Current Path : /opt/cloudlinux/venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/coverage/__pycache__/ |
Current File : //opt/cloudlinux/venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/coverage/__pycache__/sqldata.cpython-311.pyc |
� �܋f_� � �� � d Z ddlmZ ddlZddlZddlZddlZddlZddlZddl Z ddl Z ddlZddlZddl Z ddlZddlZddlZddlZddlmZmZmZmZmZmZmZmZmZmZmZmZmZm Z m!Z! ddl"m#Z#m$Z$m%Z% ddl&m'Z'm(Z( ddl)m*Z* ddl+m,Z,m-Z- dd l.m/Z/m0Z0m1Z1 dd l2m3Z3m4Z4m5Z5m6Z6m7Z7 ddl8m9Z9 e-e � � Z dZ:d Z; e dedef �� � Z<dd�Z= G d� de$� � Z>dd�Z? G d� de$� � Z@dS )zSQLite coverage data.� )�annotationsN)�cast�Any�Callable� Collection�Dict�Iterable�Iterator�List�Mapping�Optional�Sequence�Set�Tuple�TypeVar�Union)�NoDebugging� AutoReprMixin�clipped_repr)�CoverageException� DataError)�PathAliases)�file_be_gone�isolate_module)�numbits_to_nums� numbits_union�nums_to_numbits)�FilePath�TArc� TDebugCtl�TLineNo�TWarnFn)�__version__� a� CREATE TABLE coverage_schema ( -- One row, to record the version of the schema in this db. version integer ); CREATE TABLE meta ( -- Key-value pairs, to record metadata about the data key text, value text, unique (key) -- Possible keys: -- 'has_arcs' boolean -- Is this data recording branches? -- 'sys_argv' text -- The coverage command line that recorded the data. -- 'version' text -- The version of coverage.py that made the file. -- 'when' text -- Datetime when the file was created. ); CREATE TABLE file ( -- A row per file measured. id integer primary key, path text, unique (path) ); CREATE TABLE context ( -- A row per context measured. id integer primary key, context text, unique (context) ); CREATE TABLE line_bits ( -- If recording lines, a row per context per file executed. -- All of the line numbers for that file/context are in one numbits. file_id integer, -- foreign key to `file`. context_id integer, -- foreign key to `context`. numbits blob, -- see the numbits functions in coverage.numbits foreign key (file_id) references file (id), foreign key (context_id) references context (id), unique (file_id, context_id) ); CREATE TABLE arc ( -- If recording branches, a row per context per from/to line transition executed. file_id integer, -- foreign key to `file`. context_id integer, -- foreign key to `context`. fromno integer, -- line number jumped from. tono integer, -- line number jumped to. foreign key (file_id) references file (id), foreign key (context_id) references context (id), unique (file_id, context_id, fromno, tono) ); CREATE TABLE tracer ( -- A row per file indicating the tracer used for that file. file_id integer primary key, tracer text, foreign key (file_id) references file (id) ); �TMethod.)�bound�method�returnc �H � � t j � � � d� fd�� � }|S ) z4A decorator for methods that should hold self._lock.�self�CoverageData�argsr �kwargsr( c �n �� | j � d� � r*| j � d| j �d�j � �� � | j 5 | j � d� � r*| j � d| j �d�j � �� � �| g|�R i |��cd d d � � S # 1 swxY w Y d S )N�lockzLocking z for zLocked )�_debug�should�write�_lock�__name__)r* r, r- r'