Current Path : /lib/python3.6/site-packages/pip/_vendor/distlib/__pycache__/ |
Current File : //lib/python3.6/site-packages/pip/_vendor/distlib/__pycache__/scripts.cpython-36.pyc |
3 �Pfx; � @ s� d dl mZ d dlZd dlZd dlZd dlZd dlZddlmZm Z m Z ddlmZ ddl mZmZmZmZmZ eje�Zdj� Zejd�Zd Zd d� ZG dd � d e�ZdS )� )�BytesION� )� sysconfig�detect_encoding�ZipFile)�finder)�FileOperator�get_export_entry�convert_path�get_executable�in_venva� <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?> <assembly xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v1" manifestVersion="1.0"> <assemblyIdentity version="" processorArchitecture="X86" name="%s" type="win32"/> <!-- Identify the application security requirements. --> <trustInfo xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v3"> <security> <requestedPrivileges> <requestedExecutionLevel level="asInvoker" uiAccess="false"/> </requestedPrivileges> </security> </trustInfo> </assembly>s ^#!.*pythonw?[0-9.]*([ ].*)?$a| # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- if __name__ == '__main__': import sys, re def _resolve(module, func): __import__(module) mod = sys.modules[module] parts = func.split('.') result = getattr(mod, parts.pop(0)) for p in parts: result = getattr(result, p) return result try: sys.argv[0] = re.sub(r'(-script\.pyw?|\.exe)?$', '', sys.argv[0]) func = _resolve('%(module)s', '%(func)s') rc = func() # None interpreted as 0 except Exception as e: # only supporting Python >= 2.6 sys.stderr.write('%%s\n' %% e) rc = 1 sys.exit(rc) c C sZ d| krV| j d�rD| jdd�\}}d|krV|j d� rVd||f } n| j d�sVd| } | S )N� z /usr/bin/env r �"z%s "%s"z"%s")� startswith�split)� executable�envZ_executable� r �/usr/lib/python3.6/scripts.py�_enquote_executableB s r c @ s� e Zd ZdZeZdZd%dd�Zdd� Ze j jd �rBd d� Zdd � Z d&dd�Zdd� ZeZdd� Zdd� Zd'dd�Zdd� Zedd� �Zejdd� �Zejdks�ejd kr�ejdkr�dd � Zd(d!d"�Zd)d#d$�ZdS )*�ScriptMakerz_ A class to copy or create scripts from source scripts or callable specifications. NTFc C sz || _ || _|| _d| _d| _tjdkp:tjdko:tjdk| _t d�| _ |pRt|�| _tjdkprtjdkortjdk| _ d S )NF�posix�java� �X.Y�nt)r r )� source_dir� target_dir� add_launchers�force�clobber�os�name�_name�set_mode�set�variantsr �_fileop�_is_nt)�selfr r r �dry_runZfileopr r r �__init__[ s zScriptMaker.__init__c C s@ |j dd�r<| jr<tjj|�\}}|jdd�}tjj||�}|S )N�guiF�pythonZpythonw)�getr( r! �pathr �replace�join)r) r �optionsZdn�fnr r r �_get_alternate_executablek s z%ScriptMaker._get_alternate_executabler c C sL y"t |��}|jd�dkS Q R X W n$ ttfk rF tjd|� dS X dS )zl Determine if the specified executable is a script (contains a #! line) � z#!NzFailed to open %sF)�open�read�OSError�IOError�logger�warning)r) r �fpr r r � _is_shells s zScriptMaker._is_shellc C sD | j |�r*dd l}|jjjd�dkr<|S n|j� jd�r<|S d| S )Nr zos.nameZLinuxz jython.exez/usr/bin/env %s)r= r ZlangZSystemZgetProperty�lower�endswith)r) r r r r r �_fix_jython_executable s z"ScriptMaker._fix_jython_executable� c C sd d}| j r| j }d}n^tj� s&t� }nNt� rLtjjtjd�dtj d� �}n(tjjtj d�dtj d�tj d�f �}|r�| j ||�}tjj d �r�| j|�}tjj|�}|r�t|�}|jd �}tjdkr�d|kr�d |kr�|d7 }d| | d }y|jd � W n" tk �r td| ��Y nX |d k�r`y|j|� W n& tk �r^ td||f ��Y nX |S )NTF�scriptszpython%s�EXE�BINDIRz python%s%s�VERSIONr zutf-8Zcliz -X:Framesz -X:FullFramess -X:Framess #!� z,The shebang (%r) is not decodable from utf-8z?The shebang (%r) is not decodable from the script encoding (%r))r r �is_python_buildr r r! r/ r1 �get_path�get_config_varr4 �sys�platformr r@ �normcaser �encode�decode�UnicodeDecodeError� ValueError)r) �encoding�post_interpr2 Zenquoter �shebangr r r �_get_shebang� sL zScriptMaker._get_shebangc C s | j t|j|jd� S )N)�module�func)�script_template�dict�prefix�suffix)r) �entryr r r �_get_script_text� s zScriptMaker._get_script_textc C s t jj|�}| j| S )N)r! r/ �basename�manifest)r) Zexename�baser r r �get_manifest� s zScriptMaker.get_manifestc C s� | j o | j}tjjd�}|s*|| | }n^|dkr>| jd�}n | jd�}t� } t| d��} | jd|� W d Q R X | j � }|| | | }�xd|D �]Z}tj j| j|�} |�rrtj j | �\}}|jd�r�|} d| } y| jj| |� W n� tk �rn tjd� d | }tj j|��r tj|� tj| |� | jj| |� tjd � ytj|� W n tk �rh Y nX Y nX np| j�r�| jd| � �r�d| |f } tj j| ��r�| j �r�tjd | � q�| jj| |� | j�r�| jj| g� |j| � q�W d S )Nzutf-8�py�t�wz__main__.pyz.pyz%s.exez:Failed to write executable - trying to use .deleteme logicz%s.deletemez0Able to replace executable using .deleteme logic�.z%s.%szSkipping existing file %s)r r( r! �lineseprM � _get_launcherr r Zwritestr�getvaluer/ r1 r �splitextr r'