Current Path : /lib64/python3.6/site-packages/psutil/tests/ |
Current File : //lib64/python3.6/site-packages/psutil/tests/test_contracts.py |
# Copyright (c) 2009, Giampaolo Rodola'. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. """Contracts tests. These tests mainly check API sanity in terms of returned types and APIs availability. Some of these are duplicates of tests test_system.py and test_process.py """ import errno import os import stat import time import traceback import warnings from contextlib import closing from psutil import AIX from psutil import BSD from psutil import FREEBSD from psutil import LINUX from psutil import NETBSD from psutil import OPENBSD from psutil import OSX from psutil import POSIX from psutil import SUNOS from psutil import WINDOWS from psutil._compat import callable from psutil._compat import long from psutil.tests import bind_unix_socket from psutil.tests import check_connection_ntuple from psutil.tests import get_kernel_version from psutil.tests import HAS_CONNECTIONS_UNIX from psutil.tests import HAS_RLIMIT from psutil.tests import HAS_SENSORS_FANS from psutil.tests import HAS_SENSORS_TEMPERATURES from psutil.tests import is_namedtuple from psutil.tests import run_test_module_by_name from psutil.tests import safe_rmpath from psutil.tests import skip_on_access_denied from psutil.tests import TESTFN from psutil.tests import unittest from psutil.tests import unix_socket_path from psutil.tests import VALID_PROC_STATUSES from psutil.tests import warn import psutil # =================================================================== # --- APIs availability # =================================================================== class TestAvailability(unittest.TestCase): """Make sure code reflects what doc promises in terms of APIs availability. """ def test_cpu_affinity(self): hasit = LINUX or WINDOWS or FREEBSD self.assertEqual(hasattr(psutil.Process, "cpu_affinity"), hasit) def test_win_service(self): self.assertEqual(hasattr(psutil, "win_service_iter"), WINDOWS) self.assertEqual(hasattr(psutil, "win_service_get"), WINDOWS) def test_PROCFS_PATH(self): self.assertEqual(hasattr(psutil, "PROCFS_PATH"), LINUX or SUNOS or AIX) def test_win_priority(self): ae = self.assertEqual ae(hasattr(psutil, "ABOVE_NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS"), WINDOWS) ae(hasattr(psutil, "BELOW_NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS"), WINDOWS) ae(hasattr(psutil, "HIGH_PRIORITY_CLASS"), WINDOWS) ae(hasattr(psutil, "IDLE_PRIORITY_CLASS"), WINDOWS) ae(hasattr(psutil, "NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS"), WINDOWS) ae(hasattr(psutil, "REALTIME_PRIORITY_CLASS"), WINDOWS) def test_linux_ioprio(self): ae = self.assertEqual ae(hasattr(psutil, "IOPRIO_CLASS_NONE"), LINUX) ae(hasattr(psutil, "IOPRIO_CLASS_RT"), LINUX) ae(hasattr(psutil, "IOPRIO_CLASS_BE"), LINUX) ae(hasattr(psutil, "IOPRIO_CLASS_IDLE"), LINUX) def test_linux_rlimit(self): ae = self.assertEqual hasit = LINUX and get_kernel_version() >= (2, 6, 36) ae(hasattr(psutil.Process, "rlimit"), hasit) ae(hasattr(psutil, "RLIM_INFINITY"), hasit) ae(hasattr(psutil, "RLIMIT_AS"), hasit) ae(hasattr(psutil, "RLIMIT_CORE"), hasit) ae(hasattr(psutil, "RLIMIT_CPU"), hasit) ae(hasattr(psutil, "RLIMIT_DATA"), hasit) ae(hasattr(psutil, "RLIMIT_FSIZE"), hasit) ae(hasattr(psutil, "RLIMIT_LOCKS"), hasit) ae(hasattr(psutil, "RLIMIT_MEMLOCK"), hasit) ae(hasattr(psutil, "RLIMIT_NOFILE"), hasit) ae(hasattr(psutil, "RLIMIT_NPROC"), hasit) ae(hasattr(psutil, "RLIMIT_RSS"), hasit) ae(hasattr(psutil, "RLIMIT_STACK"), hasit) hasit = LINUX and get_kernel_version() >= (3, 0) ae(hasattr(psutil, "RLIMIT_MSGQUEUE"), hasit) ae(hasattr(psutil, "RLIMIT_NICE"), hasit) ae(hasattr(psutil, "RLIMIT_RTPRIO"), hasit) ae(hasattr(psutil, "RLIMIT_RTTIME"), hasit) ae(hasattr(psutil, "RLIMIT_SIGPENDING"), hasit) def test_cpu_freq(self): linux = (LINUX and (os.path.exists("/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq") or os.path.exists("/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq"))) self.assertEqual(hasattr(psutil, "cpu_freq"), linux or OSX or WINDOWS) def test_sensors_temperatures(self): self.assertEqual(hasattr(psutil, "sensors_temperatures"), LINUX) def test_sensors_fans(self): self.assertEqual(hasattr(psutil, "sensors_fans"), LINUX) def test_battery(self): self.assertEqual(hasattr(psutil, "sensors_battery"), LINUX or WINDOWS or FREEBSD or OSX) def test_proc_environ(self): self.assertEqual(hasattr(psutil.Process, "environ"), LINUX or OSX or WINDOWS) def test_proc_uids(self): self.assertEqual(hasattr(psutil.Process, "uids"), POSIX) def test_proc_gids(self): self.assertEqual(hasattr(psutil.Process, "uids"), POSIX) def test_proc_terminal(self): self.assertEqual(hasattr(psutil.Process, "terminal"), POSIX) def test_proc_ionice(self): self.assertEqual(hasattr(psutil.Process, "ionice"), LINUX or WINDOWS) def test_proc_rlimit(self): self.assertEqual(hasattr(psutil.Process, "rlimit"), LINUX) def test_proc_io_counters(self): hasit = hasattr(psutil.Process, "io_counters") self.assertEqual(hasit, False if OSX or SUNOS else True) def test_proc_num_fds(self): self.assertEqual(hasattr(psutil.Process, "num_fds"), POSIX) def test_proc_num_handles(self): self.assertEqual(hasattr(psutil.Process, "num_handles"), WINDOWS) def test_proc_cpu_affinity(self): self.assertEqual(hasattr(psutil.Process, "cpu_affinity"), LINUX or WINDOWS or FREEBSD) def test_proc_cpu_num(self): self.assertEqual(hasattr(psutil.Process, "cpu_num"), LINUX or FREEBSD or SUNOS) def test_proc_memory_maps(self): hasit = hasattr(psutil.Process, "memory_maps") self.assertEqual(hasit, False if OPENBSD or NETBSD or AIX else True) # =================================================================== # --- Test deprecations # =================================================================== class TestDeprecations(unittest.TestCase): def test_memory_info_ex(self): with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as ws: psutil.Process().memory_info_ex() w = ws[0] self.assertIsInstance(w.category(), FutureWarning) self.assertIn("memory_info_ex() is deprecated", str(w.message)) self.assertIn("use memory_info() instead", str(w.message)) # =================================================================== # --- System API types # =================================================================== class TestSystem(unittest.TestCase): """Check the return types of system related APIs. Mainly we want to test we never return unicode on Python 2, see: https://github.com/giampaolo/psutil/issues/1039 """ @classmethod def setUpClass(cls): cls.proc = psutil.Process() def tearDown(self): safe_rmpath(TESTFN) def test_cpu_times(self): # Duplicate of test_system.py. Keep it anyway. ret = psutil.cpu_times() assert is_namedtuple(ret) for n in ret: self.assertIsInstance(n, float) self.assertGreaterEqual(n, 0) def test_io_counters(self): # Duplicate of test_system.py. Keep it anyway. for k in psutil.disk_io_counters(perdisk=True): self.assertIsInstance(k, str) def test_disk_partitions(self): # Duplicate of test_system.py. Keep it anyway. for disk in psutil.disk_partitions(): self.assertIsInstance(disk.device, str) self.assertIsInstance(disk.mountpoint, str) self.assertIsInstance(disk.fstype, str) self.assertIsInstance(disk.opts, str) @unittest.skipIf(not POSIX, 'POSIX only') @unittest.skipIf(not HAS_CONNECTIONS_UNIX, "can't list UNIX sockets") @skip_on_access_denied(only_if=OSX) def test_net_connections(self): with unix_socket_path() as name: with closing(bind_unix_socket(name)): cons = psutil.net_connections(kind='unix') assert cons for conn in cons: self.assertIsInstance(conn.laddr, str) def test_net_if_addrs(self): # Duplicate of test_system.py. Keep it anyway. for ifname, addrs in psutil.net_if_addrs().items(): self.assertIsInstance(ifname, str) for addr in addrs: self.assertIsInstance(addr.address, str) self.assertIsInstance(addr.netmask, (str, type(None))) self.assertIsInstance(addr.broadcast, (str, type(None))) def test_net_if_stats(self): # Duplicate of test_system.py. Keep it anyway. for ifname, _ in psutil.net_if_stats().items(): self.assertIsInstance(ifname, str) def test_net_io_counters(self): # Duplicate of test_system.py. Keep it anyway. for ifname, _ in psutil.net_io_counters(pernic=True).items(): self.assertIsInstance(ifname, str) @unittest.skipIf(not HAS_SENSORS_FANS, "not supported") def test_sensors_fans(self): # Duplicate of test_system.py. Keep it anyway. for name, units in psutil.sensors_fans().items(): self.assertIsInstance(name, str) for unit in units: self.assertIsInstance(unit.label, str) @unittest.skipIf(not HAS_SENSORS_TEMPERATURES, "not supported") def test_sensors_temperatures(self): # Duplicate of test_system.py. Keep it anyway. for name, units in psutil.sensors_temperatures().items(): self.assertIsInstance(name, str) for unit in units: self.assertIsInstance(unit.label, str) def test_users(self): # Duplicate of test_system.py. Keep it anyway. for user in psutil.users(): self.assertIsInstance(user.name, str) self.assertIsInstance(user.terminal, (str, type(None))) self.assertIsInstance(user.host, (str, type(None))) self.assertIsInstance(user.pid, (int, type(None))) # =================================================================== # --- Featch all processes test # =================================================================== class TestFetchAllProcesses(unittest.TestCase): """Test which iterates over all running processes and performs some sanity checks against Process API's returned values. """ def setUp(self): if POSIX: import pwd import grp users = pwd.getpwall() groups = grp.getgrall() self.all_uids = set([x.pw_uid for x in users]) self.all_usernames = set([x.pw_name for x in users]) self.all_gids = set([x.gr_gid for x in groups]) def test_fetch_all(self): valid_procs = 0 excluded_names = set([ 'send_signal', 'suspend', 'resume', 'terminate', 'kill', 'wait', 'as_dict', 'parent', 'children', 'memory_info_ex', 'oneshot', ]) if LINUX and not HAS_RLIMIT: excluded_names.add('rlimit') attrs = [] for name in dir(psutil.Process): if name.startswith("_"): continue if name in excluded_names: continue attrs.append(name) default = object() failures = [] for p in psutil.process_iter(): with p.oneshot(): for name in attrs: ret = default try: args = () kwargs = {} attr = getattr(p, name, None) if attr is not None and callable(attr): if name == 'rlimit': args = (psutil.RLIMIT_NOFILE,) elif name == 'memory_maps': kwargs = {'grouped': False} ret = attr(*args, **kwargs) else: ret = attr valid_procs += 1 except NotImplementedError: msg = "%r was skipped because not implemented" % ( self.__class__.__name__ + '.test_' + name) warn(msg) except (psutil.NoSuchProcess, psutil.AccessDenied) as err: self.assertEqual(err.pid, p.pid) if err.name: # make sure exception's name attr is set # with the actual process name self.assertEqual(err.name, p.name()) assert str(err) assert err.msg except Exception as err: s = '\n' + '=' * 70 + '\n' s += "FAIL: test_%s (proc=%s" % (name, p) if ret != default: s += ", ret=%s)" % repr(ret) s += ')\n' s += '-' * 70 s += "\n%s" % traceback.format_exc() s = "\n".join((" " * 4) + i for i in s.splitlines()) s += '\n' failures.append(s) break else: if ret not in (0, 0.0, [], None, '', {}): assert ret, ret meth = getattr(self, name) meth(ret, p) if failures: self.fail(''.join(failures)) # we should always have a non-empty list, not including PID 0 etc. # special cases. assert valid_procs def cmdline(self, ret, proc): self.assertIsInstance(ret, list) for part in ret: self.assertIsInstance(part, str) def exe(self, ret, proc): self.assertIsInstance(ret, (str, type(None))) if not ret: self.assertEqual(ret, '') else: assert os.path.isabs(ret), ret # Note: os.stat() may return False even if the file is there # hence we skip the test, see: # http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3112546/os-path-exists-lies if POSIX and os.path.isfile(ret): if hasattr(os, 'access') and hasattr(os, "X_OK"): # XXX may fail on OSX assert os.access(ret, os.X_OK) def pid(self, ret, proc): self.assertIsInstance(ret, int) self.assertGreaterEqual(ret, 0) def ppid(self, ret, proc): self.assertIsInstance(ret, (int, long)) self.assertGreaterEqual(ret, 0) def name(self, ret, proc): self.assertIsInstance(ret, str) # on AIX, "<exiting>" processes don't have names if not AIX: assert ret def create_time(self, ret, proc): self.assertIsInstance(ret, float) try: self.assertGreaterEqual(ret, 0) except AssertionError: # XXX if OPENBSD and proc.status() == psutil.STATUS_ZOMBIE: pass else: raise # this can't be taken for granted on all platforms # self.assertGreaterEqual(ret, psutil.boot_time()) # make sure returned value can be pretty printed # with strftime time.strftime("%Y %m %d %H:%M:%S", time.localtime(ret)) def uids(self, ret, proc): assert is_namedtuple(ret) for uid in ret: self.assertIsInstance(uid, int) self.assertGreaterEqual(uid, 0) self.assertIn(uid, self.all_uids) def gids(self, ret, proc): assert is_namedtuple(ret) # note: testing all gids as above seems not to be reliable for # gid == 30 (nodoby); not sure why. for gid in ret: self.assertIsInstance(gid, int) if not OSX and not NETBSD: self.assertGreaterEqual(gid, 0) self.assertIn(gid, self.all_gids) def username(self, ret, proc): self.assertIsInstance(ret, str) assert ret if POSIX: self.assertIn(ret, self.all_usernames) def status(self, ret, proc): self.assertIsInstance(ret, str) assert ret self.assertNotEqual(ret, '?') # XXX self.assertIn(ret, VALID_PROC_STATUSES) def io_counters(self, ret, proc): assert is_namedtuple(ret) for field in ret: self.assertIsInstance(field, (int, long)) if field != -1: self.assertGreaterEqual(field, 0) def ionice(self, ret, proc): if POSIX: assert is_namedtuple(ret) for field in ret: self.assertIsInstance(field, int) if LINUX: self.assertGreaterEqual(ret.ioclass, 0) self.assertGreaterEqual(ret.value, 0) else: self.assertGreaterEqual(ret, 0) self.assertIn(ret, (0, 1, 2)) def num_threads(self, ret, proc): self.assertIsInstance(ret, int) self.assertGreaterEqual(ret, 1) def threads(self, ret, proc): self.assertIsInstance(ret, list) for t in ret: assert is_namedtuple(t) self.assertGreaterEqual(t.id, 0) self.assertGreaterEqual(t.user_time, 0) self.assertGreaterEqual(t.system_time, 0) for field in t: self.assertIsInstance(field, (int, float)) def cpu_times(self, ret, proc): assert is_namedtuple(ret) for n in ret: self.assertIsInstance(n, float) self.assertGreaterEqual(n, 0) # TODO: check ntuple fields def cpu_percent(self, ret, proc): self.assertIsInstance(ret, float) assert 0.0 <= ret <= 100.0, ret def cpu_num(self, ret, proc): self.assertIsInstance(ret, int) if FREEBSD and ret == -1: return self.assertGreaterEqual(ret, 0) if psutil.cpu_count() == 1: self.assertEqual(ret, 0) self.assertIn(ret, list(range(psutil.cpu_count()))) def memory_info(self, ret, proc): assert is_namedtuple(ret) for value in ret: self.assertIsInstance(value, (int, long)) self.assertGreaterEqual(value, 0) if POSIX and not AIX and ret.vms != 0: # VMS is always supposed to be the highest for name in ret._fields: if name != 'vms': value = getattr(ret, name) self.assertGreater(ret.vms, value, msg=ret) elif WINDOWS: self.assertGreaterEqual(ret.peak_wset, ret.wset) self.assertGreaterEqual(ret.peak_paged_pool, ret.paged_pool) self.assertGreaterEqual(ret.peak_nonpaged_pool, ret.nonpaged_pool) self.assertGreaterEqual(ret.peak_pagefile, ret.pagefile) def memory_full_info(self, ret, proc): assert is_namedtuple(ret) total = psutil.virtual_memory().total for name in ret._fields: value = getattr(ret, name) self.assertIsInstance(value, (int, long)) self.assertGreaterEqual(value, 0, msg=(name, value)) self.assertLessEqual(value, total, msg=(name, value, total)) if LINUX: self.assertGreaterEqual(ret.pss, ret.uss) def open_files(self, ret, proc): self.assertIsInstance(ret, list) for f in ret: self.assertIsInstance(f.fd, int) self.assertIsInstance(f.path, str) if WINDOWS: self.assertEqual(f.fd, -1) elif LINUX: self.assertIsInstance(f.position, int) self.assertIsInstance(f.mode, str) self.assertIsInstance(f.flags, int) self.assertGreaterEqual(f.position, 0) self.assertIn(f.mode, ('r', 'w', 'a', 'r+', 'a+')) self.assertGreater(f.flags, 0) elif BSD and not f.path: # XXX see: https://github.com/giampaolo/psutil/issues/595 continue assert os.path.isabs(f.path), f assert os.path.isfile(f.path), f def num_fds(self, ret, proc): self.assertIsInstance(ret, int) self.assertGreaterEqual(ret, 0) def connections(self, ret, proc): self.assertEqual(len(ret), len(set(ret))) for conn in ret: check_connection_ntuple(conn) def cwd(self, ret, proc): if ret: # 'ret' can be None or empty self.assertIsInstance(ret, str) assert os.path.isabs(ret), ret try: st = os.stat(ret) except OSError as err: if WINDOWS and err.errno in \ psutil._psplatform.ACCESS_DENIED_SET: pass # directory has been removed in mean time elif err.errno != errno.ENOENT: raise else: assert stat.S_ISDIR(st.st_mode) def memory_percent(self, ret, proc): self.assertIsInstance(ret, float) assert 0 <= ret <= 100, ret def is_running(self, ret, proc): self.assertIsInstance(ret, bool) def cpu_affinity(self, ret, proc): self.assertIsInstance(ret, list) assert ret != [], ret cpus = range(psutil.cpu_count()) for n in ret: self.assertIsInstance(n, int) self.assertIn(n, cpus) def terminal(self, ret, proc): self.assertIsInstance(ret, (str, type(None))) if ret is not None: assert os.path.isabs(ret), ret assert os.path.exists(ret), ret def memory_maps(self, ret, proc): for nt in ret: self.assertIsInstance(nt.addr, str) self.assertIsInstance(nt.perms, str) self.assertIsInstance(nt.path, str) for fname in nt._fields: value = getattr(nt, fname) if fname == 'path': if not value.startswith('['): assert os.path.isabs(nt.path), nt.path # commented as on Linux we might get # '/foo/bar (deleted)' # assert os.path.exists(nt.path), nt.path elif fname in ('addr', 'perms'): assert value else: self.assertIsInstance(value, (int, long)) self.assertGreaterEqual(value, 0) def num_handles(self, ret, proc): self.assertIsInstance(ret, int) self.assertGreaterEqual(ret, 0) def nice(self, ret, proc): self.assertIsInstance(ret, int) if POSIX: assert -20 <= ret <= 20, ret else: priorities = [getattr(psutil, x) for x in dir(psutil) if x.endswith('_PRIORITY_CLASS')] self.assertIn(ret, priorities) def num_ctx_switches(self, ret, proc): assert is_namedtuple(ret) for value in ret: self.assertIsInstance(value, (int, long)) self.assertGreaterEqual(value, 0) def rlimit(self, ret, proc): self.assertIsInstance(ret, tuple) self.assertEqual(len(ret), 2) self.assertGreaterEqual(ret[0], -1) self.assertGreaterEqual(ret[1], -1) def environ(self, ret, proc): self.assertIsInstance(ret, dict) for k, v in ret.items(): self.assertIsInstance(k, str) self.assertIsInstance(v, str) if __name__ == '__main__': run_test_module_by_name(__file__)