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Current File : //opt/alt/alt-nodejs18/root/lib/node_modules/npm/node_modules.bundled/iconv-lite/lib/index.js

"use strict";

var Buffer = require("safer-buffer").Buffer;

var bomHandling = require("./bom-handling"),
    iconv = module.exports;

// All codecs and aliases are kept here, keyed by encoding name/alias.
// They are lazy loaded in `iconv.getCodec` from `encodings/index.js`.
iconv.encodings = null;

// Characters emitted in case of error.
iconv.defaultCharUnicode = '�';
iconv.defaultCharSingleByte = '?';

// Public API.
iconv.encode = function encode(str, encoding, options) {
    str = "" + (str || ""); // Ensure string.

    var encoder = iconv.getEncoder(encoding, options);

    var res = encoder.write(str);
    var trail = encoder.end();
    return (trail && trail.length > 0) ? Buffer.concat([res, trail]) : res;

iconv.decode = function decode(buf, encoding, options) {
    if (typeof buf === 'string') {
        if (!iconv.skipDecodeWarning) {
            console.error('Iconv-lite warning: decode()-ing strings is deprecated. Refer to https://github.com/ashtuchkin/iconv-lite/wiki/Use-Buffers-when-decoding');
            iconv.skipDecodeWarning = true;

        buf = Buffer.from("" + (buf || ""), "binary"); // Ensure buffer.

    var decoder = iconv.getDecoder(encoding, options);

    var res = decoder.write(buf);
    var trail = decoder.end();

    return trail ? (res + trail) : res;

iconv.encodingExists = function encodingExists(enc) {
    try {
        return true;
    } catch (e) {
        return false;

// Legacy aliases to convert functions
iconv.toEncoding = iconv.encode;
iconv.fromEncoding = iconv.decode;

// Search for a codec in iconv.encodings. Cache codec data in iconv._codecDataCache.
iconv._codecDataCache = {};
iconv.getCodec = function getCodec(encoding) {
    if (!iconv.encodings)
        iconv.encodings = require("../encodings"); // Lazy load all encoding definitions.
    // Canonicalize encoding name: strip all non-alphanumeric chars and appended year.
    var enc = iconv._canonicalizeEncoding(encoding);

    // Traverse iconv.encodings to find actual codec.
    var codecOptions = {};
    while (true) {
        var codec = iconv._codecDataCache[enc];
        if (codec)
            return codec;

        var codecDef = iconv.encodings[enc];

        switch (typeof codecDef) {
            case "string": // Direct alias to other encoding.
                enc = codecDef;

            case "object": // Alias with options. Can be layered.
                for (var key in codecDef)
                    codecOptions[key] = codecDef[key];

                if (!codecOptions.encodingName)
                    codecOptions.encodingName = enc;
                enc = codecDef.type;

            case "function": // Codec itself.
                if (!codecOptions.encodingName)
                    codecOptions.encodingName = enc;

                // The codec function must load all tables and return object with .encoder and .decoder methods.
                // It'll be called only once (for each different options object).
                codec = new codecDef(codecOptions, iconv);

                iconv._codecDataCache[codecOptions.encodingName] = codec; // Save it to be reused later.
                return codec;

                throw new Error("Encoding not recognized: '" + encoding + "' (searched as: '"+enc+"')");

iconv._canonicalizeEncoding = function(encoding) {
    // Canonicalize encoding name: strip all non-alphanumeric chars and appended year.
    return (''+encoding).toLowerCase().replace(/:\d{4}$|[^0-9a-z]/g, "");

iconv.getEncoder = function getEncoder(encoding, options) {
    var codec = iconv.getCodec(encoding),
        encoder = new codec.encoder(options, codec);

    if (codec.bomAware && options && options.addBOM)
        encoder = new bomHandling.PrependBOM(encoder, options);

    return encoder;

iconv.getDecoder = function getDecoder(encoding, options) {
    var codec = iconv.getCodec(encoding),
        decoder = new codec.decoder(options, codec);

    if (codec.bomAware && !(options && options.stripBOM === false))
        decoder = new bomHandling.StripBOM(decoder, options);

    return decoder;

// Streaming API
// NOTE: Streaming API naturally depends on 'stream' module from Node.js. Unfortunately in browser environments this module can add
// up to 100Kb to the output bundle. To avoid unnecessary code bloat, we don't enable Streaming API in browser by default.
// If you would like to enable it explicitly, please add the following code to your app:
// > iconv.enableStreamingAPI(require('stream'));
iconv.enableStreamingAPI = function enableStreamingAPI(stream_module) {
    if (iconv.supportsStreams)

    // Dependency-inject stream module to create IconvLite stream classes.
    var streams = require("./streams")(stream_module);

    // Not public API yet, but expose the stream classes.
    iconv.IconvLiteEncoderStream = streams.IconvLiteEncoderStream;
    iconv.IconvLiteDecoderStream = streams.IconvLiteDecoderStream;

    // Streaming API.
    iconv.encodeStream = function encodeStream(encoding, options) {
        return new iconv.IconvLiteEncoderStream(iconv.getEncoder(encoding, options), options);

    iconv.decodeStream = function decodeStream(encoding, options) {
        return new iconv.IconvLiteDecoderStream(iconv.getDecoder(encoding, options), options);

    iconv.supportsStreams = true;

// Enable Streaming API automatically if 'stream' module is available and non-empty (the majority of environments).
var stream_module;
try {
    stream_module = require("stream");
} catch (e) {}

if (stream_module && stream_module.Transform) {

} else {
    // In rare cases where 'stream' module is not available by default, throw a helpful exception.
    iconv.encodeStream = iconv.decodeStream = function() {
        throw new Error("iconv-lite Streaming API is not enabled. Use iconv.enableStreamingAPI(require('stream')); to enable it.");

if ("Ā" != "\u0100") {
    console.error("iconv-lite warning: js files use non-utf8 encoding. See https://github.com/ashtuchkin/iconv-lite/wiki/Javascript-source-file-encodings for more info.");