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Current File : //opt/cloudlinux/venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/jinja2/__pycache__/tests.cpython-311.pyc


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efd&�Z*id'e�d(e�d)e�d*e�d+e�d,e�d-e�d.e�d/e�d0e�d1e�d2e�d3e�d4e �d5e!�d6e"�d7e#�id8e$�d9e%�d:e'�d;e+�d<e&�d=e(�d>e*�d?ej,�d@ej,�dAej,�dBej-�dCej-�dDej.�dEej.�dFej.�dGej/�dHej/��ej0ej0ej0ej1ej1dI��Z2dS)Jz6Built-in template tests used with the ``is`` operator.�N)�abc)�Number�)�	Undefined)�pass_environment)�Environment�value�returnc��|dzdkS)z#Return true if the variable is odd.�r��r	s �C/opt/cloudlinux/venv/lib64/python3.11/site-packages/jinja2/tests.py�test_oddr����1�9��>��c��|dzdkS)z$Return true if the variable is even.rrr
rs r�	test_evenrrr�numc��||zdkS)z-Check if a variable is divisible by a number.rr
)r	rs  r�test_divisiblebyrs���3�;�!��rc�.�t|t��S)a;Return true if the variable is defined:

    .. sourcecode:: jinja

        {% if variable is defined %}
            value of variable: {{ variable }}
        {% else %}
            variable is not defined
        {% endif %}

    See the :func:`default` filter for a simple way to set undefined
isinstancerrs r�test_definedrs���%��+�+�+�+rc�,�t|t��S)z-Like :func:`defined` but the other way round.rrs r�test_undefinedr.s���e�Y�'�'�'r�envrc��||jvS)aCheck if a filter exists by name. Useful if a filter may be
    optionally available.

    .. code-block:: jinja

        {% if 'markdown' is filter %}
            {{ value | markdown }}
        {% else %}
            {{ value }}
        {% endif %}

    .. versionadded:: 3.0
    )�filters�rr	s  r�test_filterr"3s���C�K��rc��||jvS)a�Check if a test exists by name. Useful if a test may be
    optionally available.

    .. code-block:: jinja

        {% if 'loud' is test %}
            {% if value is loud %}
                {{ value|upper }}
            {% else %}
                {{ value|lower }}
            {% endif %}
        {% else %}
            {{ value }}
        {% endif %}

    .. versionadded:: 3.0
    )�testsr!s  r�	test_testr%Es��&�C�I��rc�
�|duS)z$Return true if the variable is none.Nr
rs r�	test_noner'[s���D�=�rc��|dup|duS)zNReturn true if the object is a boolean value.

    .. versionadded:: 2.11
rs r�test_booleanr)`s��
�|duS)zDReturn true if the object is False.

    .. versionadded:: 2.11
rs r�
�|duS)zCReturn true if the object is True.

    .. versionadded:: 2.11
rs r�	test_truer-ps��
�D�=�rc�<�t|t��o|duo|duS)zIReturn true if the object is an integer.

    .. versionadded:: 2.11
    TF)r�intrs r�test_integerr0ys(��
�e�S�!�!�N�e�4�&7�N�E��<N�Nrc�,�t|t��S)zFReturn true if the object is a float.

    .. versionadded:: 2.11
    )r�floatrs r�
�e�U�#�#�#rc�D�t|�����S)z*Return true if the variable is lowercased.)�str�islowerrs r�
test_lowerr7�����u�:�:�����rc�D�t|�����S)z*Return true if the variable is uppercased.)r5�isupperrs r�
test_upperr;�r8rc�,�t|t��S)z&Return true if the object is a string.)rr5rs r�test_stringr=�s���e�S�!�!�!rc�6�t|tj��S)zSReturn true if the object is a mapping (dict etc.).

    .. versionadded:: 2.6
    )rr�Mappingrs r�test_mappingr@�s��
�e�S�[�)�)�)rc�,�t|t��S)z(Return true if the variable is a number.)rrrs r�test_numberrB�s���e�V�$�$�$rc�X�	t|��|jn#t$rYdSwxYwdS)z^Return true if the variable is a sequence. Sequences are variables
    that are iterable.
    FT)�len�__getitem__�	Exceptionrs r�
����������u�u������4s��
�||uS)z�Check if an object points to the same memory address than another

    .. sourcecode:: jinja

        {% if foo.attribute is sameas false %}
            the foo attribute really is the `False` singleton
        {% endif %}
)r	rHs  r�test_sameasrJ�s���E�>�rc�J�	t|��n#t$rYdSwxYwdS)z1Check if it's possible to iterate over an object.FT)�iter�	TypeErrorrs r�
test_iterablerN�s=����U�����������u�u������4s��
 � c�"�t|d��S)zCheck if the value is escaped.�__html__)�hasattrrs r�test_escapedrR�s���5�*�%�%�%r�seqc�
�||vS)z:Check if value is in seq.

    .. versionadded:: 2.10
)r	rSs  r�test_inrU�s��
�C�<�r�odd�even�divisibleby�defined�	undefined�filter�test�none�boolean�false�true�integerr2�lower�upper�string�mapping�number�sequence�iterable�callable�sameas�escaped�inz==�eq�equaltoz!=�ne�>�gt�greaterthan�gez>=)�<�lt�lessthanz<=�le)3�__doc__�operator�typing�t�collectionsr�numbersr�runtimer�utilsr�
TYPE_CHECKING�environmentrr/�boolrrr�Anyrrr5r"r%r'r)r+r-r0r3r7r;r=r@rBrGrJrNrR�	ContainerrUrirmrorqrsrurw�TESTSr
� �]� �3� �4� � � ��� �"��=�����������*�Q�U��t�����
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 �c� �d� � � � �

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