Your IP :
from io import StringIO
def reptable(tb):
if not tb:
return 0, []
maxlens = [0]*len(tb[0])
for r in tb:
if r == '-':
for i, e in enumerate(r):
maxlens[i] = max(maxlens[i], len(str(e))+1)
sumlens = len(maxlens)
for s in maxlens:
sumlens += s
out = []
for r in tb:
if r == '-':
out.append('-'*min(sumlens, 75))
so = ''
for i, e in enumerate(r):
s = str(e)
if s.startswith('!>'):
s = s[2:]
fillright = 1
elif s.isdigit():
fillright = 1
fillright = 0
ml = maxlens[i]-1
fill = ' '*(ml - len(s))
if fillright:
s = fill + s
s = s + fill
so += s + ' '
return maxlens, out
def ptable(tb, f=None):
if f is None:
import sys
f = sys.stdout
_, lines = reptable(tb)
for line in lines:
line = line.rstrip()
print(line, file=f)
def strtable(tb):
f = StringIO()
ptable(tb, f)
return f.getvalue()
def str2int(s, msg='Hexadecimal literal in the form [-]0x... expected'):
# xxx clumsy -- there should be a builtin function for this !
if s.startswith('-'):
sign = -1
s = s[1:]
sign = 1
if not s.startswith('0x'):
raise ValueError(msg)
s = s[2:]
if s.endswith('l') or s.endswith('L'):
s = s[:-1]
return int(s, 16) * sign