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Current Path : /proc/self/cwd/wp-content/languages/plugins/
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Current File : //proc/self/cwd/wp-content/languages/plugins/elementor-tr_TR-8b95a20e21550730e7b5557f56908c73.json

{"translation-revision-date":"2024-07-28 13:01:02+0000","generator":"GlotPress\/4.0.1","domain":"messages","locale_data":{"messages":{"":{"domain":"messages","plural-forms":"nplurals=2; plural=n > 1;","lang":"tr"},"This is due to a conflict with one or more third-party plugins already active on your site. Try disabling them, and then give the download another go.":["Bunun nedeni, sitenizde zaten etkin olan bir veya daha fazla \u00fc\u00e7\u00fcnc\u00fc taraf eklentisiyle \u00e7ak\u0131\u015fmad\u0131r. Bunlar\u0131 devre d\u0131\u015f\u0131 b\u0131rakmay\u0131 deneyin ve ard\u0131ndan indirmeyi tekrar deneyin."],"This download requires the 'DOMDocument' PHP extension, which we couldn\u2019t detect on your server. Enable this extension, or get in touch with your hosting service for support, and then give the download another go.":["Bu indirme, sunucunuzda tespit edemedi\u011fimiz 'DOMDocument' PHP uzant\u0131s\u0131n\u0131 gerektiriyor. Bu uzant\u0131y\u0131 etkinle\u015ftirin veya destek i\u00e7in kulland\u0131\u011f\u0131n\u0131z hosting ile ileti\u015fime ge\u00e7in ve ard\u0131ndan indirme i\u015flemini bir kez daha deneyin."],"Uploading JSON or ZIP files from unknown sources can be harmful and put your site at risk. For maximum safety, upload only JSON or ZIP files from trusted sources.":["Bilinmeyen kaynaklardan JSON ya da ZIP dosyalar\u0131 y\u00fcklemek zararl\u0131 olabilir ve sitenizi riske atabilir. Maksimum g\u00fcvenlik i\u00e7in, yaln\u0131zca guvenilir kaynaklardan JSON ya da ZIP dosyalari y\u00fckleyin."],"Warning: JSON or ZIP files may be unsafe":["Uyar\u0131: JSON ya da ZIP dosyalar\u0131 g\u00fcvenli olmayabilir"],"The Kit includes plugins you don\u2019t have permission to install. Contact your site admin to change your permissions.":["Kit, y\u00fcklemeye izniniz olmayan eklentileri i\u00e7eriyor. \u0130zinleri de\u011fi\u015ftirmek i\u00e7in site y\u00f6neticinizle ileti\u015fime ge\u00e7in."],"Couldn\u2019t access the file":["Dosyaya eri\u015filemedi"],"Couldn\u2019t install the Kit":["Kit y\u00fcklenemedi"],"Seems like Elementor isn\u2019t authorized to access relevant files for installing this Kit. Contact your site host to get permission.":["G\u00f6r\u00fcn\u00fc\u015fe g\u00f6re Elementor, bu Kiti y\u00fcklemek i\u00e7in ilgili dosyalara eri\u015fme yetkisine sahip de\u011fil. \u0130zin almak i\u00e7in site bar\u0131nd\u0131r\u0131c\u0131n\u0131zla ileti\u015fime ge\u00e7in."],", try again and if the problem persists contact ":[", tekrar deneyin ve sorun devam ederse ileti\u015fim kurun "],"It took too much time to download your Kit and we were unable to complete the process. If all the Kit\u2019s parts don\u2019t appear in ":["Kitinizi indirmek \u00e7ok uzun s\u00fcrd\u00fc ve i\u015flemi tamamlayamad\u0131k. Setin t\u00fcm par\u00e7alar\u0131 ekranda g\u00f6r\u00fcnm\u00fcyorsa "],"Seems like there is a problem with the Kit\u2019s files. Try installing again and if the problem persists contact ":["Kit dosyalar\u0131nda bir sorun var gibi g\u00f6r\u00fcn\u00fcyor. Yeniden y\u00fcklemeyi deneyin ve sorun devam ederse ileti\u015fim kurun "],"We couldn\u2019t download the Kit due to technical difficulty on our part. Try again in a few minutes and if the problem persists contact ":["Teknik bir sorun nedeniyle Kit'i indiremedik. Birka\u00e7 dakika sonra tekrar deneyin ve sorun devam ederse ileti\u015fim kurun "],"Support":["Destek"],"Couldn\u2019t use the Kit":["Kiti kullanamad\u0131m"],"We couldn\u2019t download the Kit due to technical difficulties on our part. Try again and if the problem persists contact ":["Teknik sorunlar nedeniyle Kit'i indiremedik. Yeniden deneyin ve sorun devam ederse ileti\u015fim kurun. "],"Unable to download the Kit":["Kit indirilemiyor"],"Couldn\u2019t handle the Kit":["Kit ile ba\u015fa \u00e7\u0131kamad\u0131"],"Seems like your server is missing the PHP zip module. Install it on your server or contact your site host for further instructions.":["Sunucunuzda PHP zip mod\u00fcl\u00fc eksik gibi g\u00f6r\u00fcn\u00fcyor. Daha fazla talimat i\u00e7in sunucunuza y\u00fckleyin veya site hostinginiz ile ileti\u015fime ge\u00e7in."],"Do not show this message again":["Bu mesaj\u0131 tekrar g\u00f6sterme"],"What\u2019s a Website Kit?":["Web Sitesi Kiti nedir?"],"Import a Website Kit":["Bir Web Sitesi Kitini \u0130\u00e7e Aktar\u0131n"],"Export a Website Kit":["Bir Web Sitesi Kitini D\u0131\u015fa Aktarma"]," Learn more about Website Kits":[" Web Sitesi Kitleri hakk\u0131nda daha fazla bilgi edinin"],"Upgrade Now":["Hemen Y\u00fckselt"],"Elementor Templates":["Elementor \u015eablonlar\u0131"],"Included":["Dahil"],"Custom Post Types":["\u00d6zel Yaz\u0131 T\u00fcrleri"],"WP Menus":["WP Men\u00fcleri"],"Start by uploading the file and selecting the parts and plugins you want to apply. If there are any overlaps between the kit and your current design, you\u2019ll be able to choose which imported parts you want to apply or ignore. Once the file is ready, the kit will be applied to your site and you\u2019ll be able to see it live.":["Dosyay\u0131 y\u00fckleyerek ve uygulamak istedi\u011finiz b\u00f6l\u00fcmleri ve eklentileri se\u00e7erek ba\u015flay\u0131n. Kit ile mevcut tasar\u0131m\u0131n\u0131z aras\u0131nda herhangi bir \u00e7ak\u0131\u015fma varsa, hangi i\u00e7e aktar\u0131lan par\u00e7alar\u0131 uygulamak veya yok saymak istedi\u011finizi se\u00e7ebileceksiniz. Dosya haz\u0131r oldu\u011funda kit sitenize uygulanacakt\u0131r ve onu canl\u0131 olarak g\u00f6rebileceksiniz."],"To turn your site into a Website Kit, select the templates, content, settings and plugins you want to include. Once it\u2019s ready, you\u2019ll get a .zip file that you can import to other sites.":["Sitenizi bir Web Sitesi Kitine d\u00f6n\u00fc\u015ft\u00fcrmek i\u00e7in dahil etmek istedi\u011finiz \u015fablonlar\u0131, i\u00e7eri\u011fi, ayarlar\u0131 ve eklentileri se\u00e7in. Haz\u0131r oldu\u011funda, di\u011fer sitelere aktarabilece\u011finiz bir .zip dosyas\u0131 al\u0131rs\u0131n\u0131z."],"Site Area":["Site Alan\u0131"],"A Website Kit is a .zip file that contains all the parts of a complete site. It\u2019s an easy way to get a site up and running quickly.":["Web Sitesi Kiti, eksiksiz bir sitenin t\u00fcm b\u00f6l\u00fcmlerini i\u00e7eren bir .zip dosyas\u0131d\u0131r. Bir siteyi h\u0131zl\u0131 bir \u015fekilde \u00e7al\u0131\u015f\u0131r duruma getirmenin kolay bir yoludur."],"Click to select custom post types":["Buraya t\u0131klayarak ki\u015fisel yaz\u0131 tiplerinizi se\u00e7in"],"Importing your content, templates and site settings":["\u0130\u00e7eri\u011finiz, \u015fablonlar\u0131n\u0131z ve site ayarlar\u0131n\u0131z i\u00e7e aktar\u0131l\u0131yor"],"Take me there":["G\u00f6t\u00fcr beni"],"Head over to Updates and make sure that your plugins are updated to the latest version.":["G\u00fcncellemelere gidin ve eklentilerinizin g\u00fcncel oldu\u011fundan emin olun."]," Recommended:":["\u00d6nerilen:"],"These are the plugins that powers up your kit. You can deselect them, but it can impact the functionality of your site.":["Bunlar kitinizi olu\u015fturan eklentiler. Onlar\u0131 se\u00e7meyebilirsiniz, ancak bu sitenizin fonksiyonlar\u0131n\u0131 etkileyebilir. "],"Select the plugins you want to import":["\u0130\u00e7e aktarmak istedi\u011finiz eklentileri se\u00e7in"],"Not yet":["Hen\u00fcz de\u011fil"],"If you\u2019ve purchased, installed & activated Elementor Pro, we can continue importing all the parts of this site.":["E\u011fer Elementor Pro'yu sat\u0131n al\u0131p, y\u00fckleyip ve etkinle\u015ftirdiyseniz, sitenizin b\u00fct\u00fcn par\u00e7alar\u0131n\u0131 i\u00e7e aktarmaya devam edebiliriz. "],"No custom post types in your site...":["Sitenizde hi\u00e7 \u00f6zel yaz\u0131 t\u00fcr\u00fc yok..."],"Parts of this kit overlap with your site\u2019s templates, design and settings. The items you leave checked on this list will replace your current design.":["Bu kitin baz\u0131 k\u0131s\u0131mlar\u0131 site \u015fablonunuz, dizayn\u0131n\u0131z ve ayarlar\u0131n\u0131zla \u00f6rt\u00fc\u015f\u00fcyor. Bu listedeki se\u00e7ili \u00f6\u011feler \u015fimdiki dizayn\u0131n\u0131z\u0131n yerini alacak."],"Add the custom posts types to export. The latest 20 items from each type will be included.":["D\u0131\u015fa aktar\u0131lacak \u00f6zel g\u00f6nderi t\u00fcrlerini ekleyin. Her t\u00fcrden en son 20 \u00f6\u011fe dahil edilecektir."],"Import a Website Kit to your site":["Sitenize bir Web Sitesi Kiti aktar\u0131n"],"Is your Elementor Pro ready?":["Elementor Pro'nuz haz\u0131r m\u0131?"],"Without Elementor Pro, importing components like templates, widgets and popups won't work.":["Elementor Pro olmadan, \u015fablonlar, eklentiler ve popup'lar gibi bile\u015fenler i\u00e7e aktar\u0131lmayacakt\u0131r."],"Install Elementor Pro":["Elementor Pro'yu \u0130ndir"],"Missing Required Plugins:":["Gerekli Eklentiler Eksik:"],"Make sure your Elementor Pro account is connected":["Elementor Pro hesab\u0131n\u0131z\u0131n ba\u011fl\u0131 oldu\u011fundan emin olun"],"Tip:":["\u0130pucu:"],"Let\u2019s do it":["Haydi yapal\u0131m"],"Select which of these plugins are required for this kit work.":["Bu kitin \u00e7al\u0131\u015fmas\u0131 i\u00e7in hangi eklentilerin gerekli olaca\u011f\u0131n\u0131 se\u00e7in."],"Create Kit":["Kit Olu\u015ftur"],"This file type is not allowed":["Bu dosya t\u00fcr\u00fcne izin verilmiyor"],"Activating plugins:":["Eklentiler etkinle\u015ftiriliyor:"],"All items are already selected by default. Uncheck the ones you don't want.":["Varsay\u0131lan olarak b\u00fct\u00fcn \u00f6\u011feler se\u00e7ili. \u0130stemediklerinizi se\u00e7meyin."],"These are the templates, content and site settings that come with your kit.":["Bunlar kitinizle birlikte gelecek olan \u015fablonlar, i\u00e7erikler ve site ayarlar\u0131."],"Select which parts you want to apply":["Uygulamak istedi\u011finiz b\u00f6l\u00fcmleri se\u00e7in"],"If you don't include them, this kit may not work properly.":["Onlar\u0131 dahil etmezseniz, bu kit d\u00fczg\u00fcn \u00e7al\u0131\u015fmayabilir. "],"Required plugins are still missing.":["Gereken eklentiler hala eksik."],"Note:":["Not:"],"You\u2019ve imported and applied the following to your site:":["\u015eunlar\u0131 sitenize i\u00e7e aktar\u0131p uygulad\u0131n\u0131z:"],"See it live":["Canl\u0131 g\u00f6r\u00fcn"],"There are few plugins that we couldn't install:":["\u015eu eklentileri kuramad\u0131k:"],"Plugins to add:":["Eklenecek eklentiler:"],"Plugins you already have:":["Halihaz\u0131rda sahip oldu\u011funuz eklentiler:"],"Export your site as a Website Kit":["Sitenizi bir Web Sitesi Kiti olarak d\u0131\u015fa aktar\u0131n"],"You can\u2019t use this Website Kit because it doesn\u2019t contain any content, pages, etc. Try again with a different file.":["Herhangi bir i\u00e7erik, sayfa vb. i\u00e7ermedi\u011finden bu Web Sitesi Kitini kullanamazs\u0131n\u0131z. Farkl\u0131 bir dosya ile tekrar deneyin."],"The Website Kit you\u2019re using contains plugins for functionality, but no content or pages, etc.":["Kullanmakta oldu\u011funuz Web Sitesi Kiti, i\u015flevsellik i\u00e7in eklentiler i\u00e7erir, ancak i\u00e7erik veya sayfa vb. i\u00e7ermez."],"Try Again":["Tekrar Deneyin"],"First, enable unfiltered file uploads.":["\u00d6ncelikle, filtresiz dosya y\u00fcklemeyi etkinle\u015ftirin."],"Nothing to worry about, just continue without importing SVGs or go back and start the import again.":["Endi\u015felenecek bir \u015fey yok, sadece SVG dosyalar\u0131n\u0131 i\u00e7e aktarmadan devam edin veya geri d\u00f6n\u00fcp i\u00e7e aktarmaya tekrar ba\u015flay\u0131n."],"This allows Elementor to scan your SVGs for malicious content. Otherwise, you can skip any SVGs in this import.":["Bu, Elementor'un SVG'lerinizi k\u00f6t\u00fc ama\u00e7l\u0131 i\u00e7erik i\u00e7in taramas\u0131na olanak tan\u0131r. Aksi takdirde, bu i\u00e7e aktarma i\u015fleminde herhangi bir SVG'yi atlayabilirsiniz."],"Custom Post Type":["\u00d6zel Yaz\u0131 T\u00fcr\u00fc"],"WP Posts":["WP Yaz\u0131lar\u0131"],"WP Pages":["WP Sayfalar\u0131"],"To import or export these components, you\u2019ll need Elementor Pro.":["Bu bile\u015fenleri d\u0131\u015fa aktarmak i\u00e7in Elementor Pro'ya ihtiyac\u0131n\u0131z var."],"Global widgets":["Global Bile\u015fenler"],"Kit Info":["Kit Bilgisi"],"How does importing work?":["\u0130\u00e7e aktarma nas\u0131l \u00e7al\u0131\u015f\u0131yor?"],"How does exporting work?":["D\u0131\u015fa aktarma nas\u0131l \u00e7al\u0131\u015f\u0131yor?"],"Setting up your kit...":["Kitiniz kuruluyor..."],"Existing":["Var olan "],"Imported":["\u0130\u00e7e Aktar\u0131lm\u0131\u015f"],"Back to Kit Library":["Kit K\u00fct\u00fcphanesine Geri D\u00f6n"],"Kit Description":["Kit A\u00e7\u0131klamas\u0131"],"Kit Name":["Kit \u0130smi"],"Choose which Elementor components - templates, content and site settings - to include in your kit file.":["Hangi \u015fablonlar\u0131, i\u00e7eri\u011fin ve site ayarlar\u0131n\u0131n kit dosyan\u0131za dahil olaca\u011f\u0131n\u0131 se\u00e7in."],"Kit Information":["Kit Bilgisi"],"Elementor Kit":["Elementor Kit"],"Select the items you want to keep and apply:":["Kaydetmek ve uygulamak istedi\u011finiz \u00f6\u011feleri se\u00e7in:"],"Your site's homepage will be determined by the kit. You can change this later.":["Sitenizin ana sayfas\u0131 kit taraf\u0131ndan belirlenir. Bunu daha sonra de\u011fi\u015ftirebilirsiniz."],"Upload a file with templates, site settings, content, etc., and apply them to your site automatically.":["\u015eablonlar\u0131, site ayarlar\u0131n\u0131, i\u00e7eri\u011fi vb. i\u00e7eren bir dosya y\u00fckleyin ve bunlar\u0131 sitenize otomatik olarak uygulay\u0131n."],"Your kit is now live on your site!":["Kitiniz art\u0131k sitenizde yay\u0131nda!"],"These are the details you\u2019ll use to quickly find and apply this kit in the future, even as your collection grows.":["Bunlar, koleksiyonunuz b\u00fcy\u00fcse bile gelecekte bu kiti h\u0131zl\u0131 bir \u015fekilde bulmak ve uygulamak i\u00e7in kullanaca\u011f\u0131n\u0131z ayr\u0131nt\u0131lard\u0131r."],"What is kit information?":["Kit bilgisi nedir?"],"Say something about the style and content of these files...":["Bu dosyalar\u0131n tarz\u0131 ve i\u00e7eri\u011fi hakk\u0131nda bir \u015feyler s\u00f6yleyin..."],"Now you can import this kit and use it on other sites.":["\u015eimdi bu kiti i\u00e7e aktarabilir ve di\u011fer sitelerde kullanabilirsiniz."],"Website Kit Information":["Web Sitesi Kiti Bilgileri"],"Import":["\u0130\u00e7e aktar"],"Don't close this window until the process is finished.":["\u0130\u015flem bitene kadar bu pencereyi kapatmay\u0131n."],"This usually takes a few moments.":["Bu genellikle k\u0131sa bir zaman al\u0131r."],"Or":["Ya da"],"Drag & drop the .zip file with your Kit":["Kitinizin .zip dosyas\u0131n\u0131 s\u00fcr\u00fckleyip b\u0131rak\u0131n"],"Upload Files to Your Library":["K\u00fct\u00fcphanenize Dosyalar\u0131n\u0131z\u0131 Y\u00fckleyin"],"We recommend that you backup your site before importing a kit file.":["Bir kit dosyas\u0131 i\u00e7e aktarmadan \u00f6nce sayfan\u0131z\u0131 yedeklemenizi \u00f6neririz."],"Important:":["\u00d6nemli:"],"By default, all of your components will be exported.":["Varsay\u0131lan olarak b\u00fct\u00fcn bile\u015fenler d\u0131\u015fa aktar\u0131lacakt\u0131r."],"Background Settings":["Arka Plan Ayarlar\u0131"],"to learn more about building your site with Elementor Kits":["Elementor Kitlerini kullanarak sitenizi olu\u015fturmak hakk\u0131nda daha fazlas\u0131n\u0131 \u00f6\u011frenmek i\u00e7in"],"Theme Style settings":["Tema Tarz\u0131 ayarlar\u0131"],"Elementor Pages":["Elementor Sayfalar\u0131"],"404 Error Page":["404 Hata Sayfas\u0131"],"to download":["indirmek i\u00e7in"],"Download not working?":["\u0130ndirme \u00e7al\u0131\u015fm\u0131yor mu?"],"Your export is ready!":["D\u0131\u015fa aktarman\u0131z haz\u0131r!"],"Back to dashboard":["Panoya Geri D\u00f6n"],"Lightbox Settings":["Lightbox Ayarlar\u0131"],"Learn more":["Daha fazla bilgi"],"Landing Pages":["A\u00e7\u0131l\u0131\u015f Sayfalar\u0131"],"App could not be loaded":["Uygulama y\u00fcklenemedi"],"Global Colors":["Global Renkler"],"Search Results":["Arama sonu\u00e7lar\u0131"],"Archives":["Ar\u015fivler"],"Single Posts":["Tekil Yaz\u0131lar"],"Single Pages":["Tekil Sayfalar"],"Footers":["Alt K\u0131s\u0131mlar"],"Not Found":["Bulunamad\u0131"],"Tip":["\u0130pucu"],"We\u2019re sorry, but something went wrong. Click on \u2018Learn more\u2019 and follow each of the steps to quickly solve it.":["\u00d6z\u00fcr dileriz ama bir \u015feyler ters gitti. 'Daha fazla bilgi edinin' se\u00e7ene\u011fini t\u0131klay\u0131n ve h\u0131zl\u0131 bir \u015fekilde \u00e7\u00f6zmek i\u00e7in her ad\u0131m\u0131 izleyin."],"Layout Settings":["D\u00fczen Ayarlar\u0131"],"Headers":["\u00dcst K\u0131s\u0131mlar"],"Site Settings":["Site Ayarlar\u0131"],"Back":["Geri"],"Next":["Sonraki"],"Previous":["\u00d6nceki"],"Popups":["A\u00e7\u0131l\u0131r pencereler"],"Continue":["Devam"],"Plugins":["Eklentiler"],"Skip":["Atla"],"Something went wrong.":["Bir \u015feyler yanl\u0131\u015f gitti."],"Pages":["Sayfa"],"Select File":["Dosya Se\u00e7"],"Click here":["Buraya t\u0131kla"],"Enable":["Etkinle\u015ftir"],"Edit Template":["\u015eablonu D\u00fczenle"],"Elementor Posts":["Elementor Yaz\u0131lar\u0131"],"Saved Templates":["Kay\u0131tl\u0131 \u015fablonlar"],"Templates":["\u015eablonlar"],"Export":["D\u0131\u015fa Aktar"],"Close":["Kapat"],"Global Fonts":["Genel yaz\u0131 tipleri"],"Learn More":["Daha fazlas\u0131n\u0131 \u00f6\u011frenin"],"Cancel":["\u0130ptal"],"Content":["\u0130\u00e7erik"],"Yes":["Evet"],"Go Back":["Geri d\u00f6n"],"Version":["S\u00fcr\u00fcm"],"Elementor":["Elementor"]}},"comment":{"reference":"assets\/js\/app.js"}}