Current Path : /lib/python3.6/site-packages/parsedatetime/ |
Current File : //lib/python3.6/site-packages/parsedatetime/__init__.py |
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # vim: sw=2 ts=2 sts=2 # # Copyright 2004-2019 Mike Taylor # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """parsedatetime Parse human-readable date/time text. Requires Python 2.7 or later """ from __future__ import with_statement, absolute_import, unicode_literals import re import time import logging import warnings import datetime import calendar import contextlib import email.utils from .pdt_locales import (locales as _locales, get_icu, load_locale) from .context import pdtContext, pdtContextStack from .warns import pdt20DeprecationWarning __author__ = 'Mike Taylor' __email__ = 'bear@bear.im' __copyright__ = 'Copyright (c) 2017 Mike Taylor' __license__ = 'Apache License 2.0' __version__ = '2.5' __url__ = 'https://github.com/bear/parsedatetime' __download_url__ = 'https://pypi.python.org/pypi/parsedatetime' __description__ = 'Parse human-readable date/time text.' # as a library, do *not* setup logging # see docs.python.org/2/howto/logging.html#configuring-logging-for-a-library # Set default logging handler to avoid "No handler found" warnings. try: # Python 2.7+ from logging import NullHandler except ImportError: class NullHandler(logging.Handler): def emit(self, record): pass log = logging.getLogger(__name__) log.addHandler(NullHandler()) debug = False pdtLocales = dict([(x, load_locale(x)) for x in _locales]) # Copied from feedparser.py # Universal Feedparser # Copyright (c) 2002-2006, Mark Pilgrim, All rights reserved. # Originally a def inside of _parse_date_w3dtf() def _extract_date(m): year = int(m.group('year')) if year < 100: year = 100 * int(time.gmtime()[0] / 100) + int(year) if year < 1000: return 0, 0, 0 julian = m.group('julian') if julian: julian = int(julian) month = julian / 30 + 1 day = julian % 30 + 1 jday = None while jday != julian: t = time.mktime((year, month, day, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)) jday = time.gmtime(t)[-2] diff = abs(jday - julian) if jday > julian: if diff < day: day = day - diff else: month = month - 1 day = 31 elif jday < julian: if day + diff < 28: day = day + diff else: month = month + 1 return year, month, day month = m.group('month') day = 1 if month is None: month = 1 else: month = int(month) day = m.group('day') if day: day = int(day) else: day = 1 return year, month, day # Copied from feedparser.py # Universal Feedparser # Copyright (c) 2002-2006, Mark Pilgrim, All rights reserved. # Originally a def inside of _parse_date_w3dtf() def _extract_time(m): if not m: return 0, 0, 0 hours = m.group('hours') if not hours: return 0, 0, 0 hours = int(hours) minutes = int(m.group('minutes')) seconds = m.group('seconds') if seconds: seconds = seconds.replace(',', '.').split('.', 1)[0] seconds = int(seconds) else: seconds = 0 return hours, minutes, seconds def _pop_time_accuracy(m, ctx): if not m: return if m.group('hours'): ctx.updateAccuracy(ctx.ACU_HOUR) if m.group('minutes'): ctx.updateAccuracy(ctx.ACU_MIN) if m.group('seconds'): ctx.updateAccuracy(ctx.ACU_SEC) # Copied from feedparser.py # Universal Feedparser # Copyright (c) 2002-2006, Mark Pilgrim, All rights reserved. # Modified to return a tuple instead of mktime # # Original comment: # W3DTF-style date parsing adapted from PyXML xml.utils.iso8601, written by # Drake and licensed under the Python license. Removed all range checking # for month, day, hour, minute, and second, since mktime will normalize # these later def __closure_parse_date_w3dtf(): # the __extract_date and __extract_time methods were # copied-out so they could be used by my code --bear def __extract_tzd(m): '''Return the Time Zone Designator as an offset in seconds from UTC.''' if not m: return 0 tzd = m.group('tzd') if not tzd: return 0 if tzd == 'Z': return 0 hours = int(m.group('tzdhours')) minutes = m.group('tzdminutes') if minutes: minutes = int(minutes) else: minutes = 0 offset = (hours * 60 + minutes) * 60 if tzd[0] == '+': return -offset return offset def _parse_date_w3dtf(dateString): m = __datetime_rx.match(dateString) if m is None or m.group() != dateString: return return _extract_date(m) + _extract_time(m) + (0, 0, 0) __date_re = (r'(?P<year>\d\d\d\d)' r'(?:(?P<dsep>-|)' r'(?:(?P<julian>\d\d\d)' r'|(?P<month>\d\d)(?:(?P=dsep)(?P<day>\d\d))?))?') __tzd_re = r'(?P<tzd>[-+](?P<tzdhours>\d\d)(?::?(?P<tzdminutes>\d\d))|Z)' # __tzd_rx = re.compile(__tzd_re) __time_re = (r'(?P<hours>\d\d)(?P<tsep>:|)(?P<minutes>\d\d)' r'(?:(?P=tsep)(?P<seconds>\d\d(?:[.,]\d+)?))?' + __tzd_re) __datetime_re = '%s(?:T%s)?' % (__date_re, __time_re) __datetime_rx = re.compile(__datetime_re) return _parse_date_w3dtf _parse_date_w3dtf = __closure_parse_date_w3dtf() del __closure_parse_date_w3dtf _monthnames = set([ 'jan', 'feb', 'mar', 'apr', 'may', 'jun', 'jul', 'aug', 'sep', 'oct', 'nov', 'dec', 'january', 'february', 'march', 'april', 'may', 'june', 'july', 'august', 'september', 'october', 'november', 'december']) _daynames = set(['mon', 'tue', 'wed', 'thu', 'fri', 'sat', 'sun']) # Copied from feedparser.py # Universal Feedparser # Copyright (c) 2002-2006, Mark Pilgrim, All rights reserved. # Modified to return a tuple instead of mktime def _parse_date_rfc822(dateString): '''Parse an RFC822, RFC1123, RFC2822, or asctime-style date''' data = dateString.split() if data[0][-1] in (',', '.') or data[0].lower() in _daynames: del data[0] if len(data) == 4: s = data[3] s = s.split('+', 1) if len(s) == 2: data[3:] = s else: data.append('') dateString = " ".join(data) if len(data) < 5: dateString += ' 00:00:00 GMT' return email.utils.parsedate_tz(dateString) # rfc822.py defines several time zones, but we define some extra ones. # 'ET' is equivalent to 'EST', etc. # _additional_timezones = {'AT': -400, 'ET': -500, # 'CT': -600, 'MT': -700, # 'PT': -800} # email.utils._timezones.update(_additional_timezones) VERSION_FLAG_STYLE = 1 VERSION_CONTEXT_STYLE = 2 class Calendar(object): """ A collection of routines to input, parse and manipulate date and times. The text can either be 'normal' date values or it can be human readable. """ def __init__(self, constants=None, version=VERSION_FLAG_STYLE): """ Default constructor for the L{Calendar} class. @type constants: object @param constants: Instance of the class L{Constants} @type version: integer @param version: Default style version of current Calendar instance. Valid value can be 1 (L{VERSION_FLAG_STYLE}) or 2 (L{VERSION_CONTEXT_STYLE}). See L{parse()}. @rtype: object @return: L{Calendar} instance """ # if a constants reference is not included, use default if constants is None: self.ptc = Constants() else: self.ptc = constants self.version = version if version == VERSION_FLAG_STYLE: warnings.warn( 'Flag style will be deprecated in parsedatetime 2.0. ' 'Instead use the context style by instantiating `Calendar()` ' 'with argument `version=parsedatetime.VERSION_CONTEXT_STYLE`.', pdt20DeprecationWarning) self._ctxStack = pdtContextStack() @contextlib.contextmanager def context(self): ctx = pdtContext() self._ctxStack.push(ctx) yield ctx ctx = self._ctxStack.pop() if not self._ctxStack.isEmpty(): self.currentContext.update(ctx) @property def currentContext(self): return self._ctxStack.last() def _convertUnitAsWords(self, unitText): """ Converts text units into their number value. @type unitText: string @param unitText: number text to convert @rtype: integer @return: numerical value of unitText """ word_list, a, b = re.split(r"[,\s-]+", unitText), 0, 0 for word in word_list: x = self.ptc.small.get(word) if x is not None: a += x elif word == "hundred": a *= 100 else: x = self.ptc.magnitude.get(word) if x is not None: b += a * x a = 0 elif word in self.ptc.ignore: pass else: raise Exception("Unknown number: " + word) return a + b def _buildTime(self, source, quantity, modifier, units): """ Take C{quantity}, C{modifier} and C{unit} strings and convert them into values. After converting, calcuate the time and return the adjusted sourceTime. @type source: time @param source: time to use as the base (or source) @type quantity: string @param quantity: quantity string @type modifier: string @param modifier: how quantity and units modify the source time @type units: string @param units: unit of the quantity (i.e. hours, days, months, etc) @rtype: struct_time @return: C{struct_time} of the calculated time """ ctx = self.currentContext debug and log.debug('_buildTime: [%s][%s][%s]', quantity, modifier, units) if source is None: source = time.localtime() if quantity is None: quantity = '' else: quantity = quantity.strip() qty = self._quantityToReal(quantity) if modifier in self.ptc.Modifiers: qty = qty * self.ptc.Modifiers[modifier] if units is None or units == '': units = 'dy' # plurals are handled by regex's (could be a bug tho) (yr, mth, dy, hr, mn, sec, _, _, _) = source start = datetime.datetime(yr, mth, dy, hr, mn, sec) target = start # realunit = next((key for key, values in self.ptc.units.items() # if any(imap(units.__contains__, values))), None) realunit = units for key, values in self.ptc.units.items(): if units in values: realunit = key break debug and log.debug('units %s --> realunit %s (qty=%s)', units, realunit, qty) try: if realunit in ('years', 'months'): target = self.inc(start, **{realunit[:-1]: qty}) elif realunit in ('days', 'hours', 'minutes', 'seconds', 'weeks'): delta = datetime.timedelta(**{realunit: qty}) target = start + delta except OverflowError: # OverflowError is raise when target.year larger than 9999 pass else: ctx.updateAccuracy(realunit) return target.timetuple() def parseDate(self, dateString, sourceTime=None): """ Parse short-form date strings:: '05/28/2006' or '04.21' @type dateString: string @param dateString: text to convert to a C{datetime} @type sourceTime: struct_time @param sourceTime: C{struct_time} value to use as the base @rtype: struct_time @return: calculated C{struct_time} value of dateString """ if sourceTime is None: yr, mth, dy, hr, mn, sec, wd, yd, isdst = time.localtime() else: yr, mth, dy, hr, mn, sec, wd, yd, isdst = sourceTime # values pulled from regex's will be stored here and later # assigned to mth, dy, yr based on information from the locale # -1 is used as the marker value because we want zero values # to be passed thru so they can be flagged as errors later v1 = -1 v2 = -1 v3 = -1 accuracy = [] s = dateString m = self.ptc.CRE_DATE2.search(s) if m is not None: index = m.start() v1 = int(s[:index]) s = s[index + 1:] m = self.ptc.CRE_DATE2.search(s) if m is not None: index = m.start() v2 = int(s[:index]) v3 = int(s[index + 1:]) else: v2 = int(s.strip()) v = [v1, v2, v3] d = {'m': mth, 'd': dy, 'y': yr} # yyyy/mm/dd format dp_order = self.ptc.dp_order if v1 <= 31 else ['y', 'm', 'd'] for i in range(0, 3): n = v[i] c = dp_order[i] if n >= 0: d[c] = n accuracy.append({'m': pdtContext.ACU_MONTH, 'd': pdtContext.ACU_DAY, 'y': pdtContext.ACU_YEAR}[c]) # if the year is not specified and the date has already # passed, increment the year if v3 == -1 and ((mth > d['m']) or (mth == d['m'] and dy > d['d'])): yr = d['y'] + self.ptc.YearParseStyle else: yr = d['y'] mth = d['m'] dy = d['d'] # birthday epoch constraint if yr < self.ptc.BirthdayEpoch: yr += 2000 elif yr < 100: yr += 1900 daysInCurrentMonth = self.ptc.daysInMonth(mth, yr) debug and log.debug('parseDate: %s %s %s %s', yr, mth, dy, daysInCurrentMonth) with self.context() as ctx: if mth > 0 and mth <= 12 and dy > 0 and \ dy <= daysInCurrentMonth: sourceTime = (yr, mth, dy, hr, mn, sec, wd, yd, isdst) ctx.updateAccuracy(*accuracy) else: # return current time if date string is invalid sourceTime = time.localtime() return sourceTime def parseDateText(self, dateString, sourceTime=None): """ Parse long-form date strings:: 'May 31st, 2006' 'Jan 1st' 'July 2006' @type dateString: string @param dateString: text to convert to a datetime @type sourceTime: struct_time @param sourceTime: C{struct_time} value to use as the base @rtype: struct_time @return: calculated C{struct_time} value of dateString """ if sourceTime is None: yr, mth, dy, hr, mn, sec, wd, yd, isdst = time.localtime() else: yr, mth, dy, hr, mn, sec, wd, yd, isdst = sourceTime currentMth = mth currentDy = dy accuracy = [] debug and log.debug('parseDateText currentMth %s currentDy %s', mth, dy) s = dateString.lower() m = self.ptc.CRE_DATE3.search(s) mth = m.group('mthname') mth = self.ptc.MonthOffsets[mth] accuracy.append('month') if m.group('day') is not None: dy = int(m.group('day')) accuracy.append('day') else: dy = 1 if m.group('year') is not None: yr = int(m.group('year')) accuracy.append('year') # birthday epoch constraint if yr < self.ptc.BirthdayEpoch: yr += 2000 elif yr < 100: yr += 1900 elif (mth < currentMth) or (mth == currentMth and dy < currentDy): # if that day and month have already passed in this year, # then increment the year by 1 yr += self.ptc.YearParseStyle with self.context() as ctx: if dy > 0 and dy <= self.ptc.daysInMonth(mth, yr): sourceTime = (yr, mth, dy, hr, mn, sec, wd, yd, isdst) ctx.updateAccuracy(*accuracy) else: # Return current time if date string is invalid sourceTime = time.localtime() debug and log.debug('parseDateText returned ' 'mth %d dy %d yr %d sourceTime %s', mth, dy, yr, sourceTime) return sourceTime def evalRanges(self, datetimeString, sourceTime=None): """ Evaluate the C{datetimeString} text and determine if it represents a date or time range. @type datetimeString: string @param datetimeString: datetime text to evaluate @type sourceTime: struct_time @param sourceTime: C{struct_time} value to use as the base @rtype: tuple @return: tuple of: start datetime, end datetime and the invalid flag """ rangeFlag = retFlag = 0 startStr = endStr = '' s = datetimeString.strip().lower() if self.ptc.rangeSep in s: s = s.replace(self.ptc.rangeSep, ' %s ' % self.ptc.rangeSep) s = s.replace(' ', ' ') for cre, rflag in [(self.ptc.CRE_TIMERNG1, 1), (self.ptc.CRE_TIMERNG2, 2), (self.ptc.CRE_TIMERNG4, 7), (self.ptc.CRE_TIMERNG3, 3), (self.ptc.CRE_DATERNG1, 4), (self.ptc.CRE_DATERNG2, 5), (self.ptc.CRE_DATERNG3, 6)]: m = cre.search(s) if m is not None: rangeFlag = rflag break debug and log.debug('evalRanges: rangeFlag = %s [%s]', rangeFlag, s) if m is not None: if (m.group() != s): # capture remaining string parseStr = m.group() chunk1 = s[:m.start()] chunk2 = s[m.end():] s = '%s %s' % (chunk1, chunk2) sourceTime, ctx = self.parse(s, sourceTime, VERSION_CONTEXT_STYLE) if not ctx.hasDateOrTime: sourceTime = None else: parseStr = s if rangeFlag in (1, 2): m = re.search(self.ptc.rangeSep, parseStr) startStr = parseStr[:m.start()] endStr = parseStr[m.start() + 1:] retFlag = 2 elif rangeFlag in (3, 7): m = re.search(self.ptc.rangeSep, parseStr) # capturing the meridian from the end time if self.ptc.usesMeridian: ampm = re.search(self.ptc.am[0], parseStr) # appending the meridian to the start time if ampm is not None: startStr = parseStr[:m.start()] + self.ptc.meridian[0] else: startStr = parseStr[:m.start()] + self.ptc.meridian[1] else: startStr = parseStr[:m.start()] endStr = parseStr[m.start() + 1:] retFlag = 2 elif rangeFlag == 4: m = re.search(self.ptc.rangeSep, parseStr) startStr = parseStr[:m.start()] endStr = parseStr[m.start() + 1:] retFlag = 1 elif rangeFlag == 5: m = re.search(self.ptc.rangeSep, parseStr) endStr = parseStr[m.start() + 1:] # capturing the year from the end date date = self.ptc.CRE_DATE3.search(endStr) endYear = date.group('year') # appending the year to the start date if the start date # does not have year information and the end date does. # eg : "Aug 21 - Sep 4, 2007" if endYear is not None: startStr = (parseStr[:m.start()]).strip() date = self.ptc.CRE_DATE3.search(startStr) startYear = date.group('year') if startYear is None: startStr = startStr + ', ' + endYear else: startStr = parseStr[:m.start()] retFlag = 1 elif rangeFlag == 6: m = re.search(self.ptc.rangeSep, parseStr) startStr = parseStr[:m.start()] # capturing the month from the start date mth = self.ptc.CRE_DATE3.search(startStr) mth = mth.group('mthname') # appending the month name to the end date endStr = mth + parseStr[(m.start() + 1):] retFlag = 1 else: # if range is not found startDT = endDT = time.localtime() if retFlag: startDT, sctx = self.parse(startStr, sourceTime, VERSION_CONTEXT_STYLE) endDT, ectx = self.parse(endStr, sourceTime, VERSION_CONTEXT_STYLE) if not sctx.hasDateOrTime or not ectx.hasDateOrTime: retFlag = 0 return startDT, endDT, retFlag def _CalculateDOWDelta(self, wd, wkdy, offset, style, currentDayStyle): """ Based on the C{style} and C{currentDayStyle} determine what day-of-week value is to be returned. @type wd: integer @param wd: day-of-week value for the current day @type wkdy: integer @param wkdy: day-of-week value for the parsed day @type offset: integer @param offset: offset direction for any modifiers (-1, 0, 1) @type style: integer @param style: normally the value set in C{Constants.DOWParseStyle} @type currentDayStyle: integer @param currentDayStyle: normally the value set in C{Constants.CurrentDOWParseStyle} @rtype: integer @return: calculated day-of-week """ diffBase = wkdy - wd origOffset = offset if offset == 2: # no modifier is present. # i.e. string to be parsed is just DOW if wkdy * style > wd * style or \ currentDayStyle and wkdy == wd: # wkdy located in current week offset = 0 elif style in (-1, 1): # wkdy located in last (-1) or next (1) week offset = style else: # invalid style, or should raise error? offset = 0 # offset = -1 means last week # offset = 0 means current week # offset = 1 means next week diff = diffBase + 7 * offset if style == 1 and diff < -7: diff += 7 elif style == -1 and diff > 7: diff -= 7 debug and log.debug("wd %s, wkdy %s, offset %d, " "style %d, currentDayStyle %d", wd, wkdy, origOffset, style, currentDayStyle) return diff def _quantityToReal(self, quantity): """ Convert a quantity, either spelled-out or numeric, to a float @type quantity: string @param quantity: quantity to parse to float @rtype: int @return: the quantity as an float, defaulting to 0.0 """ if not quantity: return 1.0 try: return float(quantity.replace(',', '.')) except ValueError: pass try: return float(self.ptc.numbers[quantity]) except KeyError: pass return 0.0 def _evalModifier(self, modifier, chunk1, chunk2, sourceTime): """ Evaluate the C{modifier} string and following text (passed in as C{chunk1} and C{chunk2}) and if they match any known modifiers calculate the delta and apply it to C{sourceTime}. @type modifier: string @param modifier: modifier text to apply to sourceTime @type chunk1: string @param chunk1: text chunk that preceded modifier (if any) @type chunk2: string @param chunk2: text chunk that followed modifier (if any) @type sourceTime: struct_time @param sourceTime: C{struct_time} value to use as the base @rtype: tuple @return: tuple of: remaining text and the modified sourceTime """ ctx = self.currentContext offset = self.ptc.Modifiers[modifier] if sourceTime is not None: (yr, mth, dy, hr, mn, sec, wd, yd, isdst) = sourceTime else: (yr, mth, dy, hr, mn, sec, wd, yd, isdst) = time.localtime() if self.ptc.StartTimeFromSourceTime: startHour = hr startMinute = mn startSecond = sec else: startHour = self.ptc.StartHour startMinute = 0 startSecond = 0 # capture the units after the modifier and the remaining # string after the unit m = self.ptc.CRE_REMAINING.search(chunk2) if m is not None: index = m.start() + 1 unit = chunk2[:m.start()] chunk2 = chunk2[index:] else: unit = chunk2 chunk2 = '' debug and log.debug("modifier [%s] chunk1 [%s] " "chunk2 [%s] unit [%s]", modifier, chunk1, chunk2, unit) if unit in self.ptc.units['months']: currentDaysInMonth = self.ptc.daysInMonth(mth, yr) if offset == 0: dy = currentDaysInMonth sourceTime = (yr, mth, dy, startHour, startMinute, startSecond, wd, yd, isdst) elif offset == 2: # if day is the last day of the month, calculate the last day # of the next month if dy == currentDaysInMonth: dy = self.ptc.daysInMonth(mth + 1, yr) start = datetime.datetime(yr, mth, dy, startHour, startMinute, startSecond) target = self.inc(start, month=1) sourceTime = target.timetuple() else: start = datetime.datetime(yr, mth, 1, startHour, startMinute, startSecond) target = self.inc(start, month=offset) sourceTime = target.timetuple() ctx.updateAccuracy(ctx.ACU_MONTH) elif unit in self.ptc.units['weeks']: if offset == 0: start = datetime.datetime(yr, mth, dy, 17, 0, 0) target = start + datetime.timedelta(days=(4 - wd)) sourceTime = target.timetuple() elif offset == 2: start = datetime.datetime(yr, mth, dy, startHour, startMinute, startSecond) target = start + datetime.timedelta(days=7) sourceTime = target.timetuple() else: start = datetime.datetime(yr, mth, dy, startHour, startMinute, startSecond) target = start + offset * datetime.timedelta(weeks=1) sourceTime = target.timetuple() ctx.updateAccuracy(ctx.ACU_WEEK) elif unit in self.ptc.units['days']: if offset == 0: sourceTime = (yr, mth, dy, 17, 0, 0, wd, yd, isdst) ctx.updateAccuracy(ctx.ACU_HALFDAY) elif offset == 2: start = datetime.datetime(yr, mth, dy, hr, mn, sec) target = start + datetime.timedelta(days=1) sourceTime = target.timetuple() else: start = datetime.datetime(yr, mth, dy, startHour, startMinute, startSecond) target = start + datetime.timedelta(days=offset) sourceTime = target.timetuple() ctx.updateAccuracy(ctx.ACU_DAY) elif unit in self.ptc.units['hours']: if offset == 0: sourceTime = (yr, mth, dy, hr, 0, 0, wd, yd, isdst) else: start = datetime.datetime(yr, mth, dy, hr, 0, 0) target = start + datetime.timedelta(hours=offset) sourceTime = target.timetuple() ctx.updateAccuracy(ctx.ACU_HOUR) elif unit in self.ptc.units['years']: if offset == 0: sourceTime = (yr, 12, 31, hr, mn, sec, wd, yd, isdst) elif offset == 2: sourceTime = (yr + 1, mth, dy, hr, mn, sec, wd, yd, isdst) else: sourceTime = (yr + offset, 1, 1, startHour, startMinute, startSecond, wd, yd, isdst) ctx.updateAccuracy(ctx.ACU_YEAR) elif modifier == 'eom': dy = self.ptc.daysInMonth(mth, yr) sourceTime = (yr, mth, dy, startHour, startMinute, startSecond, wd, yd, isdst) ctx.updateAccuracy(ctx.ACU_DAY) elif modifier == 'eoy': mth = 12 dy = self.ptc.daysInMonth(mth, yr) sourceTime = (yr, mth, dy, startHour, startMinute, startSecond, wd, yd, isdst) ctx.updateAccuracy(ctx.ACU_MONTH) elif self.ptc.CRE_WEEKDAY.match(unit): m = self.ptc.CRE_WEEKDAY.match(unit) debug and log.debug('CRE_WEEKDAY matched') wkdy = m.group() if modifier == 'eod': ctx.updateAccuracy(ctx.ACU_HOUR) # Calculate the upcoming weekday sourceTime, subctx = self.parse(wkdy, sourceTime, VERSION_CONTEXT_STYLE) sTime = self.ptc.getSource(modifier, sourceTime) if sTime is not None: sourceTime = sTime ctx.updateAccuracy(ctx.ACU_HALFDAY) else: # unless one of these modifiers is being applied to the # day-of-week, we want to start with target as the day # in the current week. dowOffset = offset relativeModifier = modifier not in ['this', 'next', 'last', 'prior', 'previous'] if relativeModifier: dowOffset = 0 wkdy = self.ptc.WeekdayOffsets[wkdy] diff = self._CalculateDOWDelta( wd, wkdy, dowOffset, self.ptc.DOWParseStyle, self.ptc.CurrentDOWParseStyle) start = datetime.datetime(yr, mth, dy, startHour, startMinute, startSecond) target = start + datetime.timedelta(days=diff) if chunk1 != '' and relativeModifier: # consider "one day before thursday": we need to parse chunk1 ("one day") # and apply according to the offset ("before"), rather than allowing the # remaining parse step to apply "one day" without the offset direction. t, subctx = self.parse(chunk1, sourceTime, VERSION_CONTEXT_STYLE) if subctx.hasDateOrTime: delta = time.mktime(t) - time.mktime(sourceTime) target = start + datetime.timedelta(days=diff) + datetime.timedelta(seconds=delta * offset) chunk1 = '' sourceTime = target.timetuple() ctx.updateAccuracy(ctx.ACU_DAY) elif chunk1 == '' and chunk2 == '' and self.ptc.CRE_TIME.match(unit): m = self.ptc.CRE_TIME.match(unit) debug and log.debug('CRE_TIME matched') (yr, mth, dy, hr, mn, sec, wd, yd, isdst), subctx = \ self.parse(unit, None, VERSION_CONTEXT_STYLE) start = datetime.datetime(yr, mth, dy, hr, mn, sec) target = start + datetime.timedelta(days=offset) sourceTime = target.timetuple() else: # check if the remaining text is parsable and if so, # use it as the base time for the modifier source time debug and log.debug('check for modifications ' 'to source time [%s] [%s]', chunk1, unit) unit = unit.strip() if unit: s = '%s %s' % (unit, chunk2) t, subctx = self.parse(s, sourceTime, VERSION_CONTEXT_STYLE) if subctx.hasDate: # working with dates u = unit.lower() if u in self.ptc.Months or \ u in self.ptc.shortMonths: yr, mth, dy, hr, mn, sec, wd, yd, isdst = t start = datetime.datetime( yr, mth, dy, hr, mn, sec) t = self.inc(start, year=offset).timetuple() elif u in self.ptc.Weekdays: t = t + datetime.timedelta(weeks=offset) if subctx.hasDateOrTime: sourceTime = t chunk2 = '' chunk1 = chunk1.strip() # if the word after next is a number, the string is more than # likely to be "next 4 hrs" which we will have to combine the # units with the rest of the string if chunk1: try: m = list(self.ptc.CRE_NUMBER.finditer(chunk1))[-1] except IndexError: pass else: qty = None debug and log.debug('CRE_NUMBER matched') qty = self._quantityToReal(m.group()) * offset chunk1 = '%s%s%s' % (chunk1[:m.start()], qty, chunk1[m.end():]) t, subctx = self.parse(chunk1, sourceTime, VERSION_CONTEXT_STYLE) chunk1 = '' if subctx.hasDateOrTime: sourceTime = t debug and log.debug('looking for modifier %s', modifier) sTime = self.ptc.getSource(modifier, sourceTime) if sTime is not None: debug and log.debug('modifier found in sources') sourceTime = sTime ctx.updateAccuracy(ctx.ACU_HALFDAY) debug and log.debug('returning chunk = "%s %s" and sourceTime = %s', chunk1, chunk2, sourceTime) return '%s %s' % (chunk1, chunk2), sourceTime def _evalDT(self, datetimeString, sourceTime): """ Calculate the datetime from known format like RFC822 or W3CDTF Examples handled:: RFC822, W3CDTF formatted dates HH:MM[:SS][ am/pm] MM/DD/YYYY DD MMMM YYYY @type datetimeString: string @param datetimeString: text to try and parse as more "traditional" date/time text @type sourceTime: struct_time @param sourceTime: C{struct_time} value to use as the base @rtype: datetime @return: calculated C{struct_time} value or current C{struct_time} if not parsed """ ctx = self.currentContext s = datetimeString.strip() # Given string date is a RFC822 date if sourceTime is None: sourceTime = _parse_date_rfc822(s) debug and log.debug( 'attempt to parse as rfc822 - %s', str(sourceTime)) if sourceTime is not None: (yr, mth, dy, hr, mn, sec, wd, yd, isdst, _) = sourceTime ctx.updateAccuracy(ctx.ACU_YEAR, ctx.ACU_MONTH, ctx.ACU_DAY) if hr != 0 and mn != 0 and sec != 0: ctx.updateAccuracy(ctx.ACU_HOUR, ctx.ACU_MIN, ctx.ACU_SEC) sourceTime = (yr, mth, dy, hr, mn, sec, wd, yd, isdst) # Given string date is a W3CDTF date if sourceTime is None: sourceTime = _parse_date_w3dtf(s) if sourceTime is not None: ctx.updateAccuracy(ctx.ACU_YEAR, ctx.ACU_MONTH, ctx.ACU_DAY, ctx.ACU_HOUR, ctx.ACU_MIN, ctx.ACU_SEC) if sourceTime is None: sourceTime = time.localtime() return sourceTime def _evalUnits(self, datetimeString, sourceTime): """ Evaluate text passed by L{_partialParseUnits()} """ s = datetimeString.strip() sourceTime = self._evalDT(datetimeString, sourceTime) # Given string is a time string with units like "5 hrs 30 min" modifier = '' # TODO m = self.ptc.CRE_UNITS.search(s) if m is not None: units = m.group('units') quantity = s[:m.start('units')] sourceTime = self._buildTime(sourceTime, quantity, modifier, units) return sourceTime def _evalQUnits(self, datetimeString, sourceTime): """ Evaluate text passed by L{_partialParseQUnits()} """ s = datetimeString.strip() sourceTime = self._evalDT(datetimeString, sourceTime) # Given string is a time string with single char units like "5 h 30 m" modifier = '' # TODO m = self.ptc.CRE_QUNITS.search(s) if m is not None: units = m.group('qunits') quantity = s[:m.start('qunits')] sourceTime = self._buildTime(sourceTime, quantity, modifier, units) return sourceTime def _evalDateStr(self, datetimeString, sourceTime): """ Evaluate text passed by L{_partialParseDateStr()} """ s = datetimeString.strip() sourceTime = self._evalDT(datetimeString, sourceTime) # Given string is in the format "May 23rd, 2005" debug and log.debug('checking for MMM DD YYYY') return self.parseDateText(s, sourceTime) def _evalDateStd(self, datetimeString, sourceTime): """ Evaluate text passed by L{_partialParseDateStd()} """ s = datetimeString.strip() sourceTime = self._evalDT(datetimeString, sourceTime) # Given string is in the format 07/21/2006 return self.parseDate(s, sourceTime) def _evalDayStr(self, datetimeString, sourceTime): """ Evaluate text passed by L{_partialParseDaystr()} """ s = datetimeString.strip() sourceTime = self._evalDT(datetimeString, sourceTime) # Given string is a natural language date string like today, tomorrow.. (yr, mth, dy, hr, mn, sec, wd, yd, isdst) = sourceTime try: offset = self.ptc.dayOffsets[s] except KeyError: offset = 0 if self.ptc.StartTimeFromSourceTime: startHour = hr startMinute = mn startSecond = sec else: startHour = self.ptc.StartHour startMinute = 0 startSecond = 0 self.currentContext.updateAccuracy(pdtContext.ACU_DAY) start = datetime.datetime(yr, mth, dy, startHour, startMinute, startSecond) target = start + datetime.timedelta(days=offset) return target.timetuple() def _evalWeekday(self, datetimeString, sourceTime): """ Evaluate text passed by L{_partialParseWeekday()} """ s = datetimeString.strip() sourceTime = self._evalDT(datetimeString, sourceTime) # Given string is a weekday yr, mth, dy, hr, mn, sec, wd, yd, isdst = sourceTime start = datetime.datetime(yr, mth, dy, hr, mn, sec) wkdy = self.ptc.WeekdayOffsets[s] if wkdy > wd: qty = self._CalculateDOWDelta(wd, wkdy, 2, self.ptc.DOWParseStyle, self.ptc.CurrentDOWParseStyle) else: qty = self._CalculateDOWDelta(wd, wkdy, 2, self.ptc.DOWParseStyle, self.ptc.CurrentDOWParseStyle) self.currentContext.updateAccuracy(pdtContext.ACU_DAY) target = start + datetime.timedelta(days=qty) return target.timetuple() def _evalTimeStr(self, datetimeString, sourceTime): """ Evaluate text passed by L{_partialParseTimeStr()} """ s = datetimeString.strip() sourceTime = self._evalDT(datetimeString, sourceTime) if s in self.ptc.re_values['now']: self.currentContext.updateAccuracy(pdtContext.ACU_NOW) else: # Given string is a natural language time string like # lunch, midnight, etc sTime = self.ptc.getSource(s, sourceTime) if sTime: sourceTime = sTime self.currentContext.updateAccuracy(pdtContext.ACU_HALFDAY) return sourceTime def _evalMeridian(self, datetimeString, sourceTime): """ Evaluate text passed by L{_partialParseMeridian()} """ s = datetimeString.strip() sourceTime = self._evalDT(datetimeString, sourceTime) # Given string is in the format HH:MM(:SS)(am/pm) yr, mth, dy, hr, mn, sec, wd, yd, isdst = sourceTime m = self.ptc.CRE_TIMEHMS2.search(s) if m is not None: dt = s[:m.start('meridian')].strip() if len(dt) <= 2: hr = int(dt) mn = 0 sec = 0 else: hr, mn, sec = _extract_time(m) if hr == 24: hr = 0 meridian = m.group('meridian').lower() # if 'am' found and hour is 12 - force hour to 0 (midnight) if (meridian in self.ptc.am) and hr == 12: hr = 0 # if 'pm' found and hour < 12, add 12 to shift to evening if (meridian in self.ptc.pm) and hr < 12: hr += 12 # time validation if hr < 24 and mn < 60 and sec < 60: sourceTime = (yr, mth, dy, hr, mn, sec, wd, yd, isdst) _pop_time_accuracy(m, self.currentContext) return sourceTime def _evalTimeStd(self, datetimeString, sourceTime): """ Evaluate text passed by L{_partialParseTimeStd()} """ s = datetimeString.strip() sourceTime = self._evalDT(datetimeString, sourceTime) # Given string is in the format HH:MM(:SS) yr, mth, dy, hr, mn, sec, wd, yd, isdst = sourceTime m = self.ptc.CRE_TIMEHMS.search(s) if m is not None: hr, mn, sec = _extract_time(m) if hr == 24: hr = 0 # time validation if hr < 24 and mn < 60 and sec < 60: sourceTime = (yr, mth, dy, hr, mn, sec, wd, yd, isdst) _pop_time_accuracy(m, self.currentContext) return sourceTime def _UnitsTrapped(self, s, m, key): # check if a day suffix got trapped by a unit match # for example Dec 31st would match for 31s (aka 31 seconds) # Dec 31st # ^ ^ # | +-- m.start('units') # | and also m2.start('suffix') # +---- m.start('qty') # and also m2.start('day') m2 = self.ptc.CRE_DAY2.search(s) if m2 is not None: t = '%s%s' % (m2.group('day'), m.group(key)) if m.start(key) == m2.start('suffix') and \ m.start('qty') == m2.start('day') and \ m.group('qty') == t: return True else: return False else: return False def _partialParseModifier(self, s, sourceTime): """ test if giving C{s} matched CRE_MODIFIER, used by L{parse()} @type s: string @param s: date/time text to evaluate @type sourceTime: struct_time @param sourceTime: C{struct_time} value to use as the base @rtype: tuple @return: tuple of remained date/time text, datetime object and an boolean value to describ if matched or not """ parseStr = None chunk1 = chunk2 = '' # Modifier like next/prev/from/after/prior.. m = self.ptc.CRE_MODIFIER.search(s) if m is not None: if m.group() != s: # capture remaining string parseStr = m.group() chunk1 = s[:m.start()].strip() chunk2 = s[m.end():].strip() else: parseStr = s if parseStr: debug and log.debug('found (modifier) [%s][%s][%s]', parseStr, chunk1, chunk2) s, sourceTime = self._evalModifier(parseStr, chunk1, chunk2, sourceTime) return s, sourceTime, bool(parseStr) def _partialParseUnits(self, s, sourceTime): """ test if giving C{s} matched CRE_UNITS, used by L{parse()} @type s: string @param s: date/time text to evaluate @type sourceTime: struct_time @param sourceTime: C{struct_time} value to use as the base @rtype: tuple @return: tuple of remained date/time text, datetime object and an boolean value to describ if matched or not """ parseStr = None chunk1 = chunk2 = '' # Quantity + Units m = self.ptc.CRE_UNITS.search(s) if m is not None: debug and log.debug('CRE_UNITS matched') if self._UnitsTrapped(s, m, 'units'): debug and log.debug('day suffix trapped by unit match') else: if (m.group('qty') != s): # capture remaining string parseStr = m.group('qty') chunk1 = s[:m.start('qty')].strip() chunk2 = s[m.end('qty'):].strip() if chunk1[-1:] == '-': parseStr = '-%s' % parseStr chunk1 = chunk1[:-1] s = '%s %s' % (chunk1, chunk2) else: parseStr = s s = '' if parseStr: debug and log.debug('found (units) [%s][%s][%s]', parseStr, chunk1, chunk2) sourceTime = self._evalUnits(parseStr, sourceTime) return s, sourceTime, bool(parseStr) def _partialParseQUnits(self, s, sourceTime): """ test if giving C{s} matched CRE_QUNITS, used by L{parse()} @type s: string @param s: date/time text to evaluate @type sourceTime: struct_time @param sourceTime: C{struct_time} value to use as the base @rtype: tuple @return: tuple of remained date/time text, datetime object and an boolean value to describ if matched or not """ parseStr = None chunk1 = chunk2 = '' # Quantity + Units m = self.ptc.CRE_QUNITS.search(s) if m is not None: debug and log.debug('CRE_QUNITS matched') if self._UnitsTrapped(s, m, 'qunits'): debug and log.debug( 'day suffix trapped by qunit match') else: if (m.group('qty') != s): # capture remaining string parseStr = m.group('qty') chunk1 = s[:m.start('qty')].strip() chunk2 = s[m.end('qty'):].strip() if chunk1[-1:] == '-': parseStr = '-%s' % parseStr chunk1 = chunk1[:-1] s = '%s %s' % (chunk1, chunk2) else: parseStr = s s = '' if parseStr: debug and log.debug('found (qunits) [%s][%s][%s]', parseStr, chunk1, chunk2) sourceTime = self._evalQUnits(parseStr, sourceTime) return s, sourceTime, bool(parseStr) def _partialParseDateStr(self, s, sourceTime): """ test if giving C{s} matched CRE_DATE3, used by L{parse()} @type s: string @param s: date/time text to evaluate @type sourceTime: struct_time @param sourceTime: C{struct_time} value to use as the base @rtype: tuple @return: tuple of remained date/time text, datetime object and an boolean value to describ if matched or not """ parseStr = None chunk1 = chunk2 = '' m = self.ptc.CRE_DATE3.search(s) # NO LONGER NEEDED, THE REGEXP HANDLED MTHNAME NOW # for match in self.ptc.CRE_DATE3.finditer(s): # to prevent "HH:MM(:SS) time strings" expressions from # triggering this regex, we checks if the month field # exists in the searched expression, if it doesn't exist, # the date field is not valid # if match.group('mthname'): # m = self.ptc.CRE_DATE3.search(s, match.start()) # valid_date = True # break # String date format if m is not None: if (m.group('date') != s): # capture remaining string mStart = m.start('date') mEnd = m.end('date') # we need to check that anything following the parsed # date is a time expression because it is often picked # up as a valid year if the hour is 2 digits fTime = False mm = self.ptc.CRE_TIMEHMS2.search(s) # "February 24th 1PM" doesn't get caught # "February 24th 12PM" does mYear = m.group('year') if mm is not None and mYear is not None: fTime = True else: # "February 24th 12:00" mm = self.ptc.CRE_TIMEHMS.search(s) if mm is not None and mYear is None: fTime = True if fTime: hoursStart = mm.start('hours') if hoursStart < m.end('year'): mEnd = hoursStart parseStr = s[mStart:mEnd] chunk1 = s[:mStart] chunk2 = s[mEnd:] s = '%s %s' % (chunk1, chunk2) else: parseStr = s s = '' if parseStr: debug and log.debug( 'found (date3) [%s][%s][%s]', parseStr, chunk1, chunk2) sourceTime = self._evalDateStr(parseStr, sourceTime) return s, sourceTime, bool(parseStr) def _partialParseDateStd(self, s, sourceTime): """ test if giving C{s} matched CRE_DATE, used by L{parse()} @type s: string @param s: date/time text to evaluate @type sourceTime: struct_time @param sourceTime: C{struct_time} value to use as the base @rtype: tuple @return: tuple of remained date/time text, datetime object and an boolean value to describ if matched or not """ parseStr = None chunk1 = chunk2 = '' # Standard date format m = self.ptc.CRE_DATE.search(s) if m is not None: if (m.group('date') != s): # capture remaining string parseStr = m.group('date') chunk1 = s[:m.start('date')] chunk2 = s[m.end('date'):] s = '%s %s' % (chunk1, chunk2) else: parseStr = s s = '' if parseStr: debug and log.debug( 'found (date) [%s][%s][%s]', parseStr, chunk1, chunk2) sourceTime = self._evalDateStd(parseStr, sourceTime) return s, sourceTime, bool(parseStr) def _partialParseDayStr(self, s, sourceTime): """ test if giving C{s} matched CRE_DAY, used by L{parse()} @type s: string @param s: date/time text to evaluate @type sourceTime: struct_time @param sourceTime: C{struct_time} value to use as the base @rtype: tuple @return: tuple of remained date/time text, datetime object and an boolean value to describ if matched or not """ parseStr = None chunk1 = chunk2 = '' # Natural language day strings m = self.ptc.CRE_DAY.search(s) if m is not None: if (m.group() != s): # capture remaining string parseStr = m.group() chunk1 = s[:m.start()] chunk2 = s[m.end():] s = '%s %s' % (chunk1, chunk2) else: parseStr = s s = '' if parseStr: debug and log.debug( 'found (day) [%s][%s][%s]', parseStr, chunk1, chunk2) sourceTime = self._evalDayStr(parseStr, sourceTime) return s, sourceTime, bool(parseStr) def _partialParseWeekday(self, s, sourceTime): """ test if giving C{s} matched CRE_WEEKDAY, used by L{parse()} @type s: string @param s: date/time text to evaluate @type sourceTime: struct_time @param sourceTime: C{struct_time} value to use as the base @rtype: tuple @return: tuple of remained date/time text, datetime object and an boolean value to describ if matched or not """ parseStr = None chunk1 = chunk2 = '' ctx = self.currentContext log.debug('eval %s with context - %s, %s', s, ctx.hasDate, ctx.hasTime) # Weekday m = self.ptc.CRE_WEEKDAY.search(s) if m is not None: gv = m.group() if s not in self.ptc.dayOffsets: if (gv != s): # capture remaining string parseStr = gv chunk1 = s[:m.start()] chunk2 = s[m.end():] s = '%s %s' % (chunk1, chunk2) else: parseStr = s s = '' if parseStr and not ctx.hasDate: debug and log.debug( 'found (weekday) [%s][%s][%s]', parseStr, chunk1, chunk2) sourceTime = self._evalWeekday(parseStr, sourceTime) return s, sourceTime, bool(parseStr) def _partialParseTimeStr(self, s, sourceTime): """ test if giving C{s} matched CRE_TIME, used by L{parse()} @type s: string @param s: date/time text to evaluate @type sourceTime: struct_time @param sourceTime: C{struct_time} value to use as the base @rtype: tuple @return: tuple of remained date/time text, datetime object and an boolean value to describ if matched or not """ parseStr = None chunk1 = chunk2 = '' # Natural language time strings m = self.ptc.CRE_TIME.search(s) if m is not None or s in self.ptc.re_values['now']: if (m and m.group() != s): # capture remaining string parseStr = m.group() chunk1 = s[:m.start()] chunk2 = s[m.end():] s = '%s %s' % (chunk1, chunk2) else: parseStr = s s = '' if parseStr: debug and log.debug( 'found (time) [%s][%s][%s]', parseStr, chunk1, chunk2) sourceTime = self._evalTimeStr(parseStr, sourceTime) return s, sourceTime, bool(parseStr) def _partialParseMeridian(self, s, sourceTime): """ test if giving C{s} matched CRE_TIMEHMS2, used by L{parse()} @type s: string @param s: date/time text to evaluate @type sourceTime: struct_time @param sourceTime: C{struct_time} value to use as the base @rtype: tuple @return: tuple of remained date/time text, datetime object and an boolean value to describ if matched or not """ parseStr = None chunk1 = chunk2 = '' # HH:MM(:SS) am/pm time strings m = self.ptc.CRE_TIMEHMS2.search(s) if m is not None: if m.group('minutes') is not None: if m.group('seconds') is not None: parseStr = '%s:%s:%s' % (m.group('hours'), m.group('minutes'), m.group('seconds')) else: parseStr = '%s:%s' % (m.group('hours'), m.group('minutes')) else: parseStr = m.group('hours') parseStr += ' ' + m.group('meridian') chunk1 = s[:m.start()] chunk2 = s[m.end():] s = '%s %s' % (chunk1, chunk2) if parseStr: debug and log.debug('found (meridian) [%s][%s][%s]', parseStr, chunk1, chunk2) sourceTime = self._evalMeridian(parseStr, sourceTime) return s, sourceTime, bool(parseStr) def _partialParseTimeStd(self, s, sourceTime): """ test if giving C{s} matched CRE_TIMEHMS, used by L{parse()} @type s: string @param s: date/time text to evaluate @type sourceTime: struct_time @param sourceTime: C{struct_time} value to use as the base @rtype: tuple @return: tuple of remained date/time text, datetime object and an boolean value to describ if matched or not """ parseStr = None chunk1 = chunk2 = '' # HH:MM(:SS) time strings m = self.ptc.CRE_TIMEHMS.search(s) if m is not None: if m.group('seconds') is not None: parseStr = '%s:%s:%s' % (m.group('hours'), m.group('minutes'), m.group('seconds')) chunk1 = s[:m.start('hours')] chunk2 = s[m.end('seconds'):] else: parseStr = '%s:%s' % (m.group('hours'), m.group('minutes')) chunk1 = s[:m.start('hours')] chunk2 = s[m.end('minutes'):] s = '%s %s' % (chunk1, chunk2) if parseStr: debug and log.debug( 'found (hms) [%s][%s][%s]', parseStr, chunk1, chunk2) sourceTime = self._evalTimeStd(parseStr, sourceTime) return s, sourceTime, bool(parseStr) def parseDT(self, datetimeString, sourceTime=None, tzinfo=None, version=None): """ C{datetimeString} is as C{.parse}, C{sourceTime} has the same semantic meaning as C{.parse}, but now also accepts datetime objects. C{tzinfo} accepts a tzinfo object. It is advisable to use pytz. @type datetimeString: string @param datetimeString: date/time text to evaluate @type sourceTime: struct_time, datetime, date, time @param sourceTime: time value to use as the base @type tzinfo: tzinfo @param tzinfo: Timezone to apply to generated datetime objs. @type version: integer @param version: style version, default will use L{Calendar} parameter version value @rtype: tuple @return: tuple of: modified C{sourceTime} and the result flag/context see .parse for return code details. """ # if sourceTime has a timetuple method, use thet, else, just pass the # entire thing to parse and prey the user knows what the hell they are # doing. sourceTime = getattr(sourceTime, 'timetuple', (lambda: sourceTime))() # You REALLY SHOULD be using pytz. Using localize if available, # hacking if not. Note, None is a valid tzinfo object in the case of # the ugly hack. localize = getattr( tzinfo, 'localize', (lambda dt: dt.replace(tzinfo=tzinfo)), # ugly hack is ugly :( ) # Punt time_struct, ret_code = self.parse( datetimeString, sourceTime=sourceTime, version=version) # Comments from GHI indicate that it is desired to have the same return # signature on this method as that one it punts to, with the exception # of using datetime objects instead of time_structs. dt = localize(datetime.datetime(*time_struct[:6])) return dt, ret_code def parse(self, datetimeString, sourceTime=None, version=None): """ Splits the given C{datetimeString} into tokens, finds the regex patterns that match and then calculates a C{struct_time} value from the chunks. If C{sourceTime} is given then the C{struct_time} value will be calculated from that value, otherwise from the current date/time. If the C{datetimeString} is parsed and date/time value found, then:: If C{version} equals to L{VERSION_FLAG_STYLE}, the second item of the returned tuple will be a flag to let you know what kind of C{struct_time} value is being returned:: 0 = not parsed at all 1 = parsed as a C{date} 2 = parsed as a C{time} 3 = parsed as a C{datetime} If C{version} equals to L{VERSION_CONTEXT_STYLE}, the second value will be an instance of L{pdtContext} @type datetimeString: string @param datetimeString: date/time text to evaluate @type sourceTime: struct_time @param sourceTime: C{struct_time} value to use as the base @type version: integer @param version: style version, default will use L{Calendar} parameter version value @rtype: tuple @return: tuple of: modified C{sourceTime} and the result flag/context """ debug and log.debug('parse()') datetimeString = re.sub(r'(\w)\.(\s)', r'\1\2', datetimeString) datetimeString = re.sub(r'(\w)[\'"](\s|$)', r'\1 \2', datetimeString) datetimeString = re.sub(r'(\s|^)[\'"](\w)', r'\1 \2', datetimeString) if sourceTime: if isinstance(sourceTime, datetime.datetime): debug and log.debug('coercing datetime to timetuple') sourceTime = sourceTime.timetuple() else: if not isinstance(sourceTime, time.struct_time) and \ not isinstance(sourceTime, tuple): raise ValueError('sourceTime is not a struct_time') else: sourceTime = time.localtime() with self.context() as ctx: s = datetimeString.lower().strip() debug and log.debug('remainedString (before parsing): [%s]', s) while s: for parseMeth in (self._partialParseModifier, self._partialParseUnits, self._partialParseQUnits, self._partialParseDateStr, self._partialParseDateStd, self._partialParseDayStr, self._partialParseWeekday, self._partialParseTimeStr, self._partialParseMeridian, self._partialParseTimeStd): retS, retTime, matched = parseMeth(s, sourceTime) if matched: s, sourceTime = retS.strip(), retTime break else: # nothing matched s = '' debug and log.debug('hasDate: [%s], hasTime: [%s]', ctx.hasDate, ctx.hasTime) debug and log.debug('remainedString: [%s]', s) # String is not parsed at all if sourceTime is None: debug and log.debug('not parsed [%s]', str(sourceTime)) sourceTime = time.localtime() if not isinstance(sourceTime, time.struct_time): sourceTime = time.struct_time(sourceTime) version = self.version if version is None else version if version == VERSION_CONTEXT_STYLE: return sourceTime, ctx else: return sourceTime, ctx.dateTimeFlag def inc(self, source, month=None, year=None): """ Takes the given C{source} date, or current date if none is passed, and increments it according to the values passed in by month and/or year. This routine is needed because Python's C{timedelta()} function does not allow for month or year increments. @type source: struct_time @param source: C{struct_time} value to increment @type month: float or integer @param month: optional number of months to increment @type year: float or integer @param year: optional number of years to increment @rtype: datetime @return: C{source} incremented by the number of months and/or years """ yr = source.year mth = source.month dy = source.day try: month = float(month) except (TypeError, ValueError): month = 0 try: year = float(year) except (TypeError, ValueError): year = 0 finally: month += year * 12 year = 0 subMi = 0.0 maxDay = 0 if month: mi = int(month) subMi = month - mi y = int(mi / 12.0) m = mi - y * 12 mth = mth + m if mth < 1: # cross start-of-year? y -= 1 # yes - decrement year mth += 12 # and fix month elif mth > 12: # cross end-of-year? y += 1 # yes - increment year mth -= 12 # and fix month yr += y # if the day ends up past the last day of # the new month, set it to the last day maxDay = self.ptc.daysInMonth(mth, yr) if dy > maxDay: dy = maxDay if yr > datetime.MAXYEAR or yr < datetime.MINYEAR: raise OverflowError('year is out of range') d = source.replace(year=yr, month=mth, day=dy) if subMi: d += datetime.timedelta(days=subMi * maxDay) return source + (d - source) def nlp(self, inputString, sourceTime=None, version=None): """Utilizes parse() after making judgements about what datetime information belongs together. It makes logical groupings based on proximity and returns a parsed datetime for each matched grouping of datetime text, along with location info within the given inputString. @type inputString: string @param inputString: natural language text to evaluate @type sourceTime: struct_time @param sourceTime: C{struct_time} value to use as the base @type version: integer @param version: style version, default will use L{Calendar} parameter version value @rtype: tuple or None @return: tuple of tuples in the format (parsed_datetime as datetime.datetime, flags as int, start_pos as int, end_pos as int, matched_text as string) or None if there were no matches """ orig_inputstring = inputString # replace periods at the end of sentences w/ spaces # opposed to removing them altogether in order to # retain relative positions (identified by alpha, period, space). # this is required for some of the regex patterns to match inputString = re.sub(r'(\w)(\.)(\s)', r'\1 \3', inputString).lower() inputString = re.sub(r'(\w)(\'|")(\s|$)', r'\1 \3', inputString) inputString = re.sub(r'(\s|^)(\'|")(\w)', r'\1 \3', inputString) startpos = 0 # the start position in the inputString during the loop # list of lists in format: # [startpos, endpos, matchedstring, flags, type] matches = [] while startpos < len(inputString): # empty match leftmost_match = [0, 0, None, 0, None] # Modifier like next\prev.. m = self.ptc.CRE_MODIFIER.search(inputString[startpos:]) if m is not None: if leftmost_match[1] == 0 or \ leftmost_match[0] > m.start() + startpos: leftmost_match[0] = m.start() + startpos leftmost_match[1] = m.end() + startpos leftmost_match[2] = m.group() leftmost_match[3] = 0 leftmost_match[4] = 'modifier' # Quantity + Units m = self.ptc.CRE_UNITS.search(inputString[startpos:]) if m is not None: debug and log.debug('CRE_UNITS matched') if self._UnitsTrapped(inputString[startpos:], m, 'units'): debug and log.debug('day suffix trapped by unit match') else: if leftmost_match[1] == 0 or \ leftmost_match[0] > m.start('qty') + startpos: leftmost_match[0] = m.start('qty') + startpos leftmost_match[1] = m.end('qty') + startpos leftmost_match[2] = m.group('qty') leftmost_match[3] = 3 leftmost_match[4] = 'units' if m.start('qty') > 0 and \ inputString[m.start('qty') - 1] == '-': leftmost_match[0] = leftmost_match[0] - 1 leftmost_match[2] = '-' + leftmost_match[2] # Quantity + Units m = self.ptc.CRE_QUNITS.search(inputString[startpos:]) if m is not None: debug and log.debug('CRE_QUNITS matched') if self._UnitsTrapped(inputString[startpos:], m, 'qunits'): debug and log.debug('day suffix trapped by qunit match') else: if leftmost_match[1] == 0 or \ leftmost_match[0] > m.start('qty') + startpos: leftmost_match[0] = m.start('qty') + startpos leftmost_match[1] = m.end('qty') + startpos leftmost_match[2] = m.group('qty') leftmost_match[3] = 3 leftmost_match[4] = 'qunits' if m.start('qty') > 0 and \ inputString[m.start('qty') - 1] == '-': leftmost_match[0] = leftmost_match[0] - 1 leftmost_match[2] = '-' + leftmost_match[2] m = self.ptc.CRE_DATE3.search(inputString[startpos:]) # NO LONGER NEEDED, THE REGEXP HANDLED MTHNAME NOW # for match in self.ptc.CRE_DATE3.finditer(inputString[startpos:]): # to prevent "HH:MM(:SS) time strings" expressions from # triggering this regex, we checks if the month field exists # in the searched expression, if it doesn't exist, the date # field is not valid # if match.group('mthname'): # m = self.ptc.CRE_DATE3.search(inputString[startpos:], # match.start()) # break # String date format if m is not None: if leftmost_match[1] == 0 or \ leftmost_match[0] > m.start('date') + startpos: leftmost_match[0] = m.start('date') + startpos leftmost_match[1] = m.end('date') + startpos leftmost_match[2] = m.group('date') leftmost_match[3] = 1 leftmost_match[4] = 'dateStr' # Standard date format m = self.ptc.CRE_DATE.search(inputString[startpos:]) if m is not None: if leftmost_match[1] == 0 or \ leftmost_match[0] > m.start('date') + startpos: leftmost_match[0] = m.start('date') + startpos leftmost_match[1] = m.end('date') + startpos leftmost_match[2] = m.group('date') leftmost_match[3] = 1 leftmost_match[4] = 'dateStd' # Natural language day strings m = self.ptc.CRE_DAY.search(inputString[startpos:]) if m is not None: if leftmost_match[1] == 0 or \ leftmost_match[0] > m.start() + startpos: leftmost_match[0] = m.start() + startpos leftmost_match[1] = m.end() + startpos leftmost_match[2] = m.group() leftmost_match[3] = 1 leftmost_match[4] = 'dayStr' # Weekday m = self.ptc.CRE_WEEKDAY.search(inputString[startpos:]) if m is not None: if inputString[startpos:] not in self.ptc.dayOffsets: if leftmost_match[1] == 0 or \ leftmost_match[0] > m.start() + startpos: leftmost_match[0] = m.start() + startpos leftmost_match[1] = m.end() + startpos leftmost_match[2] = m.group() leftmost_match[3] = 1 leftmost_match[4] = 'weekdy' # Natural language time strings m = self.ptc.CRE_TIME.search(inputString[startpos:]) if m is not None: if leftmost_match[1] == 0 or \ leftmost_match[0] > m.start() + startpos: leftmost_match[0] = m.start() + startpos leftmost_match[1] = m.end() + startpos leftmost_match[2] = m.group() leftmost_match[3] = 2 leftmost_match[4] = 'timeStr' # HH:MM(:SS) am/pm time strings m = self.ptc.CRE_TIMEHMS2.search(inputString[startpos:]) if m is not None: if leftmost_match[1] == 0 or \ leftmost_match[0] > m.start('hours') + startpos: leftmost_match[0] = m.start('hours') + startpos leftmost_match[1] = m.end('meridian') + startpos leftmost_match[2] = inputString[leftmost_match[0]: leftmost_match[1]] leftmost_match[3] = 2 leftmost_match[4] = 'meridian' # HH:MM(:SS) time strings m = self.ptc.CRE_TIMEHMS.search(inputString[startpos:]) if m is not None: if leftmost_match[1] == 0 or \ leftmost_match[0] > m.start('hours') + startpos: leftmost_match[0] = m.start('hours') + startpos if m.group('seconds') is not None: leftmost_match[1] = m.end('seconds') + startpos else: leftmost_match[1] = m.end('minutes') + startpos leftmost_match[2] = inputString[leftmost_match[0]: leftmost_match[1]] leftmost_match[3] = 2 leftmost_match[4] = 'timeStd' # Units only; must be preceded by a modifier if len(matches) > 0 and matches[-1][3] == 0: m = self.ptc.CRE_UNITS_ONLY.search(inputString[startpos:]) # Ensure that any match is immediately proceded by the # modifier. "Next is the word 'month'" should not parse as a # date while "next month" should if m is not None and \ inputString[startpos:startpos + m.start()].strip() == '': debug and log.debug('CRE_UNITS_ONLY matched [%s]', m.group()) if leftmost_match[1] == 0 or \ leftmost_match[0] > m.start() + startpos: leftmost_match[0] = m.start() + startpos leftmost_match[1] = m.end() + startpos leftmost_match[2] = m.group() leftmost_match[3] = 3 leftmost_match[4] = 'unitsOnly' # set the start position to the end pos of the leftmost match startpos = leftmost_match[1] # nothing was detected # so break out of the loop if startpos == 0: startpos = len(inputString) else: if leftmost_match[3] > 0: m = self.ptc.CRE_NLP_PREFIX.search( inputString[:leftmost_match[0]] + ' ' + str(leftmost_match[3])) if m is not None: leftmost_match[0] = m.start('nlp_prefix') leftmost_match[2] = inputString[leftmost_match[0]: leftmost_match[1]] matches.append(leftmost_match) # find matches in proximity with one another and # return all the parsed values proximity_matches = [] if len(matches) > 1: combined = '' from_match_index = 0 date = matches[0][3] == 1 time = matches[0][3] == 2 units = matches[0][3] == 3 for i in range(1, len(matches)): # test proximity (are there characters between matches?) endofprevious = matches[i - 1][1] begofcurrent = matches[i][0] if orig_inputstring[endofprevious: begofcurrent].lower().strip() != '': # this one isn't in proximity, but maybe # we have enough to make a datetime # TODO: make sure the combination of # formats (modifier, dateStd, etc) makes logical sense # before parsing together if date or time or units: combined = orig_inputstring[matches[from_match_index] [0]:matches[i - 1][1]] parsed_datetime, flags = self.parse(combined, sourceTime, version) proximity_matches.append(( datetime.datetime(*parsed_datetime[:6]), flags, matches[from_match_index][0], matches[i - 1][1], combined)) # not in proximity, reset starting from current from_match_index = i date = matches[i][3] == 1 time = matches[i][3] == 2 units = matches[i][3] == 3 continue else: if matches[i][3] == 1: date = True if matches[i][3] == 2: time = True if matches[i][3] == 3: units = True # check last # we have enough to make a datetime if date or time or units: combined = orig_inputstring[matches[from_match_index][0]: matches[len(matches) - 1][1]] parsed_datetime, flags = self.parse(combined, sourceTime, version) proximity_matches.append(( datetime.datetime(*parsed_datetime[:6]), flags, matches[from_match_index][0], matches[len(matches) - 1][1], combined)) elif len(matches) == 0: return None else: if matches[0][3] == 0: # not enough info to parse return None else: combined = orig_inputstring[matches[0][0]:matches[0][1]] parsed_datetime, flags = self.parse(matches[0][2], sourceTime, version) proximity_matches.append(( datetime.datetime(*parsed_datetime[:6]), flags, matches[0][0], matches[0][1], combined)) return tuple(proximity_matches) def _initSymbols(ptc): """ Initialize symbols and single character constants. """ # build am and pm lists to contain # original case, lowercase, first-char and dotted # versions of the meridian text ptc.am = ['', ''] ptc.pm = ['', ''] for idx, xm in enumerate(ptc.locale.meridian[:2]): # 0: am # 1: pm target = ['am', 'pm'][idx] setattr(ptc, target, [xm]) target = getattr(ptc, target) if xm: lxm = xm.lower() target.extend((xm[0], '{0}.{1}.'.format(*xm), lxm, lxm[0], '{0}.{1}.'.format(*lxm))) class Constants(object): """ Default set of constants for parsedatetime. If PyICU is present, then the class will first try to get PyICU to return a locale specified by C{localeID}. If either C{localeID} is None or if the locale does not exist within PyICU, then each of the locales defined in C{fallbackLocales} is tried in order. If PyICU is not present or none of the specified locales can be used, then the class will initialize itself to the en_US locale. if PyICU is not present or not requested, only the locales defined by C{pdtLocales} will be searched. """ def __init__(self, localeID=None, usePyICU=True, fallbackLocales=['en_US']): self.localeID = localeID self.fallbackLocales = fallbackLocales[:] if 'en_US' not in self.fallbackLocales: self.fallbackLocales.append('en_US') # define non-locale specific constants self.locale = None self.usePyICU = usePyICU # starting cache of leap years # daysInMonth will add to this if during # runtime it gets a request for a year not found self._leapYears = list(range(1904, 2097, 4)) self.Second = 1 self.Minute = 60 # 60 * self.Second self.Hour = 3600 # 60 * self.Minute self.Day = 86400 # 24 * self.Hour self.Week = 604800 # 7 * self.Day self.Month = 2592000 # 30 * self.Day self.Year = 31536000 # 365 * self.Day self._DaysInMonthList = (31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31) self.rangeSep = '-' self.BirthdayEpoch = 50 # When True the starting time for all relative calculations will come # from the given SourceTime, otherwise it will be self.StartHour self.StartTimeFromSourceTime = False # The hour of the day that will be used as the starting time for all # relative calculations when self.StartTimeFromSourceTime is False self.StartHour = 9 # YearParseStyle controls how we parse "Jun 12", i.e. dates that do # not have a year present. The default is to compare the date given # to the current date, and if prior, then assume the next year. # Setting this to 0 will prevent that. self.YearParseStyle = 1 # DOWParseStyle controls how we parse "Tuesday" # If the current day was Thursday and the text to parse is "Tuesday" # then the following table shows how each style would be returned # -1, 0, +1 # # Current day marked as *** # # Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat # week -1 # current -1,0 *** # week +1 +1 # # If the current day was Monday and the text to parse is "Tuesday" # then the following table shows how each style would be returned # -1, 0, +1 # # Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat # week -1 -1 # current *** 0,+1 # week +1 self.DOWParseStyle = 1 # CurrentDOWParseStyle controls how we parse "Friday" # If the current day was Friday and the text to parse is "Friday" # then the following table shows how each style would be returned # True/False. This also depends on DOWParseStyle. # # Current day marked as *** # # DOWParseStyle = 0 # Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat # week -1 # current T,F # week +1 # # DOWParseStyle = -1 # Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat # week -1 F # current T # week +1 # # DOWParseStyle = +1 # # Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat # week -1 # current T # week +1 F self.CurrentDOWParseStyle = False if self.usePyICU: self.locale = get_icu(self.localeID) if self.locale.icu is None: self.usePyICU = False self.locale = None if self.locale is None: if self.localeID not in pdtLocales: for localeId in range(0, len(self.fallbackLocales)): self.localeID = self.fallbackLocales[localeId] if self.localeID in pdtLocales: break self.locale = pdtLocales[self.localeID] if self.locale is not None: def _getLocaleDataAdjusted(localeData): """ If localeData is defined as ["mon|mnd", 'tu|tues'...] then this function splits those definitions on | """ adjusted = [] for d in localeData: if '|' in d: adjusted += d.split("|") else: adjusted.append(d) return adjusted def re_join(g): return '|'.join(re.escape(i) for i in g) mths = _getLocaleDataAdjusted(self.locale.Months) smths = _getLocaleDataAdjusted(self.locale.shortMonths) swds = _getLocaleDataAdjusted(self.locale.shortWeekdays) wds = _getLocaleDataAdjusted(self.locale.Weekdays) # escape any regex special characters that may be found self.locale.re_values['months'] = re_join(mths) self.locale.re_values['shortmonths'] = re_join(smths) self.locale.re_values['days'] = re_join(wds) self.locale.re_values['shortdays'] = re_join(swds) self.locale.re_values['dayoffsets'] = \ re_join(self.locale.dayOffsets) self.locale.re_values['numbers'] = \ re_join(self.locale.numbers) self.locale.re_values['decimal_mark'] = \ re.escape(self.locale.decimal_mark) units = [unit for units in self.locale.units.values() for unit in units] # flatten units.sort(key=len, reverse=True) # longest first self.locale.re_values['units'] = re_join(units) self.locale.re_values['modifiers'] = re_join(self.locale.Modifiers) self.locale.re_values['sources'] = re_join(self.locale.re_sources) # For distinguishing numeric dates from times, look for timeSep # and meridian, if specified in the locale self.locale.re_values['timecomponents'] = \ re_join(self.locale.timeSep + self.locale.meridian) # build weekday offsets - yes, it assumes the Weekday and # shortWeekday lists are in the same order and Mon..Sun # (Python style) def _buildOffsets(offsetDict, localeData, indexStart): o = indexStart for key in localeData: if '|' in key: for k in key.split('|'): offsetDict[k] = o else: offsetDict[key] = o o += 1 _buildOffsets(self.locale.WeekdayOffsets, self.locale.Weekdays, 0) _buildOffsets(self.locale.WeekdayOffsets, self.locale.shortWeekdays, 0) # build month offsets - yes, it assumes the Months and shortMonths # lists are in the same order and Jan..Dec _buildOffsets(self.locale.MonthOffsets, self.locale.Months, 1) _buildOffsets(self.locale.MonthOffsets, self.locale.shortMonths, 1) _initSymbols(self) # TODO: add code to parse the date formats and build the regexes up # from sub-parts, find all hard-coded uses of date/time separators # not being used in code, but kept in case others are manually # utilizing this regex for their own purposes self.RE_DATE4 = r'''(?P<date> ( ( (?P<day>\d\d?) (?P<suffix>{daysuffix})? (,)? (\s)* ) (?P<mthname> \b({months}|{shortmonths})\b )\s* (?P<year>\d\d (\d\d)? )? ) )'''.format(**self.locale.re_values) # still not completely sure of the behavior of the regex and # whether it would be best to consume all possible irrelevant # characters before the option groups (but within the {1,3} repetition # group or inside of each option group, as it currently does # however, right now, all tests are passing that were, # including fixing the bug of matching a 4-digit year as ddyy # when the day is absent from the string self.RE_DATE3 = r'''(?P<date> (?: (?:^|\s+) (?P<mthname> {months}|{shortmonths} )\b | (?:^|\s+) (?P<day>[1-9]|[012]\d|3[01]) (?P<suffix>{daysuffix}|)\b (?!\s*(?:{timecomponents})) | ,?\s+ (?P<year>\d\d(?:\d\d|))\b (?!\s*(?:{timecomponents})) ){{1,3}} (?(mthname)|$-^) )'''.format(**self.locale.re_values) # not being used in code, but kept in case others are manually # utilizing this regex for their own purposes self.RE_MONTH = r'''(\s+|^) (?P<month> ( (?P<mthname> \b({months}|{shortmonths})\b ) (\s* (?P<year>(\d{{4}})) )? ) ) (?=\s+|$|[^\w])'''.format(**self.locale.re_values) self.RE_WEEKDAY = r'''\b (?: {days}|{shortdays} ) \b'''.format(**self.locale.re_values) self.RE_NUMBER = (r'(\b(?:{numbers})\b|\d+(?:{decimal_mark}\d+|))' .format(**self.locale.re_values)) self.RE_SPECIAL = (r'(?P<special>^[{specials}]+)\s+' .format(**self.locale.re_values)) self.RE_UNITS_ONLY = (r'''\b({units})\b''' .format(**self.locale.re_values)) self.RE_UNITS = r'''\b(?P<qty> -? (?:\d+(?:{decimal_mark}\d+|)|(?:{numbers})\b)\s* (?P<units>{units}) )\b'''.format(**self.locale.re_values) self.RE_QUNITS = r'''\b(?P<qty> -? (?:\d+(?:{decimal_mark}\d+|)|(?:{numbers})\s+)\s* (?P<qunits>{qunits}) )\b'''.format(**self.locale.re_values) self.RE_MODIFIER = r'''\b(?: {modifiers} )\b'''.format(**self.locale.re_values) self.RE_TIMEHMS = r'''([\s(\["'-]|^) (?P<hours>\d\d?) (?P<tsep>{timeseparator}|) (?P<minutes>\d\d) (?:(?P=tsep) (?P<seconds>\d\d (?:[\.,]\d+)? ) )?\b'''.format(**self.locale.re_values) self.RE_TIMEHMS2 = r'''([\s(\["'-]|^) (?P<hours>\d\d?) (?: (?P<tsep>{timeseparator}|) (?P<minutes>\d\d?) (?:(?P=tsep) (?P<seconds>\d\d? (?:[\.,]\d+)? ) )? )?'''.format(**self.locale.re_values) # 1, 2, and 3 here refer to the type of match date, time, or units self.RE_NLP_PREFIX = r'''\b(?P<nlp_prefix> (on) (\s)+1 | (at|in) (\s)+2 | (in) (\s)+3 )''' if 'meridian' in self.locale.re_values: self.RE_TIMEHMS2 += (r'\s*(?P<meridian>{meridian})\b' .format(**self.locale.re_values)) else: self.RE_TIMEHMS2 += r'\b' # Always support common . and - separators dateSeps = ''.join(re.escape(s) for s in self.locale.dateSep + ['-', '.']) self.RE_DATE = r'''([\s(\["'-]|^) (?P<date> \d\d?[{0}]\d\d?(?:[{0}]\d\d(?:\d\d)?)? | \d{{4}}[{0}]\d\d?[{0}]\d\d? ) \b'''.format(dateSeps) self.RE_DATE2 = r'[{0}]'.format(dateSeps) assert 'dayoffsets' in self.locale.re_values self.RE_DAY = r'''\b (?: {dayoffsets} ) \b'''.format(**self.locale.re_values) self.RE_DAY2 = r'''(?P<day>\d\d?) (?P<suffix>{daysuffix})? '''.format(**self.locale.re_values) self.RE_TIME = r'''\b (?: {sources} ) \b'''.format(**self.locale.re_values) self.RE_REMAINING = r'\s+' # Regex for date/time ranges self.RE_RTIMEHMS = r'''(\s*|^) (\d\d?){timeseparator} (\d\d) ({timeseparator}(\d\d))? (\s*|$)'''.format(**self.locale.re_values) self.RE_RTIMEHMS2 = (r'''(\s*|^) (\d\d?) ({timeseparator}(\d\d?))? ({timeseparator}(\d\d?))?''' .format(**self.locale.re_values)) if 'meridian' in self.locale.re_values: self.RE_RTIMEHMS2 += (r'\s*({meridian})' .format(**self.locale.re_values)) self.RE_RDATE = r'(\d+([%s]\d+)+)' % dateSeps self.RE_RDATE3 = r'''( ( ( \b({months})\b )\s* ( (\d\d?) (\s?|{daysuffix}|$)+ )? (,\s*\d{{4}})? ) )'''.format(**self.locale.re_values) # "06/07/06 - 08/09/06" self.DATERNG1 = (r'{0}\s*{rangeseparator}\s*{0}' .format(self.RE_RDATE, **self.locale.re_values)) # "march 31 - june 1st, 2006" self.DATERNG2 = (r'{0}\s*{rangeseparator}\s*{0}' .format(self.RE_RDATE3, **self.locale.re_values)) # "march 1rd -13th" self.DATERNG3 = (r'{0}\s*{rangeseparator}\s*(\d\d?)\s*(rd|st|nd|th)?' .format(self.RE_RDATE3, **self.locale.re_values)) # "4:00:55 pm - 5:90:44 am", '4p-5p' self.TIMERNG1 = (r'{0}\s*{rangeseparator}\s*{0}' .format(self.RE_RTIMEHMS2, **self.locale.re_values)) self.TIMERNG2 = (r'{0}\s*{rangeseparator}\s*{0}' .format(self.RE_RTIMEHMS, **self.locale.re_values)) # "4-5pm " self.TIMERNG3 = (r'\d\d?\s*{rangeseparator}\s*{0}' .format(self.RE_RTIMEHMS2, **self.locale.re_values)) # "4:30-5pm " self.TIMERNG4 = (r'{0}\s*{rangeseparator}\s*{1}' .format(self.RE_RTIMEHMS, self.RE_RTIMEHMS2, **self.locale.re_values)) self.re_option = re.IGNORECASE + re.VERBOSE self.cre_source = {'CRE_SPECIAL': self.RE_SPECIAL, 'CRE_NUMBER': self.RE_NUMBER, 'CRE_UNITS': self.RE_UNITS, 'CRE_UNITS_ONLY': self.RE_UNITS_ONLY, 'CRE_QUNITS': self.RE_QUNITS, 'CRE_MODIFIER': self.RE_MODIFIER, 'CRE_TIMEHMS': self.RE_TIMEHMS, 'CRE_TIMEHMS2': self.RE_TIMEHMS2, 'CRE_DATE': self.RE_DATE, 'CRE_DATE2': self.RE_DATE2, 'CRE_DATE3': self.RE_DATE3, 'CRE_DATE4': self.RE_DATE4, 'CRE_MONTH': self.RE_MONTH, 'CRE_WEEKDAY': self.RE_WEEKDAY, 'CRE_DAY': self.RE_DAY, 'CRE_DAY2': self.RE_DAY2, 'CRE_TIME': self.RE_TIME, 'CRE_REMAINING': self.RE_REMAINING, 'CRE_RTIMEHMS': self.RE_RTIMEHMS, 'CRE_RTIMEHMS2': self.RE_RTIMEHMS2, 'CRE_RDATE': self.RE_RDATE, 'CRE_RDATE3': self.RE_RDATE3, 'CRE_TIMERNG1': self.TIMERNG1, 'CRE_TIMERNG2': self.TIMERNG2, 'CRE_TIMERNG3': self.TIMERNG3, 'CRE_TIMERNG4': self.TIMERNG4, 'CRE_DATERNG1': self.DATERNG1, 'CRE_DATERNG2': self.DATERNG2, 'CRE_DATERNG3': self.DATERNG3, 'CRE_NLP_PREFIX': self.RE_NLP_PREFIX} self.cre_keys = set(self.cre_source.keys()) def __getattr__(self, name): if name in self.cre_keys: value = re.compile(self.cre_source[name], self.re_option) setattr(self, name, value) return value elif name in self.locale.locale_keys: return getattr(self.locale, name) else: raise AttributeError(name) def daysInMonth(self, month, year): """ Take the given month (1-12) and a given year (4 digit) return the number of days in the month adjusting for leap year as needed """ result = None debug and log.debug('daysInMonth(%s, %s)', month, year) if month > 0 and month <= 12: result = self._DaysInMonthList[month - 1] if month == 2: if year in self._leapYears: result += 1 else: if calendar.isleap(year): self._leapYears.append(year) result += 1 return result def getSource(self, sourceKey, sourceTime=None): """ GetReturn a date/time tuple based on the giving source key and the corresponding key found in self.re_sources. The current time is used as the default and any specified item found in self.re_sources is inserted into the value and the generated dictionary is returned. """ if sourceKey not in self.re_sources: return None if sourceTime is None: (yr, mth, dy, hr, mn, sec, wd, yd, isdst) = time.localtime() else: (yr, mth, dy, hr, mn, sec, wd, yd, isdst) = sourceTime defaults = {'yr': yr, 'mth': mth, 'dy': dy, 'hr': hr, 'mn': mn, 'sec': sec} source = self.re_sources[sourceKey] values = {} for key, default in defaults.items(): values[key] = source.get(key, default) return (values['yr'], values['mth'], values['dy'], values['hr'], values['mn'], values['sec'], wd, yd, isdst)