Current Path : /opt/cpanel/ea-ruby27/src/passenger-release-6.0.23/src/agent/Core/ApplicationPool/ |
Current File : //opt/cpanel/ea-ruby27/src/passenger-release-6.0.23/src/agent/Core/ApplicationPool/Pool.h |
/* * Phusion Passenger - https://www.phusionpassenger.com/ * Copyright (c) 2011-2018 Phusion Holding B.V. * * "Passenger", "Phusion Passenger" and "Union Station" are registered * trademarks of Phusion Holding B.V. * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN * THE SOFTWARE. */ #ifndef _PASSENGER_APPLICATION_POOL2_POOL_H_ #define _PASSENGER_APPLICATION_POOL2_POOL_H_ #include <string> #include <vector> #include <algorithm> #include <utility> #include <sstream> #include <iomanip> #include <boost/thread.hpp> #include <boost/bind/bind.hpp> #include <boost/shared_ptr.hpp> #include <boost/make_shared.hpp> #include <boost/function.hpp> #include <boost/foreach.hpp> #include <boost/pool/object_pool.hpp> // We use boost::container::vector instead of std::vector, because the // former does not allocate memory in its default constructor. This is // useful for post lock action vectors which often remain empty. #include <boost/container/vector.hpp> #include <boost/date_time/posix_time/posix_time_types.hpp> #include <oxt/dynamic_thread_group.hpp> #include <oxt/backtrace.hpp> #include <sys/types.h> #include <MemoryKit/palloc.h> #include <LoggingKit/LoggingKit.h> #include <ConfigKit/ConfigKit.h> #include <Exceptions.h> #include <Hooks.h> #include <SystemTools/SystemMetricsCollector.h> #include <SystemTools/ProcessMetricsCollector.h> #include <SystemTools/SystemTime.h> #include <Utils/Lock.h> #include <Utils/AnsiColorConstants.h> #include <Utils/MessagePassing.h> #include <Utils/VariantMap.h> #include <Core/ApplicationPool/Common.h> #include <Core/ApplicationPool/Context.h> #include <Core/ApplicationPool/Process.h> #include <Core/ApplicationPool/Group.h> #include <Core/ApplicationPool/Session.h> #include <Core/ApplicationPool/Options.h> #include <Core/SpawningKit/Factory.h> #include <Shared/ApplicationPoolApiKey.h> namespace Passenger { namespace ApplicationPool2 { using namespace std; using namespace boost; using namespace oxt; class Pool: public boost::enable_shared_from_this<Pool> { public: struct AuthenticationOptions { uid_t uid; ApiKey apiKey; AuthenticationOptions() : uid(-1) { } static AuthenticationOptions makeAuthorized() { AuthenticationOptions options; options.apiKey = ApiKey::makeSuper(); return options; } }; /****** Group data structure utilities ******/ struct RestartOptions: public AuthenticationOptions { RestartMethod method; RestartOptions() : method(RM_DEFAULT) { } static RestartOptions makeAuthorized() { RestartOptions options; options.apiKey = ApiKey::makeSuper(); return options; } }; /****** State inspection ******/ struct InspectOptions: public AuthenticationOptions { bool colorize; bool verbose; InspectOptions() : colorize(false), verbose(false) { } InspectOptions(const VariantMap &options) : colorize(options.getBool("colorize", false, false)), verbose(options.getBool("verbose", false, false)) { } InspectOptions(const Json::Value &options) : colorize(options.get("colorize", false).asBool()), verbose(options.get("verbose", false).asBool()) { } static InspectOptions makeAuthorized() { InspectOptions options; options.apiKey = ApiKey::makeSuper(); return options; } }; struct ToXmlOptions: public AuthenticationOptions { bool secrets; ToXmlOptions() : secrets(true) { } ToXmlOptions(const VariantMap &options) : secrets(options.getBool("secrets", false, false)) { } static ToXmlOptions makeAuthorized() { ToXmlOptions options; options.apiKey = ApiKey::makeSuper(); return options; } }; struct ToJsonOptions: public AuthenticationOptions { bool secrets; bool hasApplicationIdsFilter; StringKeyTable<bool> applicationIdsFilter; ToJsonOptions() : secrets(false), hasApplicationIdsFilter(false), applicationIdsFilter(0, 0) { } ToJsonOptions(const VariantMap &options) : secrets(options.getBool("secrets", false, false)), hasApplicationIdsFilter(false), applicationIdsFilter(0, 0) { } void set(const Json::Value &_options) { ConfigKit::Schema schema = createSchema(); ConfigKit::Store options(schema, _options); if (!options["application_ids"].isNull()) { hasApplicationIdsFilter = true; applicationIdsFilter = StringKeyTable<bool>(); const Json::Value subdoc = options["application_ids"]; Json::Value::const_iterator it, end = subdoc.end(); for (it = subdoc.begin(); it != end; it++) { applicationIdsFilter.insert(it->asString(), true); } } } static ConfigKit::Schema createSchema() { using namespace ConfigKit; ConfigKit::Schema schema; schema.add("application_ids", STRING_ARRAY_TYPE, OPTIONAL); schema.finalize(); return schema; } static ToJsonOptions makeAuthorized() { ToJsonOptions options; options.apiKey = ApiKey::makeSuper(); return options; } }; // Actually private, but marked public so that unit tests can access the fields. public: friend class Group; friend class Process; friend struct tut::ApplicationPool2_PoolTest; mutable boost::mutex syncher; unsigned int max; unsigned long long maxIdleTime; bool selfchecking; Context *context; /** * Code can register background threads in one of these dynamic thread groups * to ensure that threads are interrupted and/or joined properly upon Pool * destruction. * All threads in 'interruptableThreads' will be interrupted and joined upon * Pool destruction. * All threads in 'nonInterruptableThreads' will be joined, but not interrupted, * upon Pool destruction. */ dynamic_thread_group interruptableThreads; dynamic_thread_group nonInterruptableThreads; enum LifeStatus { ALIVE, PREPARED_FOR_SHUTDOWN, SHUTTING_DOWN, SHUT_DOWN } lifeStatus; mutable GroupMap groups; psg_pool_t *palloc; /** * get() requests that... * - cannot be immediately satisfied because the pool is at full * capacity and no existing processes can be killed, * - and for which the super group isn't in the pool, * ...are put on this wait list. * * This wait list is processed when one of the following things happen: * * - A process has been spawned but its associated group has * no get waiters. This process can be killed and the resulting * free capacity will be used to spawn a process for this * get request. * - A process (that has apparently been spawned after getWaitlist * was populated) is done processing a request. This process can * then be killed to free capacity. * - A process has failed to spawn, resulting in capacity to * become free. * - A Group failed to initialize, resulting in free capacity. * - Someone commanded Pool to detach a process, resulting in free * capacity. * - Someone commanded Pool to detach a Group, resulting in * free capacity. * - The 'max' option has been increased, resulting in free capacity. * * Invariant 1: * for all options in getWaitlist: * options.getAppGroupName() is not in 'groups'. * * Invariant 2: * if getWaitlist is non-empty: * atFullCapacity() * Equivalently: * if !atFullCapacity(): * getWaitlist is empty. */ vector<GetWaiter> getWaitlist; // Actually private, but marked public so that unit tests can access the fields. public: /****** Debugging support *******/ struct DebugSupport { /** Mailbox for the unit tests to receive messages on. */ MessageBoxPtr debugger; /** Mailbox for the ApplicationPool code to receive messages on. */ MessageBoxPtr messages; // Choose aspects to debug. bool restarting; bool spawning; bool oobw; bool testOverflowRequestQueue; bool detachedProcessesChecker; // The following fields may only be accessed by Pool. boost::mutex syncher; unsigned int spawnLoopIteration; DebugSupport() { debugger = boost::make_shared<MessageBox>(); messages = boost::make_shared<MessageBox>(); restarting = true; spawning = true; oobw = false; detachedProcessesChecker = false; testOverflowRequestQueue = false; spawnLoopIteration = 0; } }; typedef boost::shared_ptr<DebugSupport> DebugSupportPtr; DebugSupportPtr debugSupport; /****** Analytics collection ******/ SystemMetricsCollector systemMetricsCollector; SystemMetrics systemMetrics; void initializeAnalyticsCollection(); static void collectAnalytics(PoolPtr self); static void collectPids(const ProcessList &processes, vector<pid_t> &pids); static void updateProcessMetrics(const ProcessList &processes, const ProcessMetricMap &allMetrics, vector<ProcessPtr> &processesToDetach); void realCollectAnalytics(); /****** Garbage collection ******/ struct GarbageCollectorState { unsigned long long now; unsigned long long nextGcRunTime; boost::container::vector<Callback> actions; }; boost::condition_variable garbageCollectionCond; void initializeGarbageCollection(); static void garbageCollect(PoolPtr self); void maybeUpdateNextGcRuntime(GarbageCollectorState &state, unsigned long candidate); void checkWhetherProcessCanBeGarbageCollected(GarbageCollectorState &state, const GroupPtr &group, const ProcessPtr &process, ProcessList &output); void garbageCollectProcessesInGroup(GarbageCollectorState &state, const GroupPtr &group); void maybeCleanPreloader(GarbageCollectorState &state, const GroupPtr &group); unsigned long long realGarbageCollect(); void wakeupGarbageCollector(); /****** General utilities ******/ static const char *maybeColorize(const InspectOptions &options, const char *color); static const char *maybePluralize(unsigned int count, const char *singular, const char *plural); static void runAllActions(const boost::container::vector<Callback> &actions); static void runAllActionsWithCopy(boost::container::vector<Callback> actions); bool runHookScripts(const char *name, const boost::function<void (HookScriptOptions &)> &setup) const; void verifyInvariants() const; void verifyExpensiveInvariants() const; void fullVerifyInvariants() const; void assignSessionsToGetWaiters(boost::container::vector<Callback> &postLockActions); template<typename Queue> static void assignExceptionToGetWaiters(Queue &getWaitlist, const ExceptionPtr &exception, boost::container::vector<Callback> &postLockActions); static void syncGetCallback(const AbstractSessionPtr &session, const ExceptionPtr &e, void *userData); /****** Group data structure utilities ******/ struct DetachGroupWaitTicket { boost::mutex syncher; boost::condition_variable cond; bool done; DetachGroupWaitTicket() { done = false; } }; const GroupPtr getGroup(const char *name); const pair<uid_t, gid_t> getGroupRunUidAndGids(const StaticString &appGroupName); Group *findMatchingGroup(const Options &options); GroupPtr createGroup(const Options &options); GroupPtr createGroupAndAsyncGetFromIt(const Options &options, const GetCallback &callback, boost::container::vector<Callback> &postLockActions); void forceDetachGroup(const GroupPtr &group, const Callback &callback, boost::container::vector<Callback> &postLockActions); static void syncDetachGroupCallback(boost::shared_ptr<DetachGroupWaitTicket> ticket); static void waitDetachGroupCallback(boost::shared_ptr<DetachGroupWaitTicket> ticket); /****** Process data structure utilities ******/ struct DisableWaitTicket { boost::mutex syncher; boost::condition_variable cond; DisableResult result; bool done; DisableWaitTicket() { done = false; } }; ProcessPtr findOldestIdleProcess(const Group *exclude = NULL) const; ProcessPtr findBestProcessToTrash() const; ProcessPtr forceFreeCapacity(const Group *exclude, boost::container::vector<Callback> &postLockActions); bool detachProcessUnlocked(const ProcessPtr &process, boost::container::vector<Callback> &postLockActions); static void syncDisableProcessCallback(const ProcessPtr &process, DisableResult result, boost::shared_ptr<DisableWaitTicket> ticket); void possiblySpawnMoreProcessesForExistingGroups(); /****** State inspection ******/ static Json::Value makeSingleValueJsonConfigFormat(const Json::Value &v, const Json::Value &defaultValue = Json::Value()); static Json::Value makeSingleStrValueJsonConfigFormat(const StaticString &val); static Json::Value makeSingleStrValueJsonConfigFormat(const StaticString &val, const StaticString &defaultValue); static Json::Value makeSingleNonEmptyStrValueJsonConfigFormat(const StaticString &val); unsigned int capacityUsedUnlocked() const; bool atFullCapacityUnlocked() const; void inspectProcessList(const InspectOptions &options, stringstream &result, const Group *group, const ProcessList &processes) const; public: typedef void (*AbortLongRunningConnectionsCallback)(const ProcessPtr &process); AbortLongRunningConnectionsCallback abortLongRunningConnectionsCallback; /****** Initialization and shutdown ******/ Pool(Context *context); ~Pool(); void initialize(); void initDebugging(); void prepareForShutdown(); void destroy(); /****** General utilities ******/ Context *getContext(); SpawningKit::Context *getSpawningKitContext() const; const RandomGeneratorPtr &getRandomGenerator() const; /****** Group manipulation ******/ GroupPtr findOrCreateGroup(const Options &options); GroupPtr findGroupByApiKey(const StaticString &value, bool lock = true) const; bool detachGroupByName(const HashedStaticString &name); bool detachGroupByApiKey(const StaticString &value); bool restartGroupByName(const StaticString &name, const RestartOptions &options = RestartOptions::makeAuthorized()); unsigned int restartGroupsByAppRoot(const StaticString &appRoot, const RestartOptions &options = RestartOptions::makeAuthorized()); /***** Process manipulation ******/ vector<ProcessPtr> getProcesses(bool lock = true) const; ProcessPtr findProcessByGupid(const StaticString &gupid, bool lock = true) const; ProcessPtr findProcessByPid(pid_t pid, bool lock = true) const; bool detachProcess(const ProcessPtr &process); bool detachProcess(pid_t pid, const AuthenticationOptions &options = AuthenticationOptions::makeAuthorized()); bool detachProcess(const string &gupid, const AuthenticationOptions &options = AuthenticationOptions::makeAuthorized()); DisableResult disableProcess(const StaticString &gupid); /****** State inspection ******/ unsigned int capacityUsed() const; bool atFullCapacity() const; unsigned int getProcessCount(bool lock = true) const; unsigned int getGroupCount() const; string inspect(const InspectOptions &options = InspectOptions::makeAuthorized(), bool lock = true) const; string toXml(const ToXmlOptions &options = ToXmlOptions::makeAuthorized(), bool lock = true) const; Json::Value inspectPropertiesInAdminPanelFormat(const ToJsonOptions &options = ToJsonOptions::makeAuthorized()) const; Json::Value inspectConfigInAdminPanelFormat(const ToJsonOptions &options = ToJsonOptions::makeAuthorized()) const; /****** Miscellaneous ******/ void asyncGet(const Options &options, const GetCallback &callback, bool lockNow = true); SessionPtr get(const Options &options, Ticket *ticket); void setMax(unsigned int max); void setMaxIdleTime(unsigned long long value); void enableSelfChecking(bool enabled); bool isSpawning(bool lock = true) const; bool authorizeByApiKey(const ApiKey &key, bool lock = true) const; bool authorizeByUid(uid_t uid, bool lock = true) const; }; } // namespace ApplicationPool2 } // namespace Passenger #endif /* _PASSENGER_APPLICATION_POOL2_POOL_H_ */