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Current File : //opt/imunify360/venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/setuptools/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc


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PackageFinder�PEP420PackageFinder)�Distribution)�	Extension)�SetuptoolsDeprecationWarning)�setupr�Commandr
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        A minimal version of a distribution for supporting the
        fetch_build_eggs interface.
        c�����d}�fd�t|��t���zD��}t���|��|j���dS)N)�dependency_links�setup_requiresc�"��i|]}|�|��S�r)�.0�k�attrss  ��J/opt/imunify360/venv/lib64/python3.11/site-packages/setuptools/__init__.py�
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            Disable finalize_options to avoid building the working set.
            Ref #2158.
            Nr)r&s r�finalize_optionszE_install_setup_requires.<locals>.MinimalDistribution.finalize_options@s���r �N)�__name__�
__module__�__qualname__�__doc__r#r0r2�
__classcell__�r)s@r�MinimalDistributionr+so�������	�	�
	)�	)�	)�	)�	)�	%�	%�	%�	%�	%�	%�	�	�	�	�	�	�	r r:T)�ignore_option_errors)�	distutils�corer�parse_config_filesr�_fetch_build_eggs)rr:�dists   r�_install_setup_requiresrA(s��������i�n�9����6��u�%�%�D�	�����6�6�6��� ��$������ � r c��	|�|j��dS#t$rU}d}d|jjvr?t|d��r|�|��n|�d|�d����d}~wwxYw)Na�
        It is possible a package already installed in your system
        contains an version that is invalid according to PEP 440.
        You can try `pip install --use-pep517` as a workaround for this problem,
        or rely on a new virtual environment.

        If the problem refers to a package that is not installed yet,
        please contact that package's maintainers or distributors.
)�fetch_build_eggsrr,r)r4�hasattrrD�announce)r@�ex�msgs   rr?r?Ns�������d�1�2�2�2�2�2���������r�|�4�4�4��r�:�&�&�
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    Setuptools internal actions are organized using a *command design pattern*.
    This means that each action (or group of closely related actions) executed during
    the build should be implemented as a ``Command`` subclass.

    These commands are abstractions and do not necessarily correspond to a command that
    can (or should) be executed via a terminal, in a CLI fashion (although historically
    they would).

    When creating a new command from scratch, custom defined classes **SHOULD** inherit
    from ``setuptools.Command`` and implement a few mandatory methods.
    Between these mandatory methods, are listed:

    .. method:: initialize_options(self)

        Set or (reset) all options/attributes/caches used by the command
        to their default values. Note that these values may be overwritten during
        the build.

    .. method:: finalize_options(self)

        Set final values for all options/attributes used by the command.
        Most of the time, each option/attribute/cache should only be set if it does not
        have any value yet (e.g. ``if self.attr is None: self.attr = val``).

    .. method:: run(self)

        Execute the actions intended by the command.
        (Side effects **SHOULD** only take place when ``run`` is executed,
        for example, creating new files or writing to the terminal output).

    A useful analogy for command classes is to think of them as subroutines with local
    variables called "options".  The options are "declared" in ``initialize_options()``
    and "defined" (given their final values, aka "finalized") in ``finalize_options()``,
    both of which must be defined by every command class. The "body" of the subroutine,
    (where it does all the work) is the ``run()`` method.
    Between ``initialize_options()`` and ``finalize_options()``, ``setuptools`` may set
    the values for options/attributes based on user's input (or circumstance),
    which means that the implementation should be careful to not overwrite values in
    ``finalize_options`` unless necessary.

    Please note that other commands (or other parts of setuptools) may also overwrite
    the values of the command's options/attributes multiple times during the build
    Therefore it is important to consistently implement ``initialize_options()`` and
    ``finalize_options()``. For example, all derived attributes (or attributes that
    depend on the value of other attributes) **SHOULD** be recomputed in

    When overwriting existing commands, custom defined classes **MUST** abide by the
    same APIs implemented by the original class. They also **SHOULD** inherit from the
    original class.
        Construct the command for dist, updating
        vars(self) with any keyword parameters.
        N)r"r#�vars�update)r&r@�kwr)s   �rr#zCommand.__init__�s=���
	����������T�
���"�����r Nc	��t||��}|�t|||��|St|t��st	d|�d|�d|�d����|S)N�'z' must be a z (got `z`))�getattr�setattr�
isinstance�strr)r&�option�what�default�vals     r�_ensure_stringlikezCommand._ensure_stringlike�sq���d�F�#�#���;��D�&�'�*�*�*��N��C��%�%�	�&�&�28�&�&�$�$�$����D���
r c�6�t||��}|�dSt|t��r&t||t	jd|����dSt|t��rtd�|D����}nd}|std|�d|�d����dS)a�Ensure that 'option' is a list of strings.  If 'option' is
        currently a string, we split it either on /,\s*/ or /\s+/, so
        "foo bar baz", "foo,bar,baz", and "foo,   bar baz" all become
        ["foo", "bar", "baz"].

           TODO: This method seems to be similar to the one in ``distutils.cmd``
           Probably it is just here for backward compatibility with old Python versions?

        :meta private:
        Nz,\s*|\s+c3�@K�|]}t|t��V��dSr3)rVrW)r�vs  r�	<genexpr>z-Command.ensure_string_list.<locals>.<genexpr>�s,����9�9���A�s�+�+�9�9�9�9�9�9r FrSz!' must be a list of strings (got �))	rTrVrWrU�re�split�list�allr)r&rXr[�oks    r�ensure_string_listzCommand.ensure_string_list�s����d�F�#�#���;��F�
	��D�&�"�(�;��"<�"<�=�=�=�=�=��#�t�$�$�
r rc��t�|||��}t|���|��|Sr3)�_Command�reinitialize_commandrOrP)r&�command�reinit_subcommandsrQ�cmds     rrjzCommand.reinitialize_command�s9���+�+�D�'�;M�N�N���S�	�	��������
r r3)r)
r4r5r6r7�command_consumes_argumentsr#r\rgrjr8r9s@rrrps��������4�4�l"'�������	�	�	�	����6�������r rc��d�tj|d���D��}ttjj|��S)z%
    Find all files under 'path'
    c3�hK�|]-\}}}|D]$}tj�||��V��%�.dSr3)�os�path�join)r�base�dirs�files�files     rr`z#_find_all_simple.<locals>.<genexpr>�sc�������D�$�����
�	����T�4� � �������r T)�followlinks)rq�walk�filterrr�isfile)rr�resultss  r�_find_all_simpler}�sE����!#���4�!@�!@�!@����G�
�"�'�.�'�*�*�*r c���t|��}|tjkr5tjtjj|���}t||��}t|��S)z�
    Find all files under 'dir' and return the list of full filenames.
    Unless dir is '.', return full filenames with dir prepended.
    )�start)	r}rq�curdir�	functools�partialrr�relpath�maprd)�dirrv�make_rels   r�findallr��sR��

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�b�i����$�R�W�_�C�@�@�@���H�e�$�$����;�;�r c�N�tjddd���t|��S)NzAccess to implementation detaila
        The function `convert_path` is not provided by setuptools itself,
        and therefore not part of the public API.

        Its direct usage by 3rd-party packages is considered improper and the function
        may be removed in the future.
        )i���
_convert_path)�pathnames rrr�s9�� �%�)�	� �
���"�"�"r c��eZdZdZdS)�sicz;Treat this string as-is (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sic)N)r4r5r6r7rr rr�r�s������E�E�E�Er r�)1r7r�rqrb�_distutils_hack.override�_distutils_hack�distutils.corer<�distutils.errorsr�distutils.utilrr��rrr�_version_module�dependsr	�	discoveryr
rr@r�	extensionr
get_unpatchedrrir}r�r��wrapsrWr��	patch_allrr r�<module>r�sK��F�F�����	�	�	�	�	�	�	�	���������1�1�1�1�1�1�8�8�8�8�8�8���������(�(�(�(�(�(�������9�9�9�9�9�9�9�9������� � � � � � �2�2�2�2�2�2�	�	�	���)�����"�
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