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# Licensed under the GPL: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.html
# For details: https://github.com/PyCQA/pylint/blob/main/LICENSE
# Copyright (c) https://github.com/PyCQA/pylint/blob/main/CONTRIBUTORS.txt

"""Basic checker for Python code."""

from __future__ import annotations

import argparse
import collections
import itertools
import re
import sys
from collections.abc import Iterable
from enum import Enum, auto
from re import Pattern
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Tuple

import astroid
from astroid import nodes

from pylint import constants, interfaces
from pylint.checkers import utils
from pylint.checkers.base.basic_checker import _BasicChecker
from pylint.checkers.base.name_checker.naming_style import (
from pylint.checkers.utils import is_property_deleter, is_property_setter
from pylint.typing import Options

    from pylint.lint.pylinter import PyLinter

_BadNamesTuple = Tuple[nodes.NodeNG, str, str, interfaces.Confidence]

# Default patterns for name types that do not have styles
    "typevar": re.compile(
    "typealias": re.compile(

BUILTIN_PROPERTY = "builtins.property"
TYPE_VAR_QNAME = frozenset(

class TypeVarVariance(Enum):
    invariant = auto()
    covariant = auto()
    contravariant = auto()
    double_variant = auto()

def _get_properties(config: argparse.Namespace) -> tuple[set[str], set[str]]:
    """Returns a tuple of property classes and names.

    Property classes are fully qualified, such as 'abc.abstractproperty' and
    property names are the actual names, such as 'abstract_property'.
    property_classes = {BUILTIN_PROPERTY}
    property_names: set[str] = set()  # Not returning 'property', it has its own check.
    if config is not None:
            prop.rsplit(".", 1)[-1] for prop in config.property_classes
    return property_classes, property_names

def _redefines_import(node: nodes.AssignName) -> bool:
    """Detect that the given node (AssignName) is inside an
    exception handler and redefines an import from the tryexcept body.

    Returns True if the node redefines an import, False otherwise.
    current = node
    while current and not isinstance(current.parent, nodes.ExceptHandler):
        current = current.parent
    if not current or not utils.error_of_type(current.parent, ImportError):
        return False
    try_block = current.parent.parent
    for import_node in try_block.nodes_of_class((nodes.ImportFrom, nodes.Import)):
        for name, alias in import_node.names:
            if alias:
                if alias == node.name:
                    return True
            elif name == node.name:
                return True
    return False

def _determine_function_name_type(
    node: nodes.FunctionDef, config: argparse.Namespace
) -> str:
    """Determine the name type whose regex the function's name should match.

    :param node: A function node.
    :param config: Configuration from which to pull additional property classes.

    :returns: One of ('function', 'method', 'attr')
    property_classes, property_names = _get_properties(config)
    if not node.is_method():
        return "function"

    if is_property_setter(node) or is_property_deleter(node):
        # If the function is decorated using the prop_method.{setter,getter}
        # form, treat it like an attribute as well.
        return "attr"

    decorators = node.decorators.nodes if node.decorators else []
    for decorator in decorators:
        # If the function is a property (decorated with @property
        # or @abc.abstractproperty), the name type is 'attr'.
        if isinstance(decorator, nodes.Name) or (
            isinstance(decorator, nodes.Attribute)
            and decorator.attrname in property_names
            inferred = utils.safe_infer(decorator)
            if (
                and hasattr(inferred, "qname")
                and inferred.qname() in property_classes
                return "attr"
    return "method"

# Name categories that are always consistent with all naming conventions.
EXEMPT_NAME_CATEGORIES = {"exempt", "ignore"}

def _is_multi_naming_match(
    match: re.Match[str] | None, node_type: str, confidence: interfaces.Confidence
) -> bool:
    return (
        match is not None
        and match.lastgroup is not None
        and match.lastgroup not in EXEMPT_NAME_CATEGORIES
        and (node_type != "method" or confidence != interfaces.INFERENCE_FAILURE)

class NameChecker(_BasicChecker):
    msgs = {
        "C0103": (
            '%s name "%s" doesn\'t conform to %s',
            "Used when the name doesn't conform to naming rules "
            "associated to its type (constant, variable, class...).",
        "C0104": (
            'Disallowed name "%s"',
            "Used when the name matches bad-names or bad-names-rgxs- (unauthorized names).",
                "old_names": [
                    ("C0102", "blacklisted-name"),
        "C0105": (
            "Type variable name does not reflect variance%s",
            "Emitted when a TypeVar name doesn't reflect its type variance. "
            "According to PEP8, it is recommended to add suffixes '_co' and "
            "'_contra' to the variables used to declare covariant or "
            "contravariant behaviour respectively. Invariant (default) variables "
            "do not require a suffix. The message is also emitted when invariant "
            "variables do have a suffix.",
        "C0131": (
            "TypeVar cannot be both covariant and contravariant",
            'Emitted when both the "covariant" and "contravariant" '
            'keyword arguments are set to "True" in a TypeVar.',
        "C0132": (
            'TypeVar name "%s" does not match assigned variable name "%s"',
            "Emitted when a TypeVar is assigned to a variable "
            "that does not match its name argument.",

    _options: Options = (
                "default": ("i", "j", "k", "ex", "Run", "_"),
                "type": "csv",
                "metavar": "<names>",
                "help": "Good variable names which should always be accepted,"
                " separated by a comma.",
                "default": "",
                "type": "regexp_csv",
                "metavar": "<names>",
                "help": "Good variable names regexes, separated by a comma. If names match any regex,"
                " they will always be accepted",
                "default": ("foo", "bar", "baz", "toto", "tutu", "tata"),
                "type": "csv",
                "metavar": "<names>",
                "help": "Bad variable names which should always be refused, "
                "separated by a comma.",
                "default": "",
                "type": "regexp_csv",
                "metavar": "<names>",
                "help": "Bad variable names regexes, separated by a comma. If names match any regex,"
                " they will always be refused",
                "default": (),
                "type": "csv",
                "metavar": "<name1:name2>",
                "help": (
                    "Colon-delimited sets of names that determine each"
                    " other's naming style when the name regexes"
                    " allow several styles."
                "default": False,
                "type": "yn",
                "metavar": "<y or n>",
                "help": "Include a hint for the correct naming format with invalid-name.",
                "default": ("abc.abstractproperty",),
                "type": "csv",
                "metavar": "<decorator names>",
                "help": "List of decorators that produce properties, such as "
                "abc.abstractproperty. Add to this list to register "
                "other decorators that produce valid properties. "
                "These decorators are taken in consideration only for invalid-name.",
    options: Options = _options + _create_naming_options()

    def __init__(self, linter: PyLinter) -> None:
        self._name_group: dict[str, str] = {}
        self._bad_names: dict[str, dict[str, list[_BadNamesTuple]]] = {}
        self._name_regexps: dict[str, re.Pattern[str]] = {}
        self._name_hints: dict[str, str] = {}
        self._good_names_rgxs_compiled: list[re.Pattern[str]] = []
        self._bad_names_rgxs_compiled: list[re.Pattern[str]] = []

    def open(self) -> None:
        for group in self.linter.config.name_group:
            for name_type in group.split(":"):
                self._name_group[name_type] = f"group_{group}"

        regexps, hints = self._create_naming_rules()
        self._name_regexps = regexps
        self._name_hints = hints
        self._good_names_rgxs_compiled = [
            re.compile(rgxp) for rgxp in self.linter.config.good_names_rgxs
        self._bad_names_rgxs_compiled = [
            re.compile(rgxp) for rgxp in self.linter.config.bad_names_rgxs

    def _create_naming_rules(self) -> tuple[dict[str, Pattern[str]], dict[str, str]]:
        regexps: dict[str, Pattern[str]] = {}
        hints: dict[str, str] = {}

        for name_type in KNOWN_NAME_TYPES:
            if name_type in KNOWN_NAME_TYPES_WITH_STYLE:
                naming_style_name = getattr(
                    self.linter.config, f"{name_type}_naming_style"
                regexps[name_type] = NAMING_STYLES[naming_style_name].get_regex(
                naming_style_name = "predefined"
                regexps[name_type] = DEFAULT_PATTERNS[name_type]

            custom_regex_setting_name = f"{name_type}_rgx"
            custom_regex = getattr(self.linter.config, custom_regex_setting_name, None)
            if custom_regex is not None:
                regexps[name_type] = custom_regex

            if custom_regex is not None:
                hints[name_type] = f"{custom_regex.pattern!r} pattern"
                hints[name_type] = f"{naming_style_name} naming style"

        return regexps, hints

    @utils.only_required_for_messages("disallowed-name", "invalid-name")
    def visit_module(self, node: nodes.Module) -> None:
        self._check_name("module", node.name.split(".")[-1], node)
        self._bad_names = {}

    def leave_module(self, _: nodes.Module) -> None:
        for all_groups in self._bad_names.values():
            if len(all_groups) < 2:
            groups: collections.defaultdict[
                int, list[list[_BadNamesTuple]]
            ] = collections.defaultdict(list)
            min_warnings = sys.maxsize
            prevalent_group, _ = max(all_groups.items(), key=lambda item: len(item[1]))
            for group in all_groups.values():
                min_warnings = min(len(group), min_warnings)
            if len(groups[min_warnings]) > 1:
                by_line = sorted(
                    key=lambda group: min(  # type: ignore[no-any-return]
                        for warning in group
                        if warning[0].lineno is not None
                warnings: Iterable[_BadNamesTuple] = itertools.chain(*by_line[1:])
                warnings = groups[min_warnings][0]
            for args in warnings:
                self._raise_name_warning(prevalent_group, *args)

    @utils.only_required_for_messages("disallowed-name", "invalid-name")
    def visit_classdef(self, node: nodes.ClassDef) -> None:
        self._check_name("class", node.name, node)
        for attr, anodes in node.instance_attrs.items():
            if not any(node.instance_attr_ancestors(attr)):
                self._check_name("attr", attr, anodes[0])

    @utils.only_required_for_messages("disallowed-name", "invalid-name")
    def visit_functiondef(self, node: nodes.FunctionDef) -> None:
        # Do not emit any warnings if the method is just an implementation
        # of a base class method.
        confidence = interfaces.HIGH
        if node.is_method():
            if utils.overrides_a_method(node.parent.frame(future=True), node.name):
            confidence = (
                if utils.has_known_bases(node.parent.frame(future=True))
                else interfaces.INFERENCE_FAILURE

            _determine_function_name_type(node, config=self.linter.config),
        # Check argument names
        args = node.args.args
        if args is not None:

    visit_asyncfunctiondef = visit_functiondef

    def visit_assignname(  # pylint: disable=too-many-branches
        self, node: nodes.AssignName
    ) -> None:
        """Check module level assigned names."""
        frame = node.frame(future=True)
        assign_type = node.assign_type()

        # Check names defined in comprehensions
        if isinstance(assign_type, nodes.Comprehension):
            self._check_name("inlinevar", node.name, node)

        # Check names defined in module scope
        elif isinstance(frame, nodes.Module):
            # Check names defined in Assign nodes
            if isinstance(assign_type, nodes.Assign):
                inferred_assign_type = utils.safe_infer(assign_type.value)

                # Check TypeVar's and TypeAliases assigned alone or in tuple assignment
                if isinstance(node.parent, nodes.Assign):
                    if self._assigns_typevar(assign_type.value):
                        self._check_name("typevar", assign_type.targets[0].name, node)
                    if self._assigns_typealias(assign_type.value):
                        self._check_name("typealias", assign_type.targets[0].name, node)

                if (
                    isinstance(node.parent, nodes.Tuple)
                    and isinstance(assign_type.value, nodes.Tuple)
                    # protect against unbalanced tuple unpacking
                    and node.parent.elts.index(node) < len(assign_type.value.elts)
                    assigner = assign_type.value.elts[node.parent.elts.index(node)]
                    if self._assigns_typevar(assigner):
                    if self._assigns_typealias(assigner):

                # Check classes (TypeVar's are classes so they need to be excluded first)
                elif isinstance(inferred_assign_type, nodes.ClassDef):
                    self._check_name("class", node.name, node)

                # Don't emit if the name redefines an import in an ImportError except handler.
                elif not _redefines_import(node) and isinstance(
                    inferred_assign_type, nodes.Const
                    self._check_name("const", node.name, node)
                        "variable", node.name, node, disallowed_check_only=True

            # Check names defined in AnnAssign nodes
            elif isinstance(assign_type, nodes.AnnAssign):
                if utils.is_assign_name_annotated_with(node, "Final"):
                    self._check_name("const", node.name, node)
                elif self._assigns_typealias(assign_type.annotation):
                    self._check_name("typealias", node.name, node)

        # Check names defined in function scopes
        elif isinstance(frame, nodes.FunctionDef):
            # global introduced variable aren't in the function locals
            if node.name in frame and node.name not in frame.argnames():
                if not _redefines_import(node):
                    self._check_name("variable", node.name, node)

        # Check names defined in class scopes
        elif isinstance(frame, nodes.ClassDef):
            if not list(frame.local_attr_ancestors(node.name)):
                for ancestor in frame.ancestors():
                    if utils.is_enum(ancestor) or utils.is_assign_name_annotated_with(
                        node, "Final"
                        self._check_name("class_const", node.name, node)
                    self._check_name("class_attribute", node.name, node)

    def _recursive_check_names(self, args: list[nodes.AssignName]) -> None:
        """Check names in a possibly recursive list <arg>."""
        for arg in args:
            self._check_name("argument", arg.name, arg)

    def _find_name_group(self, node_type: str) -> str:
        return self._name_group.get(node_type, node_type)

    def _raise_name_warning(
        prevalent_group: str | None,
        node: nodes.NodeNG,
        node_type: str,
        name: str,
        confidence: interfaces.Confidence,
        warning: str = "invalid-name",
    ) -> None:
        type_label = constants.HUMAN_READABLE_TYPES[node_type]
        hint = self._name_hints[node_type]
        if prevalent_group:
            # This happens in the multi naming match case. The expected
            # prevalent group needs to be spelled out to make the message
            # correct.
            hint = f"the `{prevalent_group}` group in the {hint}"
        if self.linter.config.include_naming_hint:
            hint += f" ({self._name_regexps[node_type].pattern!r} pattern)"
        args = (
            (type_label.capitalize(), name, hint)
            if warning == "invalid-name"
            else (type_label.capitalize(), name)

        self.add_message(warning, node=node, args=args, confidence=confidence)
        self.linter.stats.increase_bad_name(node_type, 1)

    def _name_allowed_by_regex(self, name: str) -> bool:
        return name in self.linter.config.good_names or any(
            pattern.match(name) for pattern in self._good_names_rgxs_compiled

    def _name_disallowed_by_regex(self, name: str) -> bool:
        return name in self.linter.config.bad_names or any(
            pattern.match(name) for pattern in self._bad_names_rgxs_compiled

    def _check_name(
        node_type: str,
        name: str,
        node: nodes.NodeNG,
        confidence: interfaces.Confidence = interfaces.HIGH,
        disallowed_check_only: bool = False,
    ) -> None:
        """Check for a name using the type's regexp."""

        def _should_exempt_from_invalid_name(node: nodes.NodeNG) -> bool:
            if node_type == "variable":
                inferred = utils.safe_infer(node)
                if isinstance(inferred, nodes.ClassDef):
                    return True
            return False

        if self._name_allowed_by_regex(name=name):
        if self._name_disallowed_by_regex(name=name):
            self.linter.stats.increase_bad_name(node_type, 1)
                "disallowed-name", node=node, args=name, confidence=interfaces.HIGH
        regexp = self._name_regexps[node_type]
        match = regexp.match(name)

        if _is_multi_naming_match(match, node_type, confidence):
            name_group = self._find_name_group(node_type)
            bad_name_group = self._bad_names.setdefault(name_group, {})
            # Ignored because this is checked by the if statement
            warnings = bad_name_group.setdefault(match.lastgroup, [])  # type: ignore[union-attr, arg-type]
            warnings.append((node, node_type, name, confidence))

        if (
            match is None
            and not disallowed_check_only
            and not _should_exempt_from_invalid_name(node)
            self._raise_name_warning(None, node, node_type, name, confidence)

        # Check TypeVar names for variance suffixes
        if node_type == "typevar":
            self._check_typevar(name, node)

    def _assigns_typevar(node: nodes.NodeNG | None) -> bool:
        """Check if a node is assigning a TypeVar."""
        if isinstance(node, astroid.Call):
            inferred = utils.safe_infer(node.func)
            if (
                isinstance(inferred, astroid.ClassDef)
                and inferred.qname() in TYPE_VAR_QNAME
                return True
        return False

    def _assigns_typealias(node: nodes.NodeNG | None) -> bool:
        """Check if a node is assigning a TypeAlias."""
        inferred = utils.safe_infer(node)
        if isinstance(inferred, nodes.ClassDef):
            if inferred.qname() == ".Union":
                # Union is a special case because it can be used as a type alias
                # or as a type annotation. We only want to check the former.
                assert node is not None
                return not isinstance(node.parent, nodes.AnnAssign)
        elif isinstance(inferred, nodes.FunctionDef):
            if inferred.qname() == "typing.TypeAlias":
                return True
        return False

    def _check_typevar(self, name: str, node: nodes.AssignName) -> None:
        """Check for TypeVar lint violations."""
        if isinstance(node.parent, nodes.Assign):
            keywords = node.assign_type().value.keywords
            args = node.assign_type().value.args
        elif isinstance(node.parent, nodes.Tuple):
            keywords = (
            args = node.assign_type().value.elts[node.parent.elts.index(node)].args

        variance = TypeVarVariance.invariant
        name_arg = None
        for kw in keywords:
            if variance == TypeVarVariance.double_variant:
            elif kw.arg == "covariant" and kw.value.value:
                variance = (
                    if variance != TypeVarVariance.contravariant
                    else TypeVarVariance.double_variant
            elif kw.arg == "contravariant" and kw.value.value:
                variance = (
                    if variance != TypeVarVariance.covariant
                    else TypeVarVariance.double_variant

            if kw.arg == "name" and isinstance(kw.value, nodes.Const):
                name_arg = kw.value.value

        if name_arg is None and args and isinstance(args[0], nodes.Const):
            name_arg = args[0].value

        if variance == TypeVarVariance.double_variant:
        elif variance == TypeVarVariance.covariant and not name.endswith("_co"):
            suggest_name = f"{re.sub('_contra$', '', name)}_co"
                args=(f'. "{name}" is covariant, use "{suggest_name}" instead'),
        elif variance == TypeVarVariance.contravariant and not name.endswith("_contra"):
            suggest_name = f"{re.sub('_co$', '', name)}_contra"
                args=(f'. "{name}" is contravariant, use "{suggest_name}" instead'),
        elif variance == TypeVarVariance.invariant and (
            name.endswith("_co") or name.endswith("_contra")
            suggest_name = re.sub("_contra$|_co$", "", name)
                args=(f'. "{name}" is invariant, use "{suggest_name}" instead'),

        if name_arg is not None and name_arg != name:
                args=(name_arg, name),