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=�Qg�����dZdZddlZddlZddlZddlZddlZddlmZm	Z	m
mZmZm
mZddlmZddlmZGd�d��Zd	Zd
Zdddddd
ddddddeefd�Z							d$d�Z							d%d�Zdejddddddd
dddddfd�Zdejdddddddddfd�Z					d&d�Zdddddd
ddddddeedejfd�Zd�Zd'd�Z d�Z!d�Z"d�Z#d�Z$d�Z%d�Z&d �Z'd!�Z(d"�Z)d#�Z*dS)(a�
Calling the ``publish_*`` convenience functions (or instantiating a
`Publisher` object) with component names will result in default
behavior.  For custom behavior (setting component options), create
custom component objects first, and pass *them* to
``publish_*``/`Publisher`.  See `The Docutils Publisher`_.

.. _The Docutils Publisher:
�reStructuredText�N)�__version__�__version_details__�SettingsSpec�io�utils�readers�writers)�OptionParser)�doctreec���eZdZdZddddejdejdfd�Zd�Zd�Z	d�Z
		dd�Zd�Z		dd	�Z
�Z		dd�Zdd�Zdd
�Zdd�Zd�Z			dd�Zd�Zd�Zd�Zd�Zd�ZdS)�	PublisherzK
    A facade encapsulating the high-level logic of a Docutils system.
    Nc		�Z�d|_	||_	||_	||_	dD]G}	t	t||	��t��r"Jdt||	���d|	�d|	�d�����H||_	||_	||_		||_
	||_	tj
        Initial setup.  If any of `reader`, `parser`, or `writer` are not
        specified, ``set_components()`` or the corresponding ``set_...()``
        method should be called with component names
        (`set_reader` sets the parser as well).
        N)�reader�parser�writerzpassed string "z" as "z+" parameter; pass an instance, or use the "zL_name" parameter instead (in docutils.core.publish_* convenience functions).)�documentrrr�
isinstance�getattr�str�source�source_class�destination�destination_class�settingsr�ErrorOutput�_stderr)
�selfrrrrrrrr�	components
�;����3����3����3�5�	D�	D�I�!�'�$�	�":�":�C�@�@�
D��4��+�+�+�+�Y�Y�Y�	�	�	�C�
D����G�(���?�&���	�"3���D� ��
�	J��~�'�'�����c�r�tj|��}|||��|_|jj|_dS)zSet `self.reader` by name.N)r	�get_reader_classrr)r�reader_namer�parser_name�reader_classs     r �
set_readerzPublisher.set_readerUs5���/��<�<��"�l�6�;�7�7����k�(����r"c�L�tj|��}|��|_dS)zSet `self.writer` by name.N)r
�get_writer_classr)r�writer_name�writer_classs   r �
set_writerzPublisher.set_writer[s#���/��<�<��"�l�n�n����r"c��|j�|�||j|��|j�7|jj�|j�|��|jj|_|j�|�|��dSdS�N)rr(r�
set_parserrr-)rr%r&r+s    r �set_componentszPublisher.set_components`s���;���O�O�K���k�B�B�B��;���{�!�)���&�&�{�3�3�3��+�,�D�K��;���O�O�K�(�(�(�(�(��r"c�0�tjdtd���|rR|st��}||_|���}t
|��dkr|ddkrdg|_t|j	|j
|j|f|d||�	��S)
NzRPublisher.setup_option_parser is deprecated, and will be removed in Docutils 0.21.�)�
stacklevel�����application�applicationsT)�
components�defaults�read_config_files�usage�description)�warnings�warn�DeprecationWarningr�config_section�split�len�config_section_dependenciesrrrr)rr<r=�
settings_specrAr:�partss       r �setup_option_parserzPublisher.setup_option_parserjs���	�
�>�(�Q�	8�	8�	8�	8��	M� �
/� ,���
�+9�M�(�"�(�(�*�*�E��5�z�z�A�~�~�%��)�}�"<�"<�=K�<L�
�9����T�[�$�+�}�M����[�2�2�2�	2r"c��tj��5tjdt���|j|i|��cddd��S#1swxYwYdS)N�ignore)�category)r>�catch_warnings�filterwarningsr@rG)r�args�kwargss   r �_setup_settings_parserz Publisher._setup_settings_parser}s����
&�	=�	=��#�H�7I�J�J�J�J�+�4�+�T�<�V�<�<�	=�	=�	=�	=�	=�	=�	=�	=�	=�	=�	=�	=����	=�	=�	=�	=�	=�	=s�(A	�	A
        Return settings from components and config files.

        Please set components first (`self.set_reader` & `self.set_writer`).
        Use keyword arguments to override component defaults
        (before updating from configuration files).

        Calling this function also sets `self.settings` which makes
        `self.publish()` skip parsing command line options.
option_parsers       r �get_settingszPublisher.get_settings�sM��4��3��;�
��}�r"c��|j�@|r|���ni}|�dd��|jd||d�|��dSdS)N�	tracebackT)rErA�)r�copy�
setdefaultrS)rrE�settings_overridesrAr:s     r �process_programmatic_settingsz'Publisher.process_programmatic_settings�s~���=� �4F�N�)�.�.�0�0�0�B�H�����T�2�2�2��D��
*� (�
*�	!� r"c��|j||||fi|��}|�tjdd�}|�|��|_dS)z�
        Parse command line arguments and set ``self.settings``.

        Pass an empty sequence to `argv` to avoid reading `sys.argv`
        (the default behaviour).

        Set components first (`self.set_reader` & `self.set_writer`).
parse_argsr)rr]r<r=rErAr:rRs        r �process_command_linezPublisher.process_command_line�s_��4��3��;�
set_sourcer�set_destination)rrarbs   r �set_iozPublisher.set_io�sM���;���O�O��O�4�4�4���#�� � �2B� �C�C�C�C�C�$�#r"c��|�
|jj}n||j_|�|||jj|jj���|_dS)N)rra�encoding�
error_handler)r�_sourcer�input_encoding�input_encoding_error_handlerr)rrras   r rczPublisher.set_source�sU�����-�/�K�K�$/�D�M�!��'�'��{��]�1��-�D�(�F�F����r"c�p�|�u|jjr5|jjr)|jj|jjkrtd���|jjdkrd|j_|jjp|jj}||j_|�|||jj|jj���|_dS)NziThe positional argument <destination> is obsoleted by the --output option.  You cannot use them together.�-)rrbrgrh)r�output�_destination�
SystemExitr�output_encoding�output_encoding_error_handlerr)rrrbs   r rdzPublisher.set_destination�s����#��
B��M�(�D�M�,F�F�F� �"A�B�B�B��}�#�s�*�*�'+��
�$� $�
� 4�!>�#'�=�#=�
�"��1�1�#�-��]�2��-�E�	2�G�G����r"c���|jj�|j|j|jj|j|jf��|jj���dSr/)	r�transformer�populate_from_componentsrrrrr�apply_transforms�rs r rvzPublisher.apply_transforms�s]���
�	 �	 �	 �	
�!�2�2�4�4�4�4�4r"Fc�r�d}	|j�|j|||||fi|pi��|���|���|j�|j|j|j��|_|�	��|j
�|j|j��}	|j
wt $rL}
wwxYw|���|rM|jrF|jjj|jjkr't/j|jjjdz��n|rt/j|��|	S)z�
        Process command line options and arguments (if `self.settings` not
        already set), run `self.reader` and then `self.writer`.  Return
        `self.writer`'s output.
)rr_re�promptr�readrrrrvr�writer�assemble_partsrp�code�	ExceptionrU�debugging_dumps�report_Exception�reporter�	max_level�exit_status_levelr\�exit)rr]r<r=rErYrA�enable_exit_statusr�rn�error�exit_statuss            r �publishzPublisher.publish�s�����	��}�$�)��)��%��m�^�2�2�)�/�R�2�2�2�
�K�K�M�M�M��K�K�M�M�M� �K�,�,�T�[�$�+�-1�]�<�<�D�M��!�!�#�#�#��[�&�&�t�}�d�6F�G�G�F��K�&�&�(�(�(�(���	%�	%�	%��D��*�K�K�K�K�K�K������	�	�	��=�
��$�$�&�&�&���!�!�%�(�(�(��D��K�K�K�K�K�K�����	����	
�������	"�4�=�	"���'�1��M�3�4�4��H�T�]�+�5��:�;�;�;�;�
�	"��H�[�!�!�!��

D;�	C"�"
D;�/AD6�6D;c�"�|jsdS|jjrHtd|j���ttj|jj��|j���|jjrHtd|j���ttj|jj��|j���|jj	rmtd|j���td|j���ttjd�|jj
jD����|j���|jjrXtd|j���t|j����
d��|j���dSdS)	Nz
::: Runtime settings:��filez
::: Document internals:z
::: Transforms applied:z@ (priority, transform class, pending node details, keyword args)c�P�g|]#\}}}}||j�d|j��|o|j|f��$S)�.)�
__module__�__name__�details)�.0�priority�xclass�pendingrNs     r �
::: Pseudo-XML:�raw_unicode_escape)rr�
dump_settings�printr�pprint�pformat�__dict__�dump_internals�dump_transformsrt�applied�dump_pseudo_xml�encoderws r r�zPublisher.debugging_dumpss����}�	��F��=�&�	M��+�$�,�?�?�?�?��&�.���!7�8�8�t�|�L�L�L�L��=�'�	M��-�D�L�A�A�A�A��&�.���!7�8�8�t�|�L�L�L�L��=�(�	L��-�D�L�A�A�A�A��"�(,��
6��&�.�7�7��M�-�5�7�7�7�8�8�?C�l�	
�=�(�	:��%�D�L�9�9�9�9��$�-�'�'�)�)�0�0�$�&�&�,0�L�
:�	:�	:r"c��	|j���r|j���sdSn#t$rYdSwxYwtjdkrdnd}d}d}	|jjd}|jjd}n#ttf$rYnwxYwtdt�d	|�d
|�d|�d�	|j�
��dS)z=Print info and prompt when waiting for input from a terminal.N�ntzCtrl+ZzCtrl+D�zuseful formatsrz	Docutils z/ <https://docutils.sourceforge.io>
converting "z" into "zT".
Call with option "--help" for more info.
.. Waiting for source text (finish with z on an empty line):r�)r�isattyr�AttributeError�os�namer�	supportedr�
IndexErrorr�r)r�eot_key�	in_format�
out_formats    r rzzPublisher.prompts-��	��K�&�&�(�(�
���	�	�	��F�F�	���� �g��o�o�(�(�8���	�%�
�	���-�a�0�I���.�q�1�J�J���
�+�	�	�	��D�	����
�<�	!�	!�	!�	!�	!�	!s!�27�
A�A�!$B�B�Bc���t|tj��r|�|��dSt|t��r|�|��dSt|tj��r1|j�	dt
|��z��dSt|tj��r1|j�	dt
|��z|j���tdt�trdt�d�nd�d	tj���d
�d�|j���dS)Nz-Unable to open source file for reading:
z2Unable to open destination file for writing:
z%sr�z�Exiting due to error.  Use "--traceback" to diagnose.
Please report errors to <docutils-users@lists.sourceforge.net>.
Include "--traceback" output, Docutils version (z [�]r��),
Python version (rz5), your OS type & version, and the command line used.)rr�
InputErrorrr|�error_string�OutputErrorr�rrr\�versionrB�rr�s  r r�zPublisher.report_Exception1s����e�U�0�1�1�	2��%�%�e�,�,�,�,�,�
2�	2��$�$�U�+�+�+�+�+�
-�	2��L��� (�*,�/�%�*@�*@� A�
.�	2��L�����?�5�1�1�2�
�$����/�/�/�d�l�C�C�C�C���2=��!4�;��������	��
��"�"�$�$�Q�'����%)�L�

2r"c�~�td|j�dtjj|j�d�|j���dS)NzExiting due to level-z (z) system message.r�)r��levelr�Reporter�levelsrr�s  r r�zPublisher.report_SystemMessageGsM��
���+�+�+�u�~�4�U�[�A�A�A�C��<�	!�	!�	!�	!�	!�	!r"c��|j|j|j�}|j�tj|���d|jj�d|�	dd���d|�	dd���d|jj
�dt�d	tj
�d���dS)Nz!

The specified output encoding (z�) cannot
handle all of the output.
Try setting "--output-encoding-error-handler" to

* "xmlcharrefreplace" (for HTML & XML output);
  the output will contain "�ascii�xmlcharrefreplacezU" and should be usable.
* "backslashreplace" (for other output formats);
  look for "�backslashreplacezr" in the output.
* "replace"; look for "?" in the output.

"--output-encoding-error-handler" is currently set to "z�".

Exiting due to error.  Use "--traceback" to diagnose.
If the advice above doesn't eliminate the error,
please report it to <docutils-users@lists.sourceforge.net>.
Include "--traceback" output, Docutils version (r�rz6), your OS type & version, and the
command line used.
)�object�start�endrr|rr�rrqr�rrrr\r�rB)rr��datas   r r�zPublisher.report_UnicodeErrorLs����|�E�K��	�1�2������*��u�%�%�%�%��}�,�,�,��{�{�7�$7�8�8�8�8��{�{�7�$6�7�7�7�7��}�:�:�:��{�{�C�K�-�-�/�/��2�2�2�3
4�	5�	5�	5�	5�	5r")NNNN)NNNNN)NN)NNNNNNF)r�r��__qualname__�__doc__r�	FileInput�
FileOutputr!r(r-r1rGrOrSrZr_rercrdrvr�r�rzr�r�r�rVr"r rrs���������#�4���2�<�!�R�]��/(�/(�/(�/(�b)�)�)�%�%�%�
)�)�)�;?�?C�2�2�2�2�&=�=�=�48�8<�����"	*�	*�	*�GK�@D�7�7�7�7�"D�D�D�D�F�F�F�F�G�G�G�G�$5�5�5�:>�7;�8=�(�(�(�(�T:�:�:�.!�!�!�,2�2�2�,!�!�!�
5�5�5�5�5r"rz*%prog [options] [<source> [<destination>]]z�Reads from <source> (default is stdin) and writes to <destination> (default is stdout).  See https://docutils.sourceforge.io/docs/user/config.html for a detailed settings reference.�
standalone�restructuredtext�	pseudoxmlTc	��t||||���}|�|||��|�|||
|||	|
    Set up & run a `Publisher` for command-line-based file I/O (input and
    output file paths taken automatically from the command line).
    Also return the output as `str` or `bytes` (for binary output document

    Parameters: see `publish_programmatically()` for the remainder.

    - `argv`: Command-line argument list to use instead of ``sys.argv[1:]``.
    - `usage`: Usage string, output if there's a problem parsing the command
    - `description`: Program description, output for the "--help" option
      (along with command-line option descriptions).
    )r�rAr��rr1r�)rr%rr&rr+rrErYrAr�r]r<r=�	publisherrns                r �publish_cmdliner�{sg��*�&�&�&�8�D�D�D�I�
��e�[�-�1C�%�:L��N�N�F��Mr"Fc��tdidtj�d|�d|�dtj�d|�d|�d|�d|�d	|�d
|�d|�d|	�d
�d|�d|�d|
    Set up & run a `Publisher` for programmatic use with file-like I/O.
    Also return the output as `str` or `bytes` (for binary output document

    Parameters: see `publish_programmatically()`.
    rrrarrrbrr%rr&rr+rrErYrAr�rV)�publish_programmaticallyrr�r�)rrarrbrr%rr&rr+rrErYrAr�rnr�s                 r �publish_filer��s���1�
/� �K�
/��v�
/�$/�;�
/��F�I��Mr"c��tdidtj�d|�d|�dtj�dd�d|�d|�d	|�d
|�d|�d|�d
|�d|	�d|
�d|�d|�d|
    Set up & run a `Publisher` for programmatic use with string I/O.

    Accepts a `bytes` or `str` instance as `source`.

    The output is encoded according to the `output_encoding`_ setting;
    the return value is a `bytes` instance (unless `output_encoding`_ is
    "unicode", cf. `docutils.io.StringOutput.write()`).

    Parameters: see `publish_programmatically()`.

    This function is provisional because in Python 3 name and behaviour
    no longer match.

    .. _output_encoding:
    rrrarrNrbrr%rr&rr+rrErYrAr�rV)r�r�StringInput�StringOutput)rrarbrr%rr&rr+rrErYrAr�rnr�s                r �publish_stringr��s���01�
/��v�
/�$/�;�
/��F�I��Mr"c��tdid|�d|�d|�dtj�dd�d|�d|�d	|�d
|�d|�d|�d
|	�d|
�d|�d|�d|
    Set up & run a `Publisher`, and return a dictionary of document parts.

    Dictionary keys are the names of parts.
    Dictionary values are `str` instances; encoding is up to the client,

       parts = publish_parts(...)
       body = parts['body'].encode(parts['encoding'], parts['errors'])

    See the `API documentation`__ for details on the provided parts.

    Parameters: see `publish_programmatically()`.

    __ https://docutils.sourceforge.io/docs/api/publisher.html#publish-parts
    rrarrrNrbrr%rr&rr+rrErYrAr�rV)r�rr�rrF)rrarrbrr%rr&rr+rrErYrAr�rnr�s                 r �
/��v�
/�$/�;�
/��F�I���!�!r"c��tdid|�d|�d|�dd�dd�dtj�d|�d	|�d
|�d|�dd�d
d�d|�d|�d|	�d|
�d|��\}}
    Set up & run a `Publisher` for programmatic use. Return a document tree.

    Parameters: see `publish_programmatically()`.
NullOutputr)rrarrr%rr&rrErYrAr��_outputr�s              r �publish_doctreer�s���2�
/��v�
/�$/�;�
/��G�Y���r"c	�F�tjd���}	t|	d|tj|��tj|���}
�	|���S)u�
    Set up & run a `Publisher` to render from an existing document tree
    data structure. For programmatic use with string output
    (`bytes` or `str`, cf. `publish_string()`).

    Note that ``document.settings`` is overridden; if you want to use the
    settings of the original `document`, pass ``settings=document.settings``.

    Also, new `document.transformer` and `document.reporter` objects are

    Parameters: `document` is a `docutils.nodes.document` object, an existing
    document tree.

    Other parameters: see `publish_programmatically()`.

    This function is provisional because in Python 3 name and behaviour
    of the `io.StringOutput` class no longer match.
r�Readerrr�DocTreeInputr�r-rZrdr�)rrbrr+rrErYrAr�rr�s           r �publish_from_doctreer�s���0�^��
/�F��&�$��!#���!:�!:�,.�O�#+�-�-�-�I��*�k�*����[�)�)�)�
���d�$4�5�5�5����0B��C�C�Cr"c	��t|||||���}|�|||��|�|||
|||	|
    Set up & run a `Publisher` for command-line-based file I/O (input and
    output file paths taken automatically from the command line).
    Also return the output as `bytes`.

    This is just like publish_cmdline, except that it uses
    io.BinaryFileOutput instead of io.FileOutput.

    Parameters: see `publish_programmatically()` for the remainder.

    - `argv`: Command-line argument list to use instead of ``sys.argv[1:]``.
    - `usage`: Usage string, output if there's a problem parsing the command
    - `description`: Program description, output for the "--help" option
      (along with command-line option descriptions).
    )rrr�r�)rr%rr&rr+rrErYrAr�r]r<r=rrr�rns                  r �publish_cmdline_to_binaryr�?sp��:�&�&�&�8�,=�?�?�?�I�
��e�[�-�1C�%�:L��N�N�F��Mr"c��t|||
|||���}|�||	|��|�|
    Set up & run a `Publisher` for custom programmatic use.

    Return the output (as `str` or `bytes`, depending on `destination_class`,
    writer, and the "output_encoding" setting) and the Publisher object.

    Applications should not need to call this function directly.  If it does
    seem to be necessary to call this function directly, please write to the
    Docutils-develop mailing list


    * `source_class` **required**: The class for dynamically created source
      objects.  Typically `io.FileInput` or `io.StringInput`.

    * `source`: Type depends on `source_class`:

      - If `source_class` is `io.FileInput`: Either a file-like object
        (must have 'read' and 'close' methods), or ``None``
        (`source_path` is opened).  If neither `source` nor
        `source_path` are supplied, `sys.stdin` is used.

      - If `source_class` is `io.StringInput` **required**:
        The input as either a `bytes` object (ensure the 'input_encoding'
        setting matches its encoding) or a `str` object.

    * `source_path`: Type depends on `source_class`:

      - `io.FileInput`: Path to the input file, opened if no `source`

      - `io.StringInput`: Optional.  Path to the file or name of the
        object that produced `source`.  Only used for diagnostic output.

    * `destination_class` **required**: The class for dynamically created
      destination objects.  Typically `io.FileOutput` or `io.StringOutput`.

    * `destination`: Type depends on `destination_class`:

      - `io.FileOutput`: Either a file-like object (must have 'write' and
        'close' methods), or ``None`` (`destination_path` is opened).  If
        neither `destination` nor `destination_path` are supplied,
        `sys.stdout` is used.

      - `io.StringOutput`: Not used; pass ``None``.

    * `destination_path`: Type depends on `destination_class`:

      - `io.FileOutput`: Path to the output file.  Opened if no `destination`

      - `io.StringOutput`: Path to the file or object which will receive the
        output; optional.  Used for determining relative paths (stylesheets,
        source links, etc.).

    * `reader`: A `docutils.readers.Reader` object.

    * `reader_name`: Name or alias of the Reader class to be instantiated if
      no `reader` supplied.

    * `parser`: A `docutils.parsers.Parser` object.

    * `parser_name`: Name or alias of the Parser class to be instantiated if
      no `parser` supplied.

    * `writer`: A `docutils.writers.Writer` object.

    * `writer_name`: Name or alias of the Writer class to be instantiated if
      no `writer` supplied.

    * `settings`: A runtime settings (`docutils.frontend.Values`) object, for
      dotted-attribute access to runtime settings.  It's the end result of the
      `SettingsSpec`, config file, and option processing.  If `settings` is
      passed, it's assumed to be complete and no further setting/config/option
      processing is done.

    * `settings_spec`: A `docutils.SettingsSpec` subclass or object.  Provides
      extra application-specific settings definitions independently of
      components.  In other words, the application becomes a component, and
      its settings data is processed along with that of the other components.
      Used only if no `settings` specified.

    * `settings_overrides`: A dictionary containing application-specific
      settings defaults that override the defaults of other components.
      Used only if no `settings` specified.

    * `config_section`: A string, the name of the configuration file section
      for this application.  Overrides the ``config_section`` attribute
      defined by `settings_spec`.  Used only if no `settings` specified.

    * `enable_exit_status`: Boolean; enable exit status at end of processing?
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