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Current Path : /opt/alt/alt-nodejs18/root/lib/node_modules/npm/node_modules.bundled/ignore-walk/lib/
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Current File : //opt/alt/alt-nodejs18/root/lib/node_modules/npm/node_modules.bundled/ignore-walk/lib/index.js

'use strict'

const fs = require('fs')
const path = require('path')
const EE = require('events').EventEmitter
const Minimatch = require('minimatch').Minimatch

class Walker extends EE {
  constructor (opts) {
    opts = opts || {}
    // set to true if this.path is a symlink, whether follow is true or not
    this.isSymbolicLink = opts.isSymbolicLink
    this.path = opts.path || process.cwd()
    this.basename = path.basename(this.path)
    this.ignoreFiles = opts.ignoreFiles || ['.ignore']
    this.ignoreRules = {}
    this.parent = opts.parent || null
    this.includeEmpty = !!opts.includeEmpty
    this.root = this.parent ? this.parent.root : this.path
    this.follow = !!opts.follow
    this.result = this.parent ? this.parent.result : new Set()
    this.entries = null
    this.sawError = false
    this.exact = opts.exact

  sort (a, b) {
    return a.localeCompare(b, 'en')

  emit (ev, data) {
    let ret = false
    if (!(this.sawError && ev === 'error')) {
      if (ev === 'error') {
        this.sawError = true
      } else if (ev === 'done' && !this.parent) {
        data = Array.from(data)
          .map(e => /^@/.test(e) ? `./${e}` : e).sort(this.sort)
        this.result = data

      if (ev === 'error' && this.parent) {
        ret = this.parent.emit('error', data)
      } else {
        ret = super.emit(ev, data)
    return ret

  start () {
    fs.readdir(this.path, (er, entries) =>
      er ? this.emit('error', er) : this.onReaddir(entries))
    return this

  isIgnoreFile (e) {
    return e !== '.' &&
      e !== '..' &&
      this.ignoreFiles.indexOf(e) !== -1

  onReaddir (entries) {
    this.entries = entries
    if (entries.length === 0) {
      if (this.includeEmpty) {
        this.result.add(this.path.slice(this.root.length + 1))
      this.emit('done', this.result)
    } else {
      const hasIg = this.entries.some(e =>

      if (hasIg) {
      } else {

  addIgnoreFiles () {
    const newIg = this.entries
      .filter(e => this.isIgnoreFile(e))

    let igCount = newIg.length
    const then = _ => {
      if (--igCount === 0) {

    newIg.forEach(e => this.addIgnoreFile(e, then))

  addIgnoreFile (file, then) {
    const ig = path.resolve(this.path, file)
    fs.readFile(ig, 'utf8', (er, data) =>
      er ? this.emit('error', er) : this.onReadIgnoreFile(file, data, then))

  onReadIgnoreFile (file, data, then) {
    const mmopt = {
      matchBase: true,
      dot: true,
      flipNegate: true,
      nocase: true,
    const rules = data.split(/\r?\n/)
      .filter(line => !/^#|^$/.test(line.trim()))
      .map(rule => {
        return new Minimatch(rule.trim(), mmopt)

    this.ignoreRules[file] = rules


  filterEntries () {
    // at this point we either have ignore rules, or just inheriting
    // this exclusion is at the point where we know the list of
    // entries in the dir, but don't know what they are.  since
    // some of them *might* be directories, we have to run the
    // match in dir-mode as well, so that we'll pick up partials
    // of files that will be included later.  Anything included
    // at this point will be checked again later once we know
    // what it is.
    const filtered = this.entries.map(entry => {
      // at this point, we don't know if it's a dir or not.
      const passFile = this.filterEntry(entry)
      const passDir = this.filterEntry(entry, true)
      return (passFile || passDir) ? [entry, passFile, passDir] : false
    }).filter(e => e)

    // now we stat them all
    // if it's a dir, and passes as a dir, then recurse
    // if it's not a dir, but passes as a file, add to set
    let entryCount = filtered.length
    if (entryCount === 0) {
      this.emit('done', this.result)
    } else {
      const then = _ => {
        if (--entryCount === 0) {
          this.emit('done', this.result)
      filtered.forEach(filt => {
        const entry = filt[0]
        const file = filt[1]
        const dir = filt[2]
        this.stat({ entry, file, dir }, then)

  onstat ({ st, entry, file, dir, isSymbolicLink }, then) {
    const abs = this.path + '/' + entry
    if (!st.isDirectory()) {
      if (file) {
        this.result.add(abs.slice(this.root.length + 1))
    } else {
      // is a directory
      if (dir) {
        this.walker(entry, { isSymbolicLink, exact: file || this.filterEntry(entry + '/') }, then)
      } else {

  stat ({ entry, file, dir }, then) {
    const abs = this.path + '/' + entry
    fs.lstat(abs, (lstatErr, lstatResult) => {
      if (lstatErr) {
        this.emit('error', lstatErr)
      } else {
        const isSymbolicLink = lstatResult.isSymbolicLink()
        if (this.follow && isSymbolicLink) {
          fs.stat(abs, (statErr, statResult) => {
            if (statErr) {
              this.emit('error', statErr)
            } else {
              this.onstat({ st: statResult, entry, file, dir, isSymbolicLink }, then)
        } else {
          this.onstat({ st: lstatResult, entry, file, dir, isSymbolicLink }, then)

  walkerOpt (entry, opts) {
    return {
      path: this.path + '/' + entry,
      parent: this,
      ignoreFiles: this.ignoreFiles,
      follow: this.follow,
      includeEmpty: this.includeEmpty,

  walker (entry, opts, then) {
    new Walker(this.walkerOpt(entry, opts)).on('done', then).start()

  filterEntry (entry, partial, entryBasename) {
    let included = true

    // this = /a/b/c
    // entry = d
    // parent /a/b sees c/d
    if (this.parent && this.parent.filterEntry) {
      const parentEntry = this.basename + '/' + entry
      const parentBasename = entryBasename || entry
      included = this.parent.filterEntry(parentEntry, partial, parentBasename)
      if (!included && !this.exact) {
        return false

    this.ignoreFiles.forEach(f => {
      if (this.ignoreRules[f]) {
        this.ignoreRules[f].forEach(rule => {
          // negation means inclusion
          // so if it's negated, and already included, no need to check
          // likewise if it's neither negated nor included
          if (rule.negate !== included) {
            const isRelativeRule = entryBasename && rule.globParts.some(part =>
              part.length <= (part.slice(-1)[0] ? 1 : 2)

            // first, match against /foo/bar
            // then, against foo/bar
            // then, in the case of partials, match with a /
            //   then, if also the rule is relative, match against basename
            const match = rule.match('/' + entry) ||
              rule.match(entry) ||
              !!partial && (
                rule.match('/' + entry + '/') ||
                rule.match(entry + '/') ||
                rule.negate && (
                  rule.match('/' + entry, true) ||
                  rule.match(entry, true)) ||
                isRelativeRule && (
                  rule.match('/' + entryBasename + '/') ||
                  rule.match(entryBasename + '/') ||
                  rule.negate && (
                    rule.match('/' + entryBasename, true) ||
                    rule.match(entryBasename, true))))

            if (match) {
              included = rule.negate

    return included

class WalkerSync extends Walker {
  start () {
    return this

  addIgnoreFile (file, then) {
    const ig = path.resolve(this.path, file)
    this.onReadIgnoreFile(file, fs.readFileSync(ig, 'utf8'), then)

  stat ({ entry, file, dir }, then) {
    const abs = this.path + '/' + entry
    let st = fs.lstatSync(abs)
    const isSymbolicLink = st.isSymbolicLink()
    if (this.follow && isSymbolicLink) {
      st = fs.statSync(abs)

    // console.error('STAT SYNC', {st, entry, file, dir, isSymbolicLink, then})
    this.onstat({ st, entry, file, dir, isSymbolicLink }, then)

  walker (entry, opts, then) {
    new WalkerSync(this.walkerOpt(entry, opts)).start()

const walk = (opts, callback) => {
  const p = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
    new Walker(opts).on('done', resolve).on('error', reject).start()
  return callback ? p.then(res => callback(null, res), callback) : p

const walkSync = opts => new WalkerSync(opts).start().result

module.exports = walk
walk.sync = walkSync
walk.Walker = Walker
walk.WalkerSync = WalkerSync