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Wrapper around the standard getopt module that provides the following
additional features:
  * short and long options are tied together
  * options have help strings, so fancy_getopt could potentially
    create a complete usage summary
  * options set attributes of a passed-in object
�N)�*z[a-zA-Z](?:[a-zA-Z0-9-]*)z^%s$z^(z)=!(z)$�-�_c�p�eZdZdZdd�Zd�Zd�Zdd�Zd�Zd�Z	d	�Z
�Zd�Zd�Z
�Zd�Zdd�Zdd�ZdS)�FancyGetopta�Wrapper around the standard 'getopt()' module that provides some
    handy extra functionality:
      * short and long options are tied together
      * options have help strings, and help text can be assembled
        from them
      * options set attributes of a passed-in object
      * boolean options can have "negative aliases" -- eg. if
        --quiet is the "negative alias" of --verbose, then "--quiet"
        on the command line sets 'verbose' to false
    Nc���||_i|_|jr|���i|_i|_g|_g|_i|_i|_i|_	g|_
dS�N)�option_table�option_index�_build_index�alias�negative_alias�
short_opts�	long_opts�
short2long�	attr_name�	takes_arg�option_order��selfr
s  �=/opt/alt/python311/lib64/python3.11/distutils/fancy_getopt.py�__init__zFancyGetopt.__init__)s{��)��������	 ���������
�!������������������
)r�options  rrzFancyGetopt._build_indexQsG������!�!�!��'�	2�	2�F�+1�D��f�Q�i�(�(�	2�	2rc�<�||_|���dSr	)r
rrs  r�set_option_tablezFancyGetopt.set_option_tableVs"��(����������rc��||jvrtd|z���|||f}|j�|��||j|<dS)Nz'option conflict: already an option '%s')r�DistutilsGetoptErrorr
�append)r�long_option�short_option�help_stringrs     r�
K�"�<��=�F���$�$�V�,�,�,�-3�D��k�*�*�*rc��||jvS)zcReturn true if the option table for this parser has an
        option with long name 'long_option'.)r�rr"s  r�
has_optionzFancyGetopt.has_optioncs���d�/�/�/rc�6�|�t��S)z�Translate long option name 'long_option' to the form it
        has as an attribute of some object: ie., translate hyphens
        to underscores.��	translate�
longopt_xlater's  r�
���t|t��sJ�|���D]I\}}||jvrt	d|�d|�d|�d����||jvrt	d|�d|�d|�d�����JdS)Nzinvalid z 'z': option 'z
' not defined�': aliased option ')�
isinstance�dict�itemsrr )r�aliases�whatr
�opts     r�_check_alias_dictzFancyGetopt._check_alias_dictns����'�4�(�(�(�(�(�#�M�M�O�O�	P�	P�L�U�C��D�-�-�-�*�*�59�T�T�5�5�5�%�%�%�,I�J�J�J��$�+�+�+�*�*�=A�T�T�5�5�5�#�#�#�,O�P�P�P�,�		P�	Prc�@�|�|d��||_dS)z'Set the aliases for this option parser.r
s  r�set_aliaseszFancyGetopt.set_aliasesxs#�����u�g�.�.�.���
rc�@�|�|d��||_dS)z�Set the negative aliases for this option parser.
        'negative_alias' should be a dictionary mapping option names to
        option names, both the key and value must already be defined
        in the option table.znegative aliasN)r6r)rrs  r�set_negative_aliasesz FancyGetopt.set_negative_aliases}s)��
|��dkr	|\}}}d}n-t
|��dkstd	|z���||j|<|j�|��|d
dkr|r|dz}|dd
�}d|j|<nS|j
�|��}|�-|j|rtd
<d|j|<|j�|��}|�2|j||j|krtd|�d|�d����t �|��std|z���|�|��|j|<|r*|j�|��||j|d<��&dS)z�Populate the various data structures that keep tabs on the
        option table.  Called by 'getopt()' before it can do anything
        �r�zinvalid option tuple: �z9invalid long option '%s': must be a string of length >= 2N�z:invalid short option '%s': must a single character or None����=�:zinvalid negative alias 'r/z' takes a valuezinvalid alias 'z%': inconsistent with aliased option 'z/' (one of them takes a value, the other doesn'tzEinvalid long option name '%s' (must be letters, numbers, hyphens only)rrrr�repeatr
ValueErrorr0�strr r!rr�getr
longopt_re�matchr-r)rr�long�short�helprC�alias_tos       r�_grok_option_tablezFancyGetopt._grok_option_table�s���
�����������������'�A	1�A	1�F��6�{�{�a���$*�!��e�T�����V����!�!�,2�)��e�T�6�6�!�j�v�v�!G�H�H�H��d�C�(�(�
B�C��I�I��M�M�*�-9�<@�,A�B�B�B��m� ���,�,�$�14�U���q���*�,9�;@�,A�B�B�B�!'�D�K����N�!�!�$�'�'�'��B�x�3����-�%�#�+�%��A�b�D�z��'(���t�$�$� �.�2�2�4�8�8���'��~�h�/�2�2�2�"&���x�x�x�1�2�2�2�
I�*�A�CG�H�I�I�I�$(�#5�#5�d�#;�#;�D�N�4� ��
1���&�&�u�-�-�-�,0����a��)��CA	1�A	1rc��|�tjdd�}|�t��}d}nd}|���d�|j��}	t
j|||j��\}}n&#tj$r}t|���d}~wwxYw|D�].\}}t|��dkr |ddkr|j|d}n-t|��dkr|dd�d	ksJ�|dd�}|j�
|��}	|	r|	}|j|s3|d
|��}	|	r|	}d}nd}|j|}
|��|j�||f����0|r||fS|S)aParse command-line options in args. Store as attributes on object.

        If 'args' is None or not supplied, uses 'sys.argv[1:]'.  If
        'object' is None or not supplied, creates a new OptionDummy
        object, stores option values there, and returns a tuple (args,
        object).  If 'object' is supplied, it is modified in place and
        'getopt()' just returns 'args'; in both cases, the returned
        'args' is a modified copy of the passed-in 'args' list, which
        is left untouched.
        Nr?TF� r>rrz--�zboolean option can't have value)�sys�argv�OptionDummyrN�joinr�getoptr�error�DistutilsArgErrorrDrr
�attrs           rrVzFancyGetopt.getopt�s���<��8�A�B�B�<�D��>� �]�]�F�!�N�N�"�N����!�!�!��X�X�d�o�.�.�
�	)���t�Z���H�H�J�D�$�$���|�	)�	)�	)�#�C�(�(�(�����	)�����	1�	1�H�C���3�x�x�1�}�}��Q��3����o�c�!�f�-����3�x�x�!�|�|��B�Q�B��4����7��!�"�"�g���J�N�N�3�'�'�E��
3�t�{���t�,�,�8��f�d�A�.�.��2���F�D�#�&�&�&���$�$�c�3�Z�0�0�0�0��	���<���Ks�A:�:B�	B�Bc�<�|j�td���|jS)z�Returns the list of (option, value) tuples processed by the
        previous run of 'getopt()'.  Raises RuntimeError if
        'getopt()' hasn't been called yet.
        Nz!'getopt()' hasn't been called yet)r�RuntimeError)rs r�get_option_orderzFancyGetopt.get_option_orders%��
��$��B�C�C�C��$�$rc��d}|jD]A}|d}|d}t|��}|ddkr|dz
}	d	|z}
g}|jD]�}|dd�\}}}t||	��}
r"|�d|||
r"|�d|||
|z�����|S)z�Generate help text (a list of strings, one per suggested line of
        output) from the option table for this FancyGetopt object.
        rr?r@rAN�r>�NrPzOption summary:r<z  --%-*s  %sz
  --%-*s  z (-�)z  --%-*s)r
rD�	wrap_textr!)r�header�max_optrrJrK�l�	opt_width�
big_indent�linesrL�text�	opt_namess               r�
generate_helpzFancyGetopt.generate_helps������'�		�		�F��!�9�D��1�I�E��D�	�	�A��B�x�3�����E��� ���E���7�{�{�����a�K�!�O�a�'�	�0�
��	(��H�E�E�&�'�E��'�	-�	-�F� &�r��r�
��D�%���T�:�.�.�D��B�x�3����A�b�D�z���}��A��L�L��7�D�$�q�'�2J�!J�K�K�K�K��L�L���$��!?�@�@�@�@�
+/�$�$����6�	��9��L�L��")�9�d�1�g�!>�"?�@�@�@�@��L�L��i�!7�8�8�8��!�"�"�X�
-�����Z�!�^�,�,�,�,�
-��rc��|�tj}|�|��D]}|�|dz���dS)N�
)rR�stdoutrt�write)rrj�file�lines    r�
print_helpzFancyGetopt.print_helphsN���<��:�D��&�&�v�.�.�	$�	$�D��J�J�t�d�{�#�#�#�#�	$�	$rr	)NN)�__name__�
__module__�__qualname__�__doc__rrrr%r(r-r6r8r:rNrVrdrtr{�rrrrs������	�	�&�&�&�&�P2�2�2�
4�4�4�P�P�P����
-�-�-�K1�K1�K1�Z;�;�;�;�z%�%�%�M�M�M�M�^$�$�$�$�$�$rrc�v�t|��}|�|��|�||��Sr	)rr:rV)�options�negative_optr\r[�parsers     r�fancy_getoptr�os7��
����-�-�-��=�=��v�&�&�&rc�.�i|]}t|��d��S)rP)�ord)�.0�_wschars  r�
<dictcomp>r�us ��@�@�@�7�C��L�L�3�@�@�@rc��|�gSt|��|kr|gS|���}|�t��}t	jd|��}d�|D��}g}|r�g}d}|r\t|d��}||z|kr$|�|d��|d=||z}n|r|dddkr|d=n|�\|rQ|dkr6|�|dd|���|d|d�|d<|dddkr|d=|�d�|����|��|S)z�wrap_text(text : string, width : int) -> [string]

    Split 'text' into multiple lines of no more than 'width' characters
    each, and return the list of strings that results.
    Nz( +|-+)c��g|]}|�|��Sr�r�)r��chs  r�
expandtabsr+�WS_TRANS�re�splitr!rU)rr�width�chunksrq�cur_line�cur_lenrls       rririws����|��	�
(�F��E�
� (������
	��F�1�I���A���{�e�#�#�����q�	�*�*�*��1�I�!�A�+����%����Q��3� 6� 6� �����
	��	��!�|�|�����q�	�!�E�'� 2�3�3�3�"�1�I�e�f�f�-��q�	�
�a�y��|�s�"�"��1�I�	���R�W�W�X�&�&�'�'�'�A� (�D�Lrc�6�|�t��S)zXConvert a long option name to a valid Python identifier by
    changing "-" to "_".
    r*)r5s r�translate_longoptr��s���=�=��'�'�'rc��eZdZdZgfd�ZdS)rTz_Dummy class just used as a place to hold command-line option
    values as instance attributes.c�2�|D]}t||d���dS)zkCreate a new OptionDummy instance.  The attributes listed in
        'options' will be initialized to None.N)rZ)rr�r5s   rrzOptionDummy.__init__�s2���	%�	%�C��D�#�t�$�$�$�$�	%�	%rN)r|r}r~rrr�rrrTrT�s7������&�&� "�%�%�%�%�%�%rrT�__main__z�Tra-la-la, supercalifragilisticexpialidocious.
How *do* you spell that odd word, anyways?
(Someone ask Mary -- she'll know [or she'll
say, "How should I know?"].))�
���(z	width: %drv)rrR�stringr�rV�distutils.errors�longopt_pat�compilerH�neg_alias_rerF�	maketransr,rr��
�����+��
��r�z�z�K�K�K����E�F�F���
'�'�'�A�@�f�.?�@�@�@��3�3�3�l(�(�(�%�%�%�%�%�%�%�%��z��� �D�����
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