Current Path : /lib64/python3.6/site-packages/gi/__pycache__/ |
Current File : //lib64/python3.6/site-packages/gi/__pycache__/importer.cpython-36.pyc |
3 ��<_� � @ s� d dl mZ d dlZd dlZd dlZd dlmZ d dlZddlm Z m Z ddlmZ ddlm Z ddlmZ e j� Zi Zed d � �Zdd� ZG d d� de�ZdS )� )�absolute_importN)�contextmanager� )� Repository�RepositoryError)�PyGIWarning)�get_introspection_module)�load_overridesc c s^ t j| �}dV |rdS | dkr$dS tj| �dk r6dS t j| �}tjd| |d� t|d� dS ) aO A context manager which tries to give helpful warnings about missing gi.require_version() which could potentially break code if only an older version than expected is installed or a new version gets introduced. :: with _check_require_version("Gtk", stacklevel): load_namespace_and_overrides() N�GLib�GObject�Gioz�%(namespace)s was imported without specifying a version first. Use gi.require_version('%(namespace)s', '%(version)s') before import to ensure that the right version gets loaded.)� namespace�version)� stacklevel)r r r )� repository� is_registered�giZget_required_versionZget_version�warnings�warnr )r r Z was_loadedr � r � /usr/lib64/python3.6/importer.py�_check_require_version+ s r c C sZ t jdd� }|dkr"| rdS dS |dkr6| r2dS dS |d krJ| rFdS dS | rRdS dS dS ) a2 Returns the stacklevel value for warnings.warn() for when the warning gets emitted by an imported module, but the warning should point at the code doing the import. Pass import_hook=True if the warning gets generated by an import hook (warn() gets called in load_module(), see PEP302) N� � � � � )r r )r r )r r )�sys�version_info)�import_hook� py_versionr r r �get_import_stacklevelR s r! c @ s&