\d+)px#', $style, $max_width_string ) ) { if ( ! empty( $max_width_string[1] ) && \is_numeric( $max_width_string ) ) { return (int) $max_width_string[1]; } } elseif ( $style && \preg_match( '#width:\s?(\d+)px#', $style, $width_string ) ) { if ( ! empty( $width_string[1] ) && \is_numeric( $width_string[1] ) ) { return (int) $width_string[1]; } } return false; } /** * Get the height from an image element. * * @param string $img The full image element. * @return string The height found or an empty string. */ public function get_img_style_height( $img ) { // Then check for an inline max-height directive. $style = $this->get_attribute( $img, 'style' ); if ( $style && \preg_match( '#max-height:\s?(\d+)px#', $style, $max_height_string ) ) { if ( ! empty( $max_height_string[1] ) && \is_numeric( $max_height_string[1] ) ) { return (int) $max_height_string[1]; } } elseif ( $style && \preg_match( '#height:\s?(\d+)px#', $style, $height_string ) ) { if ( ! empty( $height_string[1] ) && \is_numeric( $height_string[1] ) ) { return (int) $height_string[1]; } } return false; } /** * Get an attribute from an HTML element. * * @param string $element The HTML element to parse. * @param string $name The name of the attribute to search for. * @return string The value of the attribute, or an empty string if not found. */ public function get_attribute( $element, $name ) { // Don't forget, back references cannot be used in character classes. if ( \preg_match( '#\s' . $name . '\s*=\s*("|\')((?!\1).+?)\1#is', $element, $attr_matches ) ) { if ( ! empty( $attr_matches[2] ) ) { return $attr_matches[2]; } } // If there were not any matches with quotes, look for unquoted attributes, no spaces or quotes allowed. if ( \preg_match( '#\s' . $name . '\s*=\s*([^"\'][^\s>]+)#is', $element, $attr_matches ) ) { if ( ! empty( $attr_matches[1] ) ) { return $attr_matches[1]; } } return ''; } /** * Get CSS background-image URLs. * * @param string $attribute An element's style attribute. Do not pass a full HTML element. * @return array An array containing URL(s) from the background/background-image property. */ public function get_background_image_urls( $attribute ) { $urls = array(); if ( ( false !== \strpos( $attribute, 'background:' ) || false !== \strpos( $attribute, 'background-image:' ) ) && false !== \strpos( $attribute, 'url(' ) ) { if ( \preg_match_all( '#url\((?P<bg_url>[^)]+)\)#', $attribute, $prop_matches ) ) { if ( $this->is_iterable( $prop_matches['bg_url'] ) ) { foreach ( $prop_matches['bg_url'] as $url ) { $urls[] = \trim( \html_entity_decode( $url, ENT_QUOTES | ENT_HTML401 ), "'\"\t\n\r " ); } } } } return $urls; } /** * Get a single CSS background-image URL. For backwords compat. * * @param string $attribute An element's style attribute. Do not pass a full HTML element. * @return array An array containing URL(s) from the background/background-image property. */ public function get_background_image_url( $attribute ) { if ( ( false !== \strpos( $attribute, 'background:' ) || false !== \strpos( $attribute, 'background-image:' ) ) && false !== \strpos( $attribute, 'url(' ) ) { $background_urls = $this->get_background_image_urls( $attribute ); if ( ! empty( $background_urls[0] ) ) { return $background_urls[0]; } } return ''; } /** * Get CSS background-image rules from HTML. * * @param string $html The code containing potential background images. * @return array The URLs with background/background-image properties. */ public function get_background_images( $html ) { if ( ( false !== \strpos( $html, 'background:' ) || false !== \strpos( $html, 'background-image:' ) ) && false !== \strpos( $html, 'url(' ) ) { if ( \preg_match_all( '#background(-image)?:\s*?[^;}]*?url\([^)]+\)#', $html, $matches ) ) { return $matches[0]; } } return array(); } /** * Set an attribute on an HTML element. * * @param string $element The HTML element to modify. Passed by reference. * @param string $name The name of the attribute to set. * @param string $value The value of the attribute to set. * @param bool $replace Default false. True to replace, false to append. */ public function set_attribute( &$element, $name, $value, $replace = false ) { if ( 'class' === $name ) { $element = \preg_replace( "#\s$name\s+([^=])#", ' $1', $element ); } // Remove empty attributes first. $element = \preg_replace( "#\s$name=\"\"#", ' ', $element ); // Remove/escape double-quotes with the encoded version, so that we can safely enclose the value in double-quotes. $value = \str_replace( '"', '"', $value ); $value = \trim( $value ); if ( $replace ) { // Don't forget, back references cannot be used in character classes. $new_element = \preg_replace( '#\s' . $name . '\s*=\s*("|\')(?!\1).*?\1#is', ' ' . $name . '="' . $value . '"', $element ); if ( \strpos( $new_element, "$name=" ) && $new_element !== $element ) { $element = $new_element; return; } // Purge un-quoted attribute patterns, so the new value can be inserted further down. $new_element = \preg_replace( '#\s' . $name . '\s*=\s*[^"\'][^\s>]+#is', ' ', $element ); // But if we couldn't purge the attribute, then bail out. if ( \preg_match( '#\s' . $name . '\s*=\s*#', $new_element ) && $new_element === $element ) { $this->debug_message( "$name replacement failed, still exists in $element" ); return; } $element = $new_element; } $closing = ' />'; if ( false === \strpos( $element, '/>' ) ) { $closing = '>'; } if ( false === \strpos( $value, '"' ) ) { // This should always be true, since we escape double-quotes above. $element = \rtrim( $element, $closing ) . " $name=\"$value\"$closing"; return; } // If we get here, something is kind of weird, since double-quotes were supposed to be escaped. $element = \rtrim( $element, $closing ) . " $name='$value'$closing"; } /** * Remove an attribute from an HTML element. * * @param string $element The HTML element to modify. Passed by reference. * @param string $name The name of the attribute to remove. */ public function remove_attribute( &$element, $name ) { // Don't forget, back references cannot be used in character classes. $element = \preg_replace( '#\s' . $name . '\s*=\s*("|\')(?!\1).+?\1#is', ' ', $element ); $element = \preg_replace( '#\s' . $name . '\s*=\s*[^"\'][^\s>]+#is', ' ', $element ); } /** * Remove the background image URL from a style attribute. * * @param string $attribute The element's style attribute to modify. * @return string The style attribute with any image url removed. */ public function remove_background_image( $attribute ) { if ( false !== \strpos( $attribute, 'background:' ) && false !== \strpos( $attribute, 'url(' ) ) { $new_attribute = \preg_replace( '#\s?url\([^)]+\)#', '', $attribute ); if ( $new_attribute !== $attribute ) { return $new_attribute; } } if ( false !== \strpos( $attribute, 'background-image:' ) && false !== \strpos( $attribute, 'url(' ) ) { $new_attribute = \preg_replace( '#background-image:\s*(,?\s*url\([^)]+\))+;?\s*#', '', $attribute ); if ( $new_attribute !== $attribute ) { $new_attribute = \preg_replace( '#background-image:\s*;?\s*$#', '', $new_attribute ); return $new_attribute; } } if ( false !== \strpos( $attribute, 'background-image:' ) && false !== \strpos( $attribute, 'url(' ) ) { $new_attribute = \preg_replace( '#,?\s*url\([^)]+\)#', '', $attribute ); if ( $new_attribute !== $attribute ) { $new_attribute = \preg_replace( '#background-image:\s*;?\s*$#', '', $new_attribute ); return $new_attribute; } } return $attribute; } }